Day 5: Secret.
Wooop! Wooop!
Error yawned and hung the newly made doll up with all the others, his eyes wondering over to where the little Dream doll was hanging, smiling down at him. Huffing he looked away from it, Dream had gotton increasingly more persistent, showing up when ever he could to talk to him about anything and everything, witch was very confusing for Error as to why he would be so interested. He keap some things to himself though, still not sure if Dream was just playing him to get information for Ink or genuinely interested. Though he couldn't stop from being little flattered at how interested he was, even if it was fake.
Shakeing his head he stood up and stretched before pulling his hood over his head. Humming softly as he walked the portal to Outertale, glanceing up at the stars before seeing Dream, who was already sitting in the usual spot, witch surprised Error a bit. This was the first time Dream had gotten here before him, Error walked over to him, Dream perking and smiling onces he heard him, turning to look at him "Hey Error!" He chirped and smiled, unable to push down the faint blush that spread across his cheeks when he noticed Error, he severely doubted they could ever be together but that didn't mean he wouldn't enjoy the time they had together. Error gave a short nod in response, sitting down "HeY-y." He replied before glanceing at Dream, riseing an eyebrow when he attempted to hand him what looked like a chocolate bar, Error puaseing and stareing at it "Here! I got you something!" He said quickly and whited for him to take it, witch he did after a few more seconds "T-thAnKS..? WHy ArE yOu giVeINg mE THIs iN The fIrST PLaCe?" He asked and Dream smiled "Because your my friend! Sometimes friends give eatch other gifts!" He explained and Error frowned "FrIenDS?" He asked and Dream nodded, carefully moveing closer to him, seeing Error wasn't upset or bothered by this he smiled and moved a bit closer again. "Yeah! We're friends, right?" He asked with a curious tilt of his head, watching Error as he shurgged and opened the candy "I DidN't EXpeCt yOu tO reMeMBer I LikE CHocoLATe." He mumbled, sniffing the chocolate before takeing a bite and humming happily, Dream smiling slightly "Of course i did! How could i not? When you told me you went on about it for five minutes!" He laughed slightly as Error flushed, feeling a bit embarrassed at being reminded about the tangent he went on about how chocolate was the best 'food' in the world.
Error glanced at him before looking at the chocolate then breaking a piece off and offering it to Dream "H-h-HeRE.." He mumbled quitely as Dream took the piece, smiling happily.
"Thank you!" He chirped and popped it into his mouth, smiling and realxing. It was nice to be this close to Error he realized, Error wasn't worried about it and it made him feel fuzzy and warm. Error scoffed and grumbled something about 'better not get used to it' makeing Dream laugh softly and smile, blushing faintly. Error muched on his treat happily, humming softly. Dream smiled and looked up at the stars, kicking his feet. The chocolate was Blues idea after he told him about how much Error liked it, though he was still keeping it was Error he had a crush on a secret.
Soon Error finished his treat and licked his fingers, glanceing at Drean as he spoke "So We'RE fRIeNd'S?" He asked and Dream perked "Yeah! Of course!" He said cheerfully, giveing him a closed eyed smile, makeing Error hum "WHaT dO FrIeNd'S Do?" He asked again and Dream hummed "Well they hang out and talk! Get eachother gifts and other stuff!" He said with a smile, humming softly as Error nodded slowly, looking up at the stars. What made Dream happy was that Error didn't even reject the idea of friendship, he watched him for a few seconds before looking up at the stars happily. It was peaceful...
Dream left his vist with Error with a smile on his face, Error was.. alot diffrent then he seemed. He was quite and calm.. Dream jolted out of his thoughts when he was dragged to the kitchen and sat on a chair "Howdiditgo?!" Blue, the one to dragged him into the kitchen and sat him on the chair, asked excitedly, smiling widely at him. Dream was quite for a few seconds, feeling a bit confused for a few seconds before shaking it off and looking at him, not haveing expected that "I-it went okay! He liked the chocolate!" He said with a smile, blushing lightly as he rubbed his arm, Blue smiling widely at his friend "That's great! We're makeing progress!!" He cheered, sitting beside him "Sooo... whats for lunch?" Dream asked with a smile, Blue was the cook seeing as he made the best food, witch he was very proud of "I was thinking tacos!" Blue hummed and Dream smiled "Sounds good to me!"
Error was chilling in the ANTI-VOID relaxing in his hammock. He was trything to think of what friends do and if he was even really friend's with Dream, he wasn't sure, he didn't have alot of friend's. He had decided, that, he would make Dream a gift. He wasn't sure how the whole friend thing worked, but he had nothing better to do and he wanted to see what Dream would say so he opped on makeing Dream a scarf, humming as he thought, though mainly focused on the scarf. He had listened to Dream talk the other day about how much he liked Errors long scarf, saying he thought longer scarfs were mutch more elegant. Like a cape for a king. So he decided to make him one.
Error groaned unhappily, covering his face with one hand "Go tO HeLl." He snapped.
'Glitchy that's rude!'
Error snorted and rolled his eyes "YeAH aNd So iS pRESterINg ANd yElLing At SomEoNe WHen THier thInkinG bUt Do I coMpLaIN?" He retorted sharply as he uncovered his face.
'Meaaaann! Anyway, how was your date with Dream?' The vioce asked with a coo and Error couldn't help but groan in annoyance "It waSnt a DaTE!" He growled, glareing at the blinding white ceiling, or at least what was considered the ceiling. The vioces were very persistent that he and Dream we're a couple and it pissed him off greatly.
