Are we in Jurassic World? • Episode 7 Part 1
Previously on Escape the Night, Angelina and Avery get sent into the Alligator Challenge and they can't find the Pieces to finish the challenge. Jaeden gets angry at Jada, and went to go help them escape. The Alligator soon cornered his owner, Jada, and ate her alive, not leaving before also snacking on Angelina AND Avery. Lastly, Jaeden grants the group a wish to bring back any dead guest. Who will they bring back?
Valorie~ I'm hoping this wish Actually does work, and it can bring back one of our dead friends.
Coral~ I don't want false hope, but I'm willing to do this to bring back a friend.
Austin~ I'm going to be so angry of this wish doesn't work.
Leon~ I'm just happy we can bring back a dead friend.
Luna~ I hope this works, because Jaeden doesn't exactly look like he can bring a fallen friend back.
Finn lead the guest, and Jaeden back to the waterfall lounge. Once they got there, Finn layed out the Tarot Cards of Vilmos, Espen, Kotoko, Angelina, and Avery.
"Ok, Luna you can come up and vote who you want to bring back" Finn said, as Luna went up and examined the cards.
After all the guests voted, Finn shuffled the cards, and showed Jaeden the card secretly. Jaeden grinned and went into a separate room, to revive the person the guest chose.
"So, who do we think is coming back?" Luna asked.
"To be honest, I don't really care, I'm fine with any of them coming back" Coral said, "Yeah I miss them all equally" Austin added.
The guest all turned their heads towards the room Jaeden went into when they all hear a crash, and a scream, and an 'ouch!'.
Leon~ That must be whoever got Revived!
"Who came back?" Valorie asked Jaeden in excitement, "um actually that was me falling..' Jaeden replied back, before they heard another crash, and an 'ouch!' coming from Jaeden.
Austin~ What is going on in there?
Luna~ He's as bad as me running into tree's.
Finn went into the room, only to walk back out of the room with Vilmos.
Coral~ Vilmos is back!
"You're back!" "I can't believe it!" "We missed you!" All came from the group, as they hugged Vilmos.
Vilmos~ I thought I was dead..?
"How am I back?" Vilmos asked confused, "Well we had a wish to bring one of our dead friends back" Leon said, "and we chose for you to come back!" Valorie finished.
"That's so nice of you all! I'm so honored" Vilmos said, and they all hugged.
Jaeden soon walked out of the room, and stood by Finn, as they watched the reunion.
As they finished up greeting Vilmos, they heard a loud and terrifying roar.
Valorie~ Are we ever going to get peace?
Leon~ We're having a moment here.
Coral~ How rude of that thing we don't know to interrupt us.
The group ran outside, and they all see a podium there with a note.
'watch out for the T-Rex as you find 2 statues of Dinosaurs'
Vilmos~ I'm alive for like 1 minute, and now all of a sudden were jumping into some action.
"Great more running and hiding" Austin groaned.
"So since there's six of you, and we need to find two dinosaur statues, we'll split off into two groups, Finn leading a group, and Me leading a group." Jaeden said, and the six nodded and sorted themselves into groups.
Finn's Group
Leon, Vilmos, and Valorie
Jaeden's Group
Austin, Coral, and Luna
Finn's Group
Valorie~ So Finn handed us a note, that shows possible spots for the dinosaur statue to be at.
Vilmos~ So the possible spots, is a Volcano, T-Rex Plains, or Blood River.
Leon~ Out of all those spots, I'd rather go to blood river.
"So which spot should we go to first?" Valorie asked.
"Should we just get the T-Rex Plains out of the way?" Vilmos asked
"Yeah, I agree, because the T-Rex is most likely to be there, wouldn't it?" Leon stated, "Yeah, it's is named after it for a reason." Vilmos nodded.
"Okay, so we have our destination" Valorie said, and she started to follow the way to the T-Rex Plains.
Valorie~ I'm just hoping there's not anymore T-Rex's there
The group soon found their way to T-Rex Plains after many arguments about if their going the right direction.
Finn made them walk behind them, as he took his sword out to protect them.
Vilmos~ I swear if there's T-Rex's here...
Leon, Valorie, Vilmos, and Finn made their way to the center of the plains, and they broke off to look around.
Jaeden's Group
Luna~ So Jaeden gave us a map, with three areas circled in like red, and there's like this HUGE Skull on the map that's marked Dry Bones Den, and um I don't want to go there
Austin~ The next location was this huge Mountain, with red stuff pouring (?) Down from it, and I'm hoping that's not what I think it is.
Coral~ Lastly, I'm not surprised with this one, there's a Volcano, and how much do we wanna bet it's going into erupt soon?
"So, which location do we want to go to?" Jaeden asked his group.
"None of them" Coral responded
"Yeah, why can't we just like make a statue and just hand it to the podium? I mean it's a podium, how is it going to know?" Austin agreed.
"Ok, but being serious, I would rather go to the Red Mountain, seems less dangerous then a Volcano, AND Dry Bones Den" Luna added in, and the rest nodded.
"Ok let's go" Jaeden said as he took out his machete.
They headed off towards the Red mountain, and soon found their way there.
"Guys. Remember how the note said we had to run from a dinosaur? Well that was easy, we never ran into it" Luna said suprised, "your right! I wonder if the other group had encountered it yet?" Austin Wondered.
