Chapter 149
Chapter 149
Here you go everyone!
Warning: OOC, random craziness, Error past dark abuse, many other troubles if mention, cursing, killing, dark themes, racism mention, stuff children/teen shouldn't do, profanity, self-harm, suicidal moments, cheating, sexual moments mentioned, violence, smoking, drugs, alcohol, guns mention, animal death, cringe, bullying, yandere, musical/singing moments and bad flirts.
Error/Moxxie speaking/speaking/singing
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"You're going to regret revealing this Ozz." Mammon let loose a sinister laugh. As the demonic clown like insect back away.
Asmodeus snarled at him still in his demonic form, as he stands over Fizz protectively.
Mammon smile wider as electricity surrounds him.
The whole tent exploded in green smoke, electricity, and just a rush of deep magic. The venue is now a complete mess inside and outside. Screams all around at the shocking surprise or still in the phase Asmodeus, the embodiment of Lust, admit he was in love.
What a splendid night this turned out to be.
Asmodeus and Fizz look at each other. Warm loving smiles.
"So," Glitz and Glam on the stage laying down on the ground, "did we win?"
A random piece of wood debris fell on them.
They'll be fine.
"Wow that was a rush and unexpected twist to reveal. The internet feed going to barf this shit up." Blitz tail held onto the railing as he stared down below. Pull himself back up. Glance back down at Fizz, and his lover, just nuzzling up each other. Roll his eyes wanting to gag while trying to not smile.
He was proud of Fizz to finally stand up.
Starts to climb down. Pull his phone out as he sees a message from Stolas asking if he all right. Text back.
I'm fine stop worrying your feather ass off!
Making sure Blitzy. You were up very high.
I'm good...So, enjoyed the show.
I did. ^^.
Mhmm got to say Fizz is the best work yet.
Well, I better get back down with the hypnotic lovers to blow this joint. Want a ride?
If their find with that.
They'll be swell. Too busy being lovely dovey.
Yes, you can see that clearly from my seat.
About the respond back along with a mention to find Moxxie. But then stop before he can send that. Where was Mox? He practically didn't see them after that whole fan meet up. Got down finally as he looks around the mess from the stage and back. Look around. "Baby-face where a-SHIT! What happen to you?"
Blitz only turns around to me a soaked up, filthy Moxxie just staring at them.
"What the fuck did you fall in the sewage outside? Where are you other contacts? Did you hood get ripped off-
"Yes. Lost it. Yes." Glance around. "What happen here?"
"Mammon being a bitch losing his cash cow and ran off. Your um tears showing," Point at their cheek showing parts of the blue. Sees their right by a dressing room and shove them "I can give you like a minute at best but we're probably going to head out fast. A lot of fans going to be losing their piss."
Moxxie says nothing. In fact already close the door as they walk to a mirror. Found some cruddy make-up that barely matched their skin but didn't care as their scarf would hide their face. Grab a towel to dry their face. Stare at themselves for a bit. Then grab the makeup to slam over them. Grab a cloth to wrap up their hand. Tight knot. Move their scarf around.
Ten minutes later.
The incubus didn't have to be told twice as the five passengers now in the limo. Well four in the back while one stays up front.
"Wow they were extra crazy compared to before?" Fizz pants while still being held by Ozzie. The pair scrunch up in the seat. The two then giggle and nuzzle each other's face.
"Well, you two are top celebrities. Besides obvious reasons." Stolas scrunch up in the limo. The car was meant for well imps and maybe demons a bit taller like when Asmodeus was in disguise.
The pair grinned as they went back to nuzzling, loving and cuddling each other. Probably wouldn't be surprised if the pair make out.
"Sooooo," Blitz squish in the middle, somehow, by the pair. "Who tops?"
Fizz took a look at Blitz. Asmodeus tries not to smile. Stolas did smile while hiding their beak.
"What?! You keep asking questions about us!"
"Oh, so is this legit and at the serious stage." Fizz point at the two of them.
Blitz twitch while Stolas stammered. Both of them blushing.
"We're um still first stages of dating."
Fizz and Asmodeus both sent a look.
"I ah shut it hypocrites!"
"The love of dildos we get it! That was shitty! Now everyone knows."
