Day 7: Begin.
Back with the final, the big bad last boss, DAY 7! Lol, anyway, enjoy! Look for more notes at the bottom!
See any spelling errors? Say something! I would greatly appreciate it!
Error lazily watched t.v. not really interested in the movie, which he had seen before. He had moved his hammock above the gang so he could see the t.v. and this was the fourth movie they had watched. Horror and Dust had both long fallen alseep, asking to be woke up when they started a new movie as they seen this one before.
Killer had dozed off a bit, his head laying on Nightmares shoulder as he held Cross close, who was still watching the movie with interest. He didn't watch movies often so he almost never knew what was going to happen.
Nightmare really didn't care, lightly scratching Killers collorbone affectionately, which had seened to make the other melt, oddly enough.
....Was he drooling??
Yawning, Error stretched and popped his bones as Cross paused the movie, wiggling out of Killers arms "Nooo.." The other protested weakly as Cross smiled "I'll be back! I'm gonna go grab a snack, want anything?" He asked and Nightmare hummed, pressing a kiss on Killers cheek before looking at Cross "How about we order some pizza? It should be here by the end of the movie and we can wake Dust and Horror." He said as Cross perked and nodded excitedly "Sure! Sounds prefect, I'm still going fo get a snack though. " He rolled his eyes at both Killers and Nightmares light pout as Error lowered himself onto the ground with his strings as he yawned "I'lL cOMe wiTh You, I'M hUngRy." He said as Cross nodded and pointed at Nightmare and Killer "Strawberries, please love." Nightmare said as Cross raised an eyebrow at him "You have the weirdest ideas for snacks.." he mumbled with a small smile as Killer spoke up "Chooocccooolllaaatteeee.." he dragged out his word, grinning lightly as Cross snorted softly and nodded as he grabbed his popcorn bowl before he walked out of the room, watching Nightmare pull out his phone from the corner of his eye, Error following close behind him as he stretched lazily.
Making it to the large kitchen, Cross popped a small bad of popcorn in the microwave and pulled out some strawberries and chocolate from the fridge before leaning against the counter as Error crawled up onto the counter and reached into the hightest shelf, moving a couple things before pulling out a large, double chocolate chip muffin. He went to move the boxes back to hide the rest of the his precious chocolate muffins only to pause when Cross spoke "Error? What are you doing?" He asked and Error showed him his treat, grinning lightly "WAnT OnE?" He asked, seeing the way Crosses eyelights lit up at the sight of it, tossing it to him, which he caught and inspected curiously as Error grabbed another and hid the rest, shutting the cabinet before sitting on the counter.
"Large double chocolate chip muffin?" Cross read the lable out "Oh my stars that sounds so good!" He said excitedly as he opened the plastic wrap and took a bite, moaning in delight. Error snorted at his friend's behavior as he opened his own and took a large bite happily "Where didd you gestss these?" Cross asked, still chewing his first bite as Error paused and frowned a bit "A.. sOmEonE.. gaVe tHEm To mE." Error said slowly after finishing his bite of the wonderful muffin and Cross tilted his head "You okay?" He asked before taking another bite. To witch Error nodded at, the first muffin he had had been another of Dreams presents. After seeing how much he liked them Dream came back the next day with an entire box full. To which Error happily snached and hid in the castle, ANTI-VOID and his room for later on when he wanted a snack or when he wanted to binge on some chocolate. He had been very pleased with this gift and he could tell Dream noticed, as Dream brought him once evertime they saw eatchother.
Cross frowned, watching his friend "Are you sure?" He asked softly and set his muffin down to pour his popcorn into his bowl as Error frowned "Nighty told me that you might of had a.. Courting Friend. Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked and Error couldn't stop his outburst "H-he's n0-oT mY C-C-couRtINg FriEn-nD!" He quickly snapped, glitching harshly at the thought of Dream. He defiantly couldn't avoid the positive skeleton forever, sadly. He.. knew he had to cut off contact with Dream. But, he didn't want to. He really didn't want to.. even if he was to embarrassed to admit that.
