Chapter 69

Chapter 69


Warning: OOC, random craziness, Error past dark abuse, many other troubles if mention, cursing, killing, dark themes, racism mention, stuff children/teen shouldn't do, profanity, self-harm, suicidal moments, cheating, sexual moments mentioned, violence, smoking, drugs, alcohol, guns mention, animal death, cringe, bullying, yandere, possible musical/singing moments and bad flirts.

Error/Moxxie speaking


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Blitz groans as he begins to wake up. Wow usually takes stronger shocks to get him down like tha-Wait? Moxxie! Where is he?


Blitz turned to sees Moxxie sitting by a window. Notice a bucket upside down with canister on top. Some moving around inside it. But it didn't matter.

Moxxie did not look the best at the time.

Took his jacket off and scarf off some point. Along with the other shirt next. Would have made a comment about the sleeveless, high collar top. If it wasn't from the blood coming down his shoulders from three bullet holes. His glove hands holding a dagger already coated in blood. Almost didn't see the bullet with black blood on the ground.

"Shit Mox." Blitz scrambled over to his side and took the dagger. "Little shit you should have woken me up."

"I was too busy getting us out of there. You were still breathing."

"How many still in there?"


"Hold still."

Moxxie not bothered as he watches closely as Blitz carefully pulls out another bullet. But the third one was a bit deeper. Held on tight when Blitz finally got the bullet out. Then he started to look around the place.

"What's the place?"

"Gravedigger shed."

"Okay if I were little anti-social who wants to clean up dead people money inn coffins. Where would I? Got you!"

The eye imp raised an eyebrow as Blitz moved a few boxes and tools out of the way. Soon he sees a small fridge and watches him open it up.

"Bingo and look at that not open yet." Blitz pulled out a bottle of alcohol and tore the cap off. Then rush to Moxxie side. "Let get the holes drunk."

Pour the alcohol over the wounds.  Moxxie not phased and watches it.

"I swear you must be one bad ass or enjoy pain." Blitz places the bottle down

"Had worse." Moxxie shrugged watching Blitz rip parts of his shirt. Began to wrap up his shoulder. "How you good with that?"

"I had my fair share. Got to pick up some shit along the ways." Blitz tightens the shirt into a knot. "Okay tell me what going on."

"You passed out as I carried you off from those two agents. Saw a few more in weird vans. Had to duck cover so we are in a cemetery."

"Nice no idiot will think us demons would come in here. Or a church to hide. Weapons."

"Just this." Shows the dagger.

"Where you gun?"

"Threw at one of their faces when I bit the other one."

"Are you for real?" Blitz growled and rubbed his eyes. "Okay will stay low."

"Then what."

"Loonie will follow the procedure we talk about. She doesn't open the book until- "Blitz stops and yells. Kicking the bucket. "That was with Stolas book shit!"


Blitz yells as the rat attacks his face.

Moxxie just watches as Blitz struggles with the rat and throws it back in the bucket. Then covers it up.

"Shut it Moxxie this all your fault!"

The past few days were kind of getting on edge and stress lately. In fact, Moxxie and Blitz been getting at each other a lot lately. It seems to have really gotten to them mostly. Moxxie didn't see it. Sure, he may have gotten snappier with Blitz. Only because he was acting extra less serious of lately, bitching a lot more or the constant insults. Sometimes the Thespian had to leave the room since he was close to punching him. His patients were better than that but everything has gotten wild lately. But now he is doing this again! Blaming everything on him!

"How is this my fault? If you actually stayed quiet and not make any damn sounds."

"Sure, blame the boss!"

"Don't you ignore this one. None of us expected them."

"No, shit."

"Frick and knowing our teammates they're going to try and find us. With those weirdos out there."

"Those two will be fine. Take a lot to break those two and get them down."

