Episode 1: The Victorian Ball

"Has anyone seen Zeke Wise lately?" said Sadie to her camera. "Have u seen Zeke lately?" texted Coral to Ace. "No, actually not in a while." he responded. One day, a gothic looking woman came to deliver a letter. She knocked on Noah's door. "A letter for Mr. Alexander." "Um, this isn't my Shake Shack." he replied. "For Ms. Ernaline." "Where are you going? You have a nice ass!" said Lyra as the woman walked away.

My friends,

I am going on a dangerous quest and I need your help. "You will be transported to the Victorian Era." read Coral. "Well, I do love traveling, so this should be interesting!" "You must show up in a persona of the appropriate era, your outfit and role will be included on the back of this page." read Lucas. "Huh, the Outlaw is it?" "At 6:00 PM sharp, a carriage will arrive to take you to your destination." Celestia read while sitting on her couch eating potato chips. "Ugh! Fine I'll go, but only if I'm allowed to bring my chips." You must not bring any items from the modern world, or the mansion will not appear to you. "WHAT! I'm not allowed to bring phone! WHY LORD! WHYYY!" cried Athena. "This quest will be dangerous. Once you get there you will not know what is to come. You will be a newborn babe in a new world. And remember, not everything is as it seems." read Scarlet. "Tom, Honey! I'm going on a trip. Take care of Suri for me okay?" Please consider coming. Your friend, Zeke. "Don't worry Zeke! I'm coming to help you!" said Garret.

Sadie fixed her headpiece, as Coral tightened her bandana. Celestia fastened her belt with guns around the waist. Scarlet and Athena tied their hair up and Noah fixed his collar. Garret put on his blazer as Lyra dusted off her dress. And Lucas and Ace pulled on their coats. Ace having a velvet red one, and Lucas's being a black cotton.

Five carriages were sent out to pick up the guests. One picked up Garret and Noah, one picked up Lyra and Celestia, one picked up Sadie and Lucas, one picked up Coral and Ace and one picked up Athena and Scarlet. "Coral? You were invited to?" said Ace as the carriage stoped at her house and picked her up. "Yeah I was! I didn't know you were too!" replied Coral as she stepped into the carriage. "Thank god, you know how much I hate meeting new people, it makes me so nervous." said Ace, trembling. Meanwhile, Sadie's carriage stopped at Lucas's house. "Luke? Oh my gosh! I can't believe you were invited too!"

Sadie: Me and Lucas haven't seen each other in a while, so I'm really happy that we're getting to go to this party together!

"Sade! I knew this was gonna be fun, but now it'll be better with you here!" In Athena and Scarlet's carriage, the two girls were busy chatting up a storm. "Is your husband is really Tom Cruise?" asked Athena. "Yep! We met at the premiere of The Mummy!"

Athena: Scarlet seems really nice, I think we're gonna be good friends.

"Hey I'm Lyra! What's your name?" asked Lyra as Celestia stepped into the carriage. "Hey Lyra! I'm Celestia! Nice to meet ya!" Lyra chuckled. "That's quite a belt you have on." "Yeah, I use it to holster my guns." replied Celestia. "So, is your role like The Bank Robber or something?" Lyra laughed. "Haha no, actually I'm The Bounty Hunter!" "Ooh, fancay!" The girls chuckled.

Noah's carriage stopped in front of Garret's house.

Noah: So, the carriage stops and this really hot dude gets in.

"Hi! I'm Garret!" Garret tells Noah. "Nice to meet you! My name's Noah!" "Well it's nice to meet you too." said Garret. "So, what's your role?" asked Noah. "I'm The Novelist, I write novels for a living. How about you?" "I'm the Abolitionist, I help abolish slavery! I really hate racism." replied Noah. "That's really amazing!"

Garret: Noah seems like a really great person. Plus he's cute.

The carriages arrived one by one to the mansion.

"Hi! I'm Sadie Grayson and I'm the Vaudevillian!" says Sadie as she fixes her headpiece yet again.

