Episode 7: A Heart For A Heart
Previously On Escape The Night
The group selects two without voting to go into the final death match. The Savant and The Explorer decide to work together to solve their riddles. After making it past the second guardian, the two must choose one friend to sacrifice: "Lucas."
One Week Ago
A girl with short blonde hair is standing in some sort of steampunk laboratory, fidgeting with an unseen object. She hands it to a tired looking man who seems to be in his late 60's.
"Thank you Jetta." he said. Jetta nodded her head. The man, Richard, placed the object into what seemed to be a robotic woman.
She sat up in her chair and stared at Richard. A wide grin spread across his face, while Jetta clasped her hands together, nervously.
The woman stood up and walked towards Richard, then she stopped. "My beautiful bride." he said.
She reached out with her robotic hand and gently touched his face. "My-husband." her automated voice said.
Jetta put on a record, and Richard and his new bride began to waltz. Jetta picked up another object and started to fuss with it.
"One, two, three. One, two, three." said Richard as he danced. He then leaned in and kissed the woman's metal lips.
She stared at him, and cocked her head. He held up a ring. "I made this! For you. I hope you like it." Richard said, as he placed the ring and the robo-woman's finger.
"It's-lovely." she replied. Richard smiled. "I-love you." she said.
"And I love-" but Richard was cut off. Suddenly, the robo-bride sparked and fell back into her chair.
"No! No! Someone sabotaged me!" yelled Richard. Jetta placed her hands over her mouth in shock.
"Just leave! Your services are no longer required!"
"Well Lucas is dead now." said Sadie, sighing. "And we have no gem." said Garret.
Sadie: I'm feeling a little pissed right now. My best friend just got sacrificed, which is bad enough as it is, but on top of that, we don't have our sixth gem.
"All we have now is this weird crystal thingy." said Coral as she picked up Sireen's crystal and examined it.
"Well Sireen told us that it had magic in it, so at least we're not COMPLETELY lost." Noah pointed out.
"But I'm confused." said Sadie. "When we didn't play by her rules, she killed two of us, but now that we've played by her rules, she won't give us a gem? Its a load of bullshit to me."
Garret and Coral nodded in agreement. "So apparently now there are no rules. As we now know, you still hold the possibility of dying. This place is twisted." said Coral.
All of a sudden, a siren begins to wail. "OH MY GOD!" yelled Noah, latching on to Garret. Coral hid behind the couch, Sadie dropped to the floor, and Zeke nearly had a heart attack.
Zeke: We hear this loud, horrifying noise, and I almost died of shock.
"Primary Defense System Has Been Enabled. The Estate Is Secure" said the voice that began to play.
Then, the door creaked open. The five walked into a large room with a weird mechanical machine in the middle. The machine had a timer that said 10:00 on it.
"Okay guys we have a lock, another lock, a gear...oh I can't count." said Sadie. The group split up and began to search around the room.
"If you find something, put it on the table!" said Noah. Sadie found a gear, Garret found a strange something, Coral found another gear.
Zeke walked over to one side of the machine where there were spots for missing gears. Sadie handed Zeke a gear and he put it in.
"Now what?" asked Garret. "Here!" said Sadie as she pointed to a note on the wall. "Rotate the gears twice." she read.
Zeke turned the gear once, and then again. Suddenly, a little box popped open. Noah found another note in the box and he read it.
"The fuel cell must be secured correctly, or the machine will not run. Once in place, close the panel and pull the lever on the right."
"What fuel cell?" asked Zeke. "Wait!" said Garret. "Maybe THIS is the fuel cell." Garret pointed to the crystal.
He took it and placed it inside the little box, and then closed it again. Then, he pulled the lever to the right of it.
All of a sudden, a film began to play. "Whoa!" said Coral. The film showed a robotic woman, who was hooked up to some unseen thing. Next to her, appeared a man.
"Subject Automaton Bride: 10685. The generator powering her heart broke under the constant strain; the friction was just too much. I need a real human heart to do this, my conscience is torn." said the man.