"I'm just stating the fact with that electric gun- "

"They're going to be fucken fine Moxxie! Dammit they are anything but stupid but you have to be. So, calm worry wart! Last time I checked they gotten less hurt than you! Got another damn example right here with holes and your arm a while back!" Blitz pointed at Moxxie wounded shoulder. "So, why don't you stop worrying your little ass off about them? It's getting pathetic!"

Moxxie eyes widen slightly, getting taken back from all this. Sure, he may have on occasion took a few hits so the others wouldn't get hurt. Then situations that just happen.

"Move from the window. I'll keep guard." Blitz leaning against the wall and staring outside. A strange look of tiredness on his face.

A quiet awkwardness between the pair.

Moxxie not looking at Blitz as he was laying against the wall. Small thoughts wandering through his head. Unwanted familiar thoughts. But then ones about Blitz. Then with Stolas. "Blitz."


"Did...Is Stolas still bothering you?"


Moxxie head down a little." I'm not that dumb how uncomfortable Stolas seem to get at you."

Blitz was silent. "It's not."

Moxxie just stared at him. "I could talk to him."

"What the fuck you're talking about?"

"He makes you uncomfortable. You're stressed as of lately. You just keep staring at your phone. How you have a company to run that shouldn't run around him 24/7. Look I'm not going to list down everything. But I can talk to hi- "


Moxxie blink and glanced at Blitz when his tone gotten serious.

"Look. I. Jeez I hate this open feeling junk. But you are not going to talk to Stolas. Our shit our issue. Don't want you messed up in it." Rubs his forehead. "You do get on my nerves I know it's not on purpose. Fuck, you done so much for this business that maybe I'm envy you slightly."

"Envy me?"

"Yes, jeez you're really empty headed sometimes."

"Blitz I'm not worth being envious about. I could understand Millie, Rattles. Jeez, maybe Stolas too. Maybe a little tiny bit your ex. But me?"

"Are you for real? Look at how much shit you helped out at IMP. Many shit that would have taken money. I hate the business side of doing paperwork. The book. The budgets.  Making sure we just...Just survive." He growled a bit. "But when you're not being so nerdy, or nagging like a secretary. You're so different on the field. You're just great but I feel like you're holding back."

"Holding back?" Sees a finger point at him.

"You're holding so much back when were out there. Like you're already ball deep great. Which is a lot coming from me since I do love to slaughter. Me, Millie, Striker and even Loona. We are showing so many skills out in the field. But," Shook his head, "Buts it like you're purposely holding back and I hate it. Because what if that shit keeps you back again like back at the cannibal family."

"Blitz...I don't want you to worry about me." Earn a snort.

"I'm not worried. Don't want too loose our weapon expert anytime again."

"Don't worry about me. This isn't about me but you."

"This isn't therapy moment if I recalled."

"Yet, you already said so much about me. That it can come out in a way with your issues. But, " Moxxie looked at Blitz. "You have accomplished a lot more than you think. Heck, you're stronger than me that's for sure with the issues you had to deal with."

"That sounds like a lot of can of worms you want to keep close."

"Just like you." Took a little breath. Stand up to walk over to him. Goes to sit down by him. A small tense nudge. "You're not alone."

"I know I'm not- "

"I meant up there." Point at Blitz forehead. "I'm not be the best person to talk about it. I can't believe I'm about to say this. My doors are open. One...companion to another. Listen."

Blitz stared at him. Mouth opens up. He likes to keep a lot of shit out of the way. Didn't want to get in the way. Sure, he had assumptions the imp has some issues like anxiety, along with touching. Just always calm and collected. Didn't let it get come between his daily life. Even as a little impling. Kind of felt a little proud? No, not feeling alone to hear this.

He also called him friend in the open!

"As long you give me heads up and not get drag with those rats."

"Those wingless birds hate me!"

"Join the club. By the way who winning?"

Blitz shoved Moxxie as he pouts. "Still a tie."

Moxxie snorted to make a comment or not. "You three could share."

"Look your sexy cowboy friend great. But I do like some privacy. Plus, got to let Loonie have her space too."

