The Freaky Circus
Previously on escape the night the guests found the second artifact and helped free the first owner of the house. Ci-Ci and Kym fought off to not be killed to retrieve the magic gem. Ci-Ci won and Kym was electrified in the electric mashine.
"Let's read about the next owner." Izzy said and grabbed the journal.
"Trevor was a very ambitious man who always wanted to have his own circus. One day he built a circus in the backyard of this house. But it will only be revealed when you complete his box with his juggling balls. The box is hidden somewhere in a room you've already been in." Izzy read.
Leon - I really don't feel like going to a circus right now.
"Where have we been?" Maggie asked.
"The bedroom, the master bedroom, the pool room and the library." Emma said.
"Where should we go first?" David asked.
"I'm getting sick of this." Ryland said.
"We all are, but we need to keep going." Maggie encouraged
Ryland - I just wanna go home.
"Let's just go to the library first." Bridgette said and the group nodded.
They make their way to the library and start looking around.
"I don't think there's anything here!" Emma announced and Maggie nodded.
Maggie - We only have one night and we don't have time looking in rooms there's nothing in.
"We should split up." Maggie said.
"I think we should look in the bedroom we were in multiple times." Ci-Ci suggested.
"Maybe it will be in there." Leon said.
"Let's go." David said. The group went to the bedroom.
Ci-Ci - This is the first time tonight where we actually don't know where to look.
"Found it!" Emma announced carrying a box.
"Open it!" Izzy said and Emma opened the box.
"It has three slots, I'm guessing for the juggling balls. And a note!" Maggie said and grabbed the note. "The circus is open for business."
"Does that mean we can go in it already?" David wondered.
David - We're going to the circus sooner than I expected.
Izzy - I don't feel like going in a circus in a situation where people are dying.
"It said the circus is in the backyard. Let's go check." Leon said. "And take the box Emma."
Emma - So it said thecircus was in the backyard so we got to the backyard and there it was. The circus.
"Welcome! Come on in!" Trevor said.
Maggie - This man led us in and there was actual people in there waiting for the show to begin.
"That's my box! Youbstole my box!" Trevor yelled pointing to the box.
"No! We want to help you!" The group yelled.
Bridgette - He was like: "You stole it!" And we didn't know what to do.
"We need to find three of your juggling balls in order for you to be free." Izzy said.
"If you will be the contestants for tonight's show I will give you my juggling balls one by one." He said. The group sighed.
Izzy - Of course he would give us the balls one by one. Why not. So it freakin' takes longer.
"First we will have arm wrestling. The winner will recieve the first ball." Trevor said. "Write your names on the board." The guests all write their names.
"First we have... Leon against Ci-Ci." Trevor said and Leon and Ci-Ci made their way to the arm wrestling table.
Ci-Ci - I don't think I'm gonna win, but I'm gonna give it my all.
"Begin!" Trevor announced and they started arm wrestling. Leon slammed Ci-Ci's hand on the table.
"Next up, Izzy against Emma." Trevor said and The girls he announced stood up and made their way to the table. "Begin!" The girls started. After about two minutes Emma slammed Izzy's hand on the table. Izzy was clapping and congratulating Emma.
"Next up we have Ryland and David." Trevor announced and the boys stood up and went to the arm wrestling table.
Ryland - I'm feelin' confindent. I'm feelin' like I can beat him.
"Begin!" Trevor announces. Soon after Ryland slamms David's hand on the table.
David - Damnit.
"Now we have, Bridgette versus Maggie." Trevor said and they went to the table. "Begin!" He announced and so it began.
Maggie - I thought I could win but she is stronger than she seems.
Bridgette slamms Maggie's hand on the table.
Bridgette - Score.
"Time for the semi-finals. First we have Leon versus Emma." Trevvor said and the two walked over to the table. "Begin!" They started. Leon slammed Emma's hand on the table.
Leon - I feel like I can win the first ball for us.
"Now we have Ryland and Bridgette!" Trevor said. The two walked over to the table and as soon as they heard the words they began. Ryland won.
Bridgette - Oh well. You win and you lose in life.
"In the finals we have... Leon and Ryland!" He announced. The guys were already at the table and just waited patiently.
Izzy - I hope Leon wins.
"Begin!" They began. It was a tough match but Leon won.
"Here is the ball you earned." Trevor said and gave Leon the ball. Emma opened the box and Leon put the first ball in the box.
Emma - We completed one third of the artifact and no one mentioned anything about someone dying for this artifact. Let's hope no one has to die.