Sadie: This bitch wants a REAL human heart for his robot bride? No honey, no.
"Oh my god." exclaimed Noah. "Wait I think that this machine is the one she was hooked up to!" said Garret.
"Sir a have a proposal." said a more feminine voice that came from the film. "I'm recording! Have you no manners?" asked the man. "I'm sorry I-" the film cut off.
Just before it ended, there was a flash that showed four numbers.
"Guys! Put 7299 into the lock!" said Noah. Coral put it in and the lock opened.
Noah: So Coral finds this container, and in it are the blueprints for the fake bride.
Suddenly, the alarm started again. "Breach In Security. Target Number: 331 Has Been Compromised." said the same voice from before.
"The Doors Have Been Locked. The Machine Will Self-Destruct In 10 Minutes. Overuse Protocol Is Engaged." said the voice, as the timer started
"AHHHHH!" yelled Coral.
Garret: So we triggered this alarm system, and it's basically saying that we're all gonna die in 10 minutes if we don't figure out how to get out of here!
"What do we do?" asked Zeke, panicking. "We have to find the Overuse Protocol or something? I don't know!" shouted Garret.
"Okay everyone just split up and look for shit!" said Noah. Sadie picked up a ring she found on the table.
"The Machine Will Self Destruct In: 8 Minutes."
"Oh god!" yelled Noah.
Garret: I start to look around the room and I notice that one of the vents near the floor is loose.
Garret bent down and wrestled the vent off the wall. "I found a piece!" he said. "Nice!" said Zeke.
The group kept looking.
"The Machine Will Self-Destruct In: 3 Minutes."
"Holy shit!" yelled Coral.
Coral: The time is ticking, and I'm panicking. I'm also not very good in timed situations. I'd be a mess on Cupcake Wars.
"Wait you guys! Wasn't this machine in the video?" asked Zeke. "Oh yeah it was!" said Sadie.
"I saw this part where you can plug something in...over here!" said Zeke as he moved around the contraption.
"What do we plug this into?" asked Noah.
Zeke: If we don't figure out how to stop this, we're all gonna die.
"Think back to the video! What was this used for?" said Zeke. "Oh here!" said Noah as he dug into the depths of his brain. He picked up a blue key and placed it in the plug-in spot.
Suddenly, the clock stopped. "Yes!" said Sadie as she hugged Coral.
Coral: Phew!
"Override Protocol Engaged."
"Hallelujah." said Garret as he hugged Noah.
Zeke: I feel like I'm fifth wheeling. We have Sadie and Coral, the (new) besties, and Noah and Garret the...you know...
All of a sudden, the man from the video, Richard, walks in with some sort of contraption on his back.
"YOU DESTROYED MY LIFE'S WORK!!!" he yelled. "No! You have it all wrong!" said Noah.
"AHHHHH!" he yelled as he sprayed some sort of gas out of the machine on his back.
Noah screamed and clung onto Garret, Coral fainted, Sadie began fanning herself, and Zeke went to help Coral.
Then, Jetta walked in and threw some sort of electric hold on Richard. "Quick! He's only gonna stay like that for a couple of minutes! We gotta get out of here!" she yelled.
Sadie: You don't have to tell me twice.
The group ran out of the room, following Jetta. Jetta led them back to the lounge. "Who are you?" asked Noah.
"I'm Jetpack Girl! Or Jetta for short." she said, pointing to the jetpack on her back.
"Thank you for saving us." said Garret. "No problem!" she said. "Who was that?" asked Sadie.
"That was Richard, my old boss. He can be a real asshole sometimes." she said.
Noah: Oh, we know.
"He built this automaton wife to love him forever, after Denise left him for Cheryl. She was a lesbian. But anyways, the bride only awoke long enough to crush his soul. He thinks someone sabotaged her, and right now, he thinks it was y'all."
Garret: Us?
Sadie: Oh right, I snuck into your weird ass laboratory and sabotaged your robot bride.
