Episode 6: The Curse Of Snow
Previously On Escape The Night
The group came across an insane Gingerbread Woman who tries to kill them. The Nightingale and The Engineer are voted into a challenge. A new friend tells them that they will both get to live, but the Sorceress has other plans: "What? No! Stop!"
In Another Realm
The night is cold and frozen with snow. A large man with a fur coat and an axe walks through the ice. "Will we use it?" the mysterious man asked a woman with deer antlers.
"Yes Torhil, at the very door." replied Sireen, holding up a compass with a green light shining inside of it.
The two stepped out from behind the tree and watched the Guardian hold up his sword in defense.
"Many have fallen to her spell." Sireen told Torhil. "Not like me." he responded as he charged out of his hiding place.
He ran over to the Guardian and began to fight him. Torhil eventually punched him, knocking him out. He then took the end of his pickaxe and plunged it into the Guardian's icy flesh.
He then walked along a long, snowy path, where he found the Ice Witch, tracing her previous victims with her fingers.
He was about to charge until the Ice Witch started to blow her magic at him. He started to freeze. He kept icing over until he was a solid block of ice.
"I can't believe that both of them are gone." said Noah, as a tear trickled down Coral's face.
"How many more of us are going to die to get this stupid crown to work?" asked Garret.
Sadie: This is so fucked up. Samson told us that both of our friends were gonna get to live, but instead, both of them died.
"You guys, I'm so sorry. I should never have brought you here." said Zeke, looking down at his feet.
Zeke: I feel awful for putting my friends through this. Five of us have died already and at the rate we're going, there's gonna be four more.
"Hey, don't worry about it." said Lucas. "Yeah, it wasn't your fault. That Sorceress bitch possessed you." said Coral.
"Also, didn't the clock strike 10:00? The note said something bad was gonna happen at midnight, so we only have two hours left." said Sadie.
"Oh yeah." recalled Noah. "Well, I guess we'll find out soon enough."
Coral picked up a scroll she found on the table.
"Guys look!" she said as she opened the scroll.
𝕿𝖔 𝖗𝖊𝖈𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙 𝖌𝖊𝖒, 𝖔𝖚𝖙𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖗, 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖒𝖚𝖘𝖙 𝖘𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖑𝖉 𝖋𝖗𝖔𝖒 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕴𝖈𝖊 𝖂𝖎𝖙𝖈𝖍'𝖘 𝖊𝖛𝖎𝖑 𝖜𝖗𝖆𝖙𝖍.
"Oh my god." exclaimed Lucas. "I have placed a compass in the hearth that will lead you to our realm." continued Coral.
"What's a hearth?" asked Noah. "It's the fireplace." said Garret. "Is that it?" said Sadie, pointing to the fireplace.
Lucas walked over and pushed the bricks outside of it. Surprisingly, the bricks moved and inside was a compass.
"This is one weird ass compass." said Sadie as she examined it.
"Is there anything else?" asks Zeke. Noah digs his hand inside and finds another scroll.
"The compass will lead you to the portal between worlds, but its source of magic has faded in your realm. My spell book has an incantation that will restore its magic." read Noah.
"Wait guys, it has to be over here." said Garret, pointing to a bookcase. The group heads over.
Garret: So I'm looking through all of these books, and I finally find the spell book.
"The spell to restore magic requires two components." read Garret. "A vile of maiden's blood, and ashes/remains of a fallen hero. One is hidden in the dining room and the other is in the sick room on the second floor. Recover these and you'll be ready to cast the spell."
Coral: Oh no. Not the dining room. The bleh clams.
"Guys I think we should split up."
Zeke: Said every group in a horror movie ever before getting killed.
"Okay." said Sadie, nodding her head. "Guys, if it's okay, I'd really prefer not to go back to the dining room. I went there with Lyra and Celestia when we had to find the colored shapes, and as you can see, I'm the only one of us alive. It brings back bad memories."
The group nodded. "Okay so, Noah, Garret, and Sadie, you guys head to the dining room, and me, Coral, and Lucas will go to the sick room." said Zeke.
The group agreed, and split off.
Lucas: At this point I'm just un-phased by this shit. Blood and ashes, of course we need that for a spell in this hell hole.
Group 1: Sadie, Garret, Noah
The group enters the dining room and starts to look around.
"Guys look for like an earn or something." said Garret, as Sadie starts inspecting the room.
Noah picks up a jar. "Does this have ashes in it?"
Group 2: Zeke, Coral, Lucas
The three enter a room labeled: ᎦᎥᏟᏦ ᏒᎾᎾᎷ
The room looked to be hospitalish, hence the name. Coral walked over to a shelf where there were multiple jars of blood.
"Okay so there's blood over here." said Coral. "Yeah, but which is the maiden's blood?" asked Lucas.
