Terra Branford x Tartarus part 2

Tartarus and Terra are now back outside and into their mission again, which involves trying to find the Espers, after they had escaped from the Gates that Terra had greeted them in, and almost killed her and the others when they tried to speak to him. And luckily, they are not going to be doing this empty handed, and they now have help at their side. Apparently, a group of humans called the Mage Warriors, that can use magic without aid, are still alive, and thus far, they will be able to help them with this. Their magic has waned and weaken overtime, due to having to hide, but they are still able to help them in going up and try to find the Espers. And no words...no words can describe how happy and relived Tartarus and Terra, along with the others, are feeling right now. And thus, the group decided to go to the mountains of the west, as this is where the Espers are likely located at, due to the fact that it is rumored that it is where they had originated and been born from. Although a little bit unsure, they agreed, Terra and Tartarus specifically, as they decided to go along and go to the mountains.

Right now, the group is shown to be climbing in the mountains, as they can feel the powerful breeze of the magical winds that are present in the air itself.

Terra is shown to try and fix her ponytail, as Tartarus used Barrier to help her with it, so the winds don't blow on her and make her mess it up. He looks at Terra, as she then spoke out.

"Thank you, Tartarus."

Terra then spoke back.

"No problem. Anyway, let's continue moving."

Terra and Tartarus continue to go along with the group, as they both try to make sure that they do not get lost. They then were able to make it to the top, and they then went to the right, as they go ti that direction. Tartarus narrowed his eyes, as he wonders where in the world that they are going, or rather, know what they will find when they go to the area. After a little bit...the group sees 3 statues in the area. One of the Mage Warriors, named Strago, spoke out when he sees the 3 golden statues.

"Everyone, whatever you do, don't touch...THE statues."

This made Tartarus and Terra confused, as Locke spoke out.

Locke then looks at the statues and sees letters on them, before he then spoke out.

"There's letters carved on the backs of each of the 3 statues. Can you tell us anything about these goddesses?"

Terra looked confused, but said nothing, as Tartarus looked at it as well...and it is when he realizes what this is. Strago then spoke out.

"These three goddesses, they are the ones that quite literally created magic itself!"

Locke then spoke out, in awe at this information.

"So they're the goddesses of magic?"

Strago nodded, as Terra stepped forward, and spoke out.

"I can feel their power."

Strago nodded, as he then spoke out.

"Obviously, they are the source of all magic. It is said that the espers made these and put them in a very special place. They represent power beyond all comprehension."

As Terra looked, Tartarus came forward, and observed them, and as he looked...it is then that he remembered and spoke out.

"These goddesses...they're the Warring Triad, aren't they?"

This made Terra look at Tartarus, as the others fell silent, with Tartarus looking directly at the statues. Locke spoke out.

"Wait, you recognized them, Tartarus?"

Terra then spoke out.

"I do. The Warring Triad...it is true that they lead to the creation of magic...but...they did more then that. They lead to the creation and birth of the Espers themselves. They are the reason why we even exist in the first place."

This made Terra stunned, as Strago spoke out.

"That is correct, the Warring Triad are the ones that lead to the Espers existing on the first place. But...you say that as if you act like an Esper, considering that they are the ones that know this history."

Tartarus looked at Strago, before he flickered his form a little bit, revealing his Esper form a few times, and this made Strago shocked, as Tartarus then spoke out.

"That is because I am an Esper. I've been an Esper for the entire time, in disguise."

This made Strago disbelieved, as he then spoke out.

"Th-Then why are you..."

Tartarus lowered his gaze and spoke coldly to him.

"That is not your concern."

Strago stepped back and nodded, as Tartarus shook his head and looked annoyed at what he is about to go through. He clearly has no idea when he can stop with this.

As that happened, Tartarus and Terra, along with the members of the group look to see that an old enemy had appeared to them. And it is none other then a certain annoying octopus that they had met a couple of times before, and now this is the third time that they get to meet him.

"Wow, it seems that my snacks have arrived, especially with you females."

It was Ultros, and Tartarus was annoyed, as he then spoke out to this moment before his eyes.

"Are you for real? I'm already getting tired of having to fight against you, Ultros. Do you want me to make it a third time that I turn you into calamari?"