"But, if you don't want him to think that, we gotta rebuild her! You have the blueprints right?" asked Jetta.
"If we do this, can we get the gem that he'd wearing around his neck?" asked Noah.
"Umm...I think that could be arranged!" said Jetta.
Coral: She seemed awfully hesitant to answer.
"Okay let's go!" said Zeke. Jetta lead the group out of the lounge and into a new part of the mansion.
Garret stepped into a doorway and an alarm went off. "AHHH!" he screamed.
"It's okay! You just stepped on a landmine. Just stand still and it won't blow your leg off." she said.
Garret: Did I hear you right? You said it might blow up my leg? Nuh-uh bitch.
A timer saying 5:00 pops up and begins to count down. "Oh! That's...less time than I thought you had." said Jetta. Garret whimpered.
"Okay, I'm order to diffuse the landmine, you have to shoot all of the targets around the room." said Jetta as she opened a drawer and pulled out four guns.
Noah: My poor baby.
Coral: So we have to shoot shit to get Garret not-killed...right.
Jetta hands the guns to Coral, Sadie, Noah, and Zeke. They begin to shoot the targets.
"Ugh come on!" said Zeke. "Got one!" said Noah, as he shot a target. "Same!" said Sadie. "Me too!" said Coral.
17/20 Targets Left
"Yes! I got two!" said Zeke. "Two for me!" said Coral. "I got another one!" said Sadie.
12/20 Targets Left
"Three!" yelled Noah. "Guys hurry up!" said Garret. "Another!" yelled Coral. Soon, Zeke shot two more, and Sadie shot two as well.
4/20 Targets Left
0:45 Left On Timer
Garret: At this point I'm panicking. There's still four targets left, and there's only about half a minute before I die!
"Yes!" yelled Noah as he got one. "Woohoo!" Sadie exclaimed, as she shot one. Coral shot the next one, and Zeke shot the last one.
"Yes!" they all shouted. The alarm turned off, and Garret slowly stopped off of the landmine.
Just as they were about to rejoice, Richard ran in with a net contraption. "You'll pay for what you've done!" he yelled. He shot the net at Noah, but Allison ran in just in time.
"Run!" yelled Jetta. "AHHHH!" screamed Sadie as she ran. A/N: Why Are You Running? Okay I'll shut up now.
Noah: At first, I'll admit I was kind of suspicious of Allison, but now I know for sure that she's on our side.
Jetta lead the group down a flight of stairs into the Red Hallway.
Sadie: So were in this new part of this hellhole. I thought we'd been everywhere but apparently not.
"What is this place?" asked Zeke as the group is lead into some sort of mechanical lab. "Welcome to the Automation Lab." says Jetta, as the group files in.
"Not gonna life, this place is pretty sick." said Zeke.
Zeke: You know what they always say: "If life puts you in a deathly situation, make the most out of it."
"Look! There the bride!" yelled Sadie as she ran over to the Automaton Bride. "It looks so real." said Garret.
"You guys have the blueprints right?" asked Jetta. "Yup." said Zeke, as he pulled them out of his pocket.
Zeke rolled out the blueprints and read the text on them. "Gather the raw parts, place them inside the elevator at the end of the Red Hall. If they are correct, the Master Machine upstairs will assemble them, so they can be placed on the Automaton Bride."
"Okay I'm leaving y'all to look for the pieces, I'm gonna go on lookout." Jetta told the final five. She took a gun and walked outside.
Zeke: Sheesh. I don't wanna mess with her.
"Everyone pick an object and look for it." said Coral. The five spilt up and began to look.
Garret: Everyone begins looking and I find the first one.
"Got mine!" said Garret. Everyone was looking everywhere. In books, in jars, in bookcases.
"Found one!" yelled Sadie, as she picked up a little gear. Noah, Zeke, and Coral kept looking.
"Got it!" said Noah.
Noah: Yay! I found something!
The group kept looking. "Ugh! Where are they!" said Zeke, frustrated. Coral moved a jar and found a piece underneath it. "Yes! I got it!" she exclaimed.
