Terra Branford x Tartarus Part 1
A very long time ago, there are 2 worlds that exist with one another. They are known as the Human World and the Esper World. The Human World is a very corrupted place, a realm where the humans are at war with one another. Ruled by an emperor, who wants nothing more then power, he would do anything in order to obtain the desire for such goals, and will go as low as he can to get what he wants.
Long ago the Warring Triad descended from the heavens and, fearing one another's power, began to war. To gain the upper hand they enslaved mortals to fight for them, turning them into espers and introducing magic to the world. Eventually the gods realized their fighting was causing chaos, and agreed to seal away their power to save the world from destruction. With the last of their fading magic, the gods returned the espers' free will before petrifying themselves. The alignment of the petrified gods determines the shape of the world, so the espers tasked keeping them safe from anyone seeking to awaken them. A second war began between espers and humans seeking to use their powers, beginning the War of the Magi. At the height of the war the espers created a new realm where they escaped with the Warring Triad's statues.
A handful of espers remained in the human world, but remained as hidden as they could, so that the humans could not use their power, as well as not use the Espers as their weapons that they can sue and exploit. As the remaining espers concealed their existence, the knowledge of magic became the stuff of legends and myths.
The espers lived in their world safe from human invasion until a woman named Madeline stumbled upon the Esper World. She fell in love with an esper named Maduin much to the other espers' dismay, and gave birth to a baby girl, naming her Terra. But the friends of Maduin, they also had a child a month later, a son named Tartarus, and the 2 Espers got along with one another, hoping that their children would grow up and get along with one another. Two years later an army led by Emperor Gestahl invaded the Esper World. Unlike Madeline, who had come upon the place by accident, Gestahl had spent years searching for the Esper World. His troops began capturing espers, causing a panic, and the Elder, who was one of the few able to perform the feat, formed a Sealed Gate around the entrance to the Esper World and forced out the soldiers. Maduin was taken when he tried to stop Madeline and Terra from leaving before the gate closed, as Gestahl captured all three of them, but killed Madeline.
But the friends of Maduin, they had also appeared to the other side as well, and they fled as fast as they can, so that they do not get captured by Gestahl. The emperor tried to take them, but they are able to distract him long enough, so that they can escape. But the Emperor, intrigued by the prospect of a half-esper, Gestahl took Terra back to Vector where she was raised as a living weapon and experiment as the Empire developed Magitek.
As for Tartarus, for the past 6 years, he and his family remained hidden, and unlike the other Espers, the parents never learned how to blend themselves in with normal humans, and at first, they needed to rely on special jewelry, in order to try and make human disguises for themselves, and at the same time, they began to teach Tartarus all that they know in how to use his powers, and Tartarus, he learns very quick, as he uses his magic to do what they do, such as flight and how to use magic, although he would need to learn what magic to use first. The first 4 Magic Abilities that he has been able to learn by his parents are Regen, Cura, Thunder, and Silence, but he is mostly good with Thunder. But then, at the age of 8, Gestahl attacked the village that the Esper family lived in, and sent his forces to come and take them. But the parents, not wanting to lose their child, hid him away, as they turned into their true Esper forms, and fought back against his army, eventually giving him a horrible scar on his body, and killed countless members of his army, before they are able to force Gestahl to retreat, but they died in the battle, due to the wounds that they had sustained. Tartarus tried to save them, did all that he could to make sure that they live, but there was nothing to be done, as they died next to their son. He then buried them, before he flies away.
For the past 9 years, Tartarus had been forced to kill just to survive, just so that he can live. And the more he killed, the more saddened he became, but he then met someone, an assassin, who took him in and raised him in how to fight, and how to control his emotions, as well as remain calm. And eventually, he was able to do so, and in the process, he learned to close his heart to those he kills, and in the process, gained a harsh and stern mindset, and buried his true self inside of his mind. Saddened at what he himself is doing, yet does not dare to reveal it, except in his private times, the same applies to his true Esper self, in which he is able to learn how to disguise as with his own power, and can release the disguise at will.
However, one day, he went into the mines, and manage to find out about an Esper that is hidden here, and it is where he met Terra, along with 2 soldiers of the empire. But the Esper resonated a power within Terra, which knocked her unconscious, and a human, named Arvis, frees Terra by taking off the crown that controlled her, but Arvis, Tartarus, and Terra are threatened by the guards that are ready to put them under arrest, with Terra having lost memories of herself, except for her name. But Arvis manage to help them by finding a way out, using a hidden passageway, which they went into, that leads to the group called the Returners, made to combat against the Emperor. The journey was difficult, as the guards followed them, but they eventually held them back, with Arvis' ally, Locke, being able to aid them in the escape.
