(Alright! Enjoy this chapter!)
I looked around my room, looking at the paintings and equipment that hanged up in my room, the walls a lavender instead of a baby blue now, and it was decorated with Sakura petals, with the moon in a corner of the room. I looked back down at my desk, coloring in the moon, along with different colored music notes, and I also drew a person in the picture, making sure it looked like me, instead of someone else. I finished it, and sighed, humming, happy that I had this done before the deadline. I looked towards the sheet of music that sat on my desk without a care in the world, and I sighed, glaring at the piece of paper, mumbling, "W-Why is making music s-so hard to do...?" I heard a knock on the door, and stuttered, "C-Come in!"
The door opened and I saw Takashi, Mitsukuni, Kyoya, Tamaki, and the Twins, and I sighed, saying, "W-What...?" Tamaki smiled, and he said proudly, "We are going to visit Haruhi today!" I glared at him, and said, "I-Invited, correct? I-I don't want to intrude, e-e-especially when she's busy." He went into a corner and yelled, "Mommy, she's glaring at me!!" Kyoya sighed, and kept writing in his little book of his, and I raised a brow at him, but looked back at the sheet of paper on my desk, and I felt a hand place itself onto my shoulder.
I looked up, and saw Takashi, seeing him nod and I sighed, getting up out of my seat, only being in a pair of short shorts, and a grey, loose tank top without wearing my wraps, and said, "Get out of my room so I can change, idiots." Tamaki got up out of the corner and said, "Yay, you're coming!" I sighed, and glared at him, and they rushed out of the room, Minskini skipping out of it instead. I got a black tight tank top, a pair of jeans, and wrapped up my chest, putting on my clothes, and grabbed my batman hoodie, and walked out of the room, glaring at them. "If she gets mad at us, I'm blaming you, Tamaki." I said, more specifically to Tamaki, and walked to the front door with Takashi and Mitsukuni following.
The other's followed, and I sighed, going to the limo Tamaki came in, sitting with Takashi and Mitsukuni, looking out the window quietly, while everyone else talked. I felt a slight tap on my shoulder, and I looked to see curious violet eyes. "So, where do you come from, obviously not from Mori Senpai's family. What are you and who?" My face went white, and I slapped him, and looked back out the window, tears stinging my eyes. "It's a sensitive subject for Mit-chan, please don't ask her about it..." Mitsukuni said, as Tamaki looked at me wide eyed, and rubbed his cheek, and Kyoya looked up, staring at me with curiosity.
I glared at Kyoya, and hid my face behind Takashi's back, and he glared at everyone, rubbing my shoulder softly. I sighed, and closed my eyes, and shook my head, and looked out the window, my bangs covering my eyes, watching the scenery. I sighed, and got up from my seat in the car, looking down at the ground, waiting for everyone to find Haruhi, while I was planning on just sitting outside. Today was the anniversary of when I was found, and when I got all these scars on my back, which was a joyful and sorrowful day. I gulped softly, and looked up to see Haruhi in a pink dress, and I tilted my head, not really taking her for the pink type.
I sighed, and waved slightly, then looked back down at the ground, tears threatening to fall, and I walked away, and hid behind Takashi, he knowing why I'm being quiet all of a sudden, even if I was quiet. I sighed, and Haruhi looked distraught, and sighed, Tamaki swooning the landlady, and he entered the hotel room with the other's, and I sat outside, staring out at the city. "...w-why, out of all days, h-had to be today...?" I mumbled, and stared down at my hands, tears dripping onto my hands, putting my hands up to my face, hiding my eyes. I heard footsteps, and I tried to calm myself down, wiping away the tears. I looked up, seeing a women, and she asked, "Why are you crying? Wait, aren't you one of Haruhi's friends? Mitsuki, right?"
I blinked away the tears, and nodded, stuttering, "Y-Yes, that's me, ma'am." She smiled and said, "My name's Ranka, and I'm Haruhi's dad." He helped me up, and I thought, He's a cross dresser? Well, nothing against that, I'm basically one myself. "So, are you a cross dresser like me? You seem to be a boy, bet I can see curves, not muscles."
