Episode 10: The Menagerie Of Monsters

Previously On Escape The Night
The Explorer and The Savant are voted into the final death match, The Novelist assisting The Savant, and The Vaudevillian helping The Explorer.

In the end, The Explorer finds the gem in excitement, but soon realizes what this means. The Savant is killed by the Dark Guardian, and a note from a book leads the final three to the compass that an old friend had given them. "You guys...we did it. We can finally go home."
Over A Century Ago
A young woman stood, encased in a large glass box, struggling to break free. Meanwhile, a deep booming voice spoke.

"Sorceress." said the voice. The Sorceress sat on the ground naked, two women performing a cursed dance in front of her. "Your offer has been accepted by the ancient ones."

The Sorceress lifted up her arms and a purple field extended far into the forest behind her. All of a sudden, she laughed as she was possessed by the purple light. The woman screamed in her prison as purple lightning appeared.

"You are now the hand of oblivion in this world, dare you follow in your wake." the voice said. "I have been poor and hated all my life." said the Sorceress through clenched teeth.

"I have no love for the people of this world." "Claim your crown." boomed the voice, as the Crown of Oblivion suddenly footed down in front of her. She began to walk towards it but the Crown was quickly grabbed.

"As long as the Society Against Evil stands, the Crown will never be yours." said a man from the SAE. "The gems will be separated. And the souls from the future will have the power to rebuild the Crown." said the woman.

The Sorceress trembled in anger. The man threw the Crown on the floor and it broke. "NO!" yelled the Sorceress. The two SAE members drew their swords. "AHHHHH!" screamed the Sorceress as she charged at them.

The woman from before, Genevieve, still stood in her glass case, locked in treehouse in the middle of the forest behind the estate.

Meanwhile, back inside the lounge, Sadie, Coral, and Garret sat, inspecting the crown. "What should we do now? We have all of the gems, so how do we defeat The Sorceress?" asked Garret.

Sadie: Here I was thinking that we could finally leave this hellhole, but apparently, we have to defeat the magic bitch first.

"Okay so how do we do that?" asked Coral.

Coral: I never ever thought I'd say this but...I wish we had some sort of note, lock, box, anything!

As Coral and Garret continued inspecting the crown, Sadie's gaze drifted to the portrait of The Sorceress that Zeke had found the piece of the map on earlier.

"Wait y'all. The painting changed." said Sadie, as Coral and Garret looked. "Oh yeah! There's a girl in some sort of box behind her!" Garret exclaimed. "That's odd." Coral said.

"Now that I'm looking at this crown, it's actually really pretty." said Garret. "Yeah I agree!" said Coral.

Garret: Even though each of these gems represents one of our friends' lives, the Crown is actually gorgeous.

"Wait a minute." said Coral. "There's a gem missing."

Sadie: WHAT?!

"Wait really?" asked Sadie. "Yeah, but it doesn't look like the rest, it's more rectangular." Coral pointed out. "If we have to find another one of these I'm actually gonna kill someone." said Garret.

"Well hunny it ain't gonna be me." said Sadie. "Yeah, you can murder The Sorceress as much as you want when we defeat her." said Coral.

Suddenly, a box from behind them opened.

Coral: Maybe I should've been careful what I wished for.

Inside was yet another note. "OH MY GOD THESE FUCKING ASS NOTES!" Sadie exclaimed.

Garret sighed and began to read. "To complete the crown, the Center Stone must be recovered.  Three from the future must stand as one in the foyer. Their leader must place the Crown upon their head and the stone will appear. The three cannot separate until it had touched the ground."

"I think it's foyER not foyAY." said Coral. "What?" "You said foyAY it's the foyER." "Bitch, shut up." said Sadie.

Sadie: We're about to die and Coral's focusing on the pronunciation of foyer. Ugh, I love her but sometimes...

The three ran to the foyer and climbed up to the balcony . "Alright who's our leader?" asked Coral. "I'll be the leader." said Sadie, as Garret gave her the Crown. Sadie placed the Crown on her head.

Garret: Personally I think that I'd look better in the crown, but that's just my opinion.

Suddenly, a green glow from one of the statues above the balcony shone, a green gem emerging from it and making its way down to the floor.

All of a sudden, The Sorceress emerged from the library, reaching for the gem. "Um...what do you think you're doing?" asked Coral. "All this time it's been right here." said The Sorceress.

Coral: Nuh-uh! Nine of OUR friends died to complete this crown! Not yours! We worked so hard to complete it, you do not get that gem!

Sadie: Bitch, no.

The Sorceress grabbed the Center Gem. "Hey! Give it-" "Take it off." Garret was cut off by Laxus, who cocked his gun behind Sadie's head.

