Mad Scientist • Episode 9 Part 1

Previously on Escape the Night, the guest had to vote two people into Rose's Challenge. Luna tried to sacrafice herself for Vilmos, but Jaeden stepped in and sacraficed himself for Luna. Luna, unfortunately, is Rose's Hostage.

Austin grabbed the Badge with a Rose on it from the ground.

Austin~ Just one more badge left, and I'm honestly not ready for it.

Finn picked up Jaeden's body, as the guest all headed back to the Waterfall lounge, Finn Following.

The guest all sat on the couch, as Finn layed Jaeden's body near a grassy area with flowers. Finn then went off to go look for something to sharpen his sword.

Valorie~ Woah, I just sat on the couch for a whole two minutes, without an interruption, a new high score

"Who do you think is going to be next? We already had pretty crazy lieutenants" Coral asked.

"I'm just gonna guess an another crazy person" Vilmos said, and they all agreed.

The guests heads all turned to the entrance when they heard some foot steps.

They saw Finn walking in with a boy, his sword to his neck. "I found this guy trying to steal Jaeden's body" Finn glared at the boy.

Coral~ that's just messed up, but I'm not really suprised anymore

"Please let go! I n-need that body for my e-e-experiment" the unknown boy stuttered nervously, pulling his goggles up to rest on his head.

"Okay, two of us be good cop, two of us be bad cop" Valorie clapped her hands.

"How about we're all bad cop" Austin said as they all glared at the unknown boy.

"So, why were you going to take Jaeden's body?" Vilmos glared.

They boy rolled his eyes, "I already said, for my experiment, are you deaf?"

"Shut up!" Coral said, "What experiment?" She asked.

"Myreanimationexperimentthatyoudontneedtoknowabout" He said quickly, but no one heard.

"Um, English please?" Valorie said confused.

"My reanimation experiment, that you don't need to know about.." he said a little quiet, but still audible for the 5 to hear.

"You mean you were going to raise him from the dead?" Austin questioned, glaring at him.

He nodded, "Yeah, but if it worked I was going to do it on a boy I found in huge cage? It was a pretty cool cage, if I do say so myself"

Austin~ Wait... A huge cage... Does that mean-!

"Who are you?" Vilmos finally questioned.

"I was wondering when you would ask that" he said and grinned, "my name is Cedar"

"Take us to your lab" Finn demanded.

"Okay, gosh, no need to get angry" Cedar rolled his eyes, and Finn pulled on his arms.

"Okay, I can walk myself" Cedar said as he pushed Finn away from him.

Valorie~ So I was looking at what he was wearing, and um his lab coat, and his gloves have, what I think is blood on them...

Coral~ I mean he looks normal, until you see his clothes

"You guys like my Lab coat? It was a gift from my mom, my friend Alisha helps me speak to her at night in the graveyard" he said calmly and smiled.

"Um, that's..nice to know" Austin said.

When they finally reach Cedar's lab, they walked in and observed his lab.

Vilmos looked around and noticed something or someone very familiar, and he looked shocked,"Guys! Look he has Leon on the lab table!" He whispered quietly so Cedar wouldn't hear.

Vilmos~ Wait WHY does he have Leon on his lab table? Oh wait.. nevermind

Finn took notice of this and pointed his sword at Cedar, who fell to the floor in frightment, as he quickly spam hits a button.

The table Leon was on started to make noise. Everyone in the room looked at the table in shock (besides Cedar) at Leon in the table.  Leon, or torn up Leon stares straight at them with no emotion in his eyes.

"It worked!" Cedar yelled and does this really loud laugh you would see a mad scientist (wiNk wOnk) would do in a movie.

Vilmos~ Woah, Leon looks really different, he looked like how he did before he died but, with a lot of huge bite marks from what I'm assuming is the Dinosaurs..

Austin~ his skin is really pale, and his eyes are red

Valorie~ he looks like he just stepped out from a horror movie

Coral~ Pet sematary who? But honesty he looks really different, and really terrifying

"I w-will disable him, IF y-y-you bring me s-some stuff I w-want" Cedar said backing up away from the sword.

"I want spider eyes, and snake venom" Cedar said as the guests could see Valorie freeze up.

Valorie~ s-snakes?

"We should split up into two groups" Vilmos said, and the three nodded.

"Girls and Boys?" Coral asks, and Everyone gave a "yeah"

Coral noticed Valorie still a little shaken up, and she could guess why, "Could we get the Spider eyes? I like Spiders and I want to see what type the Jungle has" Coral lied.

"Sure, snakes are kinda cool when their not trying to kill us, and that also doesn't mean their alive" Austin nodded trying to reassure himself.

"Thanks" Coral said to the two boys and they split up, "Thanks Coral" Valorie said letting out a breath she didn't know she kept in, and they both side hugged, "No problem, it's what friends are for" she smiled.

Vilmos and Austin

"Okay so we need to find Snake Venom" Vilmos said, as Austin pulled out a map he kept from a previous task.

"Look! A new area appeared, it says Snake Swamp" Austin showed Vilmos the map pointing to the landmark.

The two headed off to where Snake Swamp was.  When they finally reached the swamp, they noticed how many snakes there was.

Austin~ I was hoping the snake swamp was just a saying...

They noticed a note at the entrance to the Snake area.