Coral: I don't think it's normal to have blood in your house, but then again, I don't think it's normal to be abducted by a Sorceress who trapped you in the Victorian Era.
Group 1
Noah opened the jar. "Hello?" he called into it. "Awe man. I thought that was it." said Garret.
The group continued to look around. "Guys! Look!" said Sadie, as she pointed to a painting with a label on it.
"Captain Wesley Adams, war hero and father. May his ashen remains be encased in clay!" she read.
"Yes that's it!" cried Noah. "Okay so encased in clay." said Garret, as he began to look around some more.
He walked over to a table. He looked underneath it and found a clay jar. "Found it!" he said.
Group 2
"Look! There's a chart over here!" said Zeke. "These are labeled." pointed out Lucas, referring to the blood jars.
The chart stated a person's Name, Age, Sex, and Condition, as well as a number.
"Okay so try 116, 117, or 125. There are multiple women named Maiden, does it say those numbers on the jars?" asked Zeke.
"Yes!" said Coral as she looked at all of the labels. "Okay, read them again." she said. "116, 117, 125." repeated Zeke.
"Anything?" asked Lucas. "Nope." said Coral.
Group 1
"I find it kind of odd that we've found our thing already, and the other group is taking so long." said Noah.
"I think that maybe during voting, we should remember how long it took them." added Garret.
"Do you guys wanna make an alliance?" asked Sadie. "Yes, definitely, I'm so down for an alliance." said Noah. "And don't you feel like right now, the other group is making an alliance." Garret theorized, the rest of the group nodded.
Noah: I'm so thankful for this alliance right now, I could use that comfort for once in this awful night.
Garret: The alliance is on.
"Also, what about The Explorer, Coral? I'm not sure if I trust her." said Garret. "She hasn't done one challenge." said Noah. "Yeah, and neither has Zeke." added Sadie.
Sadie: We're all sitting here and we realize that Coral and Zeke are the only two people who haven't been in a challenge.
"Well I guess we know who we're voting for."
Group 2
"Was 135 one?" asked Zeke. "Yes!" said Coral. She picked up the jar and the group headed downstairs.
Coral: We FINALLY find the blood, so we run back to the Lounge.
Groups Join
"Guys! We have the blood!" said Lucas. "We have the ashes!" shouted Sadie.
Sadie: Finally.
"Make a circle with the ash and place the object inside." read Coral as Garret made a circle with the ashes, and Noah placed the compass inside.
"Recite the words of the spell as you drip the maiden's blood around the ashes." Coral continued.
Lucas: Just stop with the blood already.
"Guys we should all do it together." said Zeke. The group nodded. Sadie held the book as they read.
"Holia Rambusta Oon Ella Ay, Holia Rambusta Oon Ella Ay, Holia Rambusta Oon Ella Ay!" they chanted.
The compass lit up a vibrant green. "This is so cool!" said Garret. Then, the compass began to talk.
"My light will lead you into forgotten realms, it will glow brightest when you move in the proper direction."
Sadie: Did this hunk of junk just talk? This place is messing with my mind.
"Okay so it's basically like Hot and Cold." said Lucas.
Noah: I love this game! When I was little my parents used to hide things around the house and I'd find them playing this game!
Sadie picked up the compass and turned it a bit to the right, the light started to fade. She then kept turning it until it started to glow brighter.
"There!" yelled Lucas. The group then began to follow Sadie, making sure the light kept glowing.
They started to walk through the halls. "Guys I think we should try outside." suggested Noah. The group then walked outside and it started to glow brighter.
"Where exactly are we going again?" asked Zeke. "Another realm." stated Coral.
The group continued walking. They went down the balcony stairs. All of a sudden, green waves started to appear, taking the six into another realm.
"Guys, who's that?" said Lucas, pointing to a figure.
Lucas: I have no idea what to expect. This place is insane.
"Hello?" asked Zeke. The figure turned around. "The heroes of our prophecy have arrived." she said.
Noah: Heroes? Hunny, we're just some people who happened to get stuck in the Victorian Era.
"Our world has been cursed, and we need your help." she said, with a subtle urgency in her tone.
"Okay, how can we help?" asked Garret. "The once lowly Ice Witch has obtained a gem, giving her great power."
Sadie: Did I hear something about a gem? Bitch, that's the gem we need.
"We need that gem!" said Lucas. "In order to defeat her, and obtain the gem, you must obtain the Unquenchable Fire, which lies on the Path of Betrayal. To get to the path, you will need to find the talisman, however, two evil harpies guard it." said Sireen.
"Guys those are the things that killed Athena and Lyra." said Noah.
Coral: We have to face them again?
"And they WILL tear you to pieces, unless...you have a great warrior by your side." she continued.
Zeke: I'm looking at our team but I don't think it's any of us.
"Torhil the Undying was such a warrior. The last spell in my book has the power to reverse the Witch's curse and free him."