Terra spoke out.

"I really don't like how he acts towards me and my other female friends. Let's bring him down."

Tartarus and Terra then began to go and combat against Ultros, and this time, thru overpowered him easily, although Ultros refuses to give up. But then, the battle had been interrupted by Relm, the granddaughter of Strago, and she forced Ultros to play along and become a new portrait for her. Ultros, who has Tartarus and Terra play along with Relm, is forced to agree, and luckily, they are able to end the fight, as both Terra and Tartarus are getting tired of the fact that they are forced to keep on fighting him again and again, despite him being an annoying nuisance. After that, they are then able to continue onwards, in order to try and find the Espers that reside in there. But Tartarus cannot help but worry, the Espers from before had attacked them in the past. So he would not be surprised if they decide to attack then again. He looked and sees an Esper, along with Strabo and the others, as Tartarus looked weary at it, and almost looks as if he is ready to fight against them.

"Strago...get the kid out of here, now."

Tartarus said as Terra then spoke out.

"I didn't think...they'd look so..."

Unfortunately, before Strago could get Realm out of here, all of a sudden, the group is surrounded by Espers.

"No good! We're surrounded!"

Strago said, as Locke spoke out.

"That is so not good."

Tartarus narrowed his eyes, and he began to glow red, with a red aura present around him, as he raised his hand up, and gets ready to use his Dark attack against the many Espers. A black aura surrounds his hand, as he prepares to fight back against the Espers, when a voice shouted out.


This made Tartarus flinch, but he kept his guard up, as he looks to see that there is another Esper approaching, most likely the leader of the ones that is able to command the Espers in the first place. This Esper has a humanoid appearance with light blue hair tied into a ponytail and tufts of blue hair on his shoulders. He wears no clothes except for a green loincloth and blue bracers on his wrists and ankles, and his feet resembles a beast. He clenched his fists, as he partially changed into his true form, his tail and antlers sprouting from his body, as the Esper Leader came towards Tartarus, his eyes glowing dangerously, ready to attack him if he tries anything. The Esper looks down at Tartarus, and seems to recognize him, or at least, his Esper features.

"You...you're that boy that protected the one we came to meet."

Tartarus narrowed his eyes, as he growled in pure anger, partially speaking in a demonic tone.

"Who the hell are you?"

Seeing the anger and hostility from him, he spoke out.

"I am Yura. Now stand aside."

Tartarus turned into his Esper form fully and spoke back, but now speaking in his Norma voice.

"So you can attack Terra, just like how you attacked the innocent humans out here, especially nestling attacking Terra? Like hell I am letting you get your hands on her. And because of that...I am forced to kill other members of my kind to stop them."

Yura, knowing what he means by that, spoke out.

"I know you are enraged at me for what happened, but that was not my intention. I never meant for any of this to happen. I never wanted innocent lives to be hurt."

Tartarus spoke back

"Do you expect me to believe you? I wouldn't he surprised if you are here to deceive us just so you'd kill us."

Yura then held his hand to his heart, and spoke out to him.

"You have my word in this. If I do attack your ally, I'll allow you to strike at me."

Tartarus narrowed his eyes, as he tries to sense deceit inside of his voice. But he senses none, and he then spoke out.

"You better be promising."

He went back to his human form, and he stepped aside, as Yura then goes to Terra Branford. Terra's form flashed a few times putting everyone on edge save for Tartarus who set his hand on her hand. She grips it tight, as she is stays in her human form, before Yura then spoke out, intrigued.

"Your magic...feels familiar...are you the one that escaped from the gate?"

Terra then spoke back to Yura.

"More like, fled from it."

Yura nodded his head, and spoke out.

"As a rule we are not allowed to visit your world. We had gathered near the gate wondered how we might be able to save our captured friends. It was merely a coincidence that Terra appeared when she did."

He then turns to Tartarus with a sad look on his face.

"We did not intend to harm anyone, but when we saw that evil man, we lost it."

"You referring to Kefka?"

Tartarus spoke out, and Yura nodded his head. Tartarus spoke out.

"Well...hearing that...guess I can't blame you...especially with how depraved he is compared to even the emperor."

