Episode 9: The Devourer Walks At Night

Previously On Escape The Night
A friend-turned-foe sends the final four guests into the death match. The Novelist quickly gains a head-start, with The Vaudevillian not far behind.

The match is between The Savant and The Explorer, but in the end only one wins. However, before the toll of death strikes, Jetta makes the ultimate sacrifice. "NO! JETTA!"
At Midnight
"What sleeps will wake, what lies in the darkness will overcome the light!" chanted the Sorceress, holding up a battered ram's horn. A girl who looked to be in her twenties by the name of Alyssa struggled and grunted, her limbs being kept in place by titanium chains.

"Open the doorway to you world, so that we may be joined in an unholy alliance!" The Sorceress finished. As soon as she was done, a blinding purple light shone through the darkness.

Alyssa screamed through her gag. The Sorceress ripped the gag of of her mouth and lowered down the goat's horn. "No! Please don't-gah!" Alyssa sobbed, chocking as The Sorceress shoved a maroon liquid down her throat.

Alyssa gasped for air after she swallowed it, almost vomiting at the pungent taste. "It is already done." snarled The Sorceress; Alyssa whimpered. The Sorceress lifted a knife above her head

"No! No! NO PLEASE! PLEASE STOP! PLE-AHHHHH!" she screamed as The Sorceress plunged the knife deep into her heart. Her blood leaked onto the ground and flowed toward the light.

All of a sudden, a creature with a bony chest and long ram's horns stepped out of the light. It roared with hunger. It slowly walked towards The Sorceress, where it bowed its head to her. She gently touched its cheek and chuckled.

"Feast now, there is much to do." said the Sorceress. The creature roared once more, as it pounced on Alyssa, devouring her.

"AHHHHH!" the four screamed, as the Devourer advanced towards them. "What the hell is that!" screamed Sadie.

Sadie: We finally get our next gem, and then this naked mole rat bitch comes out of the elevator and is like "rawr I'm gonna eat all y'all" and I'm like, bitch no.

The four guests, plus Allison, run as fast as they can away from the Devourer, Zeke and Garret looking behind them constantly.

"Phew, I think we lost him." said Zeke, panting. "I think you mean IT." said Coral. "I've never ever seen something like that before." said Garret. "Naked mole rat ass bitch." Sadie said as she kicked a rock.

"I'm gonna go back to the lounge to try to see if I can find anything to help us." said Allison. The group nodded.

"Well what do we do now?" asked Coral. "I have absolutely no idea." Zeke responded, running his hands through his hair. Garret looked on the banister on the balcony they were on.

"Guys, what's this?" he said. There was a statue on the banister, along with a note. "Speak to us, forgotten one, and steal the light from our eyes that we might see." read Coral.

"What the-" Sadie was cut off by a banging from inside. The Devourer pounded on the door. "OH MY GOD!" yelled Coral as she almost fainted again.

Coral: I swear to god me and my fainting. What's next, am I gonna start running into trees?

"Wait, it's inside!" said Garret. "NO SHIT SHERLOCK!" yelled Sadie. Everyone stared at her. "I'm sorry, I'm just a little stressed because we're being chased by an oversized foreskin." Sadie said apologetically, everyone gave a sight chuckle.

Garret: It's after midnight, Sadie's talking about oversized foreskins, Coral nearly fainted...again; all hell is breaking loose.

Coral took a closer look at the statue. "Wait guys, there's a drawing of four figures raising their hands." she said.

Zeke: Coral takes a closer look at the statue and we're thinking, maybe we have to recreate this drawing.

The four stood in a circle and raised their hands above their heads. "Nothing's happening." said Zeke. "Maybe we have to say the chant together?" Sadie suggested.

"Speak to us, forgotten one, and steal the light from our eyes that we might see." the group chanted. All of a sudden, the statue began to glow. The Devourer banged on the door again.

Coral screamed as a book fell from a compartment underneath the statue. The book had five green eyes on it. Garret picked it up.

"The Sorceress has used the final gem to summon a Devourer, to aid her in her endgame. To retrieve the gem, you must venture into the dark dimension, where it is being kept. Only the twin idols of the cursed god allow passage. To recover the first one, you must make a phone call to hell, and share secret words with its Gatekeeper." Garret read.

