Day 6: Choose.

Here we go! This is more fluffy time with Error and the gang and shows thier dynamic a bit more! I hope you enjoy! ^w^


Error did indeed stay at Nightmares for a few days, well, more like a week almost. He avioded going out, witch also meant avoiding Dream. Witch was... odd. He usually saw Dream every other or even everyday with how much he went to Outertale and how much Dream came looking for him. He had finshed the scarf he had made for Dream and now he just stared at it where it sat on his bedside table when he slept. Or from his hammock in the corner of the room or his little 'nest', as the others liked to call it, of pillows and blankes. His room was more or less one of the most comfortable places in the entire castle, many of the others thought so as well and liked to crash in on him at random times. Most of the time he didn't care, only when he was in a bad mood did he not want them in and even then they did thier best to make him happy.

At the moment, it was one of those times he just didn't care when Killer flung himself into his room and hid in his piles of pillows and blankets, Error ingoreing him from his hammock as he knitted. Cross was quick to follow him and Error could only guess why "Killer! Give me back my-!" He went to lunge at Killer who frantically tried to hide himself, only to be cut off by Nightmare warping a tentacle around his mid-section and pulling him back "Tsk tsk." He snickered as Killer smirked triumphly, only to shriek when he was pulled out of the blankets by another tentacle "What's going on here?" He asked as Killer whined and struggled to pull out of his grip "Killer took my chocolate!" Cross pouted as Killer huffed "You have so much more! Let me have this one!" He stuck his tounge out at his lover, blushing lightly as the oreo whined and pouted more "Nighty! Tell him to give it back!" He said, lightly grabing Nightmares jacket who rolled his eyelight and walked over to the pile, sitting down and setting the two beside him "Killer, give me the chocolate." He said as Killer whined, but with a stern look he did so and Nightmare broke it in half equally before handing both a half "There, now you both can have it." He said matter of factly.

Killer seemed happy with this and leaned on Nightmare as he nibbled on the candy. Cross on the other hand still looked a bit upset, but a small kiss from Nightmare made him relax ultimately and slip onto Nightmares lap, lightly grabing and holding Killers free hand as he ate his half happily and pout free.

It wasn't long before Dust walked inside and ploped down on his bed, chilling out. Horror was quick to follow and layed with Dust on the bed, the two curling up with eatch other happily, seeming content. Ot was quite for awhile when Error finally decided to look at the others again, Horror and Dust had fallen asleep and Nightmare was covering them with a them with a tentacle while holding Killer and Cross, Killer was sitting between Nightmares legs with Cross on his lap, the two leaned into Nightmares chest with thier eyes shut. Nightmare was laying back on a large pillow and had both his arms warped around the two with his head resting on thiers, smiling softly before looking up at Error who rolled his eyes playfully as he set his knitting things on a self hung on the wall before moveing and pulling a blanket over himself and relaxing before his gaze drifted over to the scarf, watching it like he had done many times before falling alseep.


Dream hummed as he played with his fingers, sitting in his chair in the meeting room silently. It was only him and his thoughts.. he usually enjoyed time like this, being able to relax and just think about his day but.. now it just felt suffocating. Maybe it was because he missed Error, before Error just disappeared he could sit down and think just fine about his day, what he had done and really just relax. But now he was just uncomfortable with the silence.

It had been almost a week since he had seen Error or his Brother or any of the Bad Sanses! He was worried most of all about Error. It had been odd not seeing the glitchy skeleton for so long, it's like he just vanished. He wondered what the other was doing, he really did, maybe he was kitting? Or eating? Maybe he was with his brother and his gang? Ink hadn't seen any sign of them either, witch made him worried for different reasons.

The silence didn't last to much longer before Blue walked into the meeting room, followed by Lust who was holding his lovers hand "Dream! There you are! I've been looking for you!" He cheered and sat beside him happily, smiling at him as Lust sat on the other side of Blue, grinning "Sup Dreammyy." He teased playfully and Dream rolled his eyes.

When he heard the news that Lust and Blue were a couple it shocked him but he knew thier love was real, he could feel it. The two loved eatch other, adored eatch other for many diffrent reasons. Lust loved Blue for not thinking of him as a lustful slut who only wanted in other peoples pants. Blue knew and looked at Lust like another person, like a another sentient emotional being. Blue absolutely adored Lust from the first meeting. It wasn't love at first sight, no not at all, but Lust was really the only one who didn't treat him like a child and baby him. 'Hideing' him from the world, not letting him drink or smoke or do anything on his own! Sure he didn't drink alot and he rarely smoked but he still wanted to do things on his own! Lust could careless about his 'innocence, he flirted with Blue from the first meeting and took him out to drink and party and have fun, Blue looked past Lusts facade of not careing and only wanting sex to see how hurt he was and much he usually hated his life stlye and AU.

