Part 1
This part can also be found in: Sonic Boys X Reader
It was a bright sunny day, the Chaotix were currently lazing about in their small HQ, work was slow for them this week. Charmy was currently scribbling on some paper with a pen he had stolen from Vector's desk, complaining about how boring the way was.
"Why can't we go looking for work Vector?" The little bee finally asked, turning his orange gaze up the green crocodile.
"Because Charmy." Vector crossed his arms, "We can't look desperate. The right people will come through the door with lots of money to share."
Charmy thought about it for a while, before finally going back to his drawing, "Okay..."
Vector let out a sigh, turning his attention to an empty corner of the room, "Espio are you meditating again?"
There was no response and the crocodile snickered, before grabbing a piece of paper from the desk and scrunching it into a ball. It flew across the room and hit nothing, simply bouncing in the air and to the floor. A moment later there was a thud and a purple chameleon came into view.
"Yes..." He huffed, rubbing his horned nose, "I was..."
Charmy laughed at the purple ninja, "You fell!"
Espio only sighed, before standing and stretching. He then picked up a book and walked to the front door.
"Where are you going?" Vector asked, lifting his feet onto his desk, watching his companion suspiciously.
"It's a quiet day, I'm just going outside to read." The chameleon stated, walking outside, "I'll come inside if there is any work."
"Bye bye!" Charmy waved.
The purple chameleon shook his head and closed the door, sitting on a bench outside the building. There wasn't much surrounding the home/HQ, just shrubbery and a few trees. You could almost call the area the country side, if there wasn't a pathway that lead to a park only 10 minutes away.
Either way, it was quiet, as Espio had stated, and he settled into the chair. The book he had was finally getting good, and since Vector and Charmy were bored, they were both destined to bother him.
Not that he didn't mind, but sometimes it cut thinly through his nerves. Especially when he was trying to focus. But finally, the ninja had been pulled back into the novel, oblivious to the (a/t) that slowly headed towards his home.
The (a/t) was covered in (f/c) fur and had bright (e/c) eyes that were somewhat hidden by a (h/c) fringe. She looked over the building multiple times as she shuffled closer, was this the right place? What if it wasn't? She'd be lost if this was the wrong address.
As she neared the front door, she saw a purple chameleon sitting out the front, nose deep in a book. The (a/t) took a deep breath and headed over to him, how should she get his attention? He must be really interested in the book if he hasn't noticed her yet, would it be rude to interrupt him?
The (a/t) knew what it was like to be interrupted while reading, she didn't want to annoy a possible lead. But what choice did she have?
"E... Excuse me..." She mumbled quietly, lowering her head, "I was... Wondering if..."
She stopped, feeling a gaze on her. The (a/t) lifted her head to see the chameleon watching her. He seemed confused, unaware that she was there.
"O-Oh..." She stepped back, "I'm..."
"Are you here for the Chaotix?" He asked, not missing a beat.
She nodded slowly, a small smile in relief. She wouldn't have to explain too much. The chameleon let out a sigh, closing the book and tucking it under his arm as he stood.
He looked over her, she seemed to be the quiet type, he could tell almost instantly she wasn't a people person. The way she held herself as she stood, her gaze lowered and hair covering her face, He nodded to her and held up his arm, gesturing to the door.
"This is the place, we're just inside. Follow me." He lead her into the building, spotting the crocodile already snoozing in his chair.
"Espio!" Charmy flew up from the floor, hugging the other's arm, "You were gone foreeeever! Who's the girl?"
He tilted his head and floated over to her. The (a/t) stepped back. A child? Why was there a child here? Was he a part of the team? Were they babysitting? No way could he be a detective.
"A client." Espio said, pulling the bee away from the startled (a/t), "I hadn't asked her name yet."
"Oh, well what's your name?" The small bee tilted his head.
"U-Um..." The (a/t) covered her mouth, why couldn't she speak?
