The Aztec Army • Episode 2 Part 1

(so Kotoko is actually supposed to stutter when she talks, so just pretend she stuttered in the last Chapter)

Previously on Escape The Night, The Guest arrive at the Jungle and headed to the Lounge, while the others looked around the Lounge, Leon finds a room, with a button that says 'DONT PRESS', but he touches it anyways, the Guest Soon realize that they unleashed something they never wanted to release. Finn takes them to a new secret lounge behind a waterfall, from there they meet the Aztecs, but their not friendly, and soon capture Leon.

"So are we gonna get Leon or what?" Coral asked folding her arms.

"Yeah, I'd appreciate it if you actually let us go get Leon" Valorie said slowly getting impatient.

"We can't! We can't risk you guys getting captured as well." Finn said

Luna~ biittchh let's us go get our friend

As soon as he said that a note fell from the roof.

• To Leon •

The Aztecs dragged Leon to their Pyramid.

Leon~ I literally can't move because the Aztec that's holding me is literally gripping in to me really tight so I can't move.

The Aztecs shoved Leon into this cage they have on the top of their Pyramid.

Leon~ I'm getting scared, because I remember in History, the Aztecs dragged people to the top of the pyramid to sacrafice them so the sun can come up, and right now I don't know if I'm going to be that sacrafice.

"You'll stay here, and don't think about escaping" Moctezuma glared at Leon and he and the rest of his Aztec people walked away.

"Great now I'm stuck in a cage" Leon mumbled.

He heard a 'swoosh' noise from behind him, and he looked down at the floor to see a note.

Leon~ So I looked at the note and when I opened it, it shocked me.

• Back to The Group •

'if you want to save your friend go through these 3 tasks to save them
1) Look through the Jungle trees to find the key 🌲
2) Where the Lions lay, shows you where your friend stays
3) This simple task, makes you find the mask 🌊'

Angelina~ So i thought I was going to have fun exploring a Jungle, but it looks like I'm on a rescue mission

"Tasks? What kind of 'Tasks'?" Vilmos asked.

"May I suggest something?" Finn asked.

"You know what sure" Espen said throwing his hands up.

"So since there's 3 tasks, we should split up into 3 groups of 3, so we can get these tasks done faster?" Finn suggested.

"Y-yes!" Kotoko grinned, "T-that w-would go b-by faster"

"Ok First Group is, Espen, Austin, and Luna, Second Group, Coral, Avery, and Vilmos, and lastly Third Group, Valorie, Kotoko, and Angelina." Finn said.

"So First Group, you guys have the task of 'Look through the Jungle trees to find the Key 🌲'" Finn said as the First Group went to go stand next to each other.

Espen~ So my group has to find some sort of key in the trees.

Austin~ This is going to be hard! Finding a key in a tree? We're in the fucking Jungle there's a ton of trees, were going to be here for hours.

Luna~ why did my group get the harder one?

"Second Group, you all get the 'Where the Lions lay, is where your friend stays' task." Finn says and the second group nods.

Avery~ lions? Oh mY goSshh, the lion that was attacking the glass a little while ago was that vicious with glass, their gonna be really vicious with us

Coral~ Yay great, lions, just the task I wanted

Vilmos~ Of course I get the Vicious Lions, of course

"Third Group, you get the task of 'This simple task, makes you find the mask 🌊'" Finn stated.

Valorie~ I'm an Explorer I got thiss.

Kotoko~ O-ok so t-the other g-g-groups tells them w-where they need t-to go, b-ut ours d-doesnt.

Angelina~ Where's our hint bitch?

"Ok, so I'm going to go with the Mask group, because they didn't have a clue, so I'm going to help them" Finn said, and walked towards them, "When you guys find your items meet back at the waterfall lounge" Finn said and walked away.

"Bye guys, good luck!" Valorie said and started following Finn.

"Byeee!" Everyone said and went their own ways.

• First Group •

"So how do we know which tree to look in?" Espen asked while looking at all the trees around him.

"Well, there was a little symbol next to the Task sentence, and it was a tree that was pointy? So maybe we look for that tree?" Austin suggested.

"Yes! That's a great idea!" Luna cheered and ran to go look for the tree.

Espen~ Let's go look for that Pointy tree

While Luna was running she looked behind her to see if it she missed it, but she ran into a tree.

"OWwWwW" Luna yelled.

Luna~ So I was running and then *smack* I ran into a tree, but guess what? The tree I ran into was the tree we needed!

"Luna are you ok?" Espen asked, trying to find her.

"I'm fine now that I realized the tree I ran into was the Pointy tree!" Luna got up.

"Good job! But try not to run into any more trees" Austin said.

"So now I'm guessing we have to climb the tree?" Espen said looking up at the tree,
"Most likely" Luna winced.

Austin~ That's a tall tree

"So who wants to climb up there?" Luna asked.

"You know what? I'll do it" Espen volunteered, "You sure you want to do it?" Austin asked.

"Yup, I'm willing to do it" Espen said, and started to climb the tree, he was now on above the 8th branch and found the key on the 9th branch.

"Found it!" Espen cheered and climbed back down.

"Good job! Let's go back to the waterfall lounge now!" Luna said and they walked back.

