
A/N The facts in this are most likely historically wrong as I only used the French Revolution as a prompt and did little research.

Paris, France.


Levi heaved out his lungs as the dust choked him. The house must have been abandoned for years. The thick white layer covered the floor to the ceiling. The wooden panels were revealed from under the peeling wallpaper and the floorboards creaked with every step he took.

It was empty, though. That was all he needed.

The revolution, he thought, was far from over. He needed somewhere to hide. This would do. It fell just out of Paris, still close enough to be claimed as part of the city but far enough away that it would not become canon fodder, courtesy of the army.

He wasn't needed, not yet. It would be a long journey when he was, just as it was a long journey to get out of here. But, he was needed away from the action- his skills much better used in the final battle than the ones leading up to it. If, that was, there ever was a final battle. Erwin had followed suit. As leader of their segment, he couldn't be at the forefront of the battle. Despite his strength, that was not how he fought. They needed a tactical leader and Erwin was just that with a mind of the utmost intelligence- and, much to many's dismay- an aristocrat.

Levi just sighed now when another death threat came to Erwin. It was nothing new. The lower ranks were dumb and as useful as a bunch of pigs, in Levi's opinion. They didn't realise what having an aristocrat on their side meant. Erwin knew the ways of the king as much as the royals himself, he had been ranked high and had been inside the palace more times than he could count. He knew the king. He knew the king's plans. He knew everything they needed.

That did not explain, though, why Erwin had not sent him out alone. Levi was their asset, their strongest soldier, surviving battle after battle without so much as an injury. They didn't know whether it was his ability with a gun or sheer luck. Eren, on the other hand, was rather useless.

Having just turned sixteen, he was a naive kid. He knew what he wanted and he fought for it. He had grown up, similar to Levi, in nothing better than the mud of the streets and it had bred a fearful determination within him.

Yet, the kid still couldn't fire a gun and hit.

Erwin, for some daft reason, had thought that Levi would do good in training the child. 'We need people like Eren.' He had stated, his face as composed and determined as ever. 'He has the determination of a bull and with you by his side, he could be one of our best fighters. We have too many people dying, Levi. We need some trained soldiers.' Levi had nodded, as obedient as ever, and taken the kid by his side.

Levi tried to ignore the ever-present presence behind him, walking alongside his shadow. The only thing that told Levi he was there at all was the echoing second pair of footsteps and the odd sensation of eyes staring at the back of his head.

'Pourquoi me suivez-vous, sale gosse?' Why are you following me, brat? His thick accent indiscernible to anyone that wasn't Eren, the boy had spent far too much time with him. The boy stopped, the footsteps making a sudden halt, bringing up more dust that Levi could have thought there was.

'Pardon.' He muttered before scampering off to god knows where. Levi let out a breath, feeling far more peaceful with the lingering presence gone. It didn't lift his spirits enough to accept the state of the house, though. It may have been abandoned but it was clear enough that the people who had lived here before hadn't cleaned either. Years worth of dirt, muck and dust had gathered. Levi already knew that there was little point in him trying to clean it.

Levi's exploration of the house lasted as long as a minute before he joined Eren in the main room. Their luggage had been left by the door, not that there was much of it anyway, but Levi quickly opened his own suitcase and brought the one thing that had added any weight to the case. A rifle, one regularly used by the army- stolen, no doubt. Without warning, Levi lifted the heavy weapon and threw it at the boy lying on the sofa. It landed with a heavy thud and a pained groan was strained from Eren's mouth. 'What...' He didn't have time to further his question when Levi ordered him outside. At least, Levi found, Eren was good at following orders.

Eren stood up alert and practically marched outside, the gun only an inch from scraping against the wooden floor. Levi would have warned him to be careful if the house was in any better state.

The back door took some beating before it opened but with a final collision with Levi's foot, the wood opened with a bang, hitting the stone exterior and releasing another cloud of dust. Levi wasn't sure how he was supposed to rectify the cleanliness situation, it was turning more and more disastrous each and every time another door was opened.

Eren was the first to go out, meeting the breeze with a gentle smile. Levi could see the glimmer of fear in his eyes regardless. Eren had always been on guard around Levi. Despite the evident admiration he held, the boy was just that: a boy. Levi didn't know why he would be the scared one, though, he was the one with a gun in his hands. Then again, even from this proximity- no further than a metre- Eren could still easily miss.

