The Lions Lair and His Tamer • Episode 3 Part 1

(Finn narrates the "Previously on Escape The Night")
Previously on Escape the Night, The guest had to choose one person by vote to be a sacrafice for the Aztecs, so the sun came come up in the morning. As the guest were weeping for the dead friend, they heard a roar.

Kotoko~ I-It's a l-l-lion! I-ik a lion T-Tamer I g-got this!

Valorie~ The first thing I thought of when I heard that roar, was that someone else is going to die

Austin~ I don't want to have to deal with lioness

Coral~ LIONS, AGAIN? I just got done distracting them!

Avery~ :(

A note fell from the ceiling, Finn grabbed it and handed it to Espen.
'The Lion is hungry, meet him and his Tamer at the Lions Rock'

Kotoko~ T-That b-b-bitch t-took my R-Role!

"Lion Tamer Rivalry" Angelina said to lift up the mood, and a few people did laugh.

The Guests, and Finn walked outside the waterfall lounge and Coral and Avery lead the way to the Lions Rock, them knowing where it was from their past task.

"This is the Lions Rock" Finn said and looked at all the guest.

There on top of the rock, they see a Lion and a Guy. The guy turned and grinned at them, only it was a sadistic grin. Kotoko started to squeal because she saw the lion.

"Hiya! You all look In perfect fit to be a meal for my lion!" He laughed which sounded very evil like, he also has a British accent.

The guest all look at each other with a 'wtf?' face.

"Oh! I'll introduce myself~ I'm Jaxx~ and this is my lion" he grinned, as his lion rorared.

"So who's excited to get eaten!" He laughed, but no one said anything, he frowned "Aweee, well I guess you'll just have to deal with it" he smiled and got off the rock, his lion following him, Kotoko was also trying to pet the Lion.

Espen~ Great, more psychotic people.

Kotoko~ L-lion! 。◕‿◕。

Leon~ I do not want to be a Lions meal today

"But First! Before one of you get eaten! I need two things~" he said walking past all the guest looking at them as he passed them.

Coral~ What does he want now? He's already asking for someone to get eaten so he can feed his lion.

"Oh! The evil told me to tell you all, you have until 6 in the morning to escape, it's now 7 at night!~" he grinned.

Avery~ We have a time limit?!

Luna~ Oh no, I hate being timed.

"Back to my tasks! One group shall bring me a Lions necklace! Here's a note that will help you earn it~!" He grins sadistically.

"The Second Group will bring me back the spiked collar I lost that belongs to my lion~!"

"Lastly, I lost my backpack so bring me that too~!" He laughed.

Finn turned towards everyone, "Ok I'll split you up into groups, Austin, Angelina, and Luna will get the Necklace with the Lion on it, Valorie, Coral, and Avery you guys get the spiked collar, and Leon, Kotoko, and Espen, you guys get Jaxx's backpack, I'll go with the Spiked Collar Group" Everyone nodded their head, as Finn handed out the slips of note paper Jaxx gave him.
(I used randomizer to pick groups, and the fact Finn got the same group as Valorie had me wheezing)

Valorie~ Why is Finn always in my group? That's a lil weird

Leon~ I'm ready to prove that I can help, and not just sit in a cage.

The groups split up to find their respective items.

• Lion Necklace Group •

"The paper says, that we have to go to a little hut, and bribe the seller to give us back the lion Necklace" Austin said.

Luna~ were on a time limit, and I'm not very good at bribing, so let's hope this guy is stupid so he takes the really bad deals.

Angelina~ this necklace better be worth it

Austin~ bribe him? With what? We have nothing

They followed the directions off the note, to the hut where the sells person is.

They walked inside the hut, to see a woman behind a counter, with a lot of items behind her hanging on the wall.

She grinned at them, "What can I help you with?"

"Uh we would like that necklace behind you, the one with the..lion" Angelina said, "For," Austin looked in his pockets, "1¢!"

The face of the lady started to form into angry "1¢! That necklace is $200!"

"Doesn't look like a $200 necklace, look at how old, and dirty it looks!" Luna said pointing at the necklace.

"Yeah, what kind of person wants to have a dirty necklace like that hanging in their shop? To ruin their ego? No way" Austin said.

The lady's facial expression turned into shock, "your right! I don't want it anymore! Take it!" She shoved the necklace into Angelina's hands, and shoved them out of the hut.

The three started to laugh, "I can't believe that actually worked!" Luna laughed.

