
Previously on escape the night the guests had to defeat an evil witch with the magic crown. To require the gem two people were chosen for the challenge and they had to pick a partner. Daisy failed to save Janet, resulting in her death.

Daisy placed the second gem in the second slot and a key with a note fell from the ceiling. The group screamed.

Luna - I feel like the house itself wants to hurt us.

Lina grabbed it.
"You've just unleashed the vampires."

Leon - Oh shit. Not vampires.

Monaka - Wow. I bet they're gonna eat one of us.

"To kill them you will need to find a stake. I do not know where the stake is hiden, but you should look in the hospital room. You will also need to recover the sunstone to weaken them. The first lead to the sunstone is in the pool... something scribbled." Lina read.

Lina - We need to split up.

Jess, Leon, Lina and Monaka went to look for the stake and Luna, Violet, Coral and Daisy went to look for the sunstone.

Coral - We figured we needed to go outside to the pool.

The group outside and looked in the pool.

Daisy - There was absolutely nothing. Nothing in the pool, nothing around the pool, nothing near the pool. Nothing.

"What? Are we doing this correctly?" Violet wondered.
"I think Lina said that something was scribbled. So what if it's a pool room? Should we go look for one?" Luna suggested. The group agreed on that.

The other group made their way to the hospital room.

Jess - We entered and there was blood everywhere.

Lina - Blood in viles, blood on the bed, blood on the floor. Anywhere you looked there was blood. Honestly, it looks like someone got murdered there.

Jess saw a note on the table and read it.
"To find the stake you will need vampire's blood. To find out which one of these viles holds the vampire's blood look at the papers." She read and then took the papers next to it. "P... something was an inocent vampire that the king killed because he wouldn't follow his orders. His blood was very thick."

Monaka - Okay, so we got this information. But what do we do with it?

"Wait, so it's a he. And his name begins with P." Jess said. Leon took the other paper.
"So we got Peter, Porter, Parker, Polly... that's a girl." He corrected himself. "Potter. That's all. Look for those four names." He said.
They started searching.

Jess - It's game time.

The other four guests finally found the pool room.

Violet - I'm like: "We finally did it!" It took ages because this house is huge.

Coral immidiately saw a note and read it. "Look in boxes."

Luna - You don't have to tell me twice.

Daisy - There were no boxes!

Coral - So we decided to just start opening every drawer until we find a box.

The girls were looking everywhere and still couldn't find anything. Then Violet started looking behind the cabinets.

Violet - So I looked behind one of the cabinets and noticed a hole in the wall.

"Girls? Will you help me push this?" Violet asked and the girls were soon pushing the cabinet together. Then Coral grabbed the box that fell out of the hole. She broke it open and in there was the sunstone.
"Let's go wait for the others." Daisy said and the girls took the sunstone to the living room.

The other group was still looking for the right blood vile. Soon they were finding the names they needed.

"Guys, if we have to vote I think we should vote for Daisy." Leon suggested.

Jess - Damn. He just came out with that out of nowhere.

"Why?" Jess asked.
"First of all, she failed to save Janet. And secondly, she ratted Monaka out to Janet. She was with us and we said we were gonna vote for Janet and then she went to Janet and all of a sudden Monaka's name was in the challenge. Isn't that sketchy?" Leon explained while still looking.
"She did. I was there. She did tell everything to Janet and myself. But don't worry, I didn't vote for you." Jess spoke up.

Lina - Tea bitch.

Soon they found the four names and Monaka came to a conclusion.
"Well, it said that his blood is thick. Then it should be the darkest one." She said.
"It's Peter." Lina said as she picked up his vile and poured it into a slot. Soon and note popped up. Jess picked it up.

"The vampires have the stake. Gather the whole group and meet them in the backyard." She read. They soon realized they had to get the other group and then go outside.

Monaka - Bitch, this ain't what we signed up for. That's some shit.

"Guys we don't have the stake. We have to go to the backyard." Lina announced to the rest and then the whole group went outside to the backyard. The vampires were waiting on them.

