Leprachaun's Emeralds
Hitting you guys with an early update again because I can't wait and I soon wanna finally post this story to the end.💚
Previously on escape the night the guests had to break the mummy's curse. First they had to retrieve the items they needed to complete the ritual and then two people were sent into the mummy's lair to finish the ritual. Coral and Violet were chosen to finish the ritual and in the end they got to pick which guest would be sacrificed. They picked Lina and decision put a target on their backs.
"I think we should just continue." Coral said and the rest nodded. Violet stood up and put the fifth diamond in the fifth slot. They heard a man cackle. A new drawer in the living room opened. Luna grabbed the note.
"You've awoken the leprachaun. Go to his land in the backyard." She read.
Violet - This is horror movie material.
"Let's go." Leon said and the group went to the backyard.
Jess - The backyard looked like the happiest place on earth. But we all know someone is gonna die here.
The leprachaun approached them.
"Hi. Welcome to my land. I have what you are looking for, but I can't give it up that easily. I will need you to go to the flower patch and find me the flowers of life, then you will go to the merchant over there and get me a potion of happiness and lastly you will have to get into my gold safe and fimd me two silver coins. And remember, look for emeralds." He said and handed each of them a bag. "When you find an emerald just put it in your bag. You'll need them." He added and the group nodded.
Monaka - I am pretty sure that that little man is gonna kill one of us. And that scares me.
The guests made their way to the flower patch. On the way there Jess was looking for emeralds and managed to find five. She gave two to Monaka.
Jess - Our ally just died. So y'know maybe these emeralds will somehow give us immunity.
They made it to the flower patch and saw a note.
"The flower of life is white with a purple stem." Leon read. "Okay, look around guys!"
Monaka - There were too many flowers of all colors.
While looking everyone was also finding emeralds. Jess foumd two more, Coral found two and gave one of them to Violet, Leon found three and Luna and Monaka found one.
Coral - These emeralds were everywhere, but no flower of life.
Then Luna found the flower of life and around it five other emeralds.
"I got it!" Luna shouted out. After they were done with the flower patch Luna had six emeralds, Jess and Leon five, Coral and Monaka three and Violet two.
Luna - I don't know what we would use these stupid emeralds for, but I am trying to find the most.
On the way to the merchant Violet found three more emeralds, while Monaka and Luna found four.
"Hello, hello! What do you need?" The merchant asked.
"We need the potion of happiness." Leon said. The group immidiately noticed a bag full of something on the ground.
"Well, only the best can get the potion of happiness. You'll all compete in knocking the cans down. You have three balls. We'll see who gets the most." The merchant said.
Leon - I'm feelin' pretty confident.
Leon was up first. He knocked down all nine cans.
Coral - That just set the standards really high.
Leon - I did way better than I actually expected.
Next up was Monaka. She knocked down only three. Violet was next. She knocked down eight cans.
Violet - Damnit. So close.
Coral went after Violet. She didn't knock any down.
Coral - That went great.
Then it was Jess. She knocked down five. And last was Luna. She knocked down all nine.
Luna - Oh yeah, baby.
"We have a tiebreaker round." The merchant said. Leon went again. He knocked down all nine again. Then Luna went. She also knocked down all nine. They went back and forth a few rounds until Leon finally hit only eight out of nine. Luna got the potion.
"Good job, you deserve this." The merchant said as he handed her the potion.
"Thank you." She said as she took it.
Luna - Bitch, I'm the best. These other bitches aren't even helping.
"But I won't leave any of you empty handed." He said as he picked up the bag. He emptied the bag onto the table in front of him. Inside were emeralds. Everyone started grabbing emeralds and putting them in their bag.
"Stack up. You'll need these." He said with a devious grin on his face.
Coral - It was like a fight for the last bread. Everyone was fighting to grab the most.
After they grabbed all emeralds Luna had thirty-three emeralds, Leon had thirty, Jess had twenty-seven, Violet had twenty-three, Coral had twenty-two and Monaka had nineteen.
On the way to the safe Monaka and Leon found four more, Jess found two and Violet one.
Leon - Then we moved on and went to the safe. The leprachaun was waiting there.
"You're here. Were you collecting emeralds?" He asked and the whole group nodded. "Well, great. But now you need to go in here and find my silver coins. Maybe there's also a few emeralds in there." He added. He then unlocked the door and slowly opened it.
Luna - He opened that safe and there were just mountains of coins there. When are we supposed to find these two little silver coins? Oh yeah, maybe it would be good if we're done by sunrise.
The guests just went inside and started digging through the piles of gold. Coral found five emeralds, Luna found nine, same as Jess and Monaka. Leon then soon found seven emeralds and one of the silver coins.
Leon - This was the most difficult thing I had to do all night. Just the walking through the piles was exhausting.
Violet then found ten emeralds and then later another pile of five emralds. And then Monaka found a pile of three emeralds and the second silver coin.
"I have the other one!" Monaka shouted out and everyone made their way out of the safe. They met up with the leprachaun.
"Here you go." Luna said as she handed him the flower and the potion.
Luna - I handed that in proudly because I know I've done the most here.
After her Leon and Monaka gave the leprachaun the coins.
"And what do we do with the emeralds?" Coral asked.
"I'll be right back. I just need to put this in my house." The leprachaun said and walked away with the stuff.
Violet - Bitch, I hope he just comes back with the diamond and gives it to us.
A few minutes later the leprachaun was walking back with the diamond in his hands. The guests smiled.
"Will you give it to us?" Luna asked.
"Yes. Just tell me how many emeralds each of you gathered. The guests started counting their emeralds.
"I've got thirty-nine." Violet said.
"I have thirty-eight." Jess then said.
Jess - How the hell does Violet have more emeralds than me?
"I have twenty-seven." Coral said.
Coral - That's not a lot in comparison to Violet and Jess.
"I have forty-two. Screw you bitches." Luna said playfully.
"I have thirty-two." Monaka said.
Monaka - I really didn't get that many.
"And I have forty-one." Leon finally announced.
Leon - Luna beat me by one. Damnit.
"Hahaha! I'll give you the diamond if one person dies." The leprachaun said evily.
"Noo!" Violet protested. "Why does someone have to die?" She added.
"Just for fun!" He replied. "There will be no challenge and no voting. I kill the person with the least emeralds right here right now." He said and all of a sudden he got sharp teeth.
Coral - My heart immidiately sinks. I have the least.
"Wait, but that's Coral. Right?" Monaka wondered.
"Yes." Leon confirmed sadly.
"Noo! Why!?" Violet got angrier. Then the leprachaun started sprinting towards Coral. The guests started screaming and backing away.
"Nonononono! Please don't!!" Coral screamed out, but the leprachaun sank his teeth into her stomach.
Monaka - He was literally eating her insides. Why?!
When Coral fell limp to the ground the leprachaun turned to the guests and gave them the diamond. Soon himself and his whole land disappeared. The guests returned to the living room.
"Great. We just lost the best member of the group. She wasn't even in the challenge and she died." Violet got angry.
Violet - It was said that there will always be a challenge and two people will be voted in. This is like the hundredth time that it wasn't the case!
Leon - It just feels like we're playing a game and someone constantly keeps changing the rules.
Jess - At this point I just wanna go home. I'm sick of people dying everywhere.
R.I.P. Coral. You died, but weren't even voted in the challenge. This is twist after twist. And it was so hard to choose someone at this point in the game.💚
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