Part 11

The trio climbed down into the darkness of the hidden lair. The rungs they used were rusty and wet, clanging when they stepped on them, some squeaked as if about to break. It felt like forever that they climbed down, down into the unknown pit of possible hell. But finally, they hit the floor, and George looked around.

"Alright, this way." He said, leading them down a damp hallway.

Taking in their surroundings, Espio noted the grossness of the corridor. It was all metal, however parts were rusted, and there was a leak in the roof -they were under the sea after all- the place was dark and there was a terrible smell lingering. For some sort of super-secret illegal activities, this was very cheap.

Even if stealth was an option, they would have hit trouble straight away; their feet thudded on the metal, creating an echo that sounded like a stampede. How were they going to not get caught?

(Y/N) stuck close to Espio's side, her eyes darting around as if paranoid someone was going to jump out at them, attack them. But that never happened. In fact, aside from their loud steps, the place was dead silent, nothing moved, not even a rat ran by. It was as if the place was deserted, anyone wandering would give up and go home.

"I know what you're thinking." The cat said, "And yes, this is disgusting. But trust me, it's done on purpose."

They walked for a long time, Espio finally realised that it should have been pitch black and it wasn't. Some lights had been installed along the top, covered by sheets of metal so the light seeped out; barely lighting the way, but still managing to show an intruder what was in front of them. The chameleon recognised this to be a form of camouflage, which meant the real base was down this hallway, however long it was.

"You've probably guessed this by now ninja, but this is our first line of security. If anyone comes down here, they find nothing and turn back." George glanced back at the two, "We actually have cameras everywhere, so we see it a lot. People who think they can hang out here, that they found something secret, they never stay long. The only people that do are... Usually preoccupied... With each other."

"Sounds like you've seen a lot." Espio said.

"You don't want to know." The cat sighed, "However it is genius, we'll be walking for another 10 minutes."

The two glanced at each other, wherever they were going, it was far from everything else. Espio didn't even know if his communicator would work down here.

The next 10 minutes passed in silence, and Espio found himself wondering about what (Y/N) was going to say before. She was blushing a lot, and she was about to say something when George had interrupted them. Espio hadn't thought much about it at the time, but now he was curious; what was she going to say?

He turned to her, studying her as she walked. The girl was clearly relaxing the further they walked, she even flashed a look at him, tilting her head and giving a small smile. Espio felt his chest grow tight, thinking about how after this she was probably going to leave. The (a/t) never did respond to his offer.

The grey feline came to a stop, causing the two to stop behind him. They had reached a wall, one that was full metal and had red and blue spray-painted on it. It was an image of Sonic, saying something about staying in school. The cat rubbed the back of his neck, looking sheepish,

"One person trekked all the way down here and tagged the wall. Thankfully that was as far as they got." He said, "We never cleaned it, the boss said it added to the camouflage."

"Alright, so what's next?" Espio asked, "Is there some sort of secret button?"

"Sort of." The cat waved his hand, walking along the wall, "More like a panel, I haven't used it for a while."

He tapped the metallic wall, ears perking, "Bingo, still got it."

Next, he pulled a sheet of metal from the wall, revealing two buttons; one was red and the other green. He pressed neither, instead pushing his hand against the black backdrop. It sunk, before the buttons lit up and the wall in front of them started to move.

The spray-painted Sonic was split in half as the double doors opened, revealing a clean corridor with painted white metal. George motioned for the two to hurry through, and the doors closed behind them.

"What are the buttons for?" (Y/N) asked, tilting her head.

"Diversions, in case someone finds them." The cat said, "Sends a nasty shock through your body, it knocks you out and we can relocate you."

"Right..." Espio nodded, and looked around the newer corridor, there were many hallways that lead from this one, the chameleon imagined this map to look like an ant's nest, "Where to now?"

"Just follow me." The cat said, taking them down one of the many hallways.

This one had doors all along it, black doors with small windows to peep into whatever was on the other side. They walked for a while again, before the male cat stopped, standing next to a door. He motioned to it, giving the two a nod,

"Your brother is in here." He said, "I'll wait here, so I can take you to the bee child."

Espio nodded, turning to (Y/N), "Ready?"

"A-As ready as I'll ever be..." The (a/t) nodded, and the cat opened the door.

The two stepped inside to fine an apartment-styled room. There was a kitchen, a small living room and dining table, a hallway that most likely lead to a bedroom and bathroom. Everything was so pristine; it took the chameleon's breath away. This is what he expected, the clean set up of dirty workers.

Espio searched the rooms for their target, and the sound of a toilet flushing made him and the (a/t) next to him freeze. They peered at each other, and a (f/c) (a/t) walked out from the hallway. He stood probably just taller than (Y/N), and his eye colour was different. He wore black dress pants and a buttoned up white shirt, the fur on his head was slicked back. He looked like he was about to leave.

"Zeke..." (Y/N) mumbled, and the (a/t) standing in front of them froze.

He turned his eyes to the two intruders, blinking in surprise. He stared at his sister,

"(Y/N)...?" He asked, "How... How did you find me?"

"With the help of the Chaotix..." The girl said, her hands clenched at her sides, and her (e/c) eyes narrowed at him, "Faking your own death? Are you serious?!"

The guy raised his hands almost instantly, stepping back from his angry sibling, "H-Hey hey... Hear me out, please?"

"I shouldn't, you left me! Abandoned me, tricked me to think you had been murdered! Why should I listen to you?"

Espio took her hand gently, "(Y/N)... We came here to listen to him."

The (a/t) growled, closing her eyes. She took a deep breath, "Y-Yeah... Sorry..."

Her brother also let out a sigh, running his fingers through his hair, "Yeah, I have a lot of explaining to do... Come sit, I'll tell you everything."