Garret immediately flipped to the last page. "Here! To dispel the curse, you will need tears from a fairy, and the Moss Kong's scepter, both lie here, hidden in the woods." he read.
Garret: Welp, I guess we're splitting up again.
Coral, Sadie, and Zeke went to the lake to look, meanwhile, Garret, Noah, and Lucas checked out the forest.
"Okay so a scepter or a fairy." said Coral, as she looked around.
The two groups continued looking around. "So I'm confused, do we need to find the tears, or the fairy, and then get her tea-OW!" said Zeke, as he tripped over something.
"Is this the scepter?" asked Zeke. "Yes! It is!" said Coral.
Zeke picked the scepter up. There was a leaf with a note on it wrapped around the scepter. "Play the proper note to summon a fairy. If you seek her tears, you must get her to laugh until she cries."
On the leaf was a small drawing.
"Oh guys, it's not a scepter, it's a flute." pointed out Garret. "Ohhh." the rest of the group sighed.
Coral: Darn it! I thought we had it.
"Wait so guys, we have to play the notes that are blacked out on the flute at the same time or something." said Noah.
Zeke took the flute and placed his fingers on the three black dotted spots on from the drawing. Then, he blew.
The note echoed throughout the thick bog. All of a sudden, a small light could be seen through the trees and a fairy slipped out.
"You called?" she said in a sing-song kind of voice.
Sadie: Damn, she's not bad looking.
Noah: Oh my god! I always dreamed of meeting a real fairy!
"Yes! We need your tears." said Lucas. "Why? Are you going to use them for evil spells?" said the fairy, suspicion creeping into her tone.
"No!" assured Coral and Garret. "We want to do the opposite actually, we need to break a curse." said Noah.
"Oh! Well then...alright! But first! You must make me laugh." said the fairy doing a little skip and giggling. "By the way, my name's Arlania." she added.
"Oh! Let me try!" said Zeke. Arlania looked at him expectantly. "What do you call a group of unorganized cats?" "What?" she asked. "A cat-atstrophe!" said Zeke, doing a little knee slap.
The rest of the group started laughing at the joke to help him. But Arlania was unamused.
"Oh please, you'll have to do better than that." she sighed, shaking her head.
Zeke: Harsh.
"Move aside y'all." said Sadie. "It's funny how we all sleep differently. I sleep on my side, my brother sleeps on his back, my ex sleeps with everybody! It's that sorta thing."
Sadie: Budum Pshhh
"Oh! That's so funny!" cried Zeke. The rest of the group was adding comments about how hilarious it was. Arlania just stared.
"What's an ex?" she asked.
Lucas: Oy
"Guys, maybe we should try twerking?" suggested Garret. "Oh! Me!" said Noah, as he got down and stared to twerk in front of Arlania.
Garret: Something grew in my pants.
"Oh! How horrifying!" she said.
Noah: Well I guess that didn't work.
"Wait guys, should we get down?" asked Coral. "What?" questioned Sadie. "Just follow me."
"Holia Rambusta Oon Ella Ay! Holia Rambusta Oon Ella Ay! Holia Rambusta Oon Ella Ay!" said Coral as she began to dance.
"Ohhh!" said Sadie. She began to join in. "Holia Rambusta Oon Ella Ay! Holia Rambusta Oon Ella Ay! Holia Rambusta Oon Ella Ay!" the two girls chanted.
Soon, the rest of the group began to understand and joined in as well. Garret got up on a rock and started to dance, Noah started twerking again.
Arlania began to tap along to the rhythm. "Holia Rambusta Oon Ella Ay! Holia Rambusta Oon Ella Ay! Holia Rambusta Oon Ella Ay!" they all chanted.
Arlania started to giggle and did a little skip in the air. "Holia Rambusta Oon Ella Ay!" they all chanted one last time. Arlania fell to the floor, laughing hysterically.
Garret quickly grabbed a little vial, and held it up to Arlania's eye. A small tear trickled out of it.
"Well! That was the funniest thing I've seen in ages!" said Arlania. "You May come back for my tears any time you want!" said Arlania, giving a little wink to Sadie.
Sadie: Aye.
"Okay so now we have to find the scepter." said Zeke.
The group started looking around. Sadie went back by the lake and Garret and Noah went to check out Torhil's ice statue.
"If I were I scepter, I'd probably be up here." said Zeke, checking the trees.
"Remember guys, Sireen said that the Moss King had the scepter." said Coral.
"Wait a minute." said Sadie. She dug her hand into a pit of moss, "Found it!" she yelled.
The group ran over to her.
Coral: So we have the tears, and Sadie found the scepter. We have everything we need.
Garret grabs the spell book and flips to the incantation.
"To reverse the Ice Witch's curse, place the scepter at the bass of of the subject and sprinkle the fairy tears on their eyes. Then move 20 paces from the subject before reading the words of the spell." said Zeke.
