Jayden's Pov
"And right there Shane Died"Anthony says "Pshhh"I make a noise "Dude were being serious and I heard that Nathan got invited to save a town and he had died"Armony says "Guys it was probably just a prank"I say "It must have been a good prank because everyone that was invited I haven't seen them since"Anthony says "But you got your wonderful Lele"Armony says joking and Anthony punches him lightly "And if I wanted to I would sue Joey for almost killing us"Anthony says "Sure Guys"I say not believing them and then I hear a my doorbell and I get up and I answer it and the mailman hands me a letter and he smiles and walks away and I close the door and I sit on the couch where Armony and Anthony were "What is it"Armony asks "A note"I say opening the letter
Hello I wanna explain something about 3 years ago something kept on Happening my friends have been dieing and now I can brings them back to life but I need help put these coordinates in your gps xxx-xxx-xxx I will explain some more things when you arrive please come I need your help and you need a role also I will be at the spot at 7:30 see you there
-Joey Graceffa
"Joey is saying things about his friends died and junk I think it's just a YouTube Colin"I say "DO NOT GO!"Anthony yells snatching the paper out of my hand and ripping it "Why not"I say "If you go you might die and we do not want that to Happen"Armony says "Guys it's okay,I'm going"I say "Okay then we're going also"Anthony says "What about Lele"I say "I'm not gonna tell her she's gonna freak out I'll call her and tell her I'm hanging at your house tonight"Anthony says "And he said we need a role"I say "Okay let's make something up"Armony says and then we change i was the Conductor I put on a like conductor hat,a white striped shirt with a light brown jacket,I put on some light gray jeans,and I put on some orange sunglasses and I walk downstairs and I see Anthony and Armony "What are y'all roles?"I ask "The Artist"Anthony says "True"I say and they giggle "I'm the Director"Armony says "Nice"I say "I'll drive"Anthony says "Kk"I say and we walk out to Anthony's car and we drive I fall asleep halfway
Armonys Pov
I look back into the backseat to make sure Jayden is sleep "Anthony"I say "Yeah"Anthony asks driving "Make Sure If I die you better make sure that he survives"I whisper "Don't speak like that"Anthony says taking a left turn "I'm just saying we need to protect Jay"I say "I know but we need to hope and pray none of us die"Anthony says "Yeah but If Joey ends up getting Jayden killed we will murder him"I say "Yep!"Anthony says in a funny way and I giggle and then we arrive a few minutes later
Jayden's Pov
I wake up to the car coming to a stop "Where here"Anthony says and we get out the car and we begin to walk I walked in front of Anthony and Armony and then I see a blue light and I walk towards it and btw this is at night in the woods and then I approach the light with Anthony and Armony behind me and then I see Nikita,Matt,Joey,Bretman,a blond lady,and an Asian man and when Joey Sees Anthony and Armony his eyes widen
Joey Pov
I see Jayden and I'm like oh okay he came and then I see Anthony and Armony and I know that there probably pissed at me
Jayden's Pov
I approach Joey and the others with Anthony and Armony behind me "What are you 2 doing here I invited Jayden"Joey says "Where here to make sure he doesn't go through what we had too"Armony speaks up "Oh shit"Bretman mumbles "I'm sorry you guys had to go through that but I'm here to make things right"Joey says and Anthony and Armony roll there eyes and then we open a portal "Okay you will go with me Matt"The Asian man says "And Nikita you will go with me"The Blond Lady says "Okay"Nikita says "Bretman,Jayden,Joey,Anthony,and Armony you guys will head through the portal and get your friends"The Blond Lady says and we nod and then we walk into the portal and then the second we walk in the portal closes "Wait it was supposed to stay open"Bretman says "Let's just go"I say and we walk into this museum thingy and we see a room full of a bunch of people in capsules and then I see Nathan and I realize these are my friends "What the hell"I say
JaydenCF:So I see Nathan and I'm like oh my god what happened why is he here in this glass capsule
"I think there's something that needs to be broken like a force"Joey says "Well what do we do?"Anthony asks and then Joey picks up a pick axe like thing "Joey"Bretman says "I'm gonna try something"Joey says raising the axe and smashing it into this blue light circle and then boom all the glass cases break and there all confused
Nathan Pov
Introduction:The Actor
So all of a sudden I just remember my self forcing Joey to stab me and then I wake up or something and glass is everywhere and I'm so confused and I look around and I see so many of my friends and then I see Joey "What the heck?"Colleen says "Guys"Joey says "I'm here to save you guys"Joey says "Yeah"Jayden says "Save us? you killed us"Colleen says YASS MORE TEA "Guys I'm sorry but I've changed"Joey says "All I remember is you pushing me into a spike box killing me"Colleen says "That's what we did to Justine minus the spikes"Tim says "Yeah bring that up"Justine says and I can tell everyone is kinda pissed at Joey and then Alex sees Destorm and I'm kinda shook because I'm pretty sure they don't know each other "I got a bone to pick with you"Destorm says to Alex
NathanCF:what's up with all the tea sis like am I a tea detecting machine