Sadie slowly turned and took the Crown off. She threw it at Laxus. "Hey there Little Lady. Hold your horses." "DON'T call me Little Lady." said Sadie with a glare that could cut through a diamond.

"We earned that crown!" exclaimed Coral. "Shut your mouth and move your ass." said Laxus, as Coral glared with twice the intensity of Sadie.

"We played by your rules! We killed our friends and sent them to their doom! You once killed TWO of us because we didn't play right, so how dare you cheat!" yelled Garret.

Garret: Have we just been sacrificing our friends to collect gems for her? Have all of our friends died for nothing?

Laxus bowed to The Sorceress. She took the Crown and slowly placed the Center Gem inside.

Sadie: Am I the only one remotely worried that Laxus is here?

The Sorceress gasped as she placed the Crown of Oblivion on her head. "No! She has all the power now!" whispered Coral.

"I have waited more than a century to wear this crown! It was stolen from me by the Society Against Evil, and locked away only to be restored by souls from the future! That is why I brought you all here. And in gratitude for such sacrifice, there is one more game to play!" cackled The Sorceress.

Garret: Oh shit.

The Sorceress snapped her fingers and white smoke began to fog the foyer. "It's my favorite part!" she exclaimed. "IN THE END YOU ALL DIE!" she laughed.

Coral: Really? Well sweetie that's nice but I'd prefer not to.

All of a sudden, Anthony rounded the corner in his werewolf form. "Oh hell no." said Sadie.

Sadie: Are we gonna have to face everyone we battled along the way?

Along with Anthony, came Vanessa, Allison's sister, the Devourer and one of Richard's Prometheans. "I knew it." said Sadie.

"The sun is about to rise and my spell will finally be complete!" said the Sorceress, as she laughed maniacally.

Suddenly, all of the monsters sprinted up the staircase. "RUN!" screamed Coral, as the three shot down the hallway.

They ran into a room to catch their breath, however, they were soon assailed by Laxus. The small group ran into the next room and locked the door. "Get your asses out here you filthy cowardly bastards!" he screamed.

The three found themselves in a new room. "Guys, what the fuck just happened?" asked Coral. "Isn't it obvious." said Sadie. "The Sorceress has brought back all of our old foes to kill us."

Garret: Thank god Torhil took care of those harpies, 'cause they were a pain in the ass.

"We've defeated all of them already, and we recovered the Crown! We should be able to leave!" yelled Garret.

On the small table in the room, Coral noticed a small dollhouse. She opened the door. "Guys, doesn't this look like the girl from the painting?" she said as she lifted a glass box with a girl inside out of the dollhouse.

"Oh yeah." said Garret. Coral opened the box and inside was small book. Garret picked it up and opened it. "My name is Genevieve and I am the child that The Sorceress once was. A child who was hurt and sealed away, so she might become a monster. I am her link to the Cursed God's magic she wields. If you free me from my prison, The Sorceress will be striped of her power. Please save me, I just want to go outside and play like all of the other girls." he read.

"Okay so basically, if we find Genevieve, we can still defeat The Sorceress even though she has the Crown." said Sadie. Outside the dollhouse we're two other dolls.

"Wait, what if we put her outside like she wanted." said Garret, as he took the doll in the glass case and placed it outside with the other dolls. Suddenly, the bookcase moved aside and revealed a secret passage.

"Awesome!" said Coral. In the next room, there was a book and a ladder leading outside an open window. Sadie picked up the book and opened it.

"My prison in the treehouse will open when the three leviathan seals are broken."

"They are painted in crimson light around the estate. The first one lies behind bricks. Be careful, the lieutenants are after you. If you get caught, and you are not rescued within five minutes, you will be killed." Sadie looked up and stared at Garret and Coral.

"Guys, we have to stick together no matter what. We've gotten this far, we're not abandoning each other now." said Sadie. The other two nodded in agreement.

"Let's go." said Coral, as Garret began to descend the ladder. In the distance, the three could spot Genevieve sitting in the treehouse.

Meanwhile, The Sorceress walked towards the altar, Crown on her head and staff in hand. She stepped onto the pedestal.

"The time has come for my army to enter the modern world, and join where we belong." she said as the Crown began to glow. She lifted her left arm and a grabbed onto a shock of orange lightning originating from one of the two sun stones beside her.

In the meantime, the three finished descending the ladder. "Okay so the book said something about bricks." said Garret. "Bitch this is a whole wall of bricks." said Sadie, gesturing towards the wall in front of them.

Coral: Who said anything about a wall of bricks, this whole damn mansion is MADE of bricks.

The Sorceress extended her other arm and grabbed onto another piece of lightning. She began to pant as a large portal began to open in front of her to the modern world.

