Episode 2: The Spider Woman Pt 2/DEATH CHALLENGE

A/N: First, Starting Now I'm Doing Episode Thumbnails! Here's The One For This Chapter. Word Count: 2524


"Please discuss which female you want to vote." said Alison. The group separated. Zeke, Garret and Athena discussed. "Guys, I think we should vote for Celestia." said Athena. "Yeah I agree." said Garret, she hasn't really done that much. "Okay, I'll vote for her too." said Zeke.

Lyra, Celestia And Coral were discussing as well. "I'm gonna vote myself in, I'm honestly so done with this shit." said Celestia. "Yeah me too, I'm also voting for myself." said Coral. "Really? Well I think I know who I'm gonna vote for too." Lyra replied.

Meanwhile, Noah and Sadie were talking. "I'm gonna vote for myself, I have to save Lucas, he's my best friend." said Sadie. "Aww! That's so sweet, I'd vote for myself to too except only girls can be voted." replied Noah. "Yeah..."

Soon, Alison called the group to vote.

"Lyra." she said as Lyra came up and voted.

"Celestia." Celestia voted for herself.


"Sadie." Sadie came up and also voted for herself.

"Coral." Coral voted for herself as well.




And with that, the voting was done.

Alison shuffled the cards. The group was waiting in suspense. "The first person going into the challenge is...The Bounty Hunter." said Alison. "Meh." said Celestia. "And...The Vaudevillian." Sadie modded her head.

"Before we go, we have to find the fake gems." said Alison. "Fake gems?" asked Lyra. "Yes, in order to obtain the new gem, we must replace it with a new one." she replied.

Noah: I can't believe we're doing this again.

"So how are we going to do that?" asked Coral.
They all started to look around the room until Athena found a box. "Guys look!" said Athena as she pointed.

It was a small locked chest with a lock on it. The lock had three digits, each with a different color; red, green, blue. "Nice job Athena!" said Garret. "Wait!" said Sadie. She turned over the box and underneath it was a bed, a fork and knife, and a couch. "I bet that's where we can find the digits to the combination!" said Noah.

"Yeah! I think it's probably, here in the lounge, the bedroom and the dining room." said Garret. Celestia opened her mouth to disagree, but then paused and thought about it. "Yeah! I think you're right!" she said. "Okay, me, Athena and Sadie will stay here and search the lounge, Celestia, Lyra, and Coral, can search the dining, and Garret and Noah will search the bedroom." said Zeke.

"OOH! GARRET AND NOAH IN THE BEDROOM?!" said Celestia. Everyone ooh'ed as Garret and Noah blushed.

Garret: Oh lord, no.

Noah: A-A bedroom? W-With Garret? Oh no.

The group separated. Alison showed Celestia's group to the dining room and Garret and Noah to the bedroom. A/N: Hehe

The Lounge
"So, what are we supposed to do?" asked Athena. "I don't know..." said Zeke. Sadie started to gaze around the room until... "Hold it guys! I found something!" said Sadie. She took a bizarre looking book from the bookshelf and removed it.

Sadie: No secret door? Aw man.

"Wait!" said Zeke as he opened the book. Inside was a compartment with a note as well as a locked box. "If you want to find the key, you'll have to solve this riddle for me: My Hands And Arms Cannot Touch And On My Face Are Numbers Much, I Have A Face But Cannot See And From My Glass I Can't Break Free." read Athena. "Oh easy!" said Zeke, "It's a clock."

"How?" asks Athena. "Well a clock has 'hands and arms' but not like the ones we have, they're to tell time. And it also has a 'face' that doesn't have eyes so it can't see." he replied. "Ohhh!" said Sadie and Athena.

Sadie ran over to the grandfather clock and opened the top of it, sure enough there was a key.

She took they key and unlocked the box, inside was a small blue hexagon. "We did it!" Athena said. The group high-fived.

The Dining Room
After Alison left Celestia, Lyra and Coral, the group started to look around. "Find anything yet guys?" asked Celestia. "No, not yet." said Lyra. "Yeah same he-" Coral paused. "Wait a minute!" she exclaimed as she walked over to the table and found a letter.

Coral: Yay! I'm so happy!

"In order to find the thing you need you must eat out of the things that feed. Find a cake of pure dark night, a pasta that's made of eternal light, finally a dish that is, from the depths of the sea foam frizz, but listen to my warning, HEED, for poison is not what you need." read Coral.