"I-I d-DoN'T lOve oR.. liKe HiM CRosS! ATLEasT I dOn'T tHInK I dO.." The glitch muttered and sighed heavily, glitching. He was fairly sure he didn't have feelings for the bright skeleton but he wasn't sure. He had never been in love before so he really didn't know. Cross hummed "What do you feel around him?" He asked and Error shrugged "NoT.. tHreAteNEd..?" He seemed to question himself as Cross sighed "Can you elaborate more on that please?" He asked and Error huffed "I DoN't knOW! I DOn'T fEeL ThReaTenED aRoUnD hIm, It'S sorRT-ta lIkE HaNgIng oUt wItH YoU gUyS bUt At thE sAme tIMe NOt? He FoEsn'T sCaRe mE AnD I feeL coNfIdeNt tO LEt My gAruD doWn nEar HiM. BuT iT's.. noT LiKE-e YOu gUyS? IT FeeLs difFreNt??" Error did his best to explain with his limited knowledge on relationships but it was defiantly hard. Cross stared at Error quitely for a few seconds "Does he make you feel.. safe?" He asked slowly as Error frowned and shook his head "No..??" He said "I.. DoN'T tHinK s-So.." he mumbled as Cross hummed "Dose he make you feel happy?" He asked and Error shrugged again as he spoke "I gUeSs? THe coMplaInTs On mY DolLS aNd The ClotHeS I mAKe Are nICe A-anD tHe gIfts Are alsO nIcE. I lIkE tHem sO yEs?"
Cross slowly tilted his head "I.. is he attractive?" He asked and Error had to do a double take "WhaT." He asked in his confusion as Cross sighed "Is HE. Attractive? Good looking? Charming?" He listed off as Error paused. Was Dream attractive?? He had no idea, really. How could you even tell if someone was attractive? Dream.. had a nice bone shape, though Sanses looked alike they were different aswell. Which Error was way to embressed to admit and he was fairly sure he would crash if he tried so he wasn't going to. Noticeing the light golden blush that spread across Errors cheeks, Cross took that as a yes. Kinda. "Is he nice? Dose your chest get fuzzy when he's around?" He asked and Error scrunched up his nose "FUzZy?? WhAt-" He went to ask only to be cut off by Cross "Fuzzy, as in fluttery and nice feeling?" He explained further and it took a couple seconds for Error to nod "Yes..? It doEs fEel niCe WhEn hE colmPlaInts mY dOlLs Or gIvEs mE GifTs." The glitch said and Cross smiled a bit "Well.. you may not like or even love him, but you feel something for him." He said and Error frowned "BuT.. How cAn I noT Ne?" He asked and Cross blinked in confusion "What do you mean?" He asked as he frowned as Error huffed and glitched "I cAn't bE witlTH Him! HoW caN I Not lIkW hiM?" He asked and Cross smiled at him slightly "I can't help you with that, Error. You'd just have to ingore him and never see him again." He said and Error sighed as he grumbled and Cross took the bowl of popcorn, the strawberries and the chocolate "Let's go back to the others." He said and lead Error up the stairs and back to Error's room.
It had been a couple hours, they had long since ate and Horror and Dust were already back to sleep on his bed, curled up into eatchother. Error thought it was a little funny how closely packed they were to eatchother, Horror spooning Dust from behind, basically curled around the smaller as Dust held the sides of Horrors jacket around himself, seeming cornet.
Error thought Nightmare thought it was funny or interesting aswell with how closely the goopy skeleton seemed to be observing the couple, but there was something that told Error Nightmare was thinking of something else.. he decided not to ask.
Killer and Cross had fallen asleep aswell, both half laying at Nightmares sides and half laying on Nightmare aswell, the dark skeleton didn't seem to mind, he seemed quite pleased actually, haveing his arms and tentacles warped around the two.
Error was still in his hammock, he had decided to work on the scarf he was making for Dream, it was a pale yellow that faded into dark blue, like his at the ends with pretty white stars at the ends, fadeing into the yellow. Error was quote proud of it honestly, he hoped Dream would like it..
