Day 2: Caught. [Edited]
Here we go!! UwU
More of the best boy (aka Error-) today!
Edit: 3.21.21 | Ahhhhh
Really hate this book LMAO
Better ish with editing, still terrible tho
It had been a couple days since the.. dream. Dream was quick to shake the thoughts away, he didn't like Error! He just.. found him interesting, it wasn't bad! He had even heard Ink say that Error was interesting himself! So it wasn't a bad thing! Just a little shocking he thought of it. The dream that had thrown him off guard, that's all. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he made a portal to Candytale, feeling his brother's negative aura getting stronger. He needed to do his job.
Error yawned as he lounged on the couch in Nightmares castle, the octopus had gone out to gather more energy. His lackey's, Dust Killer, Horror and Cross were also all out and about doing things so he had the peaceful time to relax and not worry about anything. Letting out a little sigh he closed his eyes, hoping to have a nap.
Then he cringed and opened his eyes, a loud bang and laughter interrupting his hope's. Horror came running into the living room, waving his axe around wildly as Dust came running after him, following him up the stairs. It wasn't long after that Killer and Cross walked in, laughing to themselves about something.
Cross paused and looked at Error, having felt his annoyed glare, raising an eyebrow at him. Error grunted and rolled his eyes, standing up, opening a portal to Outertale and walking through. Cross rolled his eyes at his annoyed behaviour. Killer smirk softened into a smile, gazing at him lovingly as he bumped shoulders with him gently making Cross perk and flush as he looked away from the closing portel to Killer, smiling slightly as he did the same, both pausing at the loud crash upstairs and scream from upstairs before laughing and going to see what was going on.
Error sat in his favourite spot and sighed, stretching before he relaxed and looked up. Error smiled slightly "THe STaRs sEem EsPecIaLly BriGht tOdAY.." he mumbled softly.
Dream painted and quickly stepped through the portal he had opened under Ink's instructions. He had been battling with Nightmare for a while now and he was exhausted, he'd called Ink and asked for help, which he gladly came to do. After realizing how tired he was Ink made him leave, saying he would be fine taking care of Nightmare himself. Glancing around he found himself in a small forest, gasping softly he dropped down onto his knees, he was in Outertale, and in front of him in a small clearing and sitting on a cliff was Error. He also realized it was the place from his dream. The place he and Error almost- he shook the thought away as his cheeks warmed at the thought, he stayed crouching down as he watched Error, who stayed quite as he gazed at the stars. Settling down Dream just watched him, wondering if he would do anything else, but he didn't. Eventually Error layed back down and seemed to just.. go to sleep? Which made him a little confused, did he just.. do this? Often? By the looks of it he did and didn't seem bothered by anything else. After a bit more time Dream opened a portal and quickly went through it, not wanting Error to notice him.
It seemed to become a routine, Dream had decided to go back to the same spot the next day and whited. Sure enough Error returned and did the same thing as the day before. It seemed like a favourite spot of his. As time passed Dream learned more and more about him, sometimes he would come with a sketchbook and a pencil and he would jot stuff down, sometimes rarely he would make what seemed like dolls or he would knit. Witch Dream found interest, he never thought the destroyer of worlds would knit, the thought made him smile.
He had luckily not been found out by anybody, he had kept his little spy a secret from Ink and Blue, not wanting them to know about what he was doing. Error was the one he was really worried about finding out, the destroyer was much stronger than him and could easily defeat him.
Settling into his usual spot he waited, not sure if Error was coming today or not. He didn't come EVERY day, so Dream wasn't sure if he would be coming. Biting his lip lightly, he peeked out of the bushes, glancing around "Is he coming today..?" He asked quietly before letting out a shrill shriek as his apple shaped soul was forced out of his chest and he was tied up in blue strings, now hanging in the air "WhO aEe YOU tAlkEN AbOUt DrEAm?" A glitched voice asked tauntingly, Dream shaking slightly as the strings slowly spun around, seeing Error smirking up at him. Dream whimpered and curled in on himself slightly, staring at him "E-error..." he squeaked makeing Error snort and roll his eyes. "OH shUt It, WHAt dO yOU wANt? YOu'vE bEEn wATChIng mE FOr TO lONG NOw." He growled out, Dream gasped and started to panic "Y-you knew?!" He yelped and shook, making Error roll his eyes again "Of cOUrSe I kNEW. I'M NOt sTUpId!" Error snapped, glaring at him "N-N-nOw WH-haT tHE hE-eLl dO YO-ou WA-a-AN-nt?!" His glitching got worse as he got angrier making Dream panic more "I-i just want to know more about you!" He yelled out quickly, making Error pause and stare at him "W-w-Wha-at." The glitch asked, looking very confused "I-i mean-! I.. i'm curious.. a-about.. you.." he looked away and bit his lip, Error slowly tilting his head to the side, looking like a confused puppy. It was oddly cute... "I-it's just n-no one knows anything about you! I-i j-just want to know more about you.." he quickly muttered after seeing Error's confused face. Error frowned and slowly, Dream was lowered to the ground "T-tHAt's iT? R-rEAlLy?" He grumbled in annoyance making Dream nod quickly, Error huffed and walked into the small clearing before sitting on the cliff side. Dream watched him, glancing around in confusion, not sure what to do "H-heY! ARe YoU cOMinG oR NoT?!" Error yelled back at him, making Dream yelp and scramble up "Y-yes!" He squeaked out, quickly running over to him, Error flinching at his quick movements, hissing softly at him. Dream set beside him, scooting away abit after seeing Error lean away from him uncomfortably. "WElL? WhaT DO You waNT tO kNoW?" He asked after a few moments of silence, making tense up again and rub his arm "U-uh.. i-i can't think of anything right now...." he mumbled, Error snorting at his response, muttering a quiet 'Of course.'
The two sat in silence, just watching the stars before Error spoke up "JUsT sO YOu kNOW I'm TEmptEd To PUsh YOu ofF Into tHe ABySS."
Done! Finally! I'm writing these by the day, so like one everyday witch is kinda difficult-
Anyway I hope you enjoyed it!
My goal is to do a thousand words a day!
Previous Word Count: 1,211.
Words: 1,234.
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