"What the hell is a pasta made of eternal light?" said Celestia. "The note says that if we eat the wrong thing we get poisoned!" said Coral

Lyra: Great! So if we eat the wrong thing then we die!

The small group started looking around the table, which had about 25 different dishes on it. The group kept looking until Celestia spotted a Pasta Alfredo.

"Guys! Is this the pasta made of eternal light?" she asked. "I mean, it's a pasta with white sauce so I guess?" replied Coral. "Fuck it." said Celestia as she ate the pasta. Once she did finished, a number appeared on the bottom of the plate. "It's the number 5!" said Celestia.

Celestia went around the room looking for some sort of box to open with the numbers and Coral and Lyra kept looking. "Wait!"
said Lyra. "I found a slice of Black Forest Cake! I think that's the 'cake made of pure dark light'."

Coral: Lyra has risked poisoning herself twice in the last hour, that's pretty brave.

Lyra began to eat the cake, and a number appeared. "6!" she said as she went to help Celestia look.

Coral was still looking for hers until she found a bowl of clams.

Coral: I find the clams and I know that it's the 'dish that is, from the depths of the sea foam fizz' and I'm like, OH LORD PLEASE NO.

"I hate clams" Coral mumbled to herself. But still, she ate the clams, almost puking. "The-e l-last number is bleh 9." she said. "That's great, but the only thing is...we don't know where to put them." replied Lyra

"Great so I ate all those clams for nothing." "Oh Jesus, get over it all ready." said Celestia. The group kept looking until Lyra found some multicolored forks, each having a letter on them. "What?" questioned Celestia. "I think that we match a fork to the color the dish was! So we need a white one a bla—oh." said Lyra as she remembered that they still needed the right order.

Coral started to briefly remember the letter. "Oh!" she said. "We have to spell HEED with the letters, because it was bolded in the note we found on the table." "Oh!" said Celestia and Lyra. The girls watched up the forks. The black one had an HE, the blue one had an E, and the white one had a D. "Okay so the order of numbers is, Black Forest Cake, Clams, and Pasta Alfredo!" said Lyra. "And that's...695!" said Celestia.

"But we still need the box." said Lyra as she kicked her foot under the table. "Ow!" she said as she kicked something. Celestia bent down and saw the box!

Celestia: I can't believe it was under the fucking table the whole time!

The girls picked up the box and unlocked it. Inside was a red square. "Yes queens!" said Lyra. The group made it back to the lounge. "Yay! You guys found your piece!" said Sadie as the two groups hugged and waited for Garret and Noah. "Ooooooh! I wonder what's taking them so long." Celestia said, trying to make an impression. Everyone chuckled.

The Bedroom
Alison led Noah and Garret into the first floor bedroom. "Use protection you two." she said as she winked and then chuckled. Garret and Noah blushed.

Noah: Everyone is making such a big deal about me and Garret. I mean, yeah I do kinda like him but there's no chance that he likes me.

Garret: Yeah, I think I kinda like Noah.

"S-So!" said Noah. "Yeah!" replied Garret, awkwardly. The two boys looked away from each other and started to look around. Garret looked under the bed and found a note. "Hey Noah! Look! I found a note!" he said. "Read it!" said Noah. "If you want the thing you seek, you'll have to find some toys that freak, then put them in their correct places, and get the combo within the laces."

Garret: Toys that freak? Wha-OH SHIT!


"Umm, so toys that freak?" asked Noah. "Basically BDSM toys." said Garret. "Oh."

The two started to look around the room. Noah spotted something on top of the bed curtains.

"Hey Garret! Can you give me a hand?" asked Noah. "Sure!" he said. Garret hoisted Noah up so he could reach.

Garret: Well this is awkward.

Noah grabbed the handcuffs from the top and brought it back down. "So where should we put this?" asked Noah. "Hmm." said Garret. "Maybe..." he peeled back the rug and underneath it was a trap door. "Woah!" said Noah.

Noah: So he's cute and smart.

Garret opened the trap door and underneath it were handcuff holders, and two poles. Noah placed the cuffs in the holders and a number appeared above it. 7

The boys kept looking around the room. Noah looked in the closet and found a harness. "Garret, I found another one!" said Noah. Noah walked over to the trapdoor and placed the harness on the first pole. Nothing happened, so he moved it to the second one. The number 3 appeared.