Levi found himself wondering how Erwin had found a soldier so bad.

How had this kid survived on the streets?

'Shoot then.' Levi ordered, not sure what else he was supposed to do. Eren regarded him with a confused look and let the gun hit the floor, covering the tip with mud. Levi sighed, he would have to clean that.

'Shoot what?' He asked but Levi just shrugged.

'How am I supposed to know, brat? Just shoot.' Levi clearly had never taught someone before. Eren, his eyebrows still furrowed in befuddlement, raised his gun and aimed at a tree. The bark, years old and thick, would have held up well against a bullet and Levi silently praised the boy for not being so stupid as to try and hit the grass.

Not that the bark had to take any damage. Eren missed. And then again. And again. It took long enough to reload and Levi had been standing around for twenty minutes watching the kid fumble with the equipment. It was a waste of bullets but Levi didn't know what else to do.

He left.

'Where are you going?' Eren called out suddenly as another bullet flew off into the unknown. Maybe, by some magic, it would hit an animal and they would have some proper food. Their supply was minimal and mostly consisted of mouldy fruit. Although, Levi had lived off less before.

'Cleaning, kid. Continue, you need it.' He muttered before stalking inside and gathering an old cloth from his bag and running it under the only water source which came from the dirty lake outside. But, it would have to do. Fresh water was something Levi had been given very few times and he didn't have time to try and filter it, he would be going until well into the night then. He needed to rest. When he was to return, he had to be at full strength. That meant as much sleep as he could get whilst the kid snored from the other side of the bed and as much of a balanced diet as was possible with their budget. Which was one man's wealth, Erwin's, shared among dozens of men. Consequently leading to not much.

Levi scrubbed away at the crime, starting on the large surfaces- tables and cabinets- rubbing them with a wet cloth. Years of dirt wouldn't come away that easily but it, at least, removed the top layer and revealed a much lighter colour still hidden underneath. Vehemently, he continued to scrub. As the larger surfaces got to some sort of respectable level, Levi went to the small things- vases, decorations, etc. But, before he could even begin, Eren was running in, panting. It had been an hour, maybe he was taking a break. Levi sighed, Eren would only ruin his work. But, giving up entirely as Eren traipsed more mud into the house, Levi rolled down his sleeves and clicked out the crooks in his back from leaning over for so long.

Levi turned to look at the boy, who was looking at the floor with as much vigour as a lost puppy. It looked utterly hopeless. With Levi's eyes set on him, though, his head snapped up, a look of determination slowly beginning to form again.

'Levi, I need help. I still can't hit a thing and you know how to all you have to do is show me how or maybe move me into position but then again, I don't even know if...' he rambled on until Levi cut him off with a cough. Purposefully patronising.

'Eren, I'm not going to be of any help. Just try again.' Levi, rolling up his sleeves again, tries to return to his work, soaking the wooden floor where he had found a patch of what looked like oil. If he stayed down there long enough, maybe Eren would leave. It wasn't as if the oil patch would leave, he could scrub forever and it would remain ingrained to the floors.

Eren, more determined than ever, glared down at the man beneath him. He swept down, grabbing the cloth from Levi in a hissy fit and loomed over the man, even when Levi stood up, glaring. Eren was growing taller and looked down at the man with ease.

'Watch what you're doing, brat.' Levi warned, his eyes turning a shade darker as he craned his neck to look up at the boy, meeting the boy with the most level-headed look he could muster.

'Why, Levi? Am I interrupting your cleaning? Oh, how disastrous. Do you even realise what you are doing?!' Eren raised his voice, taking another minuscule step forward, their faces inching closer and closer together, nothing between them but the crackling tension and their breath.

Eren took a deep breath before speaking again, his voice distinctively calmer. 'Erwin sent me here to train under you. You're the best fighter. You're here because Erwin thinks, god knows why, that you shouldn't be used until the end. And, whilst you're here, he wants me to learn and for that to happen, Levi, you have to teach me! Please! All I have to do is be told what to do and I can do it!' Eren's voice got louder and louder, a crescendo ending not far from a shout.