"Hey! I'm Lucas Hall and I'm the Outlaw!" says Lucas as he strokes his beard.

"Hello! I'm Athena Rose and I'm The Engineer!" says Athena as she twirls.

"Hello all! I'm Scarlet Cruise and I'm The Detective!" says Scarlet as she looks through her magnifying glass.

"Heyo! I'm Noah Alexander and I'm the Abolitionist! says Noah as he puts his hands on his hips.

"Hiya! I'm Garret Peon and I'm The Novelist! says Garret as he grabs his book.

"H-Hi, I'm A-Ace Anderson and I-I'm The Thespian." says Ace, timidly as he crosses his arms.

"Hello everybody! I'm Coral Rivers and I'm The Explorer! says Coral as she pulls on her bandana.

"Hey! I'm Lyra Ernaline and I am The Nightingale!" says Lyra as she plays with her hair.

"Sup y'all! I'm Celestia McDrafter and I'm The Bounty Hunter! says Celestia as she blows the top of her gun.

"So, where's Zeke?" asked Athena. "Yeah, he invited us here, so he should be here to great us." said Coral. "Come on guys, I'm sure he's just a bit busy." said Garret.

Celestia: I'm still mad I couldn't bring my chips.

Sadie: Come on Zeke! This is just bad hosting.

All of the guests start bickering and complaining until a voice stops them.

"Hello! You must be the guests! My name is Dorian." "Where's Zeke?" asks Noah. "Oh! Zeke is...um...busy preparing!"

Scarlet: Busy preparing huh? Sounds suspicious.

Behind him was a girl about 20 or so. "Father, may I help get them...situated?" "Of course Allison. Just don't tell them...too much."

Garret: Too much? Sounds pretty sketchy to me.

Lyra: What is going on around here?

Allison walked over to the group as Dorian walked back up the stairs. "Listen to me." Alison told the group. "You all are in danger, you can't trust anyone here."

Lucas: Danger? What danger?

Celestia: Okay, so this bitch is telling us not to trust anyone, but...she's kinda sketchy too.

"What do you mean?" asked Ace. "What I mean is that-" before she could finish, she was cut off by a vampire grabbing the nearest person to him.

"Help!" Celestia screamed. "Celestia!" yelled Lyra. Celestia was dragged away into the next room. Coral and Scarlet tried to open the now locked door, but couldn't get in.

Celestia was locked in and chained to an X. There, she saw Zeke. "Zeke?"

Celestia: So after that dick-head chained me here, I see Zeke chained to the big X next to me!

"Celestia! Thank god!" "Why did you invite us here?" asked Celestia. "I didn't, she did." said Zeke, nodding his head towards the portrait of the woman with a deep V-cut. "What do you mean? And who is she?" asked Celestia, deeply confused "She's called The Sorceress, and she's pure evil. She possessed me and invited you all here. I don't know her intentions but I'm positive they can't be good." "How awful, I'm so sorry! That bitch is gonna pay!" said Celestia, angrily. "Yes, she will, as soon as we get out of these chains." replied Zeke. "Oh, right."

Meanwhile, back in the Foyer, Alison was explaining too the group all about the Sorceress, and what really happened with Zeke. "How awful!" Lucas and Garret said. "How do we get out of here?" asked Coral. "You can't. You're stuck in the Victorian Era for now." "WHAT?" yelled Scarlet. "MY PHONE!" yelled Athena.

Coral: So this girl is saying that we're stuck here?!

"Don't worry, we'll figure out a way to get you guys out of here, but for now, we have to defeat my father." explained Alison. "Well how the hell are we supposed to do that?" said Noah. "We have to defeat him using the sunstone, it will immediately turn him to dust. In order to do that, we need someone to solve his riddle." "And how do we do that?" asked Ace. "One if you has to disguise yourself as a vampire by drinking a vampire's blood, then you have to solve his riddle, just ask him, then position him in the courtyard and I'll take it from there.

