The Secrets of The Jungle Temple • Episode 5 Part 1

Previously on Escape the Night, Valorie and Avery get voted into the Pirates Challenge where they have to paint the best picture of a Kraken.  The voting was a tie, Celia almost killed them both, but Violet and Finn put a stop to that.  As they head back to Violet's hut, they put up the pirate badge, shorty after Violet leaves the group, and they hear drums.

The Guest all jumped at the sound of the drums, "What is it going to be this time?" Luna groaned.

"We already had, Aztecs with Anger issues, A Lion and it's Psycho Owner, and Pirates that won't stop yelling, who knows what we'll have next" Leon said throwing his arms up, they decided to walk out of Violet's hut they were still in.

There they see a path that wasn't there before.

Kotoko~ W-was t-that t-there before? I-I d-don't r-remember it?

Coral~ I'm so done with random stuff popping out of nowhere, it's kind of normal now

"Well, I mean I guess we should walk down the path?" Valorie asked kind of suspicious with the path that appeared in front of them where they can still hear the drums, but only this time louder.

The guest all agreed, all walking slowly knowing that this will probably lead to an another friend's death.

A little bit more of walking the guest all see a Jungle Temple in front of them.

Austin~ Is this when the messed up Monster from Temple Run appears and we all start to run?

Angelina~ Jumanji!!

Luna~ Ok this place looks cool, but um don't Temples always have traps?

They all walk into the Temple to see a floating round ball, on a pedestal.  It glows an electric blue. 

Leon~ So, I look more at the floating orb, only to see what looks like words forming?

"Guys, I think words are forming from the orb" Leon said pointing at it, and everyone else looked at it.

'Split up into 2 Groups of 4, and then you'll have to do a treasure hunt, the group that returns back to this Temple First will be safe from the Vote ,' Avery reads off, as the words disappear, so new ones can form.

'Then, once you get into groups, you'll be handed your list that's different from everyone else's, then you'll have to search, have a terrible time' Valorie read off.

Coral~ Man, even Orbs are rude in this Jungle.

Valorie~ I haven't done a treasure hunt since like what, elementary school?

Avery~ The pressure is real

Leon~ I don't want anyone else to die, bit I also don't want to die, so sorry

Angelina~ Great so now I feel pressured

Luna~ I better not run into anymore trees -_-

Austin~ I don't know if anyone realized this yet, but I'm a Treasure Hunter, this is going to be easy for me.

Kotoko~ I H-Hope o-one of t-the t-things w-we h-hqve to find i-is a l-lion!

"O-ok, but l-like w-why a-are w-we even t-taking o-orders f-from an O-orb?" Kotoko asked laughing.

"I don't even know anymore" Valorie said shaking her head, as the group started to get into groups.

Group 1

Leon • Coral • Austin • Kotoko

Group 2

Valorie • Avery • Angelina • Luna

"You may start hunting for your items in 3, 2, 1, Start!" Finn yelled as the groups raced to get their list and Into the Jungle trees.

Group 2
(Yes I know how to count lmao)

Valorie~ Ok so our list has 4 things in it, and one of those items happens to be an animal, and a  Posion Dart Frog! Like what?!

Avery~ The next item is this weird face Jungle Artifact, that looks like something You would make an art class.

Angelina~ The third item is the ribbon of the lost lover, and I have no idea what that means, I only understand we need to find a Ribbon.

Luna~ The last item is this Jewel, that looks like a Crystal Quartz.

"So which item should we find first?" Avery asked.

"As much as I don't want to say this, maybe the Dart Frog, just to get it over with" Valorie suggested.

Valorie~ The quicker we knock it out, we won't have to worry about it, so let's do it now.

"Ok we're wasting time so let's just go with the Dart Frog" Angelina said and they all agreed.

Luna~ Someone make this a book, The quotes are right, Stuff can make you do crazy things, LIKE TRYING TO CATCH A POSIONOUS FROG!

Valorie looked around a tree, and coincidentally she found a cage.

"Look guys! I found a cage! We could put the Frog in here" Valorie said turning around to show them the cage.

Avery~ Thank Goodness, because touching a Dart Frog that could possibly kill me wasn't on my to do list.

"Ok so now we don't have to touch it" Angelina said relieved.

They kept on looking around the Jungle, and soon enough there they found a Dart Frog.

Angelina and Valorie got the cage ready, Angelina stood by the cage to close it as Valorie scared the Frog inside the cage.

As the frog ran inside, Angelina quickly closed the cage door.

The 4 girls all cheered.

Valorie~ Now that's how you catch a Posionous Frog!

Avery~ 3 more things to find.

Group 1

Austin~ Ok so, we have to find this dagger that's inside of a glass cage.

Coral~ Next we have this crown, Definitely not going to keep it..

Leon~ the next item is this cool ring, that has a Ruby on it, and this paper makes it look oddly shiny somehow.

Kotoko~ L-lastly, w-we n-need t-to f-find a-a S-snakes f-fang? H-how are w-we g-going to g-get t-that?