'I'm not a teacher, Eren. I can't teach nor do I want to teach, you especially. Now give that back and get out.' Levi threatened, his eyes forming thin, sharp lines and his mouth curving into an ugly grimace.

Eren took a step back, threatened. He knew that if he wanted to, Levi could knock him out cold. They had both grown up on the streets but it had been set since the beginning that not only had Levi got more experience, his streets had been a lot, lot worse. Eren stormed out, his mind running faster than his body as he stumbled on his way out. Levi resisted the urge to laugh at Eren's flushed face before the door was slammed in his face.

Levi choked on the dust.

Next job, doors.


Levi woke up the next morning with Eren out of sight. There was only one bed in the house and the only other reasonable place to sleep was the floor but seeing as there were only two rooms, the main room and a bedroom, and Levi could not hear Eren snoring or stomping, he must have been outside.

He better not have slept there. Levi would rather not have to explain to Erwin how Eren had died on his watch, from the cold and not weaponry especially.

Stretching slowly, his limbs looking oddly parallel to that of a cat's, he found his way out of the small bed, his muscles sore from the uncomfortable material. Maybe sleeping on the floor would have been better. Then again, having his ears near the floor maybe would disturb him more than it was worth. He was sure, at this point, that Eren's snores vibrated through the floor. Although, that had been the old building. But this place's design was not too far different.

Levi placed his feet on the floor one by one, the pads of his feet causing tremors of cold to run through him as they hit the icy wood. Pulling his shoes on immediately, he stood up, grabbing a few articles of clothing to pull over his underwear before leaving the room.

As he suspected, Eren was not in the main room either but from here, he could hear much louder what was going on. What he had originally had assumed was rain battering at the walls, not uncommon for September, had turned out to be gunfire. Eren was practicing this early, Levi thought with surprise. Erwin had been right, Eren really did have some determination. The sun was barely up, just peeking over the horizon.

Levi stalked outside, glad that he wasn't going to get soaked- though, the clouds in the distance looked rather dark. Eren was shooting at the same tree, missing once, twice. And then, still having not noticed Levi, it hit.

Levi resisted the urge to gasp as Eren whooped and dropped the gun to identify the mark he had made. 'Good work, kid.' Levi complimented as he leaned against the wall, glad that his clothing was thick enough that he didn't feel the cold digging into his back.

Eren jumped, flinging himself around with the grace of an elephant. 'Levi!' He gasped. 'I didn't see you.' He looked wary, assessing Levi from top to bottom, trying to read his body language. 'I did good, right?' He tried, maybe trying to pass off as not afraid as he was. If that was the case, he was failing.

Levi just nodded, not feeling up to congratulating him again. The kid didn't deserve it. Whoop-dee-doo, he hit the target once. Good for him.

'Um, Levi?' He approached carefully, taking it one step at a time as if at any moment Levi would run off and never return. If he was being honest with himself, he wasn't far off doing so. He'd be damned if he cared enough about the war to stay over his own contentment. Levi followed orders, not his own passions.

'Yes, brat?' He sighed, giving Eren permission to speak. He needed it.

'I wanted apologise for yesterday. I was out of line, you're my superior and...I shouldn't have done what I did. It was wrong. I was just angry because Erwin sent me away and I really wanted to fight those bastards but no, here I am. All because I'm not even good enough to shoot a gun.' Eren stared down at his shoes, a momentary lapse in rationality as he talked himself into self-consciousness.

'You shouldn't have but you're still wrong. Erwin didn't send you out here because you can't even shoot, though I say that if by the end of this you can then that's a plus, it's because you have the potential. You're passionate, Eren. You're not going to die with a fight, that's the kind of soldier he wants.' He missed out the additional, a soldier that isn't like me.

Eren nodded, looking slightly more determined. Levi was glad to see it back, he wasn't good at comforting. The best he could do was point out why the other person was being an idiot and how wrong they were. Although apparently, in this case, that was all that was needed.

'Now, kid. Hit it again.' He ordered, folding his arms and watching as Eren straightened his gun and aimed again. Better stance, Levi noted with an inkling of a smile. It was the best Eren would get out of Levi. Or anyone, for that matter.

As expected, he didn't hit it again but he was improving and Levi was glad to see it. Levi didn't want to delve into why he felt that, he shouldn't have cared less. But, for now, he did. That was all he needed to know. Nothing more, nothing less. But, if anyone asked, he would deny it with his life.