Zeke: Where is Athena when we need her? Oh wait...she's dead.

"Bitch, no. I've already dealt with mole rats today, I don't wanna make a phone call to hell." said Sadie.

Coral: So we need to call hell? No thank you ma'am.

Garret took one last look at the book, there was a small map. "We have to go that way." he said, pointing to the right. The Devourer followed the group from inside the mansion.

The four passed a big, red, English telephone booth.

Coral: Well ol' chap, we're about to phone bloody hell!

"Here!" said Zeke, as the four shuffled inside. Inside was a phone and a note beneath it. "Please have your telephone billet number ready to operate telephone." read Sadie.

Zeke spotted a chest and went to check it out. Coral picked up the phone. "Telephone Billet Number Please." said the voice.

Garret: This telephone booth looks like it belongs in England, but this woman sounds German.

"Telephone Billet Number Please." the voice repeated. "We don't have one." said Garret, as Coral put the phone down. "Wait, y'all." said Sadie, as she took a small box out of the booth.

Zeke walked back over. Inside was a small scroll, a note, and a bottle of sulfur.

"The Gatekeeper of Hell hides his secret words among the living. The ritual to reveal their location must be performed in the lounge by three participants who must first drink the blood of a demon. A drop of sulfur in the correct liquor bottle will reveal the one containing demon's blood." read Sadie.

"Wait, three of us need to go in with him?" said Zeke, pointing at the Devourer, still banging on the glass panes. "Yeah, and then we have to drop some sulfur in these liquor bottles to see which ones have demon blood." said Garret.

Sadie: Fine with me, after the shit that's gone down tonight, I could use a drink.

Coral unrolled the scroll. On it was a diagram of three people in a triangle.

Garret: Welp, it looks like we're doing a seance.

"What does it say?" asked Zeke, pointing to the text at the bottom. "Place a copper basin in the center, and six candles around, forming a triangle." Coral read.

"So we have to find all of this shit...with him still inside." said Zeke. "Okay, so who's finding the stuff?" asked Garret. Coral, Sadie, and Zeke raised their hands.

"Wait, so I'm the decoy? Have you seen him?" Garret exclaimed. "Yes, in fact I have, he's a naked mole rat ass bitch." said Sadie. "Point proven." Garret said. "Come on Garret! You're so fast! You're the only one of us who can do it!" Coral said, encouraging him. Garret slowly nodded his head. "Fine." he sighed.

Sadie: I would distract him but this skirt is not the easiest thing to move in.

"And Garret, if you find anything just scream." said Coral.

Coral: Scooby Scooby Doo!

Garret began to walk along the glass doors, the Devourer followed him from inside. He sprinted to the other side of the house. "Hey! Come on!" he yelled as he entered through the pool balcony.

The Devourer ran off, chasing Garret, as Coral, Zeke, and Sadie slowly walked inside. Garret ran up the stairs and the Devourer quickly followed.

The other three ran inside the lounge, where Allison was waiting for them. "Here!" yelled Zeke as he picked up two candles, and brought it towards the couches.

Coral snagged the copper basin and another candle, while Sadie found three more. Just as they started to set up the triangle with the candles, the Devourer walked in.

The three screamed, and ran to hide. Sadie and Coral his behind some curtains and Zeke hid behind the couch. The Devourer slowly walked towards where Sadie and Coral were hiding.

"Hey!" shouted Garret, as he immediately sprinted up another flight of stairs, the Devourer running behind him.

"Phew." said Sadie, dusting off her dress. As soon as the Devourer left, the three continued setting up the candles. "Place glasses as shown?" Zeke questioned, taking a closer look at the diagram. "Oh shit." said Sadie.

"Oh! Over here!" Coral whisper-yelled, as she ran over and grabbed the glasses. Sadie places them in a smaller triangle around the basin.

"He's coming!" yelled Garret from afar. The three scattered and hid again. Suddenly, a shrill voice was heard. "I'VE BEEN TAKEN!" yelled Garret.