"Blitz, you're trying to move below us."

"All I hear is complaining." Wave him off. Then a loud sigh. "I think this is enough emotional out in the open talk for the day. What you think?"

Moxxie just nods yes. 

"Good. We waste enough time and need to get out. Probably can start heading back to the area we are."

The pair get up as they head to the door.


Moxxie glance up at him.

"Does it have to be year?"

Stare a long time up at him. "Will talk about it. Might have to throw in extra weeks after my arm was broken."

Blitz stared as he grinned back. "Knew I can charm you way back over."


The door opens up.

Pairs of bright lights shine in their direction. Seven vans with a variety of agents with weapons were out. Are those Japanese era weapon?

"HANDS UP DEMONS OF HELL!" Agent One yelling out a megaphone on top of a van with his partner by their side.

"How the hell you losers find us!" Blitz yelled at them getting in front of Moxxie.

"Were not dumb demons! We know you tricked us into coming here! Very clever but not clever enough!" Agent Two yelled.

Really, won't admit it out loud. They got lost trying to find them. Till one of those men shouting, it was the end of the world conspiracist, when he saw two demons running into a cemetery.

"Now you two are coming back with us to be interrogated!"

Blitz, Moxxie glance at each other.

"Put your arms up- "Agent One got hit from a bucket that Moxxie threw at him. His head inside the bucket.


"GET IT OFF ME!" Agent, One screams. He is running around and Agent Two tries to help him.

The rat was still inside the bucket.

"Nice one Mox."


"All of you keep them alive!" Agent Two yells as she tries to pull the bucket off.

The two assassins stared at the rest of the humans. Moxxie holding the dagger still. Blitz had the alcohol bottle and slammed it down. Hosted it up like a weapon. "Come at us you single ass losers!"

Everyone ready to rush to the shed to capture the two demons. Till a loud car honk could be heard. Everyone turns to the left side.

A badass looking van slammed into the iron gates with great driving skills to not hit any gravestones. Spun a one eighty and huge flash of lights hit the DHORKS agent's faces. Lots of screaming and covering their sunglasses. The back doors of the van that was at Blitz and Moxxie direction open up to see Millie, Striker.

"Get in!"

"Glad to see your assholes! Wait who driving?" Blitz demanded jumping in the van.

"Let's get the fuck out of here" Loona yelled at the drive seat.


Loona slam onto the pedal and drive them out of there.

"What you all doing! Stop standing there and follow them! Go!" Agent Two yelled at everyone rubbing their faces and jumping in the vans. Got the bucket off and soon her face got attacked by the rat as it leaves Agent One face.

The DHORKS vans chasing after the van.

"How you find us?" Blitz asked as he was tossed the emergency bag. Began to pull out one of the guns.

"Your losers smell." Loona told him and kept driving.

"Awesome for not taking a shower. Okay you got the book."

"I do."

"Let's find a place to dump this and head home."

"Um Blitz."

"What Moxxie?" Blitz turned and saw what he was pointing at. He stared at the window of the back of the and let out a curse. "Are you serious!"

The DHORKS vans drive fast to reach them. Heck, even a few holding on to the van roofs.

"Loona gets us far away from these freaks! The rest of us were putting these losers in jail for not having car insurance. I need to blow up some steam!" Blitz cocks the gun as he finished putting the ammo in it. "First, play us a badass fighting song!"

Luna just turns the radio on and began to play "Ready to Die" by Andrew

"Perfect!" Blitz smirked very big "Let's fuck these fuckers up!"

Moxxie, Millie opens the back doors. Blitz, Striker began to shoot either the wheels of the van or the morons on top. The agents scream in pain or try to keep in control of the vehicle. As Loona kept driving fast two vans coming out of different sides of the road slammed into her van. Keeping her in the spot.

Loona snarled and pulled out a gun. Began to fire at the one on the left side.