I nodded slightly, and he opened the door, and said, "Haruhi I'm home!" What we saw was way beyond what I thought Tamaki would never do. He was hovering Haruhi, and Ranka and I got a very dark aroma, and I hummed and he walked quickly over to Haruhi and threw Tamaki to the wall, and I glared at him, and he sank down to the ground, and I heard a crack, and hummed in satisfaction, and I went off to find Takashi, putting my hoodie on over my head, and placed headphones over my head, and blasted out my music. I saw Takashi, seeing his Oynx colored eyes meet my Sapphire ones, and I hummed quietly, and walked up to him, standing next to him, listening to my music quietly. He patted my head, and I looked up at him, pulling down my headphones, and asked, "Takashi...? How long has it been since we last met...?"
He thought for a minute and said, "This is the eleventh year since I've met you, Mitsuki. But, we still don't know when your birthday is..." He sighed, and I nodded, looking down at the ground, and I felt a tap on my shoulder, and turned around to see Kyoya and he asked professionally, "You weren't born in a hospital, were you?" My eyes widened, and I growled, glaring at him, stuttering, "S-So, what if I wasn't? And w-what if I was? It wouldn't c-change who I am t-today!" Tears brimmed my eyes, and he looked at me wide eyed, and people around me stared at me, as I yelled at at him, and turned around, storming off to God only knows where, anywhere but near him was great! I sat down in a bathroom, and closed the door, locking it, and sat down on the ground, bringing my knees to my chest, crying softly.
Why was I chosen for this life, why?! It's horrible! I bit my lip, and tried to suppress my sobs, hearing someone come into the bathroom. "Mitsuki...? Are you in here? Takashi told me you ran off, and he tried to follow you, but he got lost in the crowd." I heard Haruhi's voice say, and my eyes widened, and I tried to keep my form in the ball, closing my eyes shut.
I heard a knock on the door, and I sighed, opening my eyes, and opened the door, seeing Haruhi's curious, large brown eyes peering in, and she said, "Hey, were you crying...? Today must be something big, if you're crying..." I shook my head, and got up, saying, "I-It's n-nothing..." She frowned and said, "You can tell me anything, you know...I won't tell anyone else." I shook my head again, and walked out of the bathroom, bumping into Takashi, getting up, my eyes casting down to the floor. He sighed, and hugged me, my eyes widened, and I hugged back, crying softly into his chest.
He was hiding me from everyone else, since he knew I didn't like anyone seeing me cry, just for the moment. I felt someone else hugging me, thinking it was Minskini, since he was about my hip height, him wrapping his arms around my hips, and said, "I don't like seeing you so sad, Mit-chan! It makes me want to cry, seeing that you are sad!" I kneel down to his height, and hugged him, crying softly. Only Takashi and Minskini have seen me cry, since they were so close to me, and they've hung out with me most of the time, since other kids thought I was weird, with all my stuttering and my wobbly walk. I heard Tamaki's voice saying, "What's wrong with Mit-chan? What happened that has effected her now...?"
I got up, and looked up at him, with tears still in my eyes, stuttering, "I-I w-will e-explain things l-later, but n-not now." I pulled my hoodie over my head, moving my bangs in front of my eyes, and walked with Haruhi, leaving Takashi to explain his side of the story of that day. I started speaking, "E-Ever since I was six years old and y-younger, I used to live out on the streets, defending m-myself for everything that I needed, f-food, shelter, water. But then, t-today is the eleventh anniversary when T-Takashi and his mother and father f-found me, taking me in since I had the c-cold and a fever," I let out a shaky breath, and Haruhi stared at me, wide eyed, and I began once again. "E-Ever since that day, I r-remember the fight I was in b-before I met Seiko, D-Dai, and Takashi...I-I always looked up to h-him as a big brother, e-even though we're the s-same age..." I ended, my eyes drifting down to the ground and said, "Would you like t-to see the scars from t-that day?"