That didn't matter, though. People would see through him. Levi wasn't all that good at hiding his emotions. The only reason he was so straight faced was because he had little emotions at all. He had turned them off a long time.

But, maybe they were turning on again?


After that night, Eren returned to bed and Levi had never brought up where Eren had stayed that night he was alone. He thought better of it. Eren wasn't ill, that was all that mattered. Sadly though, Eren was tending to sneeze a lot more and even if it was not often enough for it to be serious, it was creating far too many germs for Levi to attempt going near him.

Days passed and despite the sneezing, Levi did find himself watching over the cerulean-eyed boy. The gun was noisy and Levi found even on the days he didn't want to watch, he was drawn out by the loud bangs.

There was something painfully familiar about the sound that drew him out. He wasn't sure whether it was the familiarity or the memories it brought that drew him outside but nevertheless, he watched over Eren, his steel-eyes taking into account how his positioning changed over time and the gun looked more settled into his hands. He was beginning to look like a soldier.

'Chin up, your aim will be off.' Levi called out from his place on the wall, two foot imprints on the floor showing how often he had been standing there. Even the rain wasn't enough to wash them away.

Eren took Levi's information into account with a smile. He would never say it but Levi had grown into his role as a tutor rather well. The man's steady head and glaring gaze were perfect when it came to his obedience. He learnt quickly. Three days after the argument, he was beginning to hit the target about a quarter of the time. Although the target was stationary, he wasn't exactly going to ask Levi to be his target. He shuddered at the thought of his face in the mud if he ever brought it up.

The day passed quickly and with another apple in their stomachs for dinner, they slept and woke again at the usual time. They found themselves up earlier than ever before, the sun not even up in the sky. But, oddly enough, they felt well rested. Eren hadn't snored (Levi wasn't sure what had changed) and the curtains hadn't let the usual moonlight flutter through. It must have been the clouds, they thought- they're paths of mind almost congruous.

'Out.' Levi ordered as soon as Eren had his clothing arranged properly. Levi would never let him go out to train without his outfit being impeccable first. Eren didn't have the guts to ask why. Levi didn't have the guts to tell.

Soon enough, his gun was raised and he was aiming at the tree again. 'Left foot back.' Levi called out and Eren smiled. Levi may not have known it but he had become Eren's tutor. He still denied it profusely, saying he was simply stating the obvious. And maybe he was but wasn't that often what a tutor did? Eren, once again, didn't point it out.

The days passed quicker now as they fell into a routine. It had been between two and three weeks since they had left and Eren's improvement was rapid. He could hit it almost every time now and despite the tree being a large, still object, it set him up for at least shooting down the barricades.

Erwin had been clever enough to realise that the other groups' tactics of shooting and hoping to kill would not be good enough. They needed a better plan and so Erwin had come up with the current plan. Even if it was hard with only guns on their side, if they could damage the barricades enough, they would fall and the army could be shot down far easier and although that would not always work, for now, it had been working in their favour.

The battles still raged on day and night but something was happening.

They were progressing.

That was more than they had ever dreamed of.

It was exactly a month after they had arrived that Eren was hitting the target every time. A smile still spread across Eren's face every time he hit it, even if it was common, and their training sessions were becoming shorter and shorter.

For each piece of praise Eren received, Levi could see him become the subject of admiration more and more. He tried to ignore it. It was sweet, really, but there was no time to look up to people in a time like this. People that weren't leaders, that was. Follow orders and die for your side was Levi's motto. He would never expect to make it out the other side alive. The chances were so low with how much he fought.

Eren's was far different. He was young. He believed he could survive. He believed that he would live in the aftermath. He didn't realise he could only create it. Maybe Eren would survive, Levi thought suddenly. The kid had a determination no one could rival and every day he was seeing it more. Levi wouldn't be surprised if Eren survived a couple shots to the chest.

But that was just a fantasy. Eren was mortal, just like the rest of them. It was disappointing, really. Immortality would have made his life story far more interesting.

'Good work, Eren.' He complimented before going back inside, Eren tailing behind him, wiping his shoes outside the door as to not get mud on the mopped floor. He was picking up good habits, Levi was glad to see.