Locke took Terra to Figaro Castle and introduced her to its king, Edgar. The two promised to shelter Terra until her memories returned, but Terra was dubious and wondered if they were only interested in her for her magical powers, and Tartarus acted cold towards the group initially, but lessened it when it involves Terra, and assures to her that it will be alright. Kefka arrived to reclaim her, but Edgar feigned ignorance of who he was looking for. That night Kefka returned and set fire to the castle, and Tartarus, Terra, Locke, and Edgar escaped on chocobos while the castle submerged under the desert. Edgar admitted to the 2 that they were Returners and asked her to come with them and meet their leader, Banon. Though they was hesitant, the group set out for the South Figaro Cave and the Sabre Mountains, where the Returner Hideout was.
After making contact with Edgar's estranged brother Sabin on Mt. Kolts, the group reached the hideout and Terra met Banon. He told her she may represent the Returners' last hope, and it was clear their interest in her centered around her wielding of magic. Terra was reluctant to be used as a weapon and spoke to the others in the Returner hideout to learn more about why they fight the Empire. Meanwhile, the Empire invaded South Figaro to use as a staging ground for further excursions north, including the Returner hideout. Locke went to sabotage their advance while Terra, Edgar, Sabin, and Banon fled down the Lethe River. Ultros attacked them and Sabin washed overboard, leaving the others to continue alone.
At Narshe, the guards recognized Terra from her raid on the town and refused her entry, but Terra remembered the secret passage into the mines that Locke had used to escape with her, and they snuck back into town and to Arvis's house. Banon tried to convince the Elder of Narshe to side with the Returners against the Empire, but the Elder was unconvinced. Sabin and Locke arrived at the meeting with new allies—Gau, Cyan, and Celes, now no longer of the Empire. Locke warned them the Empire was already marching on Narshe, and the town agreed to allow the Returners to defend them. While preparing their defenses, Terra spoke to Celes about their mutual ability to use magic and asked if she feels love, but Celes took it for mockery. Terra then speaks to Tartarus about it, and Tartarus admits that he knows what love is, but admits that it is complicated, and decides to tell her some other time, once she gets a better understanding on how emotions really work.
The Battle for the Frozen Esper commenced with Kefka leading the Imperial forces while Banon directed the defense, and they repelled the Empire. The group visited Valigarmanda and it resonated with Terra again, and a shockwave knocked the other Returners back as Terra approached it, demanding answers of what she is. A conduit of energy flowed between the two and Terra transformed into a monstrous esper-like form and flew way. The Returners regrouped and set out to track her down and find out what happened. But Tartarus chased her down, and it forced both Terra and Tartarus to fight, and eventually, Tartarus, during a burst of magic, activated his own Esper form, and attacked back, but held her long enough to make her regain control of herself, and Terra manage to remember her birth, as Maduin resonated within her, now rejoining the party, and feeling something to Tartarus, although she cannot grasp what it is, Terra and Tartarus set out to go with the group in order to stop the empire, and Tartarus stays by Terra's side in order to help her understand feelings and emotions.
Inside of a place known as the Cave of the Sealed, there is a group of people inside, journeying to find a certain gate that leads to the realm of the Espers themselves. It is composed of Cyan, Edgar, Gau, Mog, their newest member, and last but not least, the 2 Espers, Terra and Tartarus.
Terra and Tartarus walked side-by-side, with Terra feeling something to Tartarus, wanting nothing more then to be near him at all times. She does not know what she is feeling right now, but she knows it must be related to the concept of Love. As they continued forward, Tartarus, having his hood over his head, looked and spoke out.
"Wait, stop."
His voice, low and cold, yet concerned and a little uneasy, as everyone stopped, and they looked to see a lava pit of sorts. The bridges present are shifting between angles and positions. Tartarus spoke out.
"You can't be serious. Am it gonna need to fly and bring you all to the other-what?"
Tartarus heard something, and his eyes widened, before he shouted out.
"Everyone, split!!"
Then, a purple mass attacked the group, mainly at the male Esper, as Tartarus then grabbed and held the purple creature back, as Edgar held his bow up in order to the and shoot the being. But Cyan lowers his bow, as Edgar spoke out.
"What are you doing?"
Cyan then spoke out.