Garret: Well, now I'm captured. Great. I mean, you could've at least made him semi-hot.

Zeke: Garret was our only form of distraction. What are we supposed to do now?

Coral and Zeke went out of hiding, while Sadie stayed put. All of a sudden, the Devourer came back down the stairs. The two screamed as they quickly ran outside.

Coral: Were freaking out, we don't know what to do.

Sadie held her breath as the Devourer entered the lounge. "Okay Coral, I believe in you...I think you should distract him now." Coral nodded her head.

"Okay." she said, as she ran back into the house. "Hey mole rat! Over here!" she yelled, as the Devourer roared and ran after her. Coral sprinted down the stairs and Sadie let out a heavy breath.

Coral: So now I'm the bait and Sadie and Zeke have to set up the seance.

"We need to use the sulfur." said Sadie, as she took the small bottle out of her pocket. Zeke ran over to some liquor bottles and dropped some sulfur pellets into each.

Finally, after using up three pellets, one of the bottles fizzed and overflowed. "Yes!" the two whisper-yelled. Sadie chugged some of it, and then Zeke.

Zeke: I'm pretty sure we're both underage but...it's the Victorian Era so who gives a shit.

Meanwhile, Coral ran outside and started taunting the Devourer through the window. But soon, it got bored and walked away.

"No! No!" yelled Coral, as she desperately tried to regain the Devourer's attention. "Shit." she whispered to herself as it walked back towards the lounge.

Sadie and Zeke were almost finished with the seance, however, the Devourer walked into the lounge. The two screamed and ran around the couches and out the door.

"You guys!" yelled Coral, as she rounded the corner and met up with them. "I had him so good! But he just got bored of me."

Coral: This reminds me of the fourth grade talent show.

"Wait Coral, you have to take a sip of the blood, all three participants must." said Zeke. "Okay, but someone needs to take over distracting." Coral said.

"Sadie?" Zeke asked. "Bitch do you see this?" Sadie said, as she pulled on the tight fabric around her waist. "Ugh, okay." said Zeke.

Zeke ran inside and up the staircase. "OH MY GOD!" he yelled, as the Devourer continued to follow him.

Coral and Sadie ran into the lounge and Coral chugged some of the demon's blood.

Coral: At least it's better than clams.

"Okay, what's next?" asked Coral. Sadie looked at the diagram. "We have to stand in the triangle...we need all three of us." Sadie exclaimed.

Sadie: Really bitch?

"ZEKE!" yelled Coral. "YEAH?" he yelled from across the mansion. "LOCK IT IN THE LIBRARY!" shouted Coral. Zeke nodded to himself, the Devourer not far behind.

Zeke ran into the library, the Devourer cornering him.

Zeke: This is how I die.

Luckily, he managed to skurt under the Devourer, run out the door, and lock it.

The Devourer roared in annoyance, as Zeke made his way towards the lounge. Once he got there, the three stepped into the triangle.

"Hold hands!" said Sadie. Coral placed the chant on the ground and they read together: "From the mouth of the abyss, we summon the crystal of the forsaken and the lost. The stone of the damned, release the secret in the world of the living."

A chest across the room opened. It contained a glass cube with words on it. "Sanctum Regnum." read Zeke.

"The Telephone Billet number!" Sadie exclaimed. The three ran towards the phone booth.

Sadie: The cube said some weird Latin shit, like I think it was 'Scrotum Erectum' or something.

All of a sudden, there was a blinding purple light, and Garret appeared. "Garret!" the group yelled as they hugged him. "Glad to be back." he said.

Soon, the four reached the phone booth and Sadie picked up the phone. "Telephone Billet Number Please." said the German lady from hell.

"Scrotum Er-" "Sanctum Rectum." Coral cut her off. "Telephone Billet Number Please." the voice repeated. "That's not it." said Zeke, as Garret hung his head.

Suddenly, a small hatch opened up in the telephone booth, and in it was a ticket that said 𝚃𝙴𝙻𝙴𝙿𝙷𝙾𝙽𝙴 𝙱𝙸𝙻𝙻𝙴𝚃. Coral read the small red text on the ticket. "Shit." she said. "It's in the desk in the room we locked the Devourer in."