That night, they both fell asleep quickly. They had forgotten the outside world, just for a little bit. They had their own little peace. Levi found himself thinking of Erwin often, how he was, what he was doing. Yet, it never seemed to bring forth memories of the revolution. If anything, it brought more peace and Levi didn't quite understand why.

Erwin was his rock, he understood that. He trusted Erwin with his life. He followed orders with little questioning because he understood that Erwin was more intelligent. He understood that he would be sacrificed if that was what it took to win. He applauded Erwin for that. It was why he liked him.

To him, all humans were expendable. Except Erwin Smith. And, maybe that was what made him so important to Levi.


The night was a blur, a kerfuffle of blearily stumbling around the unlit room and falling back asleep. Eren had been snoring again, to Levi's discomfort, and he doubted that it had let him have much more than two hours of sleep.

He would live, though. He had lived off less before.

That had become a motto as of late, he found. As life went on, he realised that in comparison to what he had before, he was living a life of luxury. What must the king be living in was a thought that hit him often. If he was lucky enough to be living in a two bedroom shack, he couldn't quite imagine what the king was getting.

He only knew what he had been told. He had never worked for the king nor had anyone he knew. The details were either rumours or Erwin's, often almost bias, recollections.

As Levi found himself in the main room for the fifth time that night, the sun was finally beginning to rise. At last, he thought with a sigh. He didn't think he could face trying to let sleep succumb him again. It was unnatural at this point and was hardly going to bode well with him. A nap now would only leave him groggier and slow.

A knock on the door broke him from his thoughts, loud and sharp. Urgent. Levi blinked the sleep away and hastily pulled on something acceptable and answered the door with his usual nonchalance. He had become adept at hiding his fear.

The man at the door was no one he had seen before but the attire and the letter in his hand said it all. 'I am here on Erwin Smith's behalf. I have been told to give this to you.' The man stated no more as he handed over the letter a fled before Levi could say anything. In times like these, it was for the best. Who knew what would happen if you were to find yourself milling around the opposition.

Levi shut the door with a harsh slam, dust still evident but no longer choking him in a hazy cloud. At least he knew some of his work paid off. Unfurling the crippled letter in his hands, he began to read, preferring to remain standing. By the time Eren came into the room, he had reached the end and was staring blankly at the ground, inspecting the spiders that crawled beneath them, refraining from stamping on them with an unjust vengeance.

'What's that?' Eren asked, nodding his head to the hand which held Erwin's letter. Levi clutched it harder, the paper close to crumbling under the pressure.

'A letter from Erwin.' Levi stated simply, in no mood to talk more. Especially not to an excitable teenager.

'What does it say!' Eren shouted jovially, gesturing for Levi to hand it over. Levi did, his own words would be lost on Eren, it was better for the boy to read it himself.

'We're going back, Levi! I finally get to fight!' He shouted as he skimmed over the letter. Eren wasn't a skilled reader but he could pick up enough words to get the gist.

'Yes, you do.' Levi said no more, grasping his nose between two fingers, taking slow, purposeful breaths. They were going back. Levi shouldn't have been so fearful but the letter stated very clearly why it was they had to go back.

They had lost almost all their soldiers.

Erwin's strategy had been compromised and with it, soldiers fell. Dozens. Levi and Eren were required simply because of the loss of people. At this point, they wouldn't be part of a final battle. They were going to die and going to die soon.

Levi wasn't sure whether Eren was an optimist or just unable to read what was written so clearly. He didn't say anything, though. He let the kid be happy. It might be the last time he experienced it. Levi wanted to smile, be happy again but the fear was all too crippling. It didn't matter anyway, he hadn't smiled in a long time.

'Pack up, kid. We're leaving as soon as possible.' They didn't have time to spare. Levi wanted to get back before the inevitable. He would not leave Erwin to die alone. Nor would he leave Eren behind. They would return side by side, two of the best soldiers and they would make Erwin proud, going down with a fight. And maybe, just maybe, they would make a lasting difference on the situation.

By the time their belongings were stuffed back in the cases, Levi felt ill. He had overthought things. It couldn't be as bad as he imagined. Or could it? He didn't know. That was what he feared so much. He had placed his trust in Erwin to keep the situation under control and now, here he was, being called back with a subtle urgency. What was he supposed to think?