She shook her head, waving her hands in front of her, saying, "N-No, I'm sorry I had to butt into it, it's just that, you always keep to yourself, and I've always been curious to what you are on the inside...I bet you've kept some things hidden, just so people don't worry about you...now I understand you better..." She smiled sadly, and I looked up, my eyes widening, and I let out a sigh, and nodded, looking up at the ceiling, my hood falling off my head, and then I was tackled by a mop of blonde hair, hearing Tamaki's whining voice, as I collided into the ground, my breath token away as I grunted in pain, and gritted my teeth. "I'm so sorry, Mit-chan, I never knew you lived out on the streets, I'm so sorry, I should've been a better daddy!" I suddenly yelped in pain, "Get o-off of me!" I pushed him, and sat up, Takashi rushing towards me.
Tamaki's eyes widened and Takashi said, more like exclaimed, "I told you, she is still bruised and scarred, didn't you listen?!" Tamaki looked down at the ground and found him a corner to sit in, and Takashi ran off to find some ice. I bit my lip, and groaned while getting up of the ground, putting my hand onto the lower part of my back, wincing form the great amount of pain that shot through my body, Kyoya putting a gentle hand onto my shoulder and he helped me to a bench. "Tamaki, you should be more careful, it's not ok if she gets more bruises than she already has." I sighed and shook my head, stuttering, "I-I can handle it...I've be-"
I was suddenly interrupted by Hikaru, who yelled, "How can you take it?! You're just putting your body into dangerous conditions, and you don't even think for yourself, maybe taking blows from other people just to defend another person?! You're so foolish, Mitsuki! You could get yourself killed!" I hummed sadly and said, "But I w-wasn't, now was I-I?" Karou's eyes widened, and he said, "And all this time I thought you were emotionless, but the streets...they've broken you, and I bet you would've had a beautiful smile, but it broke you..." Tamaki, Karou, and Hikaru all went into their worlds, probably thinking of what kind of smile I would have, and I sighed, Takashi coming back with a bag of ice, saying, or more like demanding, "Lay on you stomach, now." I nodded obediently, and laid down on my stomach, feeling him raise my jacket and shirt up my back, making space for the ice to lay on my lower back, relief from the burning sensation in my back going away, while everyone was looking for food, I laid there in bliss, thanking Takashi quietly for the ice.
When it was time to leave, I tied my jacket around my abdomen, making the ice stay in place, and placed my headphones over my ears, blasting out the music, and walked with Takashi and Mitsukuni, the other's trying to talk to me, but I ignore them, just staring at the ground. I started to wonder about who my parents were, if they were dead, if they abandoned me, just whatever I could. I can only remember from how hold I was at six, but couldn't remember my younger years. I sighed in frustration, and looked up, my eyes widening at the sight of Tamaki right in front of my face, making me bump into him, falling down onto the ground on his chest, my headphones flying off my ears, and heard Tamaki grunt in pain. "T-Tamaki, I'm so sorry!" I said quickly, and helped him up, retrieving my headphones and iPod also. He shook his head and said, "It's ok..."
I felt an arm be placed around my shoulders and legs wrap around my waist, knowing it was Mitsukuni. I blinked and nodded, getting to Haruhi's place.
(Time-Skip To When She Gets Home)
I sat down on my bed, my shirt off, and my wraps off, having Seiko scan my back, and she decided that I should start wearing some casts, since I was so bruised and battered up, she thought it was best. I nodded, and she walked off, and I slipped a shirt on, and heard Takashi clear his throat. I turned around, and he was a few inches away from my face, and I blushed a soft pink, and he kissed my lips softly, and mumbled, "Goodnight, Mitsuki." He then walked out of my room, and I blushed, closing the door, and went to sleep, a blushing mess.
Why did he kiss me? And why do they care, still?
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