At Lunch
When the bell rang everyone jumped up and ran out the door. I took my time so I could miss the crowd of monsters. I looked around and I saw that Error was taking his time too. I got out of the classroom with Error close behind. I didn't want him to take anything of mine again.
When I got to the lunch room Blue was waiting at the door. "There you are Ink! I was wondering if you ran off."
"N-no I just took my time getting out." Blue laughed.
Error past us and he went in the lunch room.
"Huh that weird. Usually he's one of the first ones in the lunch room." Blue quickly shrugged it off and we walked in. We sat with Blue's friends that we sat with in the gym.
Blue sat next to Geno, who seemed to be more comfortable around me than before. And Fresh was jamming away with his headphones blasting.
As we ate I heard someone come up behind me. I didn't turn around to see who it was. Within a second though I was pulled to the ground, landing with a thud.
"Fell what was that for!" Blue yelling.
I opened my eyes and I saw the skeleton with the leather jacket standing over me. "Well its this kids fault for being new. Now I have to give him the beating that every new kid gets." He looked down at me and I froze. His eye started to flame red.
In the distance I heard someone summon a Gaster Blaster.
Without warning a bone shot up right above my head making me yelp. I looked up at Fell laughing. "You are just a big baby aren't ya?" I heard his group laugh from another table.
I felt tears appearing in the corner of my eye sockets.
A large blast soon hit Fell in the back, almost making him fall on top of me. He quickly got his footing back, hitting my skull in the process. He turned around to see who fired at him, only to be faced with an errored out Gaster Blaster.
"Now what did I say about how we treat new kids. I said we just tease them. Not hurt them to the point where we break their bones!" With that Error fired his Blaster at Fell.
Fell didn't have enough time to jump out the way, but every one else did. Fell's heath went down more than half. Fell quickly collapsed onto the ground.
I quickly sat up, moving out of the way. Blue reached over, pulling me back up into me chair
Error quickly moved over to Fell, staring him down. Fell looked up , his eye no longer flaming. He quickly stumbled up to his feet, and then running out of the lunch room.
Out of no where, a small skeleton ran over to our table, quickly hiding behind Blue. This skeleton had little stars on his face like freckles. He had on a yellow and blue jacket, the end of the sleeves, the hood, and the bottom of the jacket had white fluff to resemble clouds.
"Hey Outer. What are you running from?" Geno asked, trying to comfort the shaken skeleton.
"Killer was picking on me again in the lunch line." Outer mumbled, quickly receiving a hug from Blue.
Apparently Error heard this because he quickly walked back over to his group, looking pissed off even more.
Outer looked at me and he had the same pain in his eye as I do when I get bullied. "Well your not alone at that." He gave me a smile.
"Oh sorry. Outer, this is Ink." Blue said, gesturing to me. He looked over at me. "And Ink, this is Outer."
We smiled at one another and said hello. He mainly just stayed in between Geno and Blue for the comfort.
I looked over at Error and he was yelling at a skeleton. They were yelling back but I didn't pay much attention to it.
"Hey, Im sorry that Fell has been bulling you." Outer said, coming out of his shell a little more.
I smiled. "It's fine. New guy bad luck I guess."
Error came back, looking down at Outer. "Are you alright?"
Outer looked down, nodding slightly.
"I told Killer to stop; and if he doesn't then come back to me." Error said, looking over all of us at this point. His eyes stopped on Fresh who was smirking over at him. "What are you smirking at color boy?" Error said walking over beside Fresh.
Fresh pushed his headphones down onto his shoulders. "Yo I didn't say anything bro."
That was the first time I heard him speak. It was raspy but smooth.
"Why aren't you hanging out with your group?" Blue asked, making Error turn his attention away from Fresh.
"To be honest with you. I don't know why I even hanged around them. The only one that I'm cool with is Death."
I looked over at Blue, Outer, and Geno and I said that Geno had a small blush on his face. "OH! Someone has a crush!" Blue said with a big smile on his face.
Geno's glitched out eye started to freak out as he looked over at Blue. "Will you be quiet." Blue and Outer laughed.