He was to return when he was needed. But, he wasn't needed. Someone was needed. Not him. But he would return anyway. Erwin needed him; he trusted Erwin. He trusted him with his life. And, he believed Eren felt the same.

He and Eren had come by foot, a long, arduous trip but they had no other means of transportation so, with no hesitance on complaints, they trudged back to the centre of Paris, unsure of just how bad the situation could be.


When Eren and Levi returned, their base was silent. Underneath their heavy feet, the floorboards creaked filling the silence with unbearable tension. They were to go where they always went to, Erwin's headquarters: a private room near the back of the household that he used as a strategy room.

It wasn't far and even Levi was too tense to see the layers of grime he was treading over. The door was already open when they arrived, revealing a stressed Erwin holding his head in his hands. A position of defeat.

At the sound of the two men, he looked up- seemingly startled. The bags under his eyes were larger than ever and he had finally stopped being able to conceal the wrinkles around his eyes- revealing something closer to his true age than either thought was possible. Like Levi, Erwin had been mistaken for younger than he was on multiple occasions.

'Erwin.' Levi addressed calmly, an introduction of sorts.

'I'm going to get to the point, Levi. There's no need for pleasantries. Almost all of our soldiers have died. Even I'm needed now and tomorrow morning, I will leave with you too. We have lost. But, I need us to fight until the end. But,' a long pause. Levi didn't begin to question what was about to be said, it was better just to wait. 'Eren,' he addressed, staring the boy down with his ice-blue eyes. 'You're young. You don't have to die now. I know Levi, he will die happily now but you, you shouldn't have to do that. Find another group, join them. Help them. They need you.' It was an order, wasn't it?

'Sir, I refuse.' Eren stated with as much calm as Levi had introduced himself with. Levi looked at the boy, watching the cerulean eyes filled with determination. He couldn't say he was shocked, of course Eren wouldn't go down without a fight.

'Eren, it wasn't a request.' Erwin sighed, raking his fingers through his disfigured hair.

'I know, Sir. I still refuse. I will fight alongside you. Even if I die trying.' Levi searched the boy for any sign of fear. He found none. Eren really was a weapon, one that didn't deserve to die now. Not ever. He should have been immortal.

But maybe his mortality was what made the story interesting in the end.

Erwin looked resigned, he had thrown enough soldiers to the dust already. He didn't want to do it again. But, this was Eren's choice and Erwin realised that he would most likely be dead before he could feel the guilt.

'It's your life, Eren. I will respect that. But, please, think this over. Levi and I must talk anyway.' Eren nodded, realising his cue to leave and rushed out, his eyebrows drawn together as if in thought. Levi knew, though, that Eren had already made up his mind.

Left in a peaceful silence, Levi approached Erwin's desk and took a seat opposite on a small, rickety stool that had been stashed away in the corner, most likely to never be used again. Erwin smiled wanly as he watched Levi's feet dangle, unable to touch the ground. Levi's height had always been a source of amusement, he found, even if it was rather rude to laugh at it.

'Levi, the offer is there for you too. I know you don't care about the outcome as much of the rest of us but I know you want the lower classes to rise. You've seen what poverty does.' Levi nodded but didn't speak. 'I want you to know, if you want to leave now, please do. I am not ready to have anyone flee. It's fight or die trying at this point.' Levi nodded again, this time raising his head to lock eyes with his leader.

'Erwin, I know what you're trying to do. But, I have my reasons for being here as does everyone- those who are left, that is. I'm staying and I'm fighting. I know it will mean my death but I've lived long enough.' Erwin looked thankful. Levi was, after all, his best fighter and the more soldiers that died tomorrow, the better.

'Whose left?' Levi didn't want to know but he felt he needed to.

'Petra, Olou, Erd and Gunther. Then, just me, you and Eren.' Levi didn't think he'd even heard of this much death to the disease that had plagued his childhood town. Nonetheless, he nodded again. He trusted his movements far more than his words at this point. Erwin was the one who trusted his words far more than his actions.

'I'm sorry it came to this.' Levi apologised after another minute of silence.

'It doesn't matter. I did my part, I never thought I would make it to the end. Although, I did think I would more likely be caught than shot. I'll take it, though.' Erwin chuckled darkly. Wrong place, wrong time. Yet, feeling Erwin laugh brought a comfort to Levi that nothing had before. It felt like something he had refused to have for years. Home. He didn't think why, he didn't want to think why. There was no need to think why.