Garret: We have to destroy these symbols, but we have no idea where to look! Plus, all of the lieutenants are after our asses.

All of a sudden, a Promethean rounded the corner. The three ran towards the inside of the mansion, but were faced with the Devourer. "Oh my gosh! This way!" said Coral, as she ran down the steps of the porch, Garret and Sadie on her heels.

They soon reached the battleground where the Confederates and the Dark Army teams fought. "YOU'RE DEAD!" screamed Vanessa, as Anthony howled. Iragor readied his bow and arrow.

Sadie: Suddenly, were completely SURROUNDED by bad bitches! And not the good kind like me!

"That was terrifying!" said Coral. Out of the corner of his eye, Garret spotted a wall of loose bricks. "Here!" he whisper-yelled. Coral and Sadie followed him and helped tear down the bricks.

Behind them, was the first leviathan symbol. Coral picked up a gun on the ground while Sadie picked up a note.

"The blood of the forsaken must be spread across the seal to break it." read Sadie. "Blood of the forsaken?" asked Garret, pondering it.

All of a sudden, Coral saw Vanessa running towards them.

Coral: I see that Vanessa has the blood, so I shoot that bitch...ella se murio.

Vanessa hissed as she fell to the ground. "Sorry Allison!" said Coral as she ran and grabbed the blood from around Vanessa's neck. She opened the bottle and smeared some across the symbol; it immediately disappeared.

Coral: After all of the shit that's happened tonight, I don't even hesitate to shoot a vampire.

"So where do we go next?" asked Garret as he began to look through the bricks. "Maybe Vanessa has something?" suggested Sadie. The three ran out. Sadie dug her hand in Vanessa's pocket and pulled out a note.

"The second seal can-" but Sadie was cut off my Anthony's roaring. "Gogogo!" said Coral, as they took off.

Anthony began to chase them, however, the three had split up and hidden in other places. "Anthony bring them!" yelled Laxus. Anthony howled in annoyance.

"Guys!" whisper-yelled Garret.

Garret: I'm completely alone and definitely terrified. God I wish Noah was still here.

Sadie and Coral stood on top of a balcony. Soon, they saw Garret run by. "Garret! Up here!" said Coral. Garret ran up the staircase and met back with Sadie and Coral.

"Come here you bastards!" yelled Laxus as the three ducked. A Promethean rounded the corner and they hid behind the telephone booth, spinning around as the Promethean advanced.

"We have to get into the house because the next seal is in the dining room." said Sadie. "Yeah but the Devourer is in there." said Coral.

"We need someone to distract." said Sadie. Garret volunteered. "I'll do it." The other two nodded.

Garret: I feel like I have to prove myself since I got caught last time.

"If you hear me scream come help." said Garret. "Got it." Garret stood outside and began to do what Coral had previously done, while Sadie and Coral ran inside and made their way towards the dining room.

Coral and Sadie entered the dining room and there was in fact a leviathan seal. Coral lifted the lid off of a dish on the table. Underneath were squirming cockroaches and a note. Sadie quickly grabbed the note as Coral screamed and immediately placed the lid back on.

Coral: Not today Satan!

"The first course has started but no one has arrived. You cannot let it get cold or the chef will be furious. You have to swallow at least one spoonful of soup at each place." read Sadie.

Sadie: We've already met one chef here, and she made pies out of children, so I'm not excited.

The soup was composed of human organs and bones.

"Come one Sadie, let's just down it, we don't have much time. If you pinch your nose you won't taste it as much." said Coral. "Okay..."

The two began downing the soup, both nearly barfing at each one. "Oh lord." moaned Coral. "Keep going!" said Sadie.

Coral: I'm already saying a lot of stuff that I thought I'd never say tonight, so I might as well say one more: I think that this is the only thing on Earth worse than the clams.

Finally, Sadie and Coral finished their soups, and the seal disappeared. All of a sudden, the Devourer entered the dining room.

Sadie and Coral dove underneath the table.

Sadie: If the Devourer looks down...we're dead.

The Devourer continued to walk around for a bit, until it finally left.

Meanwhile, Garret hid inside the telephone booth. The Promethean pressed its hand against the glass.

Garret: I'm hoping and praying that its goggles prevents it from seeing me through the obfuscated glass.

The Promethean finally left as Garret quickly ran out. Coral and Sadie we're still recovering from the soup, as something entered the dining room. The two dove under the table again.

"Guys! It's me!" said Garret, as Coral wiped her brow and the two stood up. "Thank god." said Sadie. Coral picked up another note on the mantelpiece.

"The final seal lies on the water." she read. "The pool!" said Sadie

Sadie: I feel like that phrase has been said way too many times tonight.