Vilmos picked up the note and read, "You must tame the snakes before you get your prize"

"Great, so I'm assuming we're going to have to touch these snakes" Vilmos said as the two boys sighed.

They walked towards the Swamp filled with snakes, they were brown with yellow eyes.

Austin went to one side where red was, and Vilmos went to the opposite side where blue was.

Vilmos~ So after the blue marker, there was a pedestal with a snake on it...

"So what do we do?" Vilmos asked confused while staring at the snake.

"Um, I'm just gonna hold out my arm" Austin replied while slowly reaching his arm out. The snake slowly slithered onto his arm.

Luckily the snake didn't bite.

Austin~ Also the weirdest thing happened, the snake turned green?

Vilmos did the same thing Austin did, and his snake too turned green.

"Oh! I get it, if it doesn't bite at us it turns green, so if we stay calm, it shouldn't try to bite us" Austin informed, and Vilmos nodded.

They moved onto their second snake out of four.

They held their arms our and once again the snakes turned green.

Valorie and Coral

"Ok, so if I was a Spider where would I-" Valorie asked herself, only for the girls to turn at something they heard from behind them.

Coral~ So we turn, and there we see behind us, a medium sized spider, not a regular sized spider, like a huge medium spider...

The girls stood there, eyes wide.
The spider then took off to a random direction, and Valorie spoke, "is this the part where we follow it, and then it leads us to something that will kill us?"

"Seems about right" Coral nodded.

The two followed the Oddly huge medium sized spider cautiously.

Valorie and Coral followed the Spider until they saw a huge ENORMOUS spider web, that has one huge ENORMOUS spider. Bigger then the T-Rex they faced earlier.

Coral~ Oh my gosh, I feel like an ant right now

"I'm regretting following that spider.." Valorie Whispered, as Coral nodded, "yeah same"

"How much are you willing to bet the Spider eyes are up there?" Valorie added.

"They're most likey up there, so alot" Coral said.  There was a lot of medium sized spiders like the one they followed, but there was one enormous spider in the center of the huge web.

Coral~ So when I was thinking we had to get spider eyes I thought it meant we had to face tiny spider, but um that's definitely not the case here.

Valorie~ That spider is like two two story houses on top of each other, and two two story houses wide. Really huge and terrifying.

"So I don't know about you, but I'm not feeling like touching spider webs, and seeing spiders" Valorie commented in disgust.

"Same, but were most likely going to have to" Coral also said in disgust, as they slowly started to climb to the top of the web.

Valorie spotted a note and read, "you must walk on the sturdy strands, good luck"

Valorie~ Of course this couldn't be that easy.

Vilmos and Austin

Austin~ So as we're getting closer it the end, the more the venom is coming more visible, and the Venom just looks really weird?

The two had their third snake on their arm, when Austin's snake launched up and almost bit Austin on the arm.

Austin quickly flung the snake off of him, as Vilmos' snake turned green.

"You good?" Vilmos asked Austin, as he went on to his fourth snake.

Austin nodded, "yeah, I'm fine" he said as he too went into his fourth snake. Their snakes both turned green at the same time, letting them through to where the Snake Venom was.

Vilmos~ It wasn't that bad surprisingly, only one snake turned red, and that was taken cared of quickly.

Austin took the venom and the boys walked back to the lab.

Valorie and Coral

"Um I guess I'll try a strand first?" Valorie said a little hesitant, she put her foot out testing the balance.

Valorie~ I swear, if I die just by falling of this web-

She walked on the strand, and it was good.

Coral soon followed before testing out a different strand, "Okay, this one seems pretty sturdy" She said as she walked across and it turned out to be fine.

Valorie quickly walked across it, as they soon made their way to the last area.

"Um there's no strand for us to get across?" Coral said confused.

Valorie~ okay, nice trick, no where's the way for us to get over?

They continued looking, still finding nothing.

"I think we're just going to have to jump" Valorie says finally.

"Oh great" Coral said as they both backed up a little careful not to fall through the little cracks.

The two girls took off in a run, jumping.

They safely jumped to the other side.

Coral~ I'm actually surprised that worked.

"We just jumped across a huge spider web!" Valorie said excitedly, "that's something u never thought I would ever have to do" Coral laughed, "Same"

They quickly ran for the jar of Spider eyes, Valorie grabbed it before the huge spider could see, and they took off fast, heading towards the lounge.

The four met up back up at the lab.

"So what did you guys had to face?" Valorie asked them.  "Well snakes coiled on our arms and if we were calm they would turn green, and we would get a step closer to the Venom, you guys?" Vilmos answered.

"Um, we faced a Huge giant spider, and a few huge medium spiders, and we had to walk across a huge web Hoping a strand was Sturdy enough" Coral answered.

"Man, the stuff we went through today" Austin sighed, as they all walked inside the lab.

"Great your back!" Cedar cheerfully said, as he walked away from Finn's sword.

He grabbed the Venom and Eyes and put them on a counter.

"So um, what happened to Leo?" Vilmos asked the question they all wanted an answer too.

"Oh, my experiment, and since I brought him back, not his normal self of course but still back, he was brought back with the scars that killed him" Cedar answers.

"But guess what? He's also going to be the one to kill one of you! So I want to know, which two are going into my Challenge?" Cedar asked putting his goggles over his eyes with a grin.

Austin~ Oh great.


No vote! I'm going to put all guests names inside of the randomizer wheel.

So good luck to all

Also the surprise with Leo?


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