"I know right! She actually believed it!" Austin laughed.

Angelina~ Dumb bitch Actually believed us, I'm really surprised

The Group headed back to where Jaxx, and his Lion is.

•Spiked Collar Group •

"Ok our note says, "we have to find the collar, and different spike pieces to put in the collar, on different Lion Rocks" Valorie read off.

"Should we each got to one Lion Rock and bring back all the stuff we got here, or all go together?" Coral asked

"I vote together" Avery said, "Yeah same" Valorie nodded.

Finn nodded "We probably should stick together"

"Ok first rock, let's go with that one" Coral said and pointed to the note where a Lions Rock was closer to them at.

They soon arrived at the rock, there was no lions there surprisingly, but they did see the collar they needed. They all ran up to the rock, and Coral grabbed the Collar.

"Ok so we have the collar, now we just need the 4 Spikes." Avery said, and the other two nodded.

A lion soon then appeared behind them, "AAHHHH" The girls screamed, Finn just started to pull in their arms to start getting them to run. After running for a while, they soon made it to the other rock, Valorie picked up the Spike and added it to the Collar.

"One spike down, three more to go" Avery confirmed.

They ran too the next rock, and Avery grabbed the spike and added it to the Collar.

They soon then find the other 2 spikes, and also add those to the collar.

"Since we have extra time, on the way back to Jaxx, we should sing The Lion King Songs!" Valorie said and the other two agreed.

"Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase Hakuna Matata, Ain't no passing craze It means no worries For the rest of your days" they all sang, and Finn just looked at them like he didn't know what they were saying.

"I'm mad at you" Valorie said to Finn, he looked at her confused, "why?"

Valorie got in Finn's face " You stole my role!"

Finn looked at her and then at the other two. They looked confused too, but soon just shrugged it off, and they went back to walking back to Jaxx.

• Backpack Group •

"So it says we need to solve these math questions in order to get his backpack" Leon read off the note, they stood in front of a desk in the middle of the jungle, with a table in front of the table, with a chest on it, and it has a lock in it.

Kotoko~ O-o course i-i get the g-group T-That involves m-m-math.

"Hold up, I want a ask you both a question" Espen said with crossed arms. The two looked at him, confused.

"Did one of you vote for Vilmos?" Espen asked, the two looked at each other before shaking their heads.

"Fine I'll believe your for now"

Espen~ I'm still upset with what happened to my friend, so I'm gonna find out who voted for him, and make them pay.

Leon went to go next to the math table.

Kotokot and Espen joined him "ok since there is 3 problems, how about we each do one?" Leon suggested, and Kotoko, and Espen nodded.

Kotoko~ H-hes definitely m-more helpful n-now T-That H-hes out of the cage.

Leon's Problem

14³ x 14²

"That would be 14 to the 5th power because you add the 3 and 2." Leon said and the light above the math problem lit up, signaling he was right.

(Actual math lesson I'm working on now in school lol, Actually were a lil passed that)

Kotoko's Problem

[4 - (5 • 6) ] + 5

"O-ok so I, m-multiply t-the 5 a-and 6, w-which is 30, t-then 4 - 30 i-is -26, then a-a-add 5, t-that should b-be -21" Kotoko said -21 and the light lit up.

Espen's Problem

(5 ³) ²

"So you would keep the base number, 5 the same, and then multiply the 3 and 2 which is 6." Espen shouted 6 and the light lit up.

A different chest opened which Revealed a key, Leon picked the key up and put it in the lock of the bigger chest.

It opened and revealed a bag. Kotoko took the bag, and they went to where Jaxx was.

"That math Actually wasn't that bad" Espen said, "yeah I expected something a little more harder" Leon said agreeing with him.

"I-Im j-just h-haooy I got m-mine right" Kotoko said, "yeah agreed" Leon nodded.

• Back to Jaxx •

The guest all returned to Jaxx with all of his stuff.

"Ooo~ you guys Actually did it~! Last time someone did this errand they died~" he giggled.

The guest looked at him weirdly.

Coral~ wtf?

Valorie~ ...he has issues

Austin~ this dude-

He snatched all of his items away from the guest and put the spiked collar on the Lion

Kotoko~ I-Im taking t-that l-lion away w-with m-me.

"Now you can all choose two people by vote to compete to see who gets to be My lions next meal~!" He cheered

Luna~ Here we go again.


You guys all get 1 day to vote!


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