Millie jumps on top of their own van and quickly jumps on the van on the right side. She smiles big and raises the axe down at the windshield. The jumps inside to chop anyone to pieces. It quickly jumps out of the van as it begins to maneuver back to their own van roof.

Moxxie pulled out one of the guns from the bag and began to join the other two. He was really shooting at throwing stars that tried to hit them or their own wheels. Hold on to the door as he leans out to look at the van on the right. Began to shoot the two back wheels. They pop and lean back with the door as the van lost control. Hitting into a light pole.

"Cover me boys!" Blitz grab two guns as he stared at the van in the middle that was getting closer. The agents on the roof look ready to jump over.

"What crazy mess you about to pull?" Striker leans out to the side of the van, tail holding on to a part, and shooting at one of the vans of left trying to pull up. He smirks at the van that lost a wheel and slammed into a fire hydrant.

"These little babies about to spend some quality time with Daddy." Blitz eyes glowed and jumped on the oncoming van hood. Runs up and began to destroy the group. While staying on top of the van began to shoot at any incoming vans.

It was a crazy chase and Loona sees an oncoming sharp left turn. Blitz noticed and quickly jumped back to the van. "Striker, Moxxie help me out! Millie gets back inside!"

"On it!" Millie jumps through the open window of the other passenger's side.

Moxxie soon holding Blitz backpack. He and Striker eyes widen seeing Blitz pulled out a giant rocket launcher labeled 'My Dick's'

"Oh yeah! I'm getting hard holding this motherfucker!" Blitz laughed and fires the rocket.

Somehow only able to destroy the vans and not the building around. No, no one else following them!

"Heck yeah, we did it!" Blitz cheered and fist pump.

"Gotta says that was something different." Striker grinned and tail rattled in excitement.

"We were awesome!" Millie cheered

"That we wer-Loona look out!"


The car spun around as the other car hit them. Everyone screams and holds in to the other. Loona trying her best to stop and put it on break. Finally, stop as it slams into a familiar alleyway. Everyone groans and shakes their heads.

"Everyone alright?"


"I'll live."

"Motion sick but fine."

"Come on out demons!" The two familiar agents could be heard on the other side of the van.

"Loona quickly opens the portal." Blitz opens the doors and gets everyone out.

Loona has the book open and open a portal close to the wall. Everyone quickly jumps in. Except Moxxie.

"Moxxie!" Millie yelled at them as he ran back to the van.

"Where is it-Got it!" Moxxie grabs what he needed to find quickly. Turn to see Agent Two, who came from the other side, and pointed a gun at him.

"Not getting away this time little demOAAAAAAAA!" Agent Two screamed in pain and grabbed the side of her left face. Two sharp spikes from the tail slashed her. She fell on the ground and cling to her face as blood dripped down.

Stiker snarled at the human and quicky grab Moxxie. Ran fast as he jumps into the portal and Loona closed it shut quickly. He lifts Moxxie up and ready to shake him. Demanding what he was thinking. Till he saw him clutch the star charm. "I swear Critter you just getting in trouble now so you Madre can kick my ass."

"Wouldn't be the first."

Striker ruffles his head and forces himself to let go. "Let's get that shoulder fix up better."

"Loonie you were amazing sweetie!" Blitz hugging the twitching goth wolf who just rolled her eyes.

"Whatever Da-Blitz."

"Loona was great Blitz! You should have seen her hotwire the car and everything!" Millie explained to him as she pulled out the first aid kit. All of them were a bit bruised and cut off by the car crash. "Where did you learn to hotwire Loona?"


"You actually listen to my lesson? Im so proud! Again!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


"Agent One how I look?" Agent Two asked from the hospital bed. Agent One got a few scratches and bites marks still being healed. Along with lots of rabies shots.

Lost a lot of agents and cars a few days ago. The public so far think it was cosplayer gang members running away from the government lackies.

Along with now investing in lots of rat traps.



~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Interaction a bit different.

Any questions?

Until next time.

Bye, bye

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