Error shook his head, he was going to need to stop seeing Dream.. he refused to admit that he was a little sad about that.. he.. enjoyed spending time with Dream. Where they were outside the limits of good and evil and they were just.. Dream and Error. It was nice talking to someone normally.
He sighed and rubbed his thumb over the scarf as Nightmare took his eyes off of the other couple in the room and looked up at Error, tilting his head a bit "Error? Are you alright?" He asked his glitchy friend who jolted and blinked before looking at Nightmare and nodding "Are you thinking about.." he trailed off as Error frowned and nodded again softly, not feeling like talking "You don't have to accept them, Error, you know that." He said and shifted to sit up abit, careful not to wake his Mates "I kNOw.." Error said softly and set the scarf on the self beside him before moveing to pull his blanket over him as Nightmare spoke again "Just take your time to think about how you feel for this person. Alright? Do what you think is best." He said and Error nodded "YeS.. I kNøw." He said and closed his eyes.
It had been two more days before Error returned to his spot in Outertale, haveing to missed seeing the stars in person. It was maybe ten minutes after he had settled down when he felt a familiar portal open and someone he knew all to well step through "Error!" Came Dreams excited voice as Error turned to look at him "HeY, DoN't toIcH mE." He said automatically at Dreams desperate look, the golden eyed Skeleton frowning at this for a split second before he smiled happily again and walked over to sit close to him, Error noticed but didn't complain "Where have you been? Are you okay? Are you hurt? Were you sick? Were you hurt? Is everything okay?" Dream sputtered out question after question makeing Errors brain hurt a bit "I waS YakEiNg Q vaCatIon, yEs, No, nO, No, YeS." He answered the questions simply as he watched the stars and Dream nodded in response as he scooted closer, Error said nothing about it. "I missed you! I missed talking to you! Don't disappear again without saying something please, I was worried!" Dream said and Error could practically feel smile the other had on his jaws directed at him.
Error turned to look at him and finally got a good look at the other, Dream looked.. tired. Witch surprised the glitch a bit, but he looked absolutely delighted aswell. "I wOn'T. I ProMiSe." Error kept his sentences short in hopes the other would understand he didn't want to talk and he seemed to, nodding as he looked up at the stars. Error did the same silently.
After a little bit Error slowly frowned and gripped his coat tightly, before he spoke "I.." he paused as Dream looked at him with a curious gaze, makeing the glitch tense as he opened in inventory and pulled out the scarf he ha made for the other "I have SomWtHiNg fOr YoU." He said quitely and and turned his body to face Dream, Dream doing the same curiously as Error moved onto his knees and carefully warped the long gold and blue scarf around the other, glitching widely at being so close to Dream. He quickly pulled back once he was done as Dream carefully readjusted the scarf, blinking and his face slowly turned a brighter yellow "F-FRieNds giVe eatCh øTheR gÏfTs, RiGhT? S-sO h-HerE!" He said quickly as he blushed brightly and hid his lower face in his own dark blue scarf, trying not to look at him "I-i rEmemBer yOu sQyinG Y-yoU liKeD LoNg scArfS.." he mumbled.
He finally glanced at Dream after a couple minutes who was stareing at with wide starry eyes, smiling widely as he buried his face into his new scarf, positive energy flowing off him. "Thankyouthankyouthankyousomuch!" He squeaked out in excitement, smiling happily as his gaze softened "Thank you Error.. you really are a great friend." He said as he smiled and closed his eyes as he buried his face more into the scarf, smiling as he took a deep breath.
Error tore his gaze away from the beaming Skeleton, hideing his face, Dreams aura had never affected him. Neither had Nightmares, it was why he and Nightmare got along fairly well as Error couldn't feel his aura, witch Nightmare liked. So he couldn't understand why seeing Dream so happy.. he paused, this was one of the things he and Cross had talked about, over the last two days they talked more about love and what it was like. Useally when you liked someone you liked seeing them happy, is what Cross said. That must be why he was so happy.. and the fact Dream liked something he made. That was a nice fuzzy feeling..