He motioned for the two to take a seat at the table, they did. The seats were black plastic with a dark blue cushion on them, the table had a shiny black paint on it. It was very fancy looking. (Y/N) grumbled to herself, arms crossed. She had thought she wasn't mad, but upon seeing her brother had been filled with rage. Espio held her hand to try and calm her.

"Right." Zeke said, sitting across from them, "Sooo... Yeah, faking my death was probably a bad way to go about things..."

"Our mother died Zeke." The (a/t) snapped, "You knew I wouldn't have been able to handle it if you died too."

"I know, that's why I chose it. I figured you wouldn't do anything to try and find me. I thought the knife would be enough evidence for you."

"You were wrong."

"Clearly." He said, giving a small smile, "I shouldn't have doubted you. You're a great sister, even getting detectives involved to find either myself or my murderer. I don't deserve you as a sister."

The girl huffed, "Don't suck up to me now, I'm mad at you. I just want my answers."

"R-Right..." The male's ears lowered, "Look, work here has been hectic lately. We're about to go deeper into it all, it will be worse for everyone if we're caught. But it's a risk the business is willing to take."

The (a/t) stopped and looked at Espio, "It won't just be the workers that suffer if we're caught, our families will be punished as well. THAT'S how bad this is getting."

Espio stared at him, his features hard, stern, "Is that why you faked your death, to get (Y/N) out of trouble?"

"Yes. If I cut her from my life, she wouldn't be targeted. I'd be classed as dead, if they found me they can't link my crimes to her because she didn't even know I was alive."

"Why didn't you just tell me?" (Y/N) asked, "I'd rather you have done that from the start."

The guy sighed, rubbing his muzzle, "I just... With dad leaving and mum dying... I didn't think you'd be too happy with me leaving you as well. I... I'm assuming you didn't get my letter either."


"Damnit Carlos..." He rubbed his face, "I wrote a letter to you, it told you that I had left the house in your name, and a bank account with enough money to start a new life. You could do whatever you want with the house whether you lived in it, sold it, rented it out; I was giving you freedom from my illegal life."

The girl listened, waiting for more.

"I... I just... I don't want you getting hurt..." Her brother said, lowering his head, "I thought disappearing was best, but now you're here and you know."

"I can pretend I don't know." (Y/N) said, "I could file your death, I will cut you from my life. But Zeke... You'll never hear from me again."

"I... I know." He said, "And it kills me, because I lost mum as well, but I don't want to lose you, I don't want you to suffer because of me. I love you too much (Y/N), if keeping you safe means never seeing you again, then I can live my life in peace knowing I did the right thing."

He turned his attention between his sister and the chameleon next to her, "By the looks of it, you'll do just fine without me, probably even better. Now's your chance to grow, I was only keeping you back with my job. Make friends, find love and live your life."

The (a/t) stood, folding the ends of his sleeves, "I'm so sorry this was quick, but I actually have a meeting with the boss now, and I can't be late."

(Y/N) stood as well, watching him with a nod, "I understand..."

Zeke nodded back, before walking over to her and pulling her into a hug, "I hope you can forgive me... I was only trying to look out for you. I love you (Y/N), please look after yourself."

The girl hugged back tightly, closing her eyes to fight tears, "O-Of course I... Forgive you... Please be careful..."

They pulled away, and Zeke wiped a tear from her muzzle. He looked at Espio next,

"You look after my little sister until you're out of here, understood?" He said, "And maybe even after you've left?"

"That's up to her." Espio nodded, "But don't worry, I'll keep her safe until we leave."

"Fantastic." The older (a/t) ruffled his sister's hair, "The door will lock behind you. I hope you have a good life (Y/N), and I'm sorry I won't be a part of it."

"I'll miss you..." The girl said.

"Same for you."

And with that, he left.

(Y/N) blinked as the door closed behind him, before she took her seat at the table again. Espio left her for a moment, giving her a chance to go over everything. This was a lot to take in, he didn't want to rush her or upset her. Instead, he sat next to her and took her hand. She put her other one over his, taking a breath and giving a nod. Her voice was shaky and her muzzle red and puffy. She was fighting tears,

"L-Lets go... Go get Charmy..."

"We will when you're ready." Espio said, pulling her into a hug, "We can take our time."

"No, I'm ready to go now." The girl nodded, "Lets go save Charmy."

"Right." The chameleon nodded, loving her instant determination.

The two left the room straight away, George was still waiting for them. He turned to them as they closed the door, tilting his head,

"Zeke left just before, how did it go?"

"Better than I thought honestly." Espio said, "I had been planning on punching his lights out, it was the only time I would have ever allowed myself to, but (Y/N) handled it like a champion."

(Y/N)'s cheeks turned red and she waved her hand, "Charmy."

"Of course." George nodded, "Right this way."

He lead them through the long hallways once again, twisting and turning down new ones until both Espio and the (a/t) were certain they were lost. They got to their next destination quickly, another black door in the maze of white and black. George opened the door,

"He's in here." He said, "After you."

The two walked in, taking in the room around them. The walls were white with bits of gold through them, red curtains hanging in front of parts of the wall. The floor was also white with gold flecks, a red carpet down the middle. The two looked around in awe, following the red carpet as if celebrities.

"Well well well..." A new voice said, snapping the two to attention, "What do we have here, hm?"

Espio jumped in front of (Y/N) instantly, a shuriken in his hands. He glared up at the black cat that stood before them, growling in warning. The cat smirked down at them, he wore a golden suit, his fingers were lined with golden rings, and his ears had two rings cuffed around the lobes. He also held onto a gold chain; following it lead to Charmy, who was currently sleeping in a locked cage behind the black cat.

"I see you've finally returned my man George." The black cat said, nodding to the other who ran up to stand by his side, "And I'm assuming you're here for the bee."

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