Finn's Group
"AHHH THE T-REX!" Vilmos whisper yelled.
Leon hid himself by a rock, and put a few more rocks over his body to make sure he was hidden.
Finn took Vilmos and Valorie and hid them in a dirt den near by, as he rushed to somewhere nearby so he could keep an eye on all three.
Leon~ Good Story time for my friends..
Vilmos~ I just seen a real T-Rex...
Jaeden's Group
"Nah I bet their fine" Luna said, and the rest agreed.
"Ok let's climb up this thing" Austin said, and Luna and Coral looked at him with an 'are your crazy face'
"How would we climb up it? There's blood everywhere, atleast that's what I think it is" Coral asked.
"Yeah, I don't want to touch that, and it could be very danger for us, we could slip and fall" Luna said.
"Yeah, Luna's right" Jaeden said agreeing, "we could always look around the mountain?" He added on.
"Yeah let's do that" Austin nodded.
They split off, Austin and Coral going to the left of the mountain, and Jaeden and Luna going to the right of the mountain.
"Ok, so if I were a statue, where would I be" Coral asked herself, "Definitely not near a bloody Mountain" Austin said.
"Yeah, this is just disgusting" Coral said, as they looked at the mountain with a look of disgust.
"Wait...what's that?" Austin asked, "what?" Coral asked him.
"That!" Austin pointed to a huge brown bowl.
"Oh no... It's going to-!" Coral got cut off by the bowl splashing blood on anything near it, meaning the blood landed on the two.
"Oh eww! This is disgusting!" Austin yelled in disgust.
"I hate this mountain" Coral murmured, as they started to look for the statue again.
Luna and Jaeden heard Coral, and Austin yell, before they too for splashed with blood.
Luna and Jaeden looked at each other in shock.
Luna~ What in the world JUST HAPPENED
The two shortly started to search for the statue again.
Finn's Group
"We should go to a new location" Valorie whispered to Vilmos, who nodded. They stood up, and Finn went to go get Leon.
They quickly ran too blood River.
"Ew I don't want to know who's or what blood that belongs too" Valorie said in disgust.
The others nodded, as they broke off to search.
Leon~ so I was walking and looking at the river, but there was a rock, and on that rock was that stupid statue we needed.
"Guys! I found it!" Leon said to the rest, and they came over.
"Good job Leon!" Valorie and Vilmos congratulated him, "so now we need a plan to get over there."
"How about we just swim, and not make it difficult" Vilmos said, and the two slowly nodded.
"We should do it as a team" Leon said, and they all nodded.
Valorie~ First time to ever swim in a river of blood, yay me.
The four jumped in the water and they all made faves of disgust.
Vilmos soon reached the statue and grabbed it, and Finn got back to land the fastest, so he could help the three up.
Leon~ Phew I'm glad we didn't have to go to the Volcano.
They started to walk back to the podium.
Jaeden's Group
"Austin! Look! There's the statue!" Coral shouted. The statue was on a clear part of the mountain, near no blood.
The two started to climb to get it, but they heard the T-Rex behind them
Austin and Coral quickly climbed up the mountain faster, to get to the statue.
Austin grabbed the statue, and the two backed up on the ledge they were on, to stay away from the T-Rex.
Luna and Jaeden heard the roar, and Jaeden took off towards the roar to make sure Austin, and Coral were ok.
Luna~ Man he's fast, I looked away for a second and BOOM he's gone, I should probably go make sure my friends are ok too
Luna tried to keep up with Jaeden so she quickly ran.
The two make it to where Austin and Coral are, and Jaeden turns to Luna, "ok I'm going to distract the T-Rex, and your going to go with Austin and Coral back to the podium" Jaeden told Luna, before Luna even got to say anything, Jaeden started yelling at the T-Rex "HEY OVER HERE!" He yelled as the T-Rex turned towards Jaeden and Luna.
Jaeden took off, and the T-Rex followed him.
Coral~ I'm so thankful for Jaeden right now
Austin~ Our savior Jaeden
Luna, Coral, and Austin ran back to where the podium was.
The guests all reunited.
"So we all are drenched in blood, nice" Leon
They all laughed, "hey, where's Jaeden?" Vilmos asked.
"He distracted the T-Rex for us, so Austin and Coral can get away with statue" Luna explained.
"That's nice of him" Valorie said, and the rest smiled and nodded
"We'll wait for Jaeden before we go farther" Finn said, and the rest agreed.
Around two minutes later, Jaeden came running through the tree's.
"Thanks for distracting the T-Rex!" Coral said to Jaeden.
"Yeah, thanks we probably would be Dino food right now" Austin added, and Coral nodded.
"It was nothing" Jaeden smiled.
"Okay, so the note says to follow the path" Leon said, and the group followed him, along with Jaeden and Finn.
There they saw a huge cage, on the outside of the cage was dinosaurs surrounding it.
The guest looked at it on shock and horror.
Where they stood was a podium with a not on it.
'you must select 2 lucky guest to face each other, and prove their worth to be the ruler of all dinosaurs. The loser will be their snack for the night'
Vilmos~ What a great first hour back.
Vilmos is back!
And voting starts now!
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