Error eventually looked at Dream again and found him sleeping sitting up, holding onto his new scarf. 'What should I do??' Was the first thought that ran through his head 'I'm ninety nine percent sure sleeping upright is bad for you..' He thought and frowned, watching him silently before pulling out some strings and moving to warp them around Dream, makeing him lay back down. He pulled his strings away from the other and relaxed, looking up at the stars quitely.
Dream mumbled as he slowly opened his eyes, almost not wanting to get up with how comfy he was.. where was he? He quickly blinked away seeing the purple greenish grass.. thats right! He remembered falling asleep in Outertale after seeing Error and getting his new scarf.. he reached up to touch his scarf and smiled deamily.. it was so soft..
He sat up and blinked at the blue kitted blanket that fell off his upper half as he did, he didn't remember that.. he glanced around and paused seeing a glitchy figure curled up in the grass, eyes shut and breathing soft.. 'Is he alseep?' Dream grabbed the blanket and stood up, walking over to Error. He looked so peaceful.. Dream smiled and gently layed the blanket over him gently, he glitched at the contact but didn't react negativity, shifting and gripping the blanket as he curled up, smiling slightly. Dream held back an aww at how happy Error seemed and took a moment to fix ar adjust his scarf, it was long and oddly elegant, inchs away from touching the ground as he stood.
"I need to find away to say thank you.." he said softly and watched his glitchy friend sleep before an idea came to mind which made him grin as he opend a portal and quickly stepoed though, quickly running up to his room, grabbing a blanket and storing it in his inventory'He'll love this!' Dream grinned excitedly and paused when he heard Blue yell his name "DREAM!" Dream frowned and quickly walked back downstairs "Yeah?!" He asked quickly, squeaking when he was tackled hugged by Blue "Where have you BEEN?! It's been almost sixteen hours since I've seen you! Me and Ink were so worried!" He cried out as Ink appeared "Dream!" He yelled and moved to hug them "Where have you been!?" He asked in a scolding tone, sounding upset. Dream frowned "I'm sorry! I fell alseep in my field. It won't happen again!" He said quickly as both his friends held him, his field was what he was calling his meet ups with Error so it didn't tip them off he was in Outertale and so they didn't look for him. Blue sighed "It's okay, you just had us worried! What are you doing?" He asked and Dream beamed "My friend came back! I was going to do something for him!" He happily said and Blue lost all previous anger and worry, eyes lighting up as large blue stars "Really?! That's wonderful!" He shouted happily "Don't let us keep you here! If you have something to do, do it!" He called happily and let go of Dream, haveing Ink do the same, though he looked confused "Who? And where did that scarf come from?" He asked as Dream hopped to his feet "I'll explain later! I have to go!" He said and left through a portal, smiling as he walked up to the counter.
Dream returned to Outertale, smiling when he saw Error knitting quitely.
He walked over and layed his blanket down as Error looked at him curiously "WHaT ArE yOu dOInG?" He asked as Dream sat on the blanket "Come here! I have something for you!" He said happily and Error stood up, walking over to him and hesitantly sitting on the blanket "WhAt iS It?" He asked again and Dream smiled and pulled out a chocolate milkshake from his inventory "Here! Have this first!" He said happily "Annnd!" He set a large chocolate fudge cake down, some chocolate muffins and cupcakes, some brownies, some chocolate bars.
Error stared at him as he set things down with wide eyes, holding the milkshake numbly in pure shock.
"Hehe! It's all for you!"
"WhEre dId-d yOu Get AlL tHiS?!"
"Do you like it!?"
"G-giVe Me tHat CAKE!"
Thats the end! I hope you enjoyed this book! I REALLY enjoyed writing it! It was so fun! There will be bonus chapters for this book aswell! If you haven't voted already, on the last chapter is the options for the bonus chapters! All the chapters will be written at one point but which one would you like to see first? Go vote!
Currently ErrorDream is in the running so I will be starting to work on it! I do hope you enjoyed this book and seeing all your comments make me so happy! Thank you all for reading so far!
Check out my One-Shot book if you want to see more stuff like this! Requests are closed but you are free to leave a suggestion on the first page and I will work on it if I get inspired! Have a good day! All of you!
Words: 3,247.
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