• Second Group •

Coral~ So I remember from watching the Lion King, that Mufasa and Sarabi, are on this big rock thing, so that's what I feel like the Lions were looking for would be on!

"What if the Lions are on the Rocks their on in the Lion King? It does say 'Where the Lions lay'" Coral suggested.

"HAKUNA MATATA" Avery sang yelled.

Vilmos and Coral laughed, "I JUST CANT WAIT TO BE KINGGG" They all sang.

"We're not taking this seriously, we should probably get moving" Coral laughed, and the other two agreed.

They kept searching until they saw a Lions rock, with 2 lions on it.

"Thats definitely where we need to be" Vilmos said, "Yup but how are we going to get the Lions to not eat us?" Avery asked.

"How about we take turns distracting them? I'll district first." Coral volunteered.

"I can help" Vilmos volunteered. Coral nodded. "Then I'll try to get whatever is on that rock" Avery said.

"How should we district the Lions?" Vilmos asked.

"let's sing Old Town Road, they'll definitely be distracted" Coral laughed, and Vilmos nodded.

"Ok go!" Vilmos shouted.

"IM GONNA TAKE MY HORSE TO THE OLD TOWN ROADD" Coral yelled and sang and started running around in front of the Lions.

"IM GONNA RIDEE TIL I CANT NO MORE" Vilmos also sang and ran around, and soon the Lions started to cause them and they ran away from the rock.

Coral~ These lions are fast! Why couldn't we get the slow ones.

Vilmos Singing while running is not fun, Where's Kotoko when you need her?

Avery ran towards the rock while laughing and stood on the rock.

Avery~ I had no clue what I was looking for, until! I saw a note

Avery ran back into the bush they were hiding behind, and Coral and Vilmos tried to lose the Lions, and shortly they did.

They ran back towards the bush and saw the note, "What does the note say?" Coral asked.

"It literally tells us the directions to where Leon is." Avery said and showed them the note with the directions on it.

"We can save him now!" Coral yelled excited, "Let's head back" Vilmos said.

• Third Group •

"Guys, I have an idea on where we need to go!" Angelina said, Valorie, Kotoko, and Finn look at her, "What is it?" Valerie asked.

"Well since there was like a Wave symbol, what if we need to find a lake, or River?" Angelina suggested.

"Y-yeah! But n-now we have t-to find the w-water source" Kotoko said.

"I remember passing a lake on the way to get my Jeep" Finn said.

"Lead the way!" Valorie said, and Finn lead them to where the Lake was.

They soon found the lake.

"So I'm guessing the mask is gonna be somewhere near the water, or in the water" Valorie said and started to put her hands in the water to look for the mask. The others started to look

"I-i found t-t-the mask!" Kotoko said holding up the mask.

"Man, I think we had the easiest task" Valorie commented. "Definitely all we had to do was look in the water" they all laughed, Finn smiled a little bit.

They started to head back to the waterfall lounge.

The Third Group walked inside the lounge to hear the Second group talking about the Lions that where chasing them.

"They where hella fast!" Vilmos said and Coral agreed "One almost got me" Coral said.

"We're here!" Valorie shouted.

They all grouped together, "ok let's use the directions Coral, Avery, and Vilmos found to find Leon" Austin said and they all made their way to the Aztec Pyramid.

"Look! I can see Leon, he's in a cage" Espen said pointing toward the top of the pyramid.

"So, the key is most likely for the Cage, and the mask, maybe for distracting other Aztecs?" Luna said and the rest nodded, "Most likely" Espen nodded.

"I still feel bad for bringing you all here, so I volunteer to distract." Coral volunteered, "Are you sure?" Valorie asked.

"Yeah, you literally just got done distracting Lions." Vilmos said.

"No it's ok, I want to do this" Coral said and the rest nodded, "thank you!"

Coral took of towards the Aztecs to distract them.

"Let's go free Leon!" Austin said and they made their way up slowly to Leon.

"Hey you guys came! I felt like you guys wouldn't because I pressed the button-" Leon rambled on.

"Leon, it's ok where here"

Kotoko took the keys and unlocked the cage, and Leon was free.

"Hey!" They heard a deep voice yell. The group all screamed and turned towards the voice, there they saw the Aztecs behind them, with Moctezuma holding Coral on the ground.

They pushed her over, "Were angry you set our sacrafice free, so now you must all choose one person by vote to be our sacrafice, so the sun can come up tomorrow!" Moctezuma yelled angrily.

Kotoko~ did i j-just hear him r-right?

Valorie~ We have to sacrifice one of our friends?

Coral~ What did I get my friends into

"We'll get to voting! We don't have all day!" Moctezuma yelled.

The group ran away to the bottom of the pyramid.

"I have these cards, you'll use these cards to vote people in" Finn said sadly.

The cards were

(Credit to RandomDood06 for making these awesome Tarot Cards!)

Angelina~ I'm confused on how he got these cards but whatever, not the big problem.

Leon~ I don't really want to vote one of my friends to die, and Actually being the cause of their death is even more sad.

"You all may now Vote" Finn said, and the group looked at each other sadly.


End of chapter 2! How was it?

So this chapter you have to send me a PM of who you want to be voted in to be the Sacrafice to the Aztecs, you all have 1 day, because I want to start writing the chapter Tomorrow!

The note Leon found will be revealed next chapter!

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