"You could easily hit Tartarus with your bow!"
This made Edgar mad, as Tartarus held the creature back, before he clenched his teeth and shouted out.
Then, a powerful bolt of lighting appeared above and shocked the creature, as Tartarus then kicked the creature away, before Mog spoke out.
"Water Harmony!!!"
Then, a water blast pushed down the purple creature, sending it down to the magma, as the snow began to cool down the lava and hardened it, while the purple creature died inside of the magma itself. Tartarus spoke out.
"Well, at least we won't have to worry about the magma for now."
Terra Branford then spoke out to Tartarus with worry present.
"Tartarus, are you okay?"
Tartarus nodded his head.
"Yeah, I am. Anyway, let's move on."
A while later, they then go to a section of the cave that they are in, before they reached a gate of some sort, before Edgar then spoke out.
"This must be it."
Tartarus nodded his head, as he stepped forward, before he then spoke out.
"Yeah, I can feel Espers. This must be the gateway to their world."
Terra looks at Tartarus, as he spoke out.
"Let's go together."
Terra nodded her head, as she and Tartarus then walked to the gate...before laughter was heard...one that Tartarus knows all to well.
"No...he's here."
Tartarus turned around and spoke out.
"Terra, forget me coming, go by yourself and deal with the situation."
Terra was about to protest, but Tartarus then spoke back.
"No time to argue, just do it!!!"
Terra nodded, as she made it through the gate, and then, a familiar jester that everyone knows of is here.
Tartarus narrowed his eyes, as he looked at the figure before him.
Kefka laughs, as he spoke out to Tartarus.
"Tartarus, it appears we cannot stop running into each other, now can't we?! Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!"
Tartarus narrowed his eyes, as he spoke out.
"You're going to wish you hadn't run into me these numerous times we met each other. And now...now I am going to make sure, that you regret being able to come to me."
Kefka cackles madly, as Mog attempted to pierce him with a spear, only for Kefka to dodge the attack, and knocked Mog to the side, Edgar tries to fire an arrow at Kefka, only for Kefka to suddenly send it back to him, forcing him to dodge, but gets kicked by Kefka, and Gau attempted to attack, only for Kefka to backhand him.
"It appears that Gestahl was right to send me, with now that Terra girl at the gate, you'll be brought to us, along with the other Espers that he can use!! Must be very unpleasant to know that you will be forced to work with the empire!! Hahahahahaha!!!!!"
But Tartarus then punched Kefka in the nose, as he then spoke out.
"Work with this, Jester."
He then closed his eyes and turned into his Esper Form, his Imp Tail waved a little bit, along with his long hair, as his eyes glow a blue-purple, before he then charged at Kefka and claws him at the face, and he then spoke out.
Then, lighting struck down at Kefka, causing immense agony to him, as Kefka spoke out.
"Tch, cheeky little brat!! And it looks like the gate's open!!!!"
But Tartarus spoke out.
"No, but there is something on your face!!!"
Then, Kefka was punched, before Tartarus spoke out.
"It is pain!!!"
With Terra Branford, she looks up at the Gate, and she then spoke out to it.
"Espers, please!! Heed the call that I ask for you!!!"
The fate began to open, just as Edgar, Mog, Cyan, and Gau began to stand up. Tartarus looked, and he feels like something is very wrong. He narrowed his eyes, as he then spoke out.
"Wait a second..."
He looks, and he realizes that there is something come...and it didn't take him long to realize what is about to happen next."
"Terra, get down!!!"
Tartarus cried, as he tackled Terra down to the ground, and Espers swarmed out. The others for down as well, in order to avoid getting hit by the Espers, as Kefka got hit by the large groups of then that have appeared. And needless to say, Kefka was not having the time of his life, as he got hit by the power of the Espers, especially in such large groups as this.
After the Espers were done shooting out of the gate, Tartarus and Terra began to stand up, and they looked at the other members of their group, with Tartarus speaking out.
"Well...I guess the Espers were not too happy after all, especially in the presence of a madman like Kefka here."
Terra didn't say anything, but the sound of metal squeaking was heard, as they turned around and saw that the gate is closing all by itself. Tartarus than touched his back, and he felt a burning sensation on him, before he then realized what happened.
He then healed the wounds on his back, as he spoke out.
"Well...let's get back to the ship. Especially since we should not be in the presence of Kefka himself.
Everyone nodded, as Tartarus went between all members of the groups, with Terra at his side, before he then spoke out.
