Witches' Spell

Previously on escape the night the guests had to fight the evil harpies. To get the first diamond and to kill the harpies two guests had to go into a deadly challenge. Lina and Molly were chosen and Lina came out as the winner.

"Let's just open this chest." Coral suggested and Daisy opened it. Leon took the diamond and Monaka grabbed the note.
"Once the diamond has been placed in the first slot a new monster will appear." Monaka read.
"Just do it, Leon. We only have one night." Violet said and Leon placed the diamond in the slot. An evil laugh was heard accross the house.

Violet - I heard that laugh and I knew we unleashed something evil.

A box in the corner of the room opened. Coral and Jess ran towards it. Coral grabbed a crown and Jess got a note.

Jess - That crown would look really good on me.

The girls carried the stuff over and Jess read the note.
"With this crown you can defeat the evil witch."

Leon - I feel like the witch wants to kill someone.

"But the crown is missing it's five gems that give it its power. Collect them and put them on the crown. Once assembled someone must put the crown on their head and the witch will dissappear. The first gem is in the kitchen, disguised as a chocolate." Jess read. The group immidiately knew they had to go in the kitchen.

Janet - What is this place. It's just filled with magic. And I wish it were good magic.

Luna - The kitchen looked like a hot ass mess. It literally looked like something exploded there.

Daisy - There was cake on the floor, on the counters, in the oven... Just everywhere.

The group just started looking in the chocolate everywhere they saw it.
"Got it!" Leon said as he picked up the gem. The group just quickly washed their hands. And then saw a note on the counter.
"The next gem is found where hell is." Violet read.

Monaka - I mean, I'm probably gonna go to hell anyway. I just wasn't expecting to get an invitation this early.

"Hell is down, so, um, let's go to the basement." Coral suggested and the group went there. And on the stairs was the gem with a note. Daisy grabbed it.

"The third gem is hidden behind three tests in the experimental room on the second floor." Daisy read.
"Okay, hold up. Why does that room exist?" Violet wondered. Leon shrugged.
"Let's just go." Lina said and the group soon found the room they were looking for. There were three different stations. Daisy, Violet and Lina went to one, Leon, Coral and Janet the other and Luna, Monaka and Jess to the third station.

"This is the test of fear. Here you will have to hold the two metal rods and press them together for ten seconds." Daisy read.
"I'm gonna do this." Lina said and Daisy simply nodded.

Lina - I need to prove myself. So I volunteered.

Lina pressed the rods together and electric shocks were sent up and down her body.

Lina - That shit hurt!

When she finally did it the lightbulb lit up.

Daisy - Okay. So that's one.

"This is the test of bravery. Here you will have to stick your hand down a dark hole with no end. You will have to hold it there for fifteen seconds." Janet read.

Coral - Oh god. I have so many questions.

"Should I do it?" Leon asked. Coral nodded.
"If you want to." She added.

Leon - I need to prove myself to the group. I need to prove them that I am just as much in this as everyone else.

Leon put the hand in the hole and counted to fifteen. When he was done he stuck his hand out and the second lightbulb lit up.

"This is the test of endurance. You will have to runn on this treadmill until the lightbulb lights up." Jess read.

Luna - Bitch no. I don't wanna run.

"I'll do it." Jess volunteered.

Jess - I took this as a chance to prove myself so I won't be put into the challenge.

Jess was running on this treadmill until he lightbulb finally lit up. Then a drawer opened.

Janet - That seemed like forever!

Violet quickly ran there and grabbed the gem and the note.
"The fourth gem is hidden in the spiders' home." She read.
"A spider nest!" Coral, Leon and Daisy said in unison. They quickly ran outside and looked for anything that looked like a spider nest. And then they realized that the fountain in the frontyard was covered in cobweb. Leon, Janet and Jess ran there and looked for it. Leon found it and they ran back inside and put the four gems on the crown.

"Welk, now we have nothing else." Violet said.
"Well, I found this note." Janet said and read it. "The last gem is in the backyard. It is hidden with the diamond. But two people will have to be voted into a challenge and for this unique trial will have to pick a partner to help them. One of the voted guests will die for the spell to be completed and for the chest to open." She read and the group gasped.