Luna - And now there's a ton of vampires. Nice. *awkward smile*

"You finally came. Now. To get the stake and a special diamond someone will have to die. But first you will be split into two teams. The winning team is safe from the death challenge." One of the vampires said. Then he pointed at two people. Coral amd Violet. "You will be the team captains. You pick first." He said as he pointed to Coral.

Violet - Wow. Two best friends fighting against each other. This could not have gone worse. I mean the worst case scenario is if one of us dies, but let's not think about that.

"Luna." Coral said.
"Monaka." Violet continued.

"Now that we got the teams you will get your tasks. Each of you will pick a member of the team for each of the challenges. The first challenge is to run one lap around the house."

Leon - When we heard that my team just looked at me. I mean, I'm the only one wearing pants.

"Then you will have to find a golden star in the chest with gold and place it on the totem next to the chest. The third task is to find a ruby in the chest full of fake diamonds. Then you will have to place that ruby on the same totem. And the last task will be to carry the completed totem over to me. Discuss amongst yourselves who will do each challenge." The vampire explained the rules and he teams started talking.

Team one: Violet, Monaka, Jess and Daisy

"So who can run fast? And who's strong?" Violet asked.
"I'm pretty fast." Jess said.
"Okay, so you'll run. But who's strong? I'm definitely not." Violet said.
"I'll do it." Monaka spoke up. "I'll farry the totem. Then Violet can look for the star and Daisy will look for the ruby." Monaka added and the group agreed to that.

Daisy - We don't have time for this.

Violet - I mean, they're obviously gonna let Leon run or carry the totem. That's not fair.

Team two: Coral, Luna, Leon and Lina

"Okay, so I say Leon should run, Lina looks for the star, Luna for the ruby and then I carry the totem. That's the best option we have." Coral suggested the others just nodded in agreement.

Coral - I feel confident. Even though I'll feel awful if Violet loses because then she could be sent into the death challenge. But I also don't wanna go into the death challenge and possibly die so I'll have to be selfish on this one.

Leon and Jess got into positions. When they heard the bell they started running. Leon finished first and Lina started looking for the star in the chest.

Lina - That chest was a mess. Let me tell you that.

Soon Jess finished as well and Violet started looking.

Violet - I barely looked and then I saw that Lina already found her star. I don't wanna die!

Luna quickly looked through the other chest for the ruby. She soon found it and Coral grabbed a hold of the totem once all the pieces have been put together. She carried it over to the vampire.

Monaka - We were way behind. But that's just because Leon was the one running.

Jess - There was absolutely no way we were gonna win this. They were way stronger, but I still gave it my all.

"Team Coral wins!" The vampire announced and the four winners cheered amd hugged.

Leon - I am relieved that I am not dying this time.

"And now... to get the stake and the diamond you will have to sacrifice someone." The main vampire said. "And the whole losing team will compete this time. The last one to finish will die." He added and the group gasped.

Luna - What!? I thought it was only supposed to be two people that go into the challenge! This ain't fair!

Monaka - I'm gonna die.

"I'm gonna lose." Monaka said and started crying.
"Monaka, listen to me." Coral spoke to her. "You'll go into this challenge and you will fight for your life. Don't give up. Don't lose hope." She said and hugged her, then soon hugged the rest of the group. So did the other winners as well.
"Okay, the four of you go into the living room." Crystal said and the winners went to the living room.
"Good luck guys!" Lina shouted out as they were walking away.

Violet - I'm scared. What if I die? I don't know how strong and tough these other bitches are!

"Now that we have the losers here. Your challenge will be to go into the pool and find a golden coin that will keep you safe. There are only three golden coins in the pool. The person that doesn't find one will die. Go get changed." The vampire annnounced and the girls followed Crystal and changed into swimsuits. Then they stood in one line and waited for the bell.

Jess - I looked into the pool and it was just filled with coins of all sorts. This is gonna take... forever.

Then the bell rang and the girls dove in. They were looking through the coins.

Violet - I was looking and then everything started looking the same and I was just like: "What the hell is the color of gold?"

Soon Jess started throwimg somecoims out and looking through them and other girls started to copyher actions. And then Jess found it.
"I got it!" She shouted out and got out of the pool. She was handed a towel that she wrapped around herself and she watched the others look in the water.

