Chapter Two


Chapter Two


We ran around the airport for another 10 minutes before Louis finally gave up and let me take him. Besides, our flight was leaving so we had to go.

I walked down the plane, looking for our seats with Louis behind me. He held onto my hand right. I think he's nervous.

When we find our seats, we sit down together. All our baggage was taken somewhere else on the plane so they could transport it apart. The only thing I have with me right now is a small bag with food and magazines.

Our seats are nicely located. We're sitting in the back of the plane and it's not really crowded. It's quite nice and sitting in the back of the plane means people don't really pay attention to you because you're kind of like hidden in the back.

The seat itself isn't too bad either. I can feel myself sink into the fabric. It's very comfy. A grey plate is attached to the back of the seat in front of me. Louis pulls it out and then puts it back again for a couple of times. He's probably bored already. It's a good two and a half hours to get from London to Lisbon. I know, it isn't really that long, but Louis is very bad at sitting still and not irritate me.

My eyes scan around the plane. I notice the seats I thought were nice, are coloured a disgusting tint of blue which makes them ugly after all. I look out of the window. I look at London once more. I used to call it home and now I'm leaving it behind. Not only 'home', but also my cat, my best friend, school and my only change to get my future dream job. I will miss this damn country. JUST the country though.

And my sister.

That's what I feel worst about. I have to leave Gemma behind... She's the girl who has watched me grow up. I've watched her grow up as well. Gemma is my big example. My role model. She's been so sweet to me. Even after I came out as gay, she's always been there for me.

Gemma is, apart from Louis, the only person that understands me and where I can be myself with. Gemma didn't make me feel afraid of who I am.

I've spent most of my last days in London with her. Secretly of course. I did not want to see my mom and my stepdad ever again. They scare me. I've been staying at Louis' house for the past couple of months, but my parents kept on finding me and taking me back. Though, I kept walking away again because I was just done with everything at home. A lot went horribly wrong. I did not, and still do not, dare to go back home after all the horrible things my mom and her new husband did to me and said about me and Louis. Especially Louis.

They wanted to take me to another school, they used to lock me in my room only so I wouldn't be able to spend time with Louis. None of it did work, of course. So my mom and her ass husband were considering to send me into therapy.

Yes, when being gay was all new to me, I wanted to be cured, but once I realised that this is who I'm meant to be, I accepted it. And once I'd met Louis, it had never crossed my mind again.

My parents hurt me. And not only on the inside. My own bloody mom physically abused me. I am more than sure now, I never want to see her again. Or her shitty husband.

My biological dad left us when I was little. I've never spoken to him after that.

Louis' mom didn't really mind me staying with them or that her son was gay. She told me she already knew Louis was gay when he was just a little boy. Him coming out did not come unexpectedly for her. Also, Louis grew up with five women; his mom and his four lovely sisters. It's logical that makes him more feminine.

Louis' house was the first place I felt loved again. I was safe for once. Though, of course, my parents found out where I was and came to take me away. They've barely let me out of the house again.

There is no chance of escaping for me. Or Louis. So we feel like we do not have another choice but to move away.

I know it sounds impossible, but we found a cheap house in Portugal. I think that's a good thing though. We can pay for it ourselves, it's far enough so my parents won't find us anytime soon and let's just say that the weather is amazing almost every day.

We realise our plan is insane, but we feel desperate and we both like adventure and taking a risk. Besides, what do we have to lose?

At midnight last night, I jumped out of my window, ran all the way to Louis' house and together we drove to the airport. Louis had a car. My parents would never allow me one.

And right now, we're leaving for good.

Not a doubt that I will not miss Gemma. It will drive me insane, but I think I'm making the right decision.

Though, I do feel guilty about the fact that Louis has to leave even more things behind. For one, Louis does have a nice family and a loving home. I can never forgive myself for making him do this. I'm kind of selfish if you look at it like that. Not that it matters -it just makes me feel a little better- but it was Louis' idea to leave. He told me that as long as we will be together, everything will be fine.

No one, not even Louis, knows how often I have wished for another life. Or just another way of living. Thank God I have a sister like Gemma.