Then, the entire group glowed blue, as they are sent back to the airship that the others are waiting on.
Back at the airship...
The group came back to the airship, as Locke spoke out.
"What happened?"
Tartarus spoke out.
We manage to open the gates to see if any of the Espers would come and align with us, and well...Terra did the job, because I was distracted with Kefka...but the Espers...when the gate opened...they were not too happy to see that someone had appeared before them.
Locke flinched a little bit.
"Yikes. So that is why they suddenly appeared, and the fact that it caused some sort of a panic to everyone, as well as the fact that they are heading to the capital."
Tartarus and Terra didn't look happy about this, but they decided to move on. All of them got onto the ship, which then took off, with Tartarus and Terra on the bottom deck, leaning against the railing. Tartarus then spoke out.
"Damn it. I thought that we would be able to convince them. Did they lose themselves or something?"
Terra also looked conflicted, and even she is not sure why that is the case. After all, the Espers are said to be peaceful. So why were they not?
"If they attacked...does that mean that...they can never truly coexist with the human?"
Terra spoke out sadly, as Tartarus spoke out, and held her hand.
"Don't say that, we can't give up yet. After all, we only just started. We just need to find a way to-"
Tartarus and Tera then sensed something, as they looked up and sees a glowing dot coming to them, and it is getting closer. Tartarus and Terra looked nervous, as Terra then spoke out.
"Is...is that an..."
Tartarus finished.
"An Esper...and it does not look happy. Get down!!!"
Tartarus grabbed Terra and tackled her to the ground, and the Esper barely missed, and almost tied to claw Tartarus in the back, but luckily, Tartarus had a magic barrier ready to reduce the damage that he was about to get from the Esper.
"Get down!!!"
Locke said to Setzer, who almost got hit by the Esper. Tartarus looks up, along with Terra.
Setzer said, as Tartarus spoke out.
"Yeah, and they are mad. Enraged even."
Tartarus stood up, and the Esper charged at Tartarus, but Tartarus grabbed the Esper by the wrists, changed into his Esper, and head butted the Esper, knocking them out, before throwing them away, but as that happened, the moment that he changed back, the ship suddenly lurched
"What was that?"
Tartarus said, as Arvis, who has arrived, then looked down, and he then began to realize what has happened.
"The air around us, it has been disturbed, the Espers mush have done something to it. Which means...WE'RE GOING DOWN!!!"
Tartarus and Terra looked a little bit panicked, but Tartarus remained calm, as he held onto Terra's hand, as well as the railing, before Tartarus spoke out.
"Hold onto it!!"
Terra nodded, as Setzer then went inside to take control of the steering wheel, and Tartarus and Terra held onto dear life, as they down to the stairs, so that they do not crash down and die from the impact that will happen. But then, all of a sudden...before anyone knows what was about to happen, the ship crashed.
Tartarus...he had no idea what had just happened. He knows that the ship had crashed...but he has no idea what happened after that. Tartarus, he felt his hands again, he clenched his fist...but he then felt something...onto his mouth. This made Tartarus confused, as he then opened his eyes, and Terra, she felt something onto her mouth as well. They both opened their eyes...only to see that their mouths are onto each other's. Tartarus, embarrassed, teleported one of the way, and went next to Terra, and held his mouth, his composure lost due to what had just happened.
'Oh stars...we must have been knocked off of the ground to put us in a position such as this!! Damnit, this is so embarrassing!! Does Terra even know what it means to be embarrassed?!'
Tartarus looked down, as he held his hand to his mouth still, and he looks up at Terra, who did the same with one of her hands, and she too is blushing red.
Unbeknown to them, they turned into their Esper forms at response to what they are feeling by accident. Thankfully, they changed back after a few seconds in being able to notice it. Tartarus blinks, before he then spoke out.
"Wh-Whoops. Sorry about that. Did it feel bad?"
Terra shook her head, as she spoke out, although it is obvious that she is embarrassed, despite not knowing that she is feeling right now.
"No...it felt...strange...but it was not in a bad way."
Tartarus nodded his head, before he then spoke out.
"Well...that's good. Let's go and check and see if the others are okay."
Tartarus turned around, his hood over his head again, as his face is all red, but Terra could not stop thinking about what had just happened. She looked down at her mouth, and she felt a sweet take inside of it, after kissing Tartarus in the mouth accidentally. She does not know why...but for some reason...she wanted more of that again. She feels like, she is longing to taste what she had tasted again from Tartarus himself.
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