Don't Drown! • Episode 8 Part 1
3 chapters in 1 day? I'm on a roll
Previously on Escape the Night, Austin and Leon got sent into the Dinosaur Challenge, they were both close, but in the end Leon bit the dust.
The guest heard banging coming from the outside of the waterfall lounge.
Vilmos~ Great, who is it now?
Luna~ More DANGEROUS THINGS I'm so tired I just want to sleep
Valorie~ I don't want anymore more of my friends to die
Coral~ I don't know how much more death I can handle
Austin~ worse. night. ever.
Jaeden and Finn took out their weapons for the thousandth time that night, and stood in front of the group for protection.
The group followed them, and there they saw a girl standing there with a sweet smile on her face.
"Hello! My name is Rose and you will all serve me!" She smiled.
"But don't worry, you can have my special Rose badge that costs a fortune! But first I need a life for it" She smiled innocently.
Valorie~ I'm going to wipe that innocent smile off her face.
Austin~ Okay, so she's not fully crazy like the rest, but she still is a little crazy, I'm order to believe that badge is worth more then a human life.
Coral~ I knew she wouldn't be nice for long
"Ugh I'm bored, Max! Spade! Get them" Rose yelled as one boy and one girl comes out and grabs Vilmos, Luna, and Valorie.
"If you want them back you have to do a task for me!" Rose said, as Jaeden and Finn tried to fight Max and Spade.
"Find three Roses of mine in the Jungle, and you can get your friends back" Rose smiled sweetly, before following Max and Spade to where their guessing her hideout is.
Finn turned towards Austin and Coral, "Ok, Jaeden and I are going to go get Valorie, Luna, and Vilmos" Finn started, "You two will find the roses" Jaeden finishes.
"Okay, we got this" Austin said, and Coral nodded, "Yeah"
The two ran off, as Finn and Jaeden follows Rose quietly.
Austin and Coral
"Wait Austin, look there's a note" Coral said as she grabbed it.
'This map will lead you to the Roses' Coral read.
"Ok, this should be easy" Commented Austin, and Coral nodded, "Should be"
Austin~ So the first Rose was at the Lion Rock where we had met Jaxx.
The two ran off towards the Rock, and Austin and Coral made their way up the rock, and Austin was about to grab the Rose, when Jaxx and his lion sprung out and Chased them.
Austin quickly closed up the tree, "Coral! Up here!" He yelled, Coral climbed up the tree and turned towards him.
"Okay, we need a plan" She said to him, "How about one of us distracts him and the lion, and the other grabs the rose" Austin suggested.
"I can distract them if you want" Coral told him, "It's ok I can distract them" Austin said.
"Are you sure because-" Coral started before Austin cut her off, "it's fine, now go!" Austin said and they both climbed down, almost falling off.
"Lion! Jaxx! Over here" Austin yelled, as he ran away from the two.
The lion Almost tackling him, "Oh sh-" he started but dodged the attack from Jaxx.
Austin~ Man Jaxx is really fast somehow, or I'm just really slow
Coral quickly ran to the top of the rock, and grabbed the Rose, "Austin I got it! Hide!" She yelled as she took cover in a bush.
Austin soon managed to lose Jaxx and the Lion, and took cover in a bush.
"Come out darlings, don't be afraid my precious lion isn't hungry right now!" Jaxx laughed.
Austin looked at Coral from where they were each hiding, and Mouthed to her 'wtf?'
She just nodded back with a weirded out face.
Valorie, Luna, and Vilmos
Valorie bit Max in the hand, max hissed as she pulled her hand back in pain, but quickly grabbed back onto Valorie, and threw her into the cell, along with Luna, and Vilmos.
Luna~ Let me at that bitch
Vilmos~ When I get out of here, I'm pretty sure all three of us are going to throw some hands
Spade, Max and Rose left to go do something, leaving the three alone in the cell room.
"Ok, we need to escape" Valorie said springing up to look around for a way to get out.
"Yeah, but I doubt their stupid enough to leave a way for us to get out" Vilmos stated.
"Have you seen that Rose girl? She said her badge cost a fortune, and a life was worth it for it. She's dumb" Luna said.
Luna also got up to help Valorie, when they saw Jaeden and Finn standing outside of their cell.
Vilmos~ How did they- I'm not going to ask.
"Get ready" Jaeden whispered to them.
Austin and Coral
"We need to sneak away from him" Austin mouthed to Coral who nodded, she picked up a rock and carefully stood up, before throwing it in the opposite direction of them, and Jaxx and his lion took off.
Austin and Coral quickly ran somewhere far away from Jaxx.
Once they got pretty far they stopped to look at the map, "Next location, Celia's pirate ship" Coral said, and they both groaned in annoyance.