Terra then spoke out.

"Your presence...I felt it through the gate."

Yura nodded, as he then spoke out.

"We bolted through the gate as soon as Terra opened the gate, but as well as seeing that man, we also lost control of our powers. We injured an innocent man, razed an entire city and took some innocent lives."

Tartarus spoke out.

"Yeah...and because of that...I had to stop a bunch of you just so more don't get killed in the crossfire yoh had put up."

Terra then spoke out.

"That's what happened to me as well! But Tartarus, he was there for me to make sure I did not harm anyone and tried to help me gain control of my powers."

Strago nodded, as he then spoke out.

"There must be something in your world that allows you to focus your power differently. You must use caution when using your abilities in our world."

Yura bowed, as he spoke with remorse in his voice.

"We are deeply sorry to have saddled you with such suffering and pain."

Tartarus could now tell that he really means it. And this time, he finally dropped his guard, as he sees that he truly never wanted this to happen. Locke then approaches Yura, and spoke out.

"Look the past is the past, we need to focus on the here and now, the Vectorian Empire seems to want to talk peace with you, so come with us to Thamasa."

Yura looks up, as he then spoke out.

"They would forgive us so easily?"

Locke then nodded and he then spoke out.

""Yeah, let's go to Thamasa and talk with General Leo!"

Terra and Tartarus nodded, as Terra spoke out.


The group then returns to General Leo and the others, as they attempt to make an alliance...but as that is happening...Tartarus felt a presence behind him. He looks, and he then spoke out.

"No...he's coming back."

Terra spoke out.


Tartarus then spoke out to Terra.

"Kefka...he's approaching."

As if on cue, the sound of a familiar form of laughter was suddenly heard.


Everyone looks up to see that Kefka has arrived, and the same maniacal grin on his face is present.

"How about a little Magitek mayhem?!"

All of sudden, Kefka uses a Magiteck suit to case a quake, knocking down everyone on the Huns side, except for Leo, as well as the Espers, such as Tartarus and Yura. Leo then shouted out.

"Kefka, what are you doing?!"

Kefka cackled sinisterly, as he spoke out.

"Hahahahaha! Emperor Gestahl's orders! "I'm to bring the magicite remains of these espers to his Excellancy! And this is the mother load!!"

Before anyone could react, Kefka used his magic to kill Yura and his escorts, bringing their magicite to him. Tartarus snarled in a rage, as he goes and leapt up towards him, his fist on the air. But Kefka smiled, and summoned a Magiteck soldier to backhand Tartarus, although Tartarus was able to block the attack, with his barrier, only so that the damage that he'll take is lessen. Tartarus narrowed his eyes, as he spoke out to Kefka.

"You bastard! You are gonna pay for what you have done!!!"

He then charged at Kefka, his eyes blazing with fury inside, as he struck at the same soldier, and killed him instantly. And then, he vanished behind Kefka, and punched him hard in the back, causing a lot of pain on his spine, and making him cry out in agony.


He landed onto the ground, as Leo, confused and shocked at what is happening, spoke out.

"I don't understand!! Why is this happening?!"

Tartarus then spoke out.

"Isn't it obvious? You were a pawn, Leo, to Emperor Gestahl, used to further his goals. It was obvious what was going to happen, knowing him."

Leo, hearing this, was shocked beyond belief, but seeing this, he cannot deny it. He then raised his sword and shouted out.


A powerful eruption was felt, and Kefka got hit by it. This made Kefka cry out in agony at the power of Leo's shockwave, as Kefka snarled, but he then snickered, before Leo then spoke out.

"Kefka! I can no longer stand by while you commit these atrocities!"

Leon then charged at Kefka, before he then vanished, and as that happened...

"Ah, Leo. Always the committed soldier."

Tartarus looked around, and as that happens, Leo shouted out at him.

"Where are you, Kefka? Show yourself, right here and now!"

Kefka cackled, as he then spoke out.

"Oh, Emperor Gestahl, I need you here!"

And then, a puff of smoke appeared, and in that instant, Emperor Gestahl arrived...but Tartarus can tell that it is not him. It is an illusion that Kefka has made. He tried to stop him, but then...Kefka, seeing this, binds Tartarus in the place that he is in, so that he does not move a single muscle, in order to prevent him from describing Leo from what it is that Kefka is going to do to him.

