Day 3: Together.

Day 3 here we goo!!


After the incident with Error, Dream ecapsed with his life, thankfully. It was odd to just sit there and watch the stars with him. Dream had fought Error a few times in the past and Error was very storng, he didn't fear getting hurt and had very high health so seeing him so peaceful and serene was a little nice. Dream had to leave earlier then he would have liked seeing as he was still hurt and needed rest, and he wanted to make sure Ink was okay. Witch he was, the Creator had gotton Nightmare to leave with minor injuries, just a few scraps and bruises. The only thing Dream was worried about was Ink had a limp, saying he had lost his footing during the fight and hit his side pretty hard but after a bit of healing he was fine.

Once again Dream keep quite about Error, worried about what his teammate's would think if they knew what he was doing. It was three days again before Dream returned to the spot, Error already sitting at the cliff edge. Slowly he approached Error and sat a bit away from him, his feet hanging off the edge. Error merely spared him a glance before looking back at the stars. Takeing a deep breath and pulling up all the confidence his could find in his soul, Dream spoke "Soo.. got any hobbies..?" He asked quitely, his words comeing out meeker then he would have liked. At his soft question, Error snorted, makeing Dream blush in embarrassment. "YOu'vE aLreaDY sEen Me kIiT ANd sUCH, hAVen'T yOU?" He asked snarkily, reaminding him that Error was not pleased with Dream spying on him, Dreams blush brighting at this, feeling like he had committed some kind of crime. "Y-yeah but i want to know about it.. y-you seen really good at it!" He said quickly, trying to sound more confident, in witch he was sure he was failing. Error paused and huffed softly "YEaH. I'vE bEEN DOiNg It For A lONG tImE." He grumbled out and Dream perked, smiling weakly "W-well what kind of things do you make?" He asked, sounding more hopeful. Error hummed and thought for a few seconds before speaking "SCArvES, HaADkErcHIeFS, BLAnkETs, CLotHES. I CAn maKe dOLls To." Dreams smile widened a bit at his explanation, Error glanced at him and rised an eyebrow at him "WhAT's wiTh THAt LoOK?" He asked and narrowing his eyes, makeing Dream laugh nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck "A-ah! Sorry! I didn't mean freak you out or anything.. What kind of dolls do you make?" He questioned curiously, tilting his head as he watched Error. Error looked back at the stars, rolling his shoulders "I mAKe MAny diFFEreNt KIndS. MosLTy SAnsES THoUGh." He said, Drean perking up "Do.. do you have a doll of me?" He asked, curious to see it if he did. Error stayed silent for a few seconds before shakeing his head "No, I doN't. I haVEn't goTToN To mAKEinG oNE Of yOU." He finally said, Dream frowning slightly "Oh.. okay.." he mumbled, feeling a little saddened by this before shakeing his head and looking at Error "How often do you come here?" He asked and Error nodded "I coME HERe aLot, iT's mY FaVoRIte sPot." He said, smiling slightly as he glanced at Dream before quickly looking away and grumbleing, standing up "I hAVe tO GO." He said, opening a portel. Dream blinked before quickly waveing bye "Bye!" He said quickly, watching him close the portel. He sighed and looked up at the stars before standing and opening a portel, walking thorugh. Hopeing to be able to see Error again soon.


Sighing, Error looked at the blank doll of a sans in his hands. After speaking to Nightmares Brother and relizeing he didn't have have a doll made like him he had planed to make one. It had been a couple days since last seeing him.

'Aww~ your makeing a doll for him~?'

A vioce interrupted his thoughts, makeing him groan "WHat dO YOu wANt?" He grumbled, glareing at the pure white ceiling with annoyance.

'Don't be rude! We just want to know what your makeing for your crush~'

Hissing softly in a cat like manner he narrowed his eyes "HE Is NOT mY cRUsH." He growled out, huffing as he looked back at the doll, grumbling as he continued to make Dreams clothing.

'Gllliiitttccchhhhhyy we know you like him~ why else would you let him stay near you like that~?'

Error rolled his eyes with a grumble "BecAuSE He'S WEAk aND cOUldn'T dO anYThinG To ME. THerE's nO reASon tO wAsTe ENerGy On HIm." Error grumbled and set the doll down, huffing.

'Oh? Then why would you just sit with him near the edge of the abyss? He could have pushed you in~ would have been nice huh?'

Error puased and narrowed his eyes before picking up the doll and opening a portal to Outertale

'Did we upset the wittle baby? Is he embarrassed about us talking about his whittle cursh'

'And why are you makeing a doll of him after him asking if you had one or not?'

Error quickly walked through the portal, not wanting to hear any more of the annoying pestering voices. He sat at his usual spot, shuting the portal before continueing to work on the doll, witch was almost done. Working in silence was nice, occasionally, Error would look up at the stars before continueing to work on the doll. Holding up the doll he hummed in satisfaction at his work he set it on his lap before gazeing up at the stars and realxing.

Error glanced behind him when he heard a portal, seeing Dream walk out he shifted, thinking back to what the voices said about him. He shook his head before looking back up at the stars, Dream wasn't a threat. There was no reason to be paranoid or on guard. Error heard Dream walk over to him, sitting down beside him. Glanceing at him he showed him the doll "HeRE. I MAdE ONe Of yOu." He spoke, seeing Dreams face light up made him freeze up a bit and blush faintly.

Dream grabed the doll happily, smiling widely as he looked at the small doll "It's so cute! I've never see a doll so well made!" He said happily, Error flushing brighter as he pulled his hood up to hide. He didn't show many people his dolls so he wasent used to getting complements about them "I-i-It's f-fine." He grumbed and Dream laughed softly and smiled, rubbing his thumb over the dolls head. "How are you doing?" He asked and Error shrugged, mumbling fine quitely. Seeing he didn't really want to talk Dream stayed quite, smiling down at the doll sweetly.


Chapter three done! More fluffy bonding uwu Error is a super shy embarrassed boy when he gets compliments-

Words: 1,169

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