Austin~ this is like a Family reunion, except this family reunion involves killing each other, and lots of running.
They soon made their way to Celia's ship.
"Ok let's switch, I'll distract, you get the rose" Coral said as she ran towards the girl pirate crew, "Ayee mind if I just join in on this conversation? I'm a girl to-" she got cut off by Celia and Opal charging at her, "ok nevermind! Forget I asked!" Coral shouted as she ran away from the angry band of girl pirates.
Austin looked around the huge ship for the Rose.
Austin~ This would have been a lot easier if this ship was smaller!
Coral tripped and Opal corned her "Hey look, Peter Pan!" Coral said trying to distract Opal. Opal turned her head in confusion, as Coral shoved her out of the way and ran away from Opal.
Coral~ I can't believe that actually worked.
Austin~ After looking around for about three minutes, I finally find the Rose, on the plank, so I quickly run across the plank and grab that Rose
"I got the Rose Coral!" Austin yelled, as he alerted Coral.
"Okay!" She said out of breath as she escaped from the pirates.
"Two down One more to go" Coral breathed out breath.
"Hooray to us" Austin said, as they both smiled, and headed off to the last location, The Aztecs.
Valorie, Luna, and Vilmos
(Jaeden & Finn)
"Woah, what are you guys doing here?" Luna asked confused.
"We told Austin and Coral to go find the three Roses for Rose, while we come for you guys" Finn explained. As Jaeden picked the lock with a small knife he has.
Luna~ this guy literally has everything inside of his pockets, but I'm not complaining
Valorie~ We really owe these guys a lot
Jaeden went to go scout ahead, as Finn helped Valorie, Luna, and Vilmos out of the cell and back to a safer place outside.
They heard yelling from inside Rose's safe house, and they immediately got worried.
Jaeden ran out of the house, with a few cuts on him, "Hurry run! Their coming" he stayed back a little and Finn went to go help him.
"Wait guys look! There's a rose!" Valorie yelled in shock as she took it, "Didn't Finn say Austin and Coral were searching for Roses?" Luna asked them.
"Yeah, he said they were searching for Roses, while they went to come get us." Vilmos replied.
"Then maybe we should take this with us" Valorie said and kept the rose, "yeah good idea" Luna nodded.
They made their way back to where they first were before Rose caught them.
Austin and Coral
"I hate the Aztecs" Austin said, and Coral nodded, "they were so brutal" she agreed.
They crouched down behind a rock.
"We're going to need a really good plan for these guys, maybe we should both try to find the Rose, and sneak around, so it's two sets of eyes, and not one" Austin suggested, "Yeah let's do that" Coral nodded.
The two sneaked around the Aztecs town, trying not to get caught.
Austin went towards the pyramid they used to sacrafice Vilmos on, and looked for the Rose there.
Coral went to this weird building with weird words on the wall.
"Jot Uere?" She read confused.
Coral~ Ok, these guys need better handwriting
"Bot aere?", "Oh I'm so stupid! NOT HERE!" She Whisperer yelled.
Austin~ where in the world is the stupid Rose?!
"Austin! Where are you?" Coral whispered to herself.
She finally found him on top of the pyramid, "Austin I went inside of a building and it says not here" She explained to him.
Austin~ Not here? You meant I sneaked around for nothing?
Coral and Austin ran away from the Aztec's and went back to the area where they first were with the group.
"What do we do?" Coral asked.
"I don't know, she said three Roses" Austin said confused.
As they arrived at their destination, there they see Vilmos, Valorie, Luna, Finn, and Jaeden.
"You guys are safe!" The two yelled as they all group hugged.
"Hey guys we found a Rose! We thought we would bring it just in case you all needed it" Valorie told them.
"VALORIE! YOU JUST SAVED US" Coral yelled as she shook Valorie by her shoulders, Valorie have her and Austin the Rose.
"We found out the third location didn't have a rose, so we were short one, good thinking to bring it just in case" Austin said and the rest nodded.
"Woah good thing we did then" Vilmos said.
"Sorry to break this short" they heard a female voice say, "but I want my roses back NOW" Rose came out of the darkness.
Luna~ Oh great this bitch again
Valorie~ I'm about to fight her
Vilmos~ I'm pretty sure us three that got caught are all thinking the same thing
Luna was about to tackle Rose, but Jaeden held her back, "yeah I wouldn't do that, she's most likely armed" Jaeden told her.
Luna~ I'm watching you Rose -_-
Austin and Coral hesitantly handed Rose the roses, "Now you have to vote two people into my Beautiful water Rose Challenge!" She smiled.
Luna~ I knew I hated her
Voting starts now
Credit to Therehlings for an idea in this chap
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