"My emperor."

Leo said, kneeling, but it is obvious that Kefka has a trick up his sleeve.

"I'm sorry I had to deceive you, Leo. It was the only way to get the magicite. You understand, don't you?"

Leo then spoke back.

"B-But my emperor."

Then, the illusion spoke back.

"Don't say anything. I understand how you feel."

Kefka's voice then spoke out.

"That's right! Our top priority is collecting magicite now!"

This made Leo conflicted, as he then spoke out.

"But my liege, then... what have I been fighting for...?"

Gestahl smiled, as Kefka soon began to morph back into his normal form.

"Leo... I'd like you to take a well-earned rest. A very, very long rest!"

Leo, seeing this, looked very enraged, as Kefka then spoke out like the mad jester he is.

"That was an illusion, just like my Gestahl! You really are a slow one. And always, always..."

Tartarus attempted to reach out and stop him...but before he could...Kefka took out a dagger, and stabbed Leo in the chest... and all Tartarus can whisper out is...


Kefka then spoke out to Leo.


Leo looked, and sees the madness inside of Kefka, before he spoke out to him in his dying breath, very, very enraged that he had been deceived."

"Kefka...y-you're insane."

"I'll tell your 'liege' I had to dispose of a traitor!"

Kefka stabs Leo in the chest once more watching as the man's life left the general's eyes.

"Die, die, DIE!!!"

As Kefka laughed...Tartarus...he began to remember something. He remembered a pain like no other...a pain of when he had lost someone dear to him. His parents...his mother...



Tartarus shouted, as he cried out to her and attempted to stop her from going away, where she is trying to hide him behind some rubble, just so he can be safe. Tartarus is trying to prevent her mother from leaving, out of fear of being alone. But the mother spoke out.

"Tartarus...my child...I know you want me to stay with you, but this time...I can't. I need to leave...for you."

Tartarus shouted out.


The mother spoke out, in the same soft tone.

"I know you don't, my son. I want the same thing...but the mad Emperor...he'll find you. You...you need to flee and hide away from his hands."

Tartarus cried out.


Then, the mother gently cradled his son's face, and wiped his tears away, feeling that he had been growing up with for a very long time, ever since he's been around in the human world. He could never forget all that she and his father had done for him. He found not forget what he had learned from her and his father, how to use his powers, how to love as an Esper, even when he has gained emotions growing up, as Espers never usually have this concept inside of their minds. And has even learned to love. So too see that one of his parents is going to leave him forever...is heartbreaking for him, and it is something that he cannot stand. He does not want her to leave."

"Son...you can live, without us. I have seen what you are like. You are strong, you are kind, you are very brave. You are able to do this...I believe in you, my baby. I know that you can do this. And now...you must believe in to yourself."

Tartarus wimped, as she spoke out.

"Mother...please don't..."

More treats threatened to fall, and the mother kissed him in the forehead, before she spoke out.

"Tartarus...my sweet child...I regret that I do not have enough time for you. But the times are changing...and I...I likely won't have long to live...not with the Emperor still around. Please...use everything that I have taught you...in order to love, just like we Espers had done."

Tartarus couldn't speak, as the mother looks to see her husband fighting against the attack from the empire. She made a sad smile, as she then spoke out.

"Goodbye...my son. I love you."

She then flies away, as Tartarus cried out to her.


Flashback end...

Tartarus' eyes widened at the sight, as his pupils shrunk, seeing Leo dead. A hatred and a rage burst out from within him, born from the depths of his dark despair, as his eyes began to glow red, his entire body covered in a red aura. He clenched his fist, and his teeth bared, as his fangs and teeth became more sharper then before, in which he partially turned into his Esper form. Before Kefka knew what was about to happen, he teleported behind Kefka, and slashed him across the back, chasing a wide gash to appear on him, and blood began to squirt out.

"AHHHHH!!! You little runt!!!"