Noah: One of us needs to drink vampire blood? Ew.

Meanwhile, back in the room that Zeke And Celestia we're in, Celestia spotted a key. "Zeke! Look! A key!" said Celestia. "Where?" Celestia pointed to a key right on the side of the big X. She grabbed it and unlocked herself, then she unlocked Zeke.

Celestia: Score!

"Nice going Celestia!" said Zeke. "No problem!" she replied. "Hey, look! That corner looks loose on that painting!" said Zeke, pointing to the painting of the Sorceress. He walked over and peeled it off. "It's a map!" exclaimed Celestia.

Zeke: The map points to a specific part of the room.

Zeke and Celestia followed the map. It led to the a corner of the room where there was a desk. Zeke opened the desk and found a crown, an orange stone, and a key to the door. "We found the key!" said Celestia. The two walked over and unlocked the door. As soon as they walked out everyone ran up to them. "Zeke! Celestia! Thank god you're okay!" said Garret. "You have a lot of explaining to do Zeke." said Sadie. "Alright I will." Zeke explained to them everything that was happening.

Lucas: I can't believe that Sorceress bitch made Zeke invite all of us here.

"Anyways, we found this crown and this orange stone!" said Celestia. "That's the crown of oblivion! It's the only way you can defeat the Sorceress!" said Allison. "You need to collect gems to fill it, but here's the problem, each gem requires a life." "What?" all of the guests exclaimed in horror.

Sadie: So we're gonna have to die for these gems? That's some bullshit.

"But! That orange stone is the sunstone! That's how we can defeat my father! And then we need to get the Vampire Gem from my mother." "Great!" said Scarlet, sarcastically. "So, who's going to take Dorian's riddle?" asked Allison. "I volunteer." said Garret. "Are you sure?" asked Noah. "Yes, I need to do this for you guys."

Noah: I can't believe Garret just volunteered to do that, he's so brave.

"Okay, then follow me." said Allison.

Garret followed Allison outside, where a vampire was passed out drunk. Allison bent down and bit the vampire's neck. Garret bent down and drank the blood. "Oh god, that was disgusting."

Garret: I see Dorian and I run up to him.

"Hey! Dorian! Could I take your riddle?" asked Garret. "Of course! But I warn you, if you fail, you shall die.

Garret: Oh Jesus.

"Go ahead." said Garret after a gulp. "I can bring tears to your eyes; resurrect the dead, make you smile, and reverse time. I form in an instant but I last a life time. What am I?" After thinking for a bit, Garret got the answer. "A Memory!" "Correct!" said Dorian.

"Wow!" said the group, back in the Foyer. "Since I got your riddle right, would you come on a walk with me?" asked Garret. "Fine." said Dorian. Garret led Dorian to the Courtyard. As soon as they got there Allison chanted a speed on the sunstone and threw it at Dorian. "AHHH! IT BURNS!" screamed Dorian as he turned to dust.

Garret: I love riddles.

"You did it!" said Noah as he hugged Garret. Garret blushed. "Sorry to break up this moment, but we need to get the gem." said Allison. She led the group to the Lounge. "Now it's time to vote. Who do you want to go into the challenge to determine who lives...and who dies?"

Who Do You Vote For? Make Sure To

⭐️Zeke Wise-The Savant⭐️

🎭Sadie Grayson-The Vaudevillian🎭

🧭Coral Rivers-The Explorer🧭

Celestia Lollia McDrafter-The Bounty Hunter

🔎Scarlet Noelle Jonas Cruise-The Detective🔎

📔Garret Peon-The Novelist📔

⚙️Athena Rose-The Engineer⚙️

🕊Lyra Ernaline-The Nightingale🕊

🚫Noah Alexander-The Abolitionist🚫

🎬Ace Anderson-The Thespian🎬

🔫Lucas Hall-The Outlaw🔫

Eleven Guests Remain

Word Count: 2056 Words

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