'Yes it was! He gave you a gift and everything!' Error narrowed his eyes at the new vioce "IT-!..." Error paused and the vioce oooed "Is THaT coNSiderEd A dATe?" He questioned, he had no idea how dates worked, like, at all, he never found them appealing. Sure there was that one time but.. He paused his knitting and set his things down, listening. Dream had said it was a thing friend's did though..
'I don't think soo.. but~ maybe he's courting you~?' Another voice asked 'Maybe he's keeping it a secret~ so if you reject him he can play it off as him being nice?' Error made a face, confused and curious "COuRtiNg?" He asked again as the vioces giggled, oooed and laughed, whispering to who he could only guess was eatch other 'Yes! Maybe that's it!' A voice squealed happily, likeing the idea.
'You don't know what courting is. Do you?' One of the blunt vioces asked and Error grumbled, looking off to thr side as he blushed faintly in embressmet "Of CoURSe i Do! StUPid..." he hissed as a vioce he knew all to well giggled and whispered something about him being an adroble grumpy kitten, to witch he rolled his eyes at. He knew not to agure with this vioce and so did the others.
'Courting is mostly made up for monsters but some humans do it as well. It's the time before the two get in a relationship where one monster will attempt to attract the other, giveing them gifts aswell as complaints and being persistent in being around them and maybe even showing off their skills to impress the other.' One vioce gave an explanation happily and Error could HEAR the smirk on thier face, if they even had one. "I dOn'T tHUnK hE's.. coURtiNG mE. THAt's STUpId!" He huffed, shakeing his head and grumbled as he rubbed his cheek as his face heated up a bit, witch he was unhappy about.
'Oh he's in denial!' A voice giggled 'I think he is! Why else would he want to be around you or be nice to you? And don't say it's for information! He gave you chocolate and you ate it without a second thought! You trusted him!' The vioce said as the others ooooed 'Usually when the other monster likes the one courting back they'll accept the gifts and even give thier own back!~ What are you makeing for Dream again Glitchy?~'
Error hissed and and shrank into his jacket, it made sense to him. Was this why Dream was trying so hard to get close to him? So he could court him? He didn't understand why Dream would like someone like him at all! They we're ment to be enemies, Dream protracted and he destroyerd! Error didn't think the god of positive emotions and feelings, protector of dreams would like him. It sounded stupid. So stupid! But.. Error quickly shook off his thoughts and gathered his things, getting out of his hammock.
'Glitchy?' A vioce asked and Error scowled "L-leav-VE me a-alonE-E! I-i'm g-g-gooing to N-nightMAres!" He snapped furiously, glitching heavily as he opened a portel and walked though as the vioces whined and yelled for him to come back.
Error appeared in his room at Nightmares castle, grumbling as he sat on his bed, angerly fiddling with his knitting needles as he layed back on his bed and contuied his kitting. It didn't take long for a knock to ring out "Error? Can i come in?" Nightmares vioce made Error relax, he and Nightmare had been friends, or as close as it could get to friends, for many years "Y-yee-ess.." Errors still heavily glitched voice made Nightmare a little concrened and he knew something was wrong, he had felt his negativity enter the au.
Opening the door, Nightmare hummed and frowned as he shut the door and walked over to him, sitting at the bed "What's worng? Your feeling.. more negative the useual." He stated as he offered his hand, Error didn't like being touched. With his Haphephobia, but Nightmare was a rare acception, sometimes anyway. Generally they we're able to calm eatch other down and help one another.
Error was quick to grab his hand and take a deep breath, sighing as he shook and glitched at the touch "T-the vIoCEs Are b-BeIng stUPid..." he grumbled almost childishly, sniffling as Nightmare sighed "Well, what did they do this time?" He asked as Error huffed "ThEY kEaP saYInG ThAt.. thT-T-t thIS PErsOn HAs bEeN COurTInG mE! ANd iT-T's NOt turE AND It's sT-T-tupiD!" He hissed angerly, rubbing an eye as Nightmare blinked in surprise and rised an eyebrow at him "Really?" He asked and Error nodded and huffed "N-nightM-mare i -it CAn't bE TuRE.." he muttered, sounding defended, pulling his hand away and crossing his arms. He was semi okay with touching Nightmare but not for to long. "Why would they think that? Besides just to annoy you?" He asked as Error grumbled "I'Ve BE-Een leTtINg tHEM SIt wiTH-h Me ANd wATcH tHe StArs iN-n OUtert-tALE.., THey ASk qUestIOnS sOmETiMes AnD hAVe gIVen Me giFTs. APPRreNtLy thAT's coURtiNg.." he mumbled as Nightmare once more blinked and rised an eyebrow at him "Really? I didn't think you'd let anyone do that.." he hummed as Error huffed "H-he'S wEaK! N-noT liKE HE C-coULd dO MuTCh.."
Nightmare snorted "Who-" Error quickly cut him off with a galre "Y-yoU d-doN'T NeED t-tO kNoW T-thaT!" He snapped and Nightmare huffed and rolled his eyes "Yeah yeah." He grumbled and Error sighed "I Don'T wANt To g-Go bAcK.." he mumbled sourly as Nightmare hummed "Stay here for a few days and relax. I'll get you some food." He said and stood "It'll be alright Error. Even if.. he is.. courting you. You don't HAVE to accept." He said and Error nodded, realxing a bit "YeAh.."
*wheez* sUP-
Uh, it's been awhile. Yeah?
Just haven't had motivation to write. Finally i got it done QwQ
Anyway! This is Error boys day today uwu he's a good boi. All chapters will come out at one point or another. Give it time c:
Words: 2'149.
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