Daisy - That leaves only two more golden coins. And it hits me hard that I could die if I don't get a hold of one of these.

Jess - I was so happy. I didn't have high hopes going into this challenge and I definitely didn't expect to be the first one to find the coin.

Soon Monaka found one too.
"I found one! I have it!" Monaka cheered happily.

Monaka - *smiling widely* I was over the moon! I could not have been happier!

She got out and wrapped a towel around herself.

Violet - I am losing hope. I don't know what to do anymore.

And then Violet got out of the water holding the last coin and a chest opened.

Daisy - This is it for me.

Inside it was a closed container with the stake and the diamond and a note. Violet and Daisy got out of the water and Jess read the note.

Jess - What is happening? No one is attacking Daisy. Is she gonna live?

"You got the stake. But the locked container will only open if the three guests that found the coins come together and decide if they will kill the loser or if they will save the loser but sacrifice one of the winners." Jess read.

Jess - So someone is gonna die.

"Girls, let's disscus this." Violet said to Jess and Monaka.

Monaka - The three of us won fair and square. And plus, this bitch ratted me out to Janet. She's got to go.

"Girls, please think about this." Daisy said, scared.

Daisy - Are they gonna kill me? Are they gonna save me? I am really scared of that decision. And I can't make it myself.

"Listen, I say she has to go. She retted me out to Janet amd that's why I was in the challenge. And she didn't even save Janet and now she lost again. She's weak. We need strong people. And she ain't that." Monaka half whispered to the two girls.

Violet - She's making valid points. We've all helped somehow. Daisy? Not really.

"So are we gonna kill her?" Jess asked for confirmation.
"Yes." Monaka and Violet answered in unison.

Jess - I'm okay with anyone dying if it's not me.

The girls turned to Daisy. Monaka then spoke up.

Monaka - Oh I wasn't just gonna say that we're gonna kill her. I was gonna give her a life lesson that led her to her death.

"You told on me. You told Janet we were gonna vote for her. I know it. That's why my name was in the challenge. And you couldn't even save Janet." Monaka said.
"I know. I admit it. I did tell Janet you were gonna vote for her. But I've realized it was a mistake because you're a strong player and you don't give anyone any slack. I promise you that if you don't kill me I won't come for you and I will help that improve. Just please don't kill me." Daisy tried defending herself.
"We're sorry. We have to. There's no other option." Violet confirmed that Daisy was gonna die.

Jess - That is just so heartbreaking to see her just helplessly defending herself. And I wish there was a way to help her. But it had to be that way.

Then the vampires started aproaching Daisy and she started crying and begging for her life.
"Please guys don't do this! Please guys! Give me another chance! Guys! Pleease!" She cried out before the vampires tore her apart.

Violet - That was probably the hardest decision we've had to make all night.

Then the container opened and Jess took the stake and put it through the vampire leader's chest. He vanished and the rest with him. Then she dropped it on the ground and Violet grabbed the diamond. Before returning they quickly changed back and started slowly walking to the living room.

"Guys? What do you say if we don't say anything about the fact that we had a choice to kill any one of us?" Monaka asked.
"I agree. They'd just see us as super sketchy." Jess agreed. "What do you say about an alliance?" She added.
"I'm down for an alliance." Violet said and the girls nodded. Then they reached the living room and everyone cheered and asked what happened.

Leon - When these three entered I was so happy because that means that Daisy is dead and that means that these girls have proven themself.

"How was it?" Luna asked.
"We had to look for golden coins. There were three. Daisy didn't find one so she died." Violet explained.

Coral - I am so relieved that Violet survived that. Because I know she was doubting herself. Now she's proven herself and everyone else that she's not here just to look pretty.

Luna - Okay. One more down. Now it's gonna be really hard to kill someone. Because now there's no one who's useless.

The group hugged.
"Guys, this is only the third one. Let's not get too excited yet." Leon said as the happiness died down.

Lina - Leon's right. We've got a lot more to do, so let's get to it.

R.I.P. Daisy. That death was the hardest to do so far. It just hit me hard. I am so very, very sorry.💚

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