Lucas took the scepter and placed it at Torhil's feet. Then, Garret took the tears and sprinkled them over his eyes.
The group began to count as they walked backwards. "14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 18, 20!" they counted.
"Together guys!" said Coral. "Tamara Bolia Rogusta!" they all chanted.
As soon as the finished, the ice started to melt, and out sprang Torhil.
"AHHHHH!" he yelled. "AHHHHH!" the group screamed in terror.
Coral: Not bad looking.
"You freed me! I am in your debt." said Torhil.
Sadie: Is Fanning Herself While Smirking.
"We need your help!" said Garret. "Can you help us defeat the Ice Witch?" asked Coral.
"Yes, I can and I will." said Torhil, nodding towards Coral.
"You'll have to follow me." said Torhil. "Okay! I'll follow you anywhere." said Coral. "Can you carry me boo-boo?" asked Sadie.
"Everybody calm down." said Garret.
"This is where the harpies lie." said Torhil as he lead the group over to an opening in the woods.
Lucas: Not these bitches again.
"Be careful, for on their talons is a poison that can kill the healthiest of men." said Torhil.
Sadie: And women.
The group crept around on their tippy-toes. They finally saw the sleeping harpies. Then, they woke up.
The two charged towards the group, but Torhil got in the way.
"Out of the way! Before I cleave your heads from your shoulders." said Torhil.
"Torhil The Undying has taken up the company of outsiders!" the blue harpy, Amanita, scowled.
The orange harpy, Belliana, spat on the ground.
"Fowl birds, your blood will spill! Now hear the words!" said Torhil.
"We need the talisman." said Coral. Amanita cawed. "Do you have any idea the price we payed to obtain it?" said Belliana.
"Could we trade anything for it?" asked Garret.
"Fine! Here are the terms, and we will accept no others! Four of you, will be placed on the edge of the fountain as witnesses. Two of you will face us, in a game of stones. If one of you loses, all four outsiders will be slain! If both of you can win, the talisman is yours. Decide who plays!" sneered Amanita.
"Wait a minute." said Sadie. "Did they just say, of one of us loses, then the four outsiders die?"
Coral: Last time, two of us died, now...FOUR of us could die?
"So this game kind of looks like checkers." said Coral. "I mean I'm pretty good at checkers." said Lucas.
"Okay how about Zeke and Garret." said Lucas. Everyone nodded. "Good with me." said Garret, and Zeke agreed.
"Hurry up!" yelled Belliana. "We're coming!" yelled Zeke.
Coral, Sadie, Lucas, and Noah stood up on the four pedestals around the fountain, while Garret and Zeke moved over to the game.
Noah: Me, Coral, Lucas, and Sadie's lives depend on this weird game of checkers.
"This is how the game works! The first person to stack three stones is the victor!" said Amanita. "Outsiders go first."
Garret And Amanita began to duel. "Garett, concentrate and take your time!" said Noah.
Garret: With Noah cheering me on, I know I can win this.
Garret and Amanita continue their match. "Garret how are you doing?" asked Zeke. "Well! I'm about to win!" he replied. Amanita scowled.
Garret stacked his second stone. "You should've practiced." he said. Amanita grunted.
Meanwhile, Zeke and Belliana were playing. "No! That's not how it works, go back!" he yelled at her.
"Wait! You just jumped two!" Garret said to Amanita. She just shrugged. "Guys! They're cheating!" yelled Noah.
"I saw it with my own eyes! You both cheated!" cried Torhil. "Are you calling me a liar!" asked Amanita. "KILL THEM!" yelled Belliana ass the two harpies ran towards the four on the pedestals.
They all ran. Torhil, fortunately, got in the way of the harpies. Torhil grabbed the two harpies and snapped their necks, but not before he got sliced by one of their talons.
"He's hurt!" yelled Coral. "Are you alright?" asked Lucas. "I'll be fine! You have to go on without me!" said Torhil.
"You must get the talisman from the crimson pool!" Torhil said, as Noah brought him his pickaxe.
Zeke walked over to the fountain and reached inside. He grabbed the talisman and backed up.
"Now what do we do?" Zeke asked Torhil. "Kill the Ice Bitch!" yelled Torhil.
Suddenly, Sireen appeared out of nowhere. "You truly are the heroes of the prophecy." she said.
"Follow me to the path. You will need the talisman to get past it's guardian."
Sireen began to walk and the group followed her.
Lucas: We got the talisman and now it's finally time to destroy this Ice Witch.
Sireen leaf the group to the back of the mansion, where there was a man with a sword waiting in front of a path.
"If you seek the unquenchable fire, two must be chosen to walk the path of betrayal." he said.
Zeke: Here we go again.
A/N: There is no voting for this chapter.
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