"One more! Come on guys!" encouraged Garret. All of a sudden, Allison bursts though the door.
"Allison!" says Noah as he hugs her. "We have to hurry! Richard is releasing his Promethean Men!" Allison said, panicked.
Sadie: Promethe-what now?
"They're big robotic monsters." said Allison. Coral gasped. "Again with the monsters." said Garret.
Coral: We have big ass robot creatures coming for us! We need to hurry!
Zeke lifted up a skull and inside was the last piece. "Got it! Hell yeah!" said Zeke.
"Yes!" exclaimed Noah. Jetta burst inside. "Oh hey Allie!" she said to Allison and gave her a kiss. "Not here JeeJee!" Allison blushed.
Noah: AWWWW!
"Anyways, we have to be careful, it's a war zone out there." said Jetta. The group quietly exited the Automation Lab and made their way down to the elevator.
Noah pushed the button and it opened. They each placed a piece on the pedestal inside. Then, Noah pushes the button again to send the pieces back to the Master Machine.
"When did you get so bloody?" Allison asked Jetta. "I've been holding everyone off Allie." said Jetta.
The elevator comes down and opens. Inside is a robotic arm and a robotic heart. "Guys quickly! To the Bride!" says Zeke.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, two Prometheans appear. "GO GO GO!" yelled Jetta as she started firing at the gigantic robots.
The group runs back into the Lab and they place the arm on the Bride, and place the heart into the little compartment on her chest.
"Wake up!" yelled Sadie. "She's not waking up." said Noah.
Garret: We need this robot bride to wake up and seduce Richard, so we can have the gem...but she's not moving!
"Wait y'all! She needs electricity!" said Coral. "Ohhh." said Sadie and Noah. Zeke took a wire from the electric panel and plugged it into the Automaton Bride.
All of a sudden, a journal opens. "Guys! This opened!" said Zeke. Noah read the note on the page it opened to.
"You would never listen to me, even though I was your partner. The thing you must add to you Automaton to bring her to life, is a real, beating, human heart, freshly pulled from a living person."
Coral fainted again, Ze went to help her up, Sadie places her hands over her mouth, Noah looked like he was about to barf, and Garret was searching for a bucket in case Noah barfed.
Coral: A REAL human heart? What kind of psycho is this bitch?
Garret: We've been through vampires, giant spiders, a fucking war, a crazy gingerbread lady, harpies, Medusa with a brain freeze, and now...we need a real human heart to power this fake bride?
Sadie: What do they mean: freshly pulled from a living person? Is that our death punishment if we lose the challenge?
Noah: Barfs Into Bucket
"This is sick." said Zeke. "Okay is there another heart we can use?" asked Garret. All of a sudden, the two Prometheans walk in, holding Jetta by the neck.
"No! Jetpack Girl!" yelled Sadie. "No no no no!" Jetta whimpered. "Let her go!" demanded Noah, just as Richard stepped in behind the Prometheans.
"We're here to help you!" said Noah. "Can't you see that?" "She just needs a real human heart. That's what I was afraid to do before...but no longer! One of you will give up your heart so she can live." said Richard.
Noah: WHAT!
"Excuse me?" said Coral. "Or all of you will die!" said Richard, pointing his machine at the group.
Zeke: One of us real humans, is gonna have to die so that this robot bride can live. That's fucked up.
"Two of you will be selected by vote to go into the final match. They'll do battle with my Promethean Men."
Noah: Listen, if it was someone I was closer with then I might've considered it. But I don't know her!
"Alright y'all. You know how it goes." said Jetta. "Ugh! I can't stand this part!" said Sadie, Coral nodded in agreement. "Guys...what if we each put our names into the voting pile, and let fate decide." Garret suggested.
Noah and Sadie nodded. "Let's do it."
A/N: I hope that you enjoyed this chapter! There won't be any voting this round, I will put one of each of our names into the Randomizer Wheel, and like I said earlier, we'll "let fate decide".
Word Count: 3007
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