Toxic Machine

Previously on Escape the Night Tyler threw a party and invited some of his close friends the ground keeper told them not to open the closet but Madison,Jackson,and Millien decided to open it and then all of a sudden Jackson began to cough up blood will they save him or will he die

- - -

Mark Confession:Walter is right like this man is dying are we not gonna save him?

Everyone begins to search while Ashton is making sure that Jackson is okay "I found a note!"Millien yells "okay what does it say"JK asks "You have thirty minutes to find all three vile's if you find all of then your friend will live but if you don't your friend will die"Millien reads

JK Confession:I'm the Cold Blooded Mobster But I've actually never killed anyone so this will be some deep ish

They all begin to look around again "I found one!"Sara yells as she goes over and gives the potion to Ashton and he feeds it to Jackson cause he couldn't move

Madison Confession:I feel so bad because I talked him into this and I just feel so bad

Sara:One down two to go

They begin to look so more "20 minutes people!"Ashton yells as they walk around the room looking for the potions "I found one!"Amber yells and then they feed it to Jackson

Tyler Confession:just one more left and I hope that we are able to find it

They ponder around "10 minutes hurry!"Ashton yells and no one has found the last one "where the fuck is it!"Tyler gets mad "9 seconds left!"Ashton yells "I Found it!"Mark yells "Millien!"Mark yells throwing it to Millien and she catches it "4,3,2,1-Millien feeds the potion to Jackson "Zero"Ashton says
Millien Confession:oh my god Jackson wake up I just fed you the potion

Jackson's eyes fly open "JACKSON!"Everyone yells as they go and hug him

Jackson Confession:did I just die because that's what it felt like

Amber Confession:YESSS HE IS ALIVE

"What happened?"Jackson asks "you Died basically"Mark says "and maybe we should get outa here"Sara said "Yeah like you almost died,and I'm sorry"Madison says "I trust you but we should get outa here"Jackson says as they all get up and walk out to the gate they open the gate and they couldn't walk any more it was like a force field blocking the way

JK Confession:um I gotta question why can't we get outa here?

Tyler picks up a note on the ground "you can't escape no one ESCAPES!"Tyler reads "Let's head back into the house"Ashton says as they walk back into the house and then they look around "I found a note!"JK says "What does it say?"Jackson asks "Time"JK says "Okay time,time"Mark reapeats says as they all look around 

Amber Confession:num hello why isn't anyone looking in the grand father clock?

Amber looks in the clock and finds a note "I have a note!"Amber yells "There is an Ungodly Machine two must be in both machines and the other two will acompany them in tasks and yes one wi die...."Amber reads

Mark Confession:hold up what?

Walter Confession:oh no I came for a party not for death

"Everyone into the living room"Ashton says "so how are we gonna do this.."Tyler asked "how about everyone comes up and writes Down a name and put it in the hat and I will shake the names around and pick two"Ashton says and everyone agrees

Votes (I'm picking)
Tyler:Voted Sara
Sara:Voted Madison
Millien:voted Sara
JK:voted Millien
Walter:voted Millien
Amber:voted Sara
Jackson:voted Tyler
Madison:voted Mark
Mark:voted Amber

Ashton moves the names around in the hat and takes one out "Millien"Ashton says and Millien gasps

Millien Confession:My name gets pulled and I feel like I've done a lot so im confused

Ashton moves the names around in the hat again and takes one out "Sara"Ashton says and Sara sighs "Millien pick your partner and Sara you Follow after"Ashton says "Madison"Millien says and Madison nods "Amber can you handle it?"Sara asks "yes I can"Amber says "Okay girls follow me the rest can stay"Ashton says

- - -
Ashton locks Millien and Sara in the machines they were transparent so they could see what there partners could do "You must complete the tasks on the instructions in 40-minutes"Ashton says "BEGIN!"Ashton yells setting the time and Amber and Madison begin

Sara Confession:Oh my god I am so scared right now

"Okay this to this"Amber Speaks To herself as she then completes the first tasks and the light bulbs light up "were in some deep shit!"Millien says to Madison

Amber Confession:The next step is to put my hand into this ice bucket and get a bolt

"Come on Amber you got this!"Sara says Amber gets the bolt out "Girl how do you do this?"Madison asks "can you help me!"Madison asks "Yeah you can-Amber gets cut off by Sara "*makes weird sound* Don't help her!"Sara says in a funny voice Amber goes to the last step and then Madison goes goes to the second step

Madison Confession:Okay this ice bucket is cold as I don't even know

"Girl I can't get the bolt"Madison says "Oh no..."Millien says "Sara ima just plug this cord in every hole"Amber says "Okay"Sara says as then Madison gets the bolt

Millien Confession:Yes she finally gets the bolt

Sara Confession:kinda sketchy that Madison wasn't taking off her glove trying to get the bolt

"Okay next step you got this Madison!"Millien says as then Madison starts to do the cords and she's doing pretty good until all of the lightbulbs light up on Ambers side "Wait no!"Millien screams "No Millien!"Madison yells as she try's to open the capsule "Millien!"Sara and Amber yell as they try and open the machine "GUYS PLEASE HELP ME!"Millien screams as the machine fills with gas "No Millien!"Amber yells "Ahhhh"Millien screams as she bangs on the machine and then she dies

Madison:She just died in front of our eyes

"Here is the artifact"Ashton says "a What?"Sara asks "let's head upstairs and I will explain"Ashton says

- - -
"They've been gone a while"Tyler says "Yeah"Walter said as then Amber,Sara,and Madison all walked into the lounge "Oh my god" "What happened?" "Is Millien dead?"

To Be Continued


Rip:Millien (C-r-lin- )

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