Kefka shouted, as he attempted for grab Tartarus, before Tartarus casted a barrier, and he then punched Kefka in the nose, brushing it badly, and making his nose start to bleed. Kefka then fired his Firaga, but Tartarus counters with this Thundaga, cancelling the 2 attacks out, as he tries to claw at Kefka. But Kefka used protect to halve the damage, and prevent himself from getting badly hurt by Tartarus, who is only partially using the full might of his tire form. Tartarus snarled like an animal, as he then summoned Shadow Flare, the black spheres of darkness surround Kefka, as Tartarus clenched his fist, and the black spheres closed in around Kefka, exploding him with immense dark damage. Kefka skid back, and Tartarus narrowed his eyes, but his eyes widened, as he senses more Espers coming.

"No...they shouldn't..."

Before they knew it, more Espers arrived, and Kefka smiled, seeing his new chance to gain more power.


As the Espers circled around Kefka, Kefka then used his own powers to create spheres around the Espers, as they all got knocked unconscious.


He then began to attack the Espers that have arrived and killed them. And Tartarus, he felt even more enraged then before. He raised his arms and a commanded Teleport on the Espers, before Kefka can kill all of them, though Kefka still killed a lot. Tartarus, now even more then ever before, felt his Desperation attack evolve into something more greater then before, becoming a new Desperation attack entirely.

"Esper's Vengeance!!!"

Tartarus roared, as he turned into his full Esper form, but now...now his Esper form is stronger then ever before, his own hate and rage towards Kefka is immense, as both his hands and feet are covered in a more fiercer fiery red aura, with Tartarus charging at Kefka, and attacked him without mercy.


Kefka cried out in agony, as Tartarus clawed his right eye, giving him an immense amount of agony unlike any other. Tartarus then kicked Kefka hard, as Kefka coughs up blood.

The sound and commotion woke Terra and the others up, as they spoke out.

"Ghhh...what happened?l

Locke spoke out, and Terra looks...and sees Yura's corpse present, along with Leo.


Terra said, and Locke was also in disbelief at what he is seeing. Another shockwave was felt, and both Terra and Locke looks to see Kefka beimy overpowered by Tartarus, and his form began to change a bit. Sharp back spikes began to appear on the top of the arms, at least at the bottom half of the arms, which curved backwards, the same as his fingers, and the bottom part of the legs has the same thing. His teeth are becoming sharper, and ram-like horns began to appear behind the bottom part of his head, pointing forward. His tail also grew longer and sharper.

"I've had enough of you, filthy Esper!! Die!!!"

Kefka shouted, as he attempted to poison on Tartarus, but Tartarus used reflect and hits Kefka back with it.


But Tartarus struck at Kefka with Gigavolt, as Lightning scattered and hit Kefka, striking at him and causing massive damage. Kefka then tries to put up his barrier, but Tartarus used Ultima to break through and attack him, before charging at Kefka and stabbing him in the stomach. It was pain unimaginable for him, as Kefka is then thrown away, the hole in his gut present. Kefka, snarling at this, spoke out.

"Guess I'll have to take a page out of your book, Tartarus!"

Tartarus grabbed onto a long chain, and spun around in the air, before attempting to strike at Kefka, but Kefka teleported away, as he disappeared into thin air. Tartarus wandered around, and sensing that he is gone, he roared in pure rage, as lightning struck down from the sky in response to Tartatus' magic. But as Tartarus continued to get enraged and not calm down, Terra immediately stepped in front of Tartarus in her Esper form.

Tartarus looked at Terra, as Terra then spoke out.

"Tartarus...it's okay. I'm fine. It's alright...I'm fine."

Tartarus began to stop, and he then began to regain control of himself. And after that...his finally regained his mind, as his expression now lessened, although his appearance still remained the same.

"Sorry about that. This...this did not happen to me before."

Terra looked and nodded, as she smiled, happy that Tartarus' calm. But Terra and Tartarus turned to look at Leo...saddened that he had died by Kefka.


Tartarus said...seeing the states of his fallen friend.


Leo has been buried. It was one of the saddest moments that Tartarus had happen to him, seeing a burial for the first time. Honestly...he wished that it is not like this. That he had to see something such as this. He felt his own heart being torn at the sight before him. Terra looks, as she then spoke out

""Everyone only seems to want power...do they really want to be like me so badly? I wanted to learn so much more from you..."