And thank God I met Louis. He always makes me feel good. I'm nothing without Louis. Louis made me realise how beautiful and amazing it is to love someone and to be loved.

"Harry!" Louis says as he pokes me in the side.

"Oi! What the hell, Lou?" I ask, maybe a little too loud.

Louis smiles apologising, exposing his cute, white teeth. "Sorry," he mumbles. "The lady asked if you wanted something to drink"

"Oh," I turn to look at the lady. She's looking at us with amusement.

Her red blouse is coloured the same as her skirt. It fits her pretty good. The highest button underneath her bow around her neck is open, revealing some of her breasts. She doesn't look like a slut though. Just... Nice.

She's still waiting for my answer.

"Oh, sorry! I was just..." I bite my lip."I don't know really" I smile nervously.

The lady smiles back at me. "Perhaps a cup of coffee would do you some good?"

"I'd rather have a cup of tea, but thank you" I caress my hand through my curls. "Tea makes me calm"

"I'd fancy a cup as well, please" I hear Louis say while laughing. I'm not sure what he's laughing about, though.

When I'm nervous or confused I always get so clumsy and awkward. So I almost drop the tea when the woman hands me a cup.

"Woa, Hazz. Are you okay?" Louis takes the cup from me and puts it down next to his on the plates in front of us. I then feel his warm hand on my cheek. "What are you thinking of?"

I didn't say anything for a little while. What am I even thinking of? All I feel is guilt.

Louis kisses me, taking me by surprise. I smile at him weakly once he pulls away. I quickly look over to see if the stewardess is still here, but she left.

"Louis, it's just... I- I.. I feel so guilty" I sigh and look down. "You're leaving so much behind. I can't make you do this. I'm so sorry-"

Louis pressed his index finger to my lips, cutting me off. I feel a tear roll down my cheek, then lingering on my chin.

"Shh" Louis whispers as he wipes away the tear. "I'll do anything for you, Hazz. Always and forever. Even if it means I have to leave things behind. It's hard and it's killing me, but it's worth it if I can be with you. I want to spent my life with you. This is our best chance" I can see the tears in his eyes and I can see he's fighting them back. I know he means every word he says, but I also know he's hurting. And that's my fault.

Louis has only left a letter for his mom and sisters. It's on his kitchen table. He told me. And by the time his mom will be up, we'll already be in the sky half way across Europe.

I sniff and blink some more tears away. "Boo, we're heading to bloody Portugal. Are you really sure about this? We can still get off the plane if you want"

"No no no, Harry. It's ridiculous, yes! But things in life happen for a reason, love. We found the house in like a day, we got it right away and you, for once, got out of your house. I think it's how it's meant to be" Louis entwines our hands. The look in his eyes tell me he's completely honest. And if Louis changes his mind he can always go back.

"I guess you're right" I sniff once more and ask Louis if he's sure again.

He tells me yes and kisses me on the cheek. "Are you?"

I take a deep breath, causing my chest to tremble from crying a little. "Yes"

"Good" Louis says, much happier now. "Because I've always wanted to go to Portugal"

I snigger at him and shake my head saying; 'you're an idiot', but also while smiling adding; 'but I love you'.

"Ladies and Gentleman, Welcome aboard. Please fasten your seat belts. We're ready to take off"

"Here we go" Louis cheers, already having his seat belt on. He plants a sweet and tender kiss on my lips.

Even though we've kissed for like a million times since we started dating, his kiss still feels new and special and it takes me high up in the sky. Literally this time.

We've shared lots of kisses. Soft and sweet ones. But also rough ones. Those were kisses that involved love bites, tongues and the taste of being in desperate need of love and the tendency to be as close to one another as possible. Hot short breaths, puffs and moans. THOSE are the good kisses.

"I hate airplanes" I sigh after our kiss.

"You'll be okay, babe. I'm right here" I can see the deep blue in Louis' eyes sparkle in the sunlight shining through the plane window.

"I know" I mutter, taking Louis hand and squeezing it hard once I feel that the plane starts to move. Shit, I'm actually really scared.

A/N: This was more a filler up chapter, but I hope u liked it anyway! 

Vote and/or comment and all the nice stuff :) thank you x

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