He only wondered when Erwin had become that for him.

He only wondered when Eren had become that for him.

That night, none of them slept. Eren took to the floor, a snore never coming from his mouth- he was never asleep enough to do so. Erwin took the armchair, his head lolled back but his eyes wide open, staring at the ceiling like it would be his last time. It probably would be.

But, who knew, maybe he and Levi were just pessimists? But then why wasn't Eren asleep?

Levi was the one to take the bed, not that it was a bed, really. A bunch of hay that had been pulled in from the streets had been laid across the floor. He slept like an animal, as he had for most of his life.

The bed didn't make a difference. Between insomnia and fear, he didn't sleep a wink. He watched the breaths of his friends, how the air clouded as the water vapour left their mouths. It was cold, freezing even and the woollen blankets were doing little for their warmth.

He watched their chests rise up and down. He wouldn't see that tomorrow, would he? Even if he did, would he see it the day after? Probably not. He looked at Eren. Maybe that boy would survive with his iron determination and the eyes of a soldier. His eyes raked over Erwin. The master of strategy, not fighting. He could pull the trigger, Levi knew that, Erwin would have no hesitance. But, that didn't help him. He could be dead in minutes.

Levi knew, though, that by the time they were dead, they would leave dozens of dead soldiers in their wake.


The trip to the barricades the next day was made in silence. It wasn't as if they wanted to talk anyway for fear of getting caught. It was unlikely but Levi's face, in particular, had become well-known amongst the army and if he was sighted, he would be shot on sight. The others too for being in his company.

They made it without trouble for what it was worth and met with the few remaining soldiers left. Petra, Olou, Erd and Gunther met them at the base, behind them a stack of old wood piled higher than anyone thought was possible. Erwin had made sure that they had a strong barricade before anything had happened. It hadn't helped, in the end.

Eren paused as Erwin and Levi greeted the rest. 'Is this all of them?' He whispered, his voice weak and quiet. He almost sounded like the child he was supposed to be. Erwin was the first to turn, his face downcast.

'Yes, Eren. Mikasa and Armin, they didn't make it. They died with mercy.' He lied. Armin had been shot in the chest and in that case, he had been lucky enough to die painlessly. Mikasa, she had bled out. Her stomach had been hit. Erwin didn't have the guts to say. Eren had grown up with the pair and had clung onto them dearly, promising that they when he returned and they had done their bit in the fight, they would go to the sea as they had always wanted.

Their dream was now just that: a dream.

Eren nodded and pressed no further. He would rather not know. Levi approached the boy, the determination diminished but still far stronger than any other person here, and rested his hand upon his shoulder. No words were exchanged; no words were needed.

Erwin stayed away. He had watched them die. Eren clearly wanted someone as oblivious as he was. Instead, Erwin focused on the others, telling them the basis of his plan. Not that he really had one. He had to make something up, though. He had to at least let them pretend they were going to live.

Petra, smiling as ever, put her input in and Erwin accepted it. They often debated about his strategies and he usually came out victorious. He didn't have the energy today. She seemed to understand and quickly backed off. They all knew what was happening. Their numbers had dwindled to seven and Erwin was fighting when he never had before.

They were going to die or flee. For all their sakes, Erwin hoped no one would flee. They would only be caught. Capture would lead to a far worse death than a bullet. 'Prepare, everyone. If the last few days have been anything to go by, they will be here by the time we see the sun.' The barricade blocked the sunset, they wouldn't see the sun until ten at the earliest. Orders were obeyed quickly and everyone rushed to grab a gun and took their place in the barricade: Erd, Olou and Gunther at the top, Petra dead centre, Levi and Eren to the left and Erwin to the right.

They waited, passing stories before they died. If one of them survived, they could carry everyone's stories with them, they all trusted that. They would not die forgotten. They had family, they had friends and they had each other. They all knew their deaths were approaching, few having any vague hope of survival. They knew what the army was doing, bombarding them day after day until there was none of them left. Picking people off would only create larger groups. They weren't as dumb as so many thought.