Monaka - Well, we have to vote again.

Coral - I was distracted by the spell part. No one ever mentioned something about a spell. What is this?

1st group: Monaka, Leon and Daisy

"You guys I feel like we should put either Jess or Janet in. They haven't done anything really." Monaka suggested.
"I agree. We can't have weak people on our team. We need people who can help." Leon said.

Daisy - I don't know. I can't vote for either of them. I think I'm gonna have to go with Monaka.

2nd group: Lina, Violet, Luna and Coral

"Please don't vote for me guys. I've been in a challenge and I've proven myself since then." Lina begged and Coral patted her shoulder.
"Don't worry girl. I've got a bigger target." Coral comforted.
"Who?" Violet wondered.
"Janet. She hasn't done anything." Coral said. The rest agreed.

Luna - True. She's just like Molly 2.0. Useless.

"Well, I'm with you on this one." Luna said.

3rd group: Janet and Jess

"I don't know who to vote. Like everyone has done so much." Janet said.

Jess - Not really true but okay.

Then Daisy joined them.
"Just so you know, Monaka and Leon are very set on putting you in this challenge." Daisy said to Janet. "And I'm very set on voting Monaka in."
"Yeah, let's do it." Jess said.
"Oh god." Janet said as she buried her face in her hands.
"This is survival. You have to do it." Daisy encouraged.

Janet - I think I'm better off dying now.

Daisy - Janet is just being way too kind. Like people want you dead girl! Put them in the death challenge!

"It's time to vote." Crystal said and the guests voted one by one.

Coral - I think Janet and Jess should be the ones put in the challenge.

Leon - I just hope these people didn't vote for me.

"The first person going into the challenge is... Janet." Crystal announced and everyone turned their head to her. She started crying.
"Why would you do this? Why would you put me through this?" She cried out.

Violet - This just proves that she's weak.

"The second person going into the challenge is... Monaka." She announced and most of the group gasped.
"Who put me in?" Monaka wondered.
"Who put your name in there?" Luna asked.

Lina - This is just a sick and twisted game.

"Janet, please choose a partner." Crystal said.
"Uh, Daisy." She said and Daisy just nodded like she expected it.

Leon - I think Daisy told Janet that we are putting her in. Oh bitch.

"Monaka, choose a partner."
"Coral." She simply said and Coral hugged her.
"Please follow me." Crystal said and the four girls followed her to the backyard where two tables were waiting. Monaka picked up the note.

"The two chosen guests will be tied to the tables. Their partners will have to dig in the pool of bodyparts for three redstones and put them on the table with the person they're helping. Then the chest will open and the loser will be guted right here in front of everyone." She read. Then Coral and Daisy tied Monaka and Janet to the tables. Then the witch appeared.

"Okay, let's begin!" She shouted and the two girls started searching.
"Coral, you got this!" Monaka cheered her on. Coral soon found one stone and Daisy found her first one quickly after.
"Yes Daisy!" Janet cheered. Daisy soon found her second one.

Daisy - I need to win this.

Coral then found her second and third one and placed them on Monaka's table. The witch started moving towards Janet and the chest opened. Daisy quickly grabbed the crown from Crystal and ran towards the chest. She took the gem as Coral was untying Monaka.

"No! Please don't!" Janet cried out, but the witch had no mercy. Right before Daisy put the crown on her head the witch stabbed Janet.
"Nooo!" She let out one last cry before getting a knife to her stomach. Then Daisy put the crown on and the witch disappeared. Daisy sobbed silently while grabbing the diamond they need.

Luna - I really hope Monaka makes it back.

Then the group heard footsteps and saw the three girls stepping inside the room.
"Whoever put my name in there, I'm coming for you. You bitches." Monaka spat out.

Leon - Wow. She's really angry. I mean I would be as well if a bitch tells on me.

They girls sat down and there was just silence between everyone.

Jess - You can just feel the tension in the air. And only two people died! We're just getting started!

R.I.P. Janet. I'm so sorry. You were just a cute cinamon roll that died too soon.💚

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