Well that blush on your face is gonna give it away." Blue teased. Geno playfully punched Blues arm.
"Shut up." Everyone at the table laughed.
I looked over at Error in the corner of my eye, seeing he was talking to Fresh and sometimes Geno. 'Blue was right. He is a big softy. I mean he helped me out and Outer, and it doesn't seem they know each other well. And there are a lot of people who do not do that.'
Soon enough the bell rang for lunch to be over and for everyone to go to their next class.
The lunch room slowly emptied. Blue, Outer, Geno, Error, Fresh and I were in the back of the crowd. When we finally got out of the lunch room there were people talking in the middle of the hallway, making it a little harder to get to the next class. All that I wanted was to get to class. Blue, Geno, and Outer quickly separated from the group to get to their classes.
Again Error and I had the same classes, but Fresh was also with us. I had to sit next to him this time and Fresh was close.
Soon the teacher came in to start class, and after that the bell rang. "Ok class, lets get to work."
After about a minute I heard someone running through the halls and up to our class room. I looked over at Error and he was snickering. "Whats so funny?"
He tried not to laugh to loud for the teacher to hear. "Just give him a second."
After a moment the door swung open and a skeleton came in and closed the door behind him. Everyone stared and some laughed. "Well then. Happy to see you in class today Death." The teacher said.
This skeleton was just as tall as Error, at least a foot taller than me. His eye sockets were pitch black and he wore a black cloak with a Blaster as his clip around his neck.
"Sorry. I lost track of time." Death looked over and narrowed his eyes at Error who was still laughing.
"Well, take your seat." The teacher said as she turned back to the board.
Death sat behind Error and slapped him up across his head. "Thanks for making me late."
Error calmed down and put his hand behind his head, where Death hit him. "No problem. But seriously dude, you need to get a watch." Death rolled his eyes and laid back in his chair.
I turned away from them and paid attention to the lesson. I over heard Death and Error talking.
"Hey I heard that Fresh is throwing another party later tonight. You going?" I looked in the corner of my eye over to them and Error was facing Death. "Dude. Fresh doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut at home. But ya I'm going."
I saw that Error turned back around to be facing the front of the class, only to write something down on a piece of paper.
"Dude what are you doing." Death asked while trying to look over Error's shoulder.
"None of you business." Error said, nudging his shoulder so Death couldn't see. After another minute he finished finished what he was writing and folded it up. He looked to see if the teacher wasn't looking and he placed the paper on my desk.
I unfolded it and read what he wrote. I started to blush a little rainbow. 'Do you want to go to the party with me?' I looked at him and he had a smile on his face.
Death finally caught on and started to snicker.
I turned back around and started to write something on the same piece of paper.
"Hey why are you laughing? What I have bigger guts then you. Why don't you ask my Geno to the party." Error said with a smirk on his face.
Death quickly stopped laughing.
I handed the paper back to Error. 'I would if I knew where it is.'
Error smiled and laughed a bit. He started to write something else down and handed the paper back to me. 'Its just in the gym.'
I looked back over at him and smiled. I saw that Death had a tent of blush on his face.
After another hour the bell rang for everyone to go home.
Error walked with me out the door. "So you coming?"
I nodded. "Ya. I'll come. But this better not be a trap."
Error had a shocked expression on his face. "Why would it be a trap?"
"Do you not recall of what all happened today?" I said, looking straight ahead, watching monsters crawl out of the school.
I heard Error give out a nervous laugh. "Well you don't have to worry. My brother throws the best parties."
I looked over at him surprised. "Wait. Fresh is your brother?!"
He laughed. "Ya. Weird huh. Geno is also my brother."
We quickly went our separate ways as we left the school. It was nice to be alone after today, and be out in the fresh air.
It did still to breath a little from the kicks, but it wasn't annoyingly showing.
The party wasn't for a couple of hours so I decided to go up to my room and draw something. By half way through I released that I was drawing Error. My eyes widened and a rainbow blush took over my face.
When I looked back at the time and saw that it was almost time for the party. I hurried and put something decent on and ran out the door.
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