Coral: Absolutely perfect.

Sadie: Out of all the fucking rooms.

Garret: So it fell down to me (again) to get it into another room. Great.

Garret slowly opened the door to the library. "Psst." he hissed. The Devourer looked at him, and immediately ran after him.

Meanwhile, Sadie, Coral, and Zeke slowly crept in. The three began to look through the many papers in the desk. "Are you kidding me!" yelled Coral, as Garret walked back in, having locked the Devourer in the billiard room.

Garret opened a drawer and found a key. "A key guys!" he said. Zeke took it and unlocked more drawers. "MORE?" exclaimed Sadie.

Finally, Zeke found a small slip of paper. "Found it guys!" he said. The group ran back outside to the phone booth. Zeke went inside and picked up the phone.

"Telephone Bil-" "835219!" yelled Zeke. "Connecting You Now." said the German lady.

"Hallelujah!" Coral said.

Zeke: I'm about to call hell! My heart is racing!

"What do you seek?" a loud booming voice asked. "Gems?" Zeke said. "No! We need the idol!" shouted Garret. "Okay! We need the idol." said Zeke. "The twin idol of the Cursed God!" added Sadie. "Make that the twin idol of the Cursed God please!" said Zeke.

"Such a prize cannot be given freely, what words will you give in exchange?" asked the voice. "Umm...oh! Sanctum Regnum!" yelled Zeke.

The voice laughed menacingly. "Mortal, the words you have spoken will haunt you forever." Suddenly, the chest next to the booth popped open.

Zeke: Yay! A word ghost!

"The Dark Dimension drives all who enter mad." the voice finished. Inside the chest was a statute, and a note.

"My twin lies in the watery darkness." read Sadie. "The pool?" asked Coral. "The pool!" said Zeke. The four ran to the pool. Once they got there, they found a rope attached to something at the bottom.

Zeke got on his knees and lugged the mysterious object up. The object was box with a note on the outside. "To uncage the second twin, one must reach into the mouth of the demon and pull out its tongue." Zeke read.

"This one?" asked Garret, pointing to a statue of a dragon next to where Zeke was sitting. Coral reached inside. "Nothing." she said.

Coral: What's with all the demons? Demon blood, demon tongue, demon house.

"Is it the Devourer?" asked Garret. "No it can't be, it's a naked mole rat not a demon." Sadie said. "Wait." said Coral, as she looked at the bottom of the pool, the many gems still floating about from when Lucas and Celestia fought.

"There are three symbols on the bottom." "Like the ones on these dials!" Garret exclaimed, pointing to the dials on a box on the pool deck. "Okay! So Star." said Coral. "Star." Garret repeated. "Circle and Triangle." Coral finished.

Garret: How did we not notice those when Lucas and Celestia were battling? Wait...I guess we were to busy 'Scooping' and 'Checking'.

Once Garret spun the dials correctly, a vibrant light shown in the distance. The four followed it deeper into the woods. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!" yelled Sadie, as the group passed a slimy green face on the forest floor.

Coral gagged. "Ugh! This is putrid!" exclaimed Garret, taking a whiff. "Who's going in there?" asked Zeke. "You know what...I'll do it." said Sadie.

Zeke: Go for it!

"Oh my god ew!" yelled Sadie, as she dug her hand into the mouth and began to search for the tongue. "There's no tongue but there are two keys!" Sadie said, bringing her slime covered arm out.

Garret took the keys and unlocked the chest with the second twin idol. Along with the idol, was a note.

"Two must be selected by vote of the group to enter the Dark Dimension. Those chosen must claim a partner to help them." read Garret, slowing down at the end.

Zeke: Sigh.

Out of nowhere, Allison stepped out. "Please follow me." she said, leading the group back to the lounge. All of a sudden, the Devourer stoped into the lounge.

"Stay back!" yelled Allison, grabbing one of the idols. The Devourer hissed and ran off.

Sadie: Ha ha bitch! Big scary mole rat is now just a big not scary mole rat!

"Alright guys, you know how this goes." Allison said, bringing out the cards.

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