Anthony Pov
Colleen and Joey have a whole damn word fight "Okay guys stop it already!"I yell silencing them "I was tryna sip tea"Nathan mumbles "Anthony is right we don't need to fight I know your made at Joey,Colleen but it's not like we're not mad at him also"Gabbie speaks up "Well what do we do?"Alex asks "Let's go and look around or something"Bretman says and we leave that room and we walk outside and boom a guard grabs me and drags me away
Jayden Pov
"Guys Help!"Anthony tells and then We try and help him but boom more guards run at us I was able to hide and so was nathan,Destorm,Tim,Tana,Gabbie,JoeyArmony,and Brerman and the others got taken "Everyone Okay?"I ask "Yeah I think so"Bretman says "we told you this stuff was REAL!"Armony says "Guys let's spilt up and we can find stuff"Tana says "I'm down"Tim says and we spilt up I'm With Bretman,Joey,and Gabbie and we have to find these weird ass eyes and we
Find one
JaydenCF:first of all why the hell am I looking for your eyes and why do you have six eyes because there's was like a little stone thing with eye holes in it
We run over to where our friends are being held at but there was a gate and I see a guy in there and he was
Kinda cute "Joey!"Justine says "Are you guys Okay?"Gabbie asks "yeah"Colleen says "Come here"Joey whispers through the gait "Dont trust Mortimer"Joey says "But he helped us at the carnival"Rossana says "Yeah he's good"Colleen says "He Betrayed is in the end"Joey says "I told you he was evil"Alex whispers "No I think he's nice"Colleen says "Oh do you guys have any eyes!"Bretman asks "Yeah,Alex has it"Anthony says "We need that!"I say "Don't give it to them"Justine says "We might need us to get out"Colleen says and Alex gives us the eye "Alex No!"Justine says "Thank you"Gabbie says and we leave and place an eye in the eye hole
Nathan's Pov
So me Tana,Armony,Destorm and Tim are now looking around "what the hell is this?"I ask "It's some weird ass tapestry"Tana says "He's right What is this?"Tim asks "I fount a statue thingy"Tana says "It has a symbol on the bottom of it like a cross"Destorm says "I fount one also"Tim says "What does this mean"Armony asks "beats me"I say and then a lady comes at us with a knife and we train with her
Armony Pov
ArmonyCF:So I see this bitch with a knife and I'm like oh this ho is back
And we start to look around and I notice at the steps it's more statues "Guys there's some more statues over here"I say and they come over and Destorm and Tim flip the statues over and some had a symbol and others didn't and then Tana walks over to the tapestry thingy "Guys the symbol is on the tapestry"Tana says "Are you sure cause you can't be my girl if you blind"Destorm says and we walk over and it does have the same symbol "Oh shit I guess I do need glasses"Nathan says and I laugh and then a fucking guardian comes in and we hide and then I find a stick like a really colorful stick so I take it and we leave
Anthony Pov
So I find another eye and Colleen finds a book that is hella bloody I don't really pay attention to that I start to look around the room and then I'm like how do we unlock this box and then colleen reads out something and I'm like might as well try it and the box pops open and it's a box in a box but we can't open it
AnthonyCF:so a box in a box wow that's really smart *claps slow*
Jayden's Pov
So we're looking around and then boom a guard comes at us we hide but where we're hiding he's circling us so we start to move slowly around the box we're behind "YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD HIDE"The Guard yells as he takes Gabbie "Guys your just gonna let him take me?!"Gabbie says being taken away and we walk to the jail cell our friends were in and Anthony hands us a eye and we find some more eyes and then a golden like hat piece that was so cute but it was only the top piece and then Breteman finds a key and we unlock our friends and then Destorm,Nathan,Armony,Tana,and
Tim come in with a stick and then there's another random lady and Anthony "Maybe we should connect these"I say "That's smart!"Gabbie yells and we do so and a note appears "Now the guards will now before you"I read and we make the guards bow and then we take the necklace they have and then we put them in the jail cell and we walk into a lounge with a big safe "So Who is she!"I ask pointing at the random lady "And who is he also?!"I ask "This is Mortimer"Colleen says "And he betrayed us"Joey mumbles "And this is the socerouse she killed most of us"Alex says and we sit down "JOEY YOU HAVE A KEY!"I yell "What?"Joey Asks "To the safe!"I say "Oh yeah,good thinking!"Joey says and he try's the safe and it doesn't work
JaydenCF:that's just great what does the key go to?!
"I didn't wanna say anything but when we were looking around I fount a door"Destorm says "Oh thank you"Rossana says "Oh I guess your not a villain"Alex says as we walk to the door and Joey unlocks it and it has like a like a capsule but cooler Colleen picks up a note it says we have to unlock the pheroh we have to gather around the capsule and chant something and it also says someone is gonna die by vote later on so yay we chant the words and then the ground shakes "What's happening"Nathan asks and then the capsule open and a Mr.Crusty skin runs out and growls at us and chases us
JaydenCF:why did I come on this mission this is crazy
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