"For the second ball you will have to split up into two teams of four. Who will be the captains?" Trevor asked.
"Me." Leon and Emma said at the same time.
"Great. Ladies first." Trevor said.
"Izzy." Emma said.
"David." Leon said.
"Maggie." Emma said.
"Ci-Ci." Leon said.
"Ryland." Emma said.
"Bridgette." Leon said.
"Great. Now that we have the teams it is time for the challenge. You will be doing the rope pull. You will need to pull the rope over the red line to win. The team that wins will be safe from the final death challenge.
Ryland - We're gonna win.
"Aaaand... Begin!" Trevor announced and the battle began. It lasted long and the guests were getting tired, but in the end team Leon won.
Ci-Ci - We won and I'm relieved, but then I realised that one of the other four is gonna die.
"Congratulations! Discuss amongst yourselves who out of the four losers you want to send into the challenge." Trevor said. He gave the second juggling ball to Bridgette and she put it in the box in the second slot.
"So two of you are going into the challenge and I think you should plead your cases." Leon suggested and his team nodded.
"I think I've proven myself. When we had to go save Bridgette from the zombies I was the first to volunteer and I found a few things. I don't think I should be put in the challenge." Maggie said. It was Emma's turn now.
"I found a lot of stuff and I think you need me to survive." Emma explaimed.
Izzy - She kinda has a point.
"I was second i the arm wrestling and I found a few things. I think I don't deserve to die." Ryland said.
David - Uuuuummm... I think he should go into the challenge.
"I found things and I've been helping as much as I can and I don't want to go into the challenge." Izzy said. Leon pulled his team to the side.
Leon - I'm thinking of putting Izzy and Ryland in because they are the two weakest from the other team.
"I have two names in my mind." Leon whispered so that the other group wouldn't hear.
"I have two names in my mind as well." Ci-Ci said.
Ci-Ci - As much as I hate voting, I also wanna survive.
"I think two of us should vote Ryland and two of us Izzy." Leon said. David nodded.
"Well, I think three of us should vote for Izzy, because there's no way that Maggie and Emma are voting Izzy. They're gonna vote Ryland." Bridgette explained.
"I can vote Ryland and you vote Izzy." David said and the group nodded.
Bridgette - I don't want to do this anymore.
"It is time to vote." Olivia said. The guests voted and Olivia shuffled the cards.
"The first person going into the challenge is... Ryland." Olivia said and he nodded like he knew it was coming.
"The second person is... Izzy." Olivia said and Izzy put her face in her hands. Emma patted her on the back.
"Thank you." Maggie said to the other team.
Maggie - Eventhough I know one of my teammates is gonna die, I'm just thankful that the others didn't vote for me.
"It is time to begin the three course challenge. First we have the tightrope walk, then we have juggling and last we have the ride on a unicycle. The loser will be my lions' dinner." Trevor announced.
Bridgette - These all seem like challenges I wouldn't be able to do.
Izzy was first on the tightrope. She went slow and steady and made it through.
Izzy - I'm proud of myself for not falling off.
Ryland went on the tightrope. He fell off halfway through. Next was juggling. Ryland went first. He juggled three balls for about 10 seconds.
Ryland - I think I got this one in the bag.
Izzy went after him. She juggled three balls for about 4 seconds before they all fell down.
"Shoot!" Izzy yelled in her anger.
Last was the ride on a unicycle. Izzy went first. She got on the unicycle and rode in a circle for about two minutes.
Ryland went now. He tried getting on the unicycle but kept falling.
Ryland - I couldn't figure out how to get on the stupid thing! It was so frustrating! I was trying for like three minutes!
He finally got on and drove around for about 40 seconds.
"We have a winner! Izzy!" Trevor yelled, gave Izzy the third juggling ball a grabbed Ryland by the hand.
"No! Let go!" Ryland tried escaping from Trevor but his grip was too strong. Trevor lead him to the back of the circus and threw him in a cage.
"My babies. Dinner's here." He said and two lions jumped on Ryland and started tearing him apart.
"Nooooo! Ahhhhhhhh!!!" Ryland screamed before the lions finished him.
"He's dead." Emma said after Ryland's screams stopped. Izzy put the last ball in its spot.
"We did it." Leon said.
Maggie - I cannot believe that just happened.
"Let's go back in the house." Emma said and the group made their way back to the living room. Emma put the artifact on the shelf.
Ci-Ci - I'm torn. I don't want any of my other friends to die.
R.I.P. Ryland. I am so sorry for killing you like this. It's hard for me to kill you guys like this.
Things are about to get dark next episode.❤❤❤
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