Part 7
Espio walked back into the room where Vector and (Y/N) had been sitting; the two were talking quietly now, the crocodile nodding and handing the girl a tissue whenever she needed one. The chameleon smiled at the two, glad they were finally getting along.
Vector raised his gaze, before clearing his throat. The (a/t) startled and lifted her head as well, before going silent and lowering her ears.
"Well, what did you learn?" Vector asked, leaning back in his chair as he always does.
"... Not much..." Espio said slowly, before walking over, "What were you two talking about?"
The crocodile glanced at (Y/N) before shrugging and moving his hands behind his head, "That's up to (Y/N) to decide, whether she tells you or not."
The purple ninja raised a brow at the crocodile. Was he finally understanding her limits? If so, what was she talking to him about? Considering their relationship so far, Espio was both surprised and proud of the (a/t) for even talking to Vector at all.
Her gaze lingered on his for a moment, before she lowered it again, and he crouched next to her, resting a hand on her arm,
"Would it be alright if you filled me in?" The chameleon asked. Maybe she was telling Vector more about her situation, about her past or something. He'd be extremely grateful if that was the case, instead of needing to push her for answers.
"I was telling him..." She mumbled, "About my family..."
The ninja let out a sigh of relief, before taking the seat next to hers, "Well, I'm all ears."
She glanced at him, a sort of confusion crossed her features, before the (a/t) let out a shaky sigh and nodded.
"As I just told Vector... My brother and I are the only ones in my... Family..." She said slowly, "My father was... Never in the picture... And my mother... She died a few years ago due to... Illness..."
The chameleon blinked, she was really telling him her life story. It was that easy. He felt something stir in his chest, was it pride? He was definitely grateful she trusted him enough to even tell him.
But something else stirred in his stomach. Guilt? Knowing he was abusing his trust with her to get answers just didn't sit well with him. Yet... She was so willingly telling him, the guilt started to fade.
And instead another emotion sat in his stomach. She opened up to Vector before him? After he had been so supportive, after he helped the two get along in the first place, Vector had hated her guts at one point.
Was this jealousy?
"We weren't a wealthy family." (Y/N)'s voice snapped Espio out of his emotional quarrel, "We were actually very poor. That's why mother... She couldn't afford medicine..."
He nodded, showing he was listening. He couldn't let his thoughts envelop him now, not when he could miss something vital.
"She started dating anyone, any sort of man that had money." The (a/t)'s ears had drooped, "Most of the men were... Cruel... But all she wanted was to be able to... Support us..."
"One day my brother had had enough, and he stood up to one of the guys. He got beat for it, and the guy took it out on me as well." Her eyes turned dark, "And my mother... She died of an illness... It was an illness..."
Espio and Vector shared a glance, before the chameleon leant forward, now resting a hand on her own,
"Was it really an illness?" He asked slowly, carefully. He didn't need to know the finer details, but it could help.
"It was..." She closed her eyes, gripping his hand tightly as she fought back tears, "N-Not an i-illness..."
The ninja nodded, and Vector blinked in surprise, though his eyes seemed trained on the two hands holding each other. Espio bumped the table and the crocodile glanced at him, before shaking his head and turning his attention back onto (Y/N).
She was shaking lightly, her muzzle turning red as tears started falling down her cheeks, "It was... Internal bleeding... That guy beat all of us..."
This had to be the darkest story the Chaotix had heard, and for once Vector was glad Charmy wasn't here.
"Go on." He urged, and Espio sent him a small glare.
"A-Anyway..." The (a/t) took a deep breath, "Th-The guy must ha-ave complained to his boss, because not long a-after mother... Not long after she d-died... The asshole's boss approached my b-brother. He told him he had guts, a-and offered him a job. At first, he refused, s-saying he had to look after me now. But his boss insisted I'd be looked after."
"Then my brother got his f-friend involved, the brown cat. He gave me his number under instructions in case something happened to my brother. I-I didn't like it but... We ended up in a nice house. I hardly saw my brother after that but... I was thankful..." A small smile appeared on her muzzle as she sniffed, "He's all I- all I have... H-Had... I-I can't lose him... I'll have no one... N-No family... I-I don't want to..."
She covered her face, sobbing loudly into her hands. Espio and Vector shared another glance, before the chameleon did all he thought he could. He pulled her into a hug. She hugged back tightly, clinging onto him as she cried.
They now knew her story, and they now knew her fear. Losing her brother, it meant losing everything else. It was a very personal case now, and the two detectives gave each other a nod in agreement. They were going to figure this out once and for all.
But first, Espio had to talk to his boss.
"Thank you for telling us." He said softly, patting (Y/N)'s back in reassurance, "I understand how hard that must have been for you. Both your life, and telling two complete strangers."
She hiccuped quietly, trying to calm her breathing down, "Y-You're not... Strangers... N-Not anymore..."
He nodded, "Alright. Why don't you go rest? It's been a long day. I'm going to talk to Vector more about the case, and question the cat some more. But you've being going non-stop for a while now. We may be used to it but... It must be having an emotional toll on you."
She nodded slowly in response, before pulling back and wiping her eyes, "Wh-Where can I sleep?"
"My room." The ninja cut off the detective. Vector gave the other a snicker, before nodding and waving his hand.
Espio only rolled his eyes at the other's obvious mockery, before gently taking the (a/t)'s arm and leading her back down the hall and to his room. She sniffled and hiccuped as he turned the light on, her (e/c) eyes taking in the dark-purple coloured room.
"I-I think I know your favourite colour..." She mumbled, a small smile spreading over her muzzle.
His walls were a deep violet, a white trip around the edges, and a singular bed with black and purple sheets. A bookcase covered in old-looking novels, a shuriken was stuck in it's side. A dresser sat across from the bed, covered in a few other ninja weapons. The bedside table had a book, a glass of water and a simple black lamp.
"It's not much, but I found the bed comfortable." Espio shrugged, "You can sleep there for now, I'll take Charmy's room."
"Th-Thank you..." She smiled more, before hugging him again, tighter than the last time, "If it wasn't for you I... I don't know..."
"We make sure to help all our clients." The chameleon smiled, "No matter the job."
"Y-Yeah..." Her ears lowered slightly, "You really are a good detective..."
He gave a chuckle, scratching his head sheepishly, "I'd rather ninja detective but... Thank you."
The (a/t) gave a giggle, before letting out a yawn and sitting on the bed. Espio gave her a nod, before wishing her a good night and leaving the room. He turned the light off and closed the door, watching the (a/t) curled up on the bed, before clicking it shut and walking back to Vector.
"So, what did you learn?" The crocodile asked, using a toothpick to mess with his teeth.
"Nothing actually. But the cat is willing to talk to us now." Espio said, "He advised I learn of (Y/N)'s past, and then he would tell us everything we want to know."
"Well?" The crocodile stood, a gleam in his eye, "About time, lets go give that feline a good talking to."
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