"She can tell us later." Espio cut in again, "Go wake Vector up, she's waiting here patiently for him."
The bee mock-saluted him, before flying over to the much larger crocodile and shaking his arm. Espio turned to the (a/t) and place his book on a desk,
"Our apologies, today has been very quiet for us. Charmy here is going stir crazy."
She only nodded, smiling sheepishly.
"We will need your name though." Espio continued, "Tell us when you're ready. We have all day."
"No we don't!" Charmy huffed from across the room, "We can't do any work if she doesn't speak! How are we supposed to know what to do if she doesn't tell us?"
"Just wake Vector up."
The bee pouted, before puffing out his chest and flying over to the other. He took a deep breath, before yelling Vector's name, causing the crocodile to jerk awake and fall off his chair.
"What the heck Charmy?!" Vector yelled, rubbing his head as he stood up, leaning on his desk.
"We have a job!" The young Mobian smiled, pointing to the (a/t).
The croc's demeanour changed and he stood tall, trying to shake off his sleepiness and look professional. The (a/t) smiled again, holding back a giggle at the silliness of the group. These guys were detectives?
But she inwardly bit her cheek, like she could talk.
"Hi there! I'm Vector." The (a/t) jumped, the crocodile stood in front of her now, holding his hand out, "Leader of the Chaotix, the only reliable detective agency in Mobius! So what's the job? Was something stolen? Has someone gone missing? Maybe it's a murder case, we've been practicing for that, you never know when someone could be-"
"That's enough Vector." Espio cut in, shaking his head, "Just give her time to explain the job."
He turned his golden eyes to her (e/c) ones, trying to offer a smile but only rolling his eyes. He could see how uncomfortable she was, so why couldn't the other two? Sometime he wondered about their people skills.
Vector crossed his arms, leaning on his desk once again, "Well we can't help if we don't know what we're doing."
"SEEEE?!" Charmy yelled, waving his arms at Vector, "He gets it!!"
"Just relax." Espio stated, and the (a/t) wasn't sure if he was talking to her or his group. But suddenly, all eyes were on her.
The (a/t) took a step back, trying to find the words to express what she was doing there. She opened her mouth but nothing came out, the words had disappeared again. Her cheeks felt warm and she fumbled with the end of her shirt, lowering her gaze.
"Do you have any photos or notes that would be able to help us?"
She raised her gaze, before nodding and pulling out a photo. Vector took it from her and examined it, before raising a brow,
"Is this a missing family member case?"
The (a/t) nodded, relieved that a picture was able to explain everything. The three seemed to sigh collectively, glad they finally know what the job is.
"Do you have any leads or clues?" Espio asked, arms crossed.
The (a/t) nodded, before holding up a bloodied knife. The Chaotix seemed stunned, never had they had such a violent clue. Was this a murder case?
"H-He... Is still alive..." The (a/t) managed to mutter, "I... Know it..."
"And you want us to find him." Espio nodded, "Is the blood his or someone else's?"
"So he's injured, could be passed out somewhere." Vector rubbed his long snout, "We better start searching then, before he ends up worse. Where did you find this?"
The (a/t) stopped talking, before walking out of the building.
"Uh... Should we follow her?" Charmy asked, tilting his head.
"Looks like it." Vector stated, "Not much of a talker is she? We'll have to show her we can totally be trusted!"
"Or just let her get used to us on her own..." Espio stated, walking out of the building first, "You don't intimidate shy people, that's a good way of making them draw further away."
"Ooooo, Espio is an expert!" Charmy giggled, "Why do you care so much anyway?"
The chameleon huffed, leaving the two to lock up. He didn't need much time to think about it, but he knew it was one thing that would distract the Chaotix from their job. As long as it doesn't affect him, he feels no need to share his reasons.
"Maybe because I was like her once... And I'd rather her talk and trust us then not talk at all." He mumbled to himself anyway, as if confirming his reasons.
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