Interceptor then arrived, as Relm then spoke out to him

"That is a nasty wound there."

Locke has a look of fury and rage present on his face, and he then shouted out.

"So we not only lost Leo, but Shadow too? ! Damn the Vectorians!"

Strago, deciding to take charge, spoke out to the group.

"Relm, take Interceptor and treat his wound. Celes, I trust you know healing magic?"

Celes nodded, as Strago then spoke out in response to this.

"Then you go with her and help her."

Celes nodded, as Locke decided to follow her. Terra looks at Tartarus, kneeling in front of Leo's tomb, as his hands are balled into his fists. Terra approaches him, but as she did...Terra can hear him whisper something.

"Thrice....Thrice that the Emperor, the Kefka took everything from me. First...my parents...then Shadow...and now you...Leo."

Tartarus can feel tears leaking out from his eyes, but they evaporated, and Tartarus continues to speak out.

"Kefka...Gestahl...I swear...all of you...will pay for this...for the suffering you had caused."

Terra, feeling uneasy at the way that Tartarus is speaking out, decided to intervene.

"Tartarus...are you...okay?"

Tartarus looked behind him and spoke out.

"No...I'm not."

He than wiped his tears away with his sleeve, before he stood up, and spoke out.

"Everything...it's all going so wrong. And we've been played for fools because of it. And I...I couldn't even stop Kefka from taking the other lives of the Espers that are on our side."

He then looks at the direction where the area, called Vector, is at, as he then spoke out.

"I'm gonna need to look at Vector again at some point. See if anyone got out alive."

He then turned to another area, and he then spoke out, while walking to it.

"Now though...i...I think I need-"

But before Tartarus can go there, Terra grabbed his arm in order to stop him, and Tartarus turned to her.

Terra looked worried at Tartarus, as Tartarus then spoke out.

"Terra, what are you-"

Before he can finish, Terra than pulled him in and hugged him, as she wrapped her arms around his back, and held him tight. Tartarus was confused, as Terra then spoke out.

"Tartarus...don't go back there. Please...don't leave."

Tartarus was shocked, but he lessened his feelings, as he hugged Terra back as well, and Terra then spoke out.

"I...I may not know what love is...but...I...I know that I cannot stand it if you leave me, and never returned to me again."

This made Tartarus stunned, as he then spoke out.

"You...you still want me...with you...even though you know of the horrible events that might possibly happen."

Terra then looks down at him, due to him being an inch shorter then her, as she then spoke out.

"No one knows what will happen, not even me...but...I couldn't think of anyone else I could want with me...you're the only one. Everyone else may have been nice and kind to me...sure...but you are the one that stayed with me, ever since the beginning of this journey, and not once left me."

Tartarus' eyes widened, but he looked down and smiled sadly, as renewed tears leaked out.


Tartarus then wiped his tears away, as he spoke out.

"Thank you."

Terra looked down...and remembered back on the ship...their lips together.


Tartarus looked, and he saw that Terra is blushing.


Terra stepped a tiny bit closer, as she then spoke out.

"What we did...back on the ship before...can...can we do that again?"

Tartarus...he looked a little bit embarrassed at that...but he nodded his head, as he then spoke out.

"If you want to..."

Terra smiled, as Tartarus and Terra began to move their bodies close to each other, Terra puts her hand over Tartarus' heart, and clenched it on instinct, and then, their lips pressed against one another. Terra does not know why...but for some reason...it felt...good. And she wants to keep on feeling his lips. Tartarus closed his eyes feeling this, as both Terra and Tartarus then changed into their Esper forms without trying.

This made Terra and Tartarus looked at each other, and Terra spoke out.

"O-Oh no. This...this isn't supposed to..."

Then, Tartarus spoke out.

"Terra...it's fine. Honestly...I don't care."

This made Terra froze...before Terra nodded, and they do it again now in their Esper selves. Tartarus' tail waved a little bit. He does not know what to think...but what he does know...is that for Terra...he'll do anything for her. Whatever future will hold for him...he is gonna face it, no matter how tough and painful that it'll be. He will not leave Terra Branford's side, no matter what.

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