Garret then started to look in the nightstand and found a gag in the drawer. "I got the last one Noah!" he said. He walked over and tied it around the first pole. The number 5 appeared and a secret compartment within the bed mattress opened. Inside was a box. "Read me the combination from left to right!" said Garret. "Alright!" said Noah. "735!" Garret entered it into the lock and it opened. Inside was a green circle. "Yes! We did it!" said Noah as the boys hugged, then they walked back to the lounge.

The Lounge
Garret and Noah entered the lounge and everyone ooh'ed. "What took y'all so long?" Lyra teased. "I told them to use protection." said Alison. Everyone burst out laughing except for Garret and Noah who were blushing madly. "L-Let's just open the box okay!" said Noah, embarrassed.

Garret: I honestly don't mind them joking about me and Noah, it's kinda true after all.

Lyra, Celestia, Sadie, Zeke, Athena, Coral: AWW! THEY'RE SO CUTE!

Noah: Oh brother.

"So, the box's digits go blue, green, red." said Sadie. "We got a blue hexagon." said Zeke. "We got a red square." said Celestia. "And We got a green circle." said Garret. "What are we supposed to do?" asked Coral.

Sadie: So we have all of these shapes but no numbers.

"Wait!" said Athena. "What if the sides of the shape correspond to the number!" "Yeah! That could work!" said Noah. "Nice going Athena!" said Garret and Zeke.

Lyra walked over to the box. "So blue, green, red." she said. "Blue hexagon, 6, green circle, 0, red square, 4." she stated. "Lyra put in 604 and the box unlocked!

"Nice Lyra!" said Coral.

Celestia: It's not that big of a deal, she typed some numbers in.

Inside the box were two fake gems. Alison took them and gave one to Sadie and one to Celestia.

"If the two of you would please follow me." said Alison. She led the girls outside where they saw Ace and Lucas with knifes to their throats. Poor Ace looked terrified and Lucas was trying to calm down.

Sadie and Celestia walked towards the ginormous spider web. They found a note and read together: "To escape my web, you must each overtake three challenges. Charge into the web until you each find a golden box. Inside will be your next instruction. Do not doubt me, I am hungry."

Celestia: I hate spiders so much

Sadie: OOF

The two run off into the sticky web, they both make it across in the same amount of time and both find their golden boxes. Inside was another note. Celestia read it aloud while Sadie read it in her head. "I would never kill another woman. It is one of my men are going to die. I picked them to lure you in simply for my entertainment."

Sadie: Girl power!

"This key opens the chest with my eggs. Inside is a black pearl, you will need to pass my women to take the final clue."

The girls run over to their chests. Celestia gets hers open first, with Sadie not far behind. Celestia quickly grabs the pearl from the sticky web inside, a few moments later, Sadie does too. Celestia ran past the women and showed them the pearl, they allowed her to pass. Then she ran up the stairs and started to climb the spider web. At this point, Sadie has just passed the women and was climbing the stairs.

Celestia finished climbing up the web and saw the gem. She quickly replaced it with the fake one. She was met with Jorogumo, who was holding Ace and Lucas. "Pick who you want to save." said Jorogumo. "What?" said Celestia, very confused.

Celestia: So this spider bitch is telling me that I have to choose who to save? Lucas or Ace?

"Umm..." said Celestia. "P-Please, I-I don't w-want t-to die!" said Ace. "Celestia please! I'm begging you!" begged Lucas.

Celestia: I was so torn with who to save...but in the end, it comes down to who has done more...

"Lucas." she said. "N-NO! P-PLEASE NO!" sobbed Ace.

"Take your toy." said Jorogumo as she pushed Lucas towards Celestia. "And you! You will be tasty!" she said as she looked at Ace. "KNEEL!" she said as she pushed Ace down. "P-please stop! Ple-AHHHHHHHH!" Ace screamed in pain as Jorogumo but down on him and devoured him. "Ace!" screamed Celestia and Lucas.

Betrayed By: The Bounty Hunter
Voted For: No One
Sadie: I hear Ace scream and I feel terrible.

The three walk back into the lounge.

"What! Sadie? Celestia?" asked Zeke. "Where's Ace?" said Coral.

"The two of us had to compete in the challenge, and the winner had to choose which boy to save...and I won." said Celestia.

Coral: Celestia killed my best friend.

"YOU BITCH! YOU KILLED MY BEST FRIEND!" screamed Coral. "Calm down! He hadn't done shit anyway!" yelled Celestia

"Guys! We need to stop fighting! This is exactly what the Sorceress wants us to do!" said Garret.

Suddenly, gunshots were heard outside.

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