On the left side of the barricade, hidden behind layers of wood, Eren clutched to Levi's shoulder, fearfully looking through the gaps. For all the determination the kid had once had, it was replaced with just as much fear. Seeing it for yourself could do that to you. Maybe it was his friend's death, maybe it was the dawning realisation of death, Levi didn't want to ask.

'Levi, I'm scared.' Eren admitted, his voice trembling as much as his frail muscles.

'I know you are, kid. But,' he took a deep breath, 'if anyone is making it out alive, it's going to be-' He was cut off by the gunfire. Levi looked up, the sun was in the sky. Erwin had been right.

'You. Now let's shoot.' Levi finished, loading his gun and aiming it through the hole in the wood and then, without hesitation, he shot.

Erd and Gunther were the first to fall, being in the most vulnerable position. Both had been shot in the chest and had collapsed onto the ground far below. Even if they had survived the shot, the fall would have knocked them out and they would be dead soon enough.

Olou was next, being just below the two fallen. Then, Petra. A shot to the stomach. Just like Mikasa, she bled out slowly. The others were too scared to notice. It only left Erwin, Eren and Levi. The three survivors.

The ones that had been expected to survive.

And then, as if in slow motion, a bullet shot through the wood and right into Erwin's left arm. The cry was loud enough to draw Eren's attention as Levi continued to fire at the falling soldiers. They were dropping like flies, even if it took so long to reload.

'Erwin!' Eren cried out, about to stand to help. Levi held him back, one hand holding the gun up and the other holding Eren back. He couldn't aim right but it would at least keep the soldiers ducking for cover.

Levi's arm tired quickly, he wouldn't be able to continue anyway. He was running out of bullets. Eren already had, firing like a madman. He had killed, though, he had done well. Levi, with a final shot, let Eren go. The boy ran down frantically and clambered up as skilfully as he could to were Erwin was injured.

'Get under cover!' Levi ordered, taking role of leader. Erwin was in no state to do so. Eren hauled Erwin down the barricade and to the bottom where the wood was thickest, nothing but canon fire could break through now and from what Levi had seen, they hadn't brought any. It was too much to kill so few.

Levi followed suit and buried himself on the right side of Erwin, Eren sitting down to his left. A man on either side. He took a few deep, shaky breaths and tried to calm his racing heart. But, how could he? He was as good as dead. Unless he ran but he wouldn't. Not unless he was ordered too.

The gunfire stopped as they fell out of sight, leaving the three men's ears ringing loudly. They didn't care, it had become familiar now. Almost comforting if they ignored the pain. Erwin was trembling, his arm bleeding profusely, soaking the cloth that Eren had wrapped around him- he had ripped the bottom of his shirt of, Levi realised as he turned to the younger man. Yes, after this, Eren had earned his title as a man. He had killed without remorse, he had fought, he deserved it.

The gunfire would return soon, trying to break down the weak points in the barricade. But, for now, they took the time to enjoy the silence, only filled with their shaky breaths and trembling.

They weren't going to make it, were they? But, they had known that since the beginning.

Levi watched the blood run through the cloth on Erwin's arm. Blessure. It was the french word for wound. A beautiful sounding word for such an ugly thing. Levi almost laughed, it sounded so similar to the english word pleasure. Maybe it was a pleasure. Maybe death was what they all needed to escape this hell.

Levi looked straight again, feeling queasy at the sight of the pools of red. The other bodies were above them, except for one. Gunther lay at Levi's feet. Levi didn't bother to move him, simply watching the dead eyes as they bore into his.

With resignation, Levi let his arms go limp, his palms facing the sky. He looked up to the sky, watching the incoming rain clouds. It was going to rain again, he wondered if he would ever see it.

Then, as if it were natural, a hand found his. Eren's, smooth and young. Interlocking their fingers as if it would keep them alive. And then, on his other side, a calloused hand found his, following suit by intertwining their fingers. A silent promise of survival, no matter how impossible it was.

Erwin spoke softly, he was so close to death already. It wouldn't be a surprise if he had caught an infection through the wound but he was more likely to bleed out than die of infection. It had hit an artery, no doubt. 'We're not going to let them be forgotten. I can't do that to them. We're going to survive.' A pause, a pair of eyes watched Erwin carefully, one grey and another blue. 'Even if we have to run.'

word count: 7383

published: 05.09.17

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