"Wait it could also be the pond." said Garret.

All of a sudden, the Devourer came through a doorway and the three sprinted outside. But, a Promethean was guarding the nearest outdoor exit. "SHIT!" screamed Sadie, as they ran to the next nearest one.

They finally reached outside and advanced towards the pool. Suddenly, another vampire rounded the corner.

Sadie: There are so many fucking lieutenants, I don't know how we're EVER gonna escape.

They quickly skurted around the vampire and ran towards the pool. "Anyone up here? I sure hope so! It's getting lonely downstairs!" chuckled Iragor.

Once they reached the pool, they realized that the seal wasn't there. "Ugh, fuck. It has to be at the pond." said Garret, as they ran towards the pond.

"AHAH!" shouted Laxus as he spited the three. "I got you now!" Sadie, Garret, and Coral ran as fast as they could and hid in the phone booth.

Coral: Thank you so much German Lady from Hell, for providing us with this sacred-er-not so scared phone booth.

Once Laxus left, the three shuffled out of the booth and descended the staircase to the pond. Once they got, there they gonna Ly saw the third and final seal.

Garret: Thank you Jesus.

Sadie: This night is filled with memories. We Went to the field where we all battled, the pool where Celestia and Lucas fought, and now the pond where we met that cute fairy.

Sadie picked up a note beside a tree and read it. "I'm afraid the final seal can only be broken by blowing the shit out of it. The trick is to take down the lieutenants at the same time. Place the dynamite in the pond and prep the detonation. Then lure in the lieutenants and blow the seal." she finished.

Coral: Well in the bright side, it's pretty much killing two birds with one stone. We destroy the seal, and the lieutenants.

Garret picked up a large tin box by the tree. "I assume that this is the dynamite." he said as he threw it into the pond.

"HEY SHIT HEADS! OVER HERE!" screamed Sadie.

Sadie: We just started act screaming to lure the lieutenants in.


One by one, the lieutenants appeared, screaming, roaring, and howling. Coral pressed a button near the tree and the dynamite exploded, destroying the third symbol and killing the lieutenants.

All of a sudden, the treehouse by the pond glowed, and its door opened. The three run up the stairs and into the treehouse.

They see Genevieve in her glass box.

Coral: This is the girl we have to save!

She slowly opened the box and stepped out. "Oh my god! Thank you so much! You broke the seals!" she said as she hugged the three of them.

Meanwhile, the Sorceress screamed, slowly gaining more power. "What is happening!" she screamed as the lighting began to flicker and the gems stopped glowing. "NOOOOO!" she screamed, as the portal began to close.

The Devourer slowly submerged back into its dimension. "The Sorceress! I'm the source of her power! Now that I'm free she'll be weak!" exclaimed Genevieve, excitedly.

Garret: Yay!

"How do we defeat her?" asked Garret. "She will know the pain that I have felt for the past century!"

Genevieve ran out of the treehouse, as the small group followed her. "AHHHH!" she screamed as she ran. "Wait up!" wheezed Coral.

The three followed her up to the patio, where Genevieve stopped and stared at the Promethean about to attack. "Not so fast dickhead!" screamed Allison as she but into its neck with her teeth.

"Allison! Thank you!" said Coral. "It's the least I could do after you killed my bitch sister." said Allison, wiping blood off her mouth.

Allison, along with the group, followed Genevieve inside, where The Sorceress laid, collapsed on the stairs, the crown above her head.

Genevieve advanced towards The Sorceress and grabbed the crown from behind her. Just to make sure she was really dead, Genevieve slit her throat with her knife.

"Bitch." said Genevieve as she stomped on The Sorceress' stomach. All of a sudden, a coffin appeared with Zeke inside, the blood still wet from where he was stabbed.

Sadie placed the Crown on her head, the magic surging through her. The Sorceress began to disappear as the Crown changed the current era to 2019

Allison and Genevieve gave a small sad wave and smile, before disappearing themselves.

The three advanced towards Zeke, each giving him a small kiss on the forehead. Garret took the crown and placed it on his head gently, before closing the coffin.

"You guys...we can finally leave." said Garret. Coral wiped tears from her eyes.

Coral: I will never ever forget all of those innocent people who died here tonight.

Sadie: I feel so lucky to have survived this horrible tragedy.

Garret: I'm so happy to be finally going home after all of this, I probably have some major PTSD by now but...

The three gave a tight squeeze and walked out of the house, seeing that all that was left was an old, run down mansion.

An old car appeared in front of them, Garret took the front seat while Sadie and Coral got into the back. Garret started the ignition and drove away into the distance, finally carrying them...home.

Three Guests Escaped

There we go folks! That's the end of Season 1! Let me know how you liked it!

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