When Dream and Ink were told about these things they felt horrible, they did baby Blue and keep him 'safe'. They tried not to do that anymore best they could. And they felt bad for Lust to, while they had never hurt him they never said anything against it and they knew they were no help.

"Why are you in here anyway?" Lust asked "The meeting dosen't start for another two hours." He said and rised and eyebrow at Dream, who sighed "Just.. thinking." He mumbled tiredly, traceing circles in the wodden table. Blue frowned at his friends obvious unhappiness, lightly grabing his hand "Dream? What's wrong?" He asked softly, knowing his friend needed something "I-It's just..! I haven't seen him in almost a week! A week! Why is he gone? What's he doing? Is he safe? Hurt? Dead?!" Dream started to panic a bit before Blue shushed him and squeezed his hand "Dream I'm sure he's fine! He may just be sick or relaxing somewhere else! Calm down!" Blue soothed his friends worrys, sighing softly as Lust hummed "What? What are we talkin about?" He asked and Dream tensed, Blue and Dream stared at eatchother for a few seconds before Dream nodded a bit "Dream has a crush! But it seems that his Courting Friend has gone missing!" Blue explained to his lover who ooed in interest "Have you thought about asking Ink to find em?" He shrugged as Dream mumbled "Ink dosen't even know.." he mumbled and Lust snickered "Oh? And how many people do know?" He teased a bit as Dream flushed and huffed "Just two.."

Lust snorted as Blur gently hit his arm, rolling his eyes "Be nice Lusty! Or no tacos!" He said and Lust immdently whined "Baby i was just jokeeing!!" He pouted as Blue giggled and looked back to Dream "Don't worry about him Dream! I'm sure your Courting Friend will show up at some time! Just relax and wait for him! Give it time." He smiled at his friend who sighed a bit and nodded "Okay.." he mumbled. That was easier said then done.

Blue hummed before perking and smiling "I have an idea! Me and Lust were going to make snacks and set up some food for the meeting! Wanna help us?" He grinned and Dream smiled a bit, he could always count on Blue to make him happy "Sure." He said and stood, Blue cheering as he bounced up and happily skipped to the kitchen, Lust chuckling and following his excitable Mate with a smile. Dream soon did to, smiling softly before pauseing and flushing brightly.

"Whit! He's not my Courting Friend!"

Blue only giggled.


Error eyes fluttered open slowly, yawning quitely as he glanced down to where the gang was. Horror and Dust had moved from the bed to the pile of pillows with Nightmare, Killer and Cross. All five were awake now and watching a movie on his t.v. quitely.
Dust was laying on Horror as he watched, his arms warped around Horror as Horror himself idely rubbed Dusts skull.
Cross was very much enjoying the movie it seemed and was happily muching popcorn, Killer watching with a lazy grin, one eye closed. Nightmare on the other hand seemed to have no interest in the movie what so ever and seemed to like watching Cross and Killer more, smiling softly down at them.

Error smiled a bit at this before his eyes drifted over to the scarf, sighing softly, he couldn't avoid seeing Dream forever and he was just thinking he might have to end their little meet ups.. he shook his head and looked back up at the ceiling. He wouldn't worry about that for now. For now, he would relax and take his time..

Stars why him?


There we are! All done!
Soo i was thinking about it and I realized this book would end soon.
Kinda bums me out cause I really like writeing for this! It's fun! Soo.. i wanted to ask you guys something!
This books official week will end in one more chapter, buutt-
I wanna write more! I was thinking about doing little one off chapters for this books other ships and maybe more ErrorDream!
Like Lustberry, Krossmare, HorrorDust and other ships that haven't been reveled! Would you like to see any of that? I would do them after the ending of the official week and you could vote on witch ones you want to come first! They'ed be at least a 1,000 words long like these chapters and full of cute fluffy moments! Sooo... I'm going to leave a vote!
If you want to see this tell me witch one i should do first and ill start working on it!!:

More ErrorDream?




After the official end of the week I'll reveal other ships if i haven't already. One's that just didn't make it into the book or weren't as obvious as others and were more hidden! Ink IS with someone! Buutt i haven't said who yet! Take a wild guess if ya want! There will be a vote at the very end on all the ships for witch will come out first!
Also one more thing! I'm makeing a Oneshot book! It will come out right after this chapter is posted if your interested!
This has been a really long endcard thingy-

I also want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart whos been supporting this book and leaveing such wonderful comments! They make me very happy as a writer to see someone enjoying my work! You are all so amazing!! Thats it for now foaks! See ya next time!

Words: 2,033.

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