"I say we get the Crown first, because it shouldn't be too hard to find, since it should be a goldish color and shiny, and nothing here is really that gold or Shiny?" Coral Suggested.

"Yeah, let's go for the crown" Leon nodded.

"So we should also probably narrow it down to find it?" Austin said, "Y-yeah because i-if w-we d-didn't we w-would b-be h-here F-forever" Kotoko said, and they all nodded.

Austin~ Where are we going to find this crown at in a Jungle?

Coral~ Is there a throne somewhere or a tiny castle?

"Well since it's a crown, maybe it would be somewhere that looks, I don't know, somewhere a king would go?" Leon said.

The group all just started to walk in a random direction. 

Austin~ So I looked up to see trees, duh, and then I see a key!

"Guys look! There's a key in a tree!" Austin shouted, and pointed at they tree where the key lays.

The group of 4 all decided to climb the tree, Kotoko soon reaching the key and grabbing it.

"It's most likely a chest, well because why else would we need a key?" Coral said.

"You never know, the Jungle is weird" Leon said, and they all nodded.

"W-e should p-probably s-scout out t-the a-area to l-look for t-the c-chest" Kotoko said and they all started to look around.

"Wait guys! We all probably look like Tarzan" Coral said, and laughed.

"You're right!" Austin gasped.

Leon~ Forget trying to Escape the Night ( ;) )
Let's do a Disney Karaoke!

"Wait I see something Shiny!" Coral yelled and pointed at something Shiny in the distance.

The group tried their best to rush down out of the tree without hurting themselves.

They ran to the chest and, Austin unlocked it, there they saw The Crown, AND the Ruby Ring.

Group 2

Valorie~ So now I think we should go with the Jewel.  It shouldn't be that hard.

A few minutes later...

The group is being chased by tigers.



Angelina~ I would be saying 'awee!' IF THEY WEREN'T TRYING TO EAT US!


The group of screaming terrified, girls soon made their way to a chest, that was glowing.

Luna opened it and it Revealed the Jewel they needed.

Group 1

Kotoko~ S-s n-now all w-we n-need i-is the d-d-dagger and a-a S-snakes f-fang.

"So the fang, or the dagger?" Leon asked.

"The fang, let's get it over with" Austin said.

Coral~ I'm already dreading this.

The group walked around until they saw a pit of snakes.

"oH mY goSh!" They all jumped looking at the pit.

Kotoko~ T-thats so- oh my gosh-

There in the middle of the pit, they see a snakes fang, that was pretty big then a usual snakes fang.

Leon~ Of course, the fang has to be in the middle of the pit, of course

Austin~ Are you kidding me?!

"I h-ave a-n i-idea" Kotoko said, "a-although, y-you g-guys m-may n-not l-like it" She said

"What is it?" Leon asked.  "W-well three of u-us go i-in and d-distract t-the s-snakes, a-and one of u-us gets t-the f-fang." Kotoko said.

The other 3 looked at each other in shock, not wanting to go in that pit of snakes.

"I guess, but who gets the key?" Coral asked.

"I guess I'll get the Key" Kotoko said.

Coral~ This is my third time distracting something I believe?

Austin, Leon, and Coral all jumped in a clear space of the pit and started yelling as Kotoko quickly grabbed the fang, and ran back up, the other three soon following.

Group 2

The last things they needed were an Artifact, and the ribbon.

Angelina~ What if we go back to the temple? Isn't there supposed to be artifacts there?

"Maybe we should go back to the temple to find the Artifact?" Angelina said, and the whole group nodded in recognition.

"Your right!" Valorie yelled and took of running towards the temple, as the rest followed behind her.

They soon made their way to the temple to see Finn there sharpening a sword he seemed to still have from the Pirate battle.

Finn looked at them confused, but then soon realized, he stood up, "So you guys-!" Finn got caught off by the Girls running past him, and inside of the temple, leaving the poor guy confused.

Luna looked around the temple, and then soon found a pedestal with a structure on it.

Avery~ That HAS to be the Artifact.

Avery walked up to it, "yup definitely the artifact!" She cheered, as Luna grabbed it.

Valorie~ All we need now is the ribbon.

The girls all walked around the temple, and Valorie made he way outside by Finn, there she noticed a silver ribbon tied around his wrist.

Valorie~ So I was rushing, so I snatched that ribbon off of Finn's hand. Woops..

Finn looked at her strangely, and Valorie yelled out a sorry.

Group 1

The group ran to the temple to see Finn sharpening his sword, there Coral saw an extra dagger sticking out of his pocket.

Coral quickly stole the dagger, Finn looking at them in disbelief.

Finn~ WHY IS EVERYONE STEALING FROM ME?! All I've done was save them :(


The 2 groups arrived inside of the specific room where the orb was at the same time.

Luna~ this is awkward..

"So how is this going to work out?" Austin asked confused.

'hmm, I guess you'll have to pick one person from each group to face this challenge'

Valorie~ WHAT?!


So, you have to pick 2 people.

1 from Group 1

1 from Group 2




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