"I was wondering about that." Stolas looks at Asmodeus. "Will Mammon do something? Like will the Goetias start something?"
"Let me explain something to you Stolas my owl companion. I'm Goetia second. My position of Lust will always be first. Now Mammon will be bitching, complaining, be his usual asshole self and now some lawsuits since Fizz quiet. Which will need to get our lawyers ready. Then I'm going to have issues since the whole Lust vs Love concept. If you're asking if he will say something to them. Well, he can, plus on the internet with live feed, but it will be complaining."
Blitz struggles a bit in the seat. "Look I met like the Bee honey dog. I can see her not give a fuck and be all on your side. But what about the well others?"
Asmodeus stares at him and sighs. "It can be debatable along with their moods. As long I'm doing my duty they won't care. I'm doing my part I have always done since the start of Hell. Have there been changes over the years? A big, big yes. Plus, we actually try not to step over the other's personal life unless we all have to be involved with it. "
It doesn't mean there is a slight hint of worry. Lucifer a possibility will want a meeting with him privately. Belphegor, she didn't care about Bee when it was hookups and even the rare serious relationships. Yet, she probably will be a neutral of sorts. Leviathan might be joining Mammon side. As there was an image of sort the seven of them had to hold. Along with probably will get on his ass picking an Imp. Beelzebub will be on his side. The amount of text she sent him was proof enough. Along with talking about a party. Satan was the wild card and doesn't know what he'll think about all this.
"Blitz, compared to my position. While us Goetia 'care' about appearance. The image we show and loyalty to Hell. The Sins in well one way don't give a fuck."
"Right you are. Don't worry I know your loyal Stolas." Asmodeus relaxes as he keeps Fizz close. "I can handle this with them. Not going to let them hurt my Froggy."
"Disgusting." Blitz tries not to gag. While Stolas was twitching when his mind went to 'Frogmouth' nickname. "Now enough avoiding the question who tops!"
The window up front starts to roll up.
"Moxxie you damn prude! I know that yo- "
Window blocking their view.
"Well, they won't hear anything now." Fizz snickered as the limo was soundproof. He then looks back at the pair again. "So, legit or not?"
"Knock it off!"
"You start it first with the top comment!"
The two friends argue while Asmodeus and Stolas watch with amused faces.
Moxxie look through their phone at the amount of notification news feed at what happened at this pageant. Just went straight to the internet and social media.
The driver brought the window down as the smell was becoming a bit too much. Going to have to clean that seat a couple of times or replace it.
Kept them distracted.
Back in Lust. The drive back was wild even though the gates were blocked. Just with happy fans. Happy fans of shippers as well. Many did seem to know or had a feeling the pair were together after all.
A lot of NSFW has already been posted.
Asmodeus may have already started liking a few. Fizz did too. Even the cutesy shit.
Now nothing is too cruel about Asmodeus. Yet. He was still a sin and risky at times to go that far. Doesn't mean the sins will hold back. Well besides Mammon cursing out the rooster on Sinstagram, and any other social platforms. Asmodeus just sends them different gifs flipping him off.
Fizzarolli did start to get a little shit. Thinking it's an act. Or some insults about the two. Ruin the Lust King himself. Lot a bullshit Fizz not going to both with plus Asmodeus social media team already on the way to handle it. Plus, seems like the pros out way the negative. It's up and sown. Then others who just don't give a fuck, not paid enough to care, or don't use a phone.
"Thank you but I think the three of us will be heading back." Stolas smiles at Asmodeus as he summons his book.
All of them are inside Asmodeus' home. Well, the garage section that closed off.
"Aww sure pretty bird?" Asmodeus teases Stolas. Fizz and Blitz taking a picture together. Moxxie standing by close. Then he was pulled over by the pair.
"Yes, today was quite a lot."
"True and did promise Fizz a bit of alone time." Asmodeus nudged Stolas and winked. "Take care owl you look happier."
"You two. I mean you know I- "
"I know what you mean." Glance back at the three and back at Stolas,
"See yeah Fizz!"
"You too Blitz! I'm not hiring either of you as guard again!"
"Ha! Sure, you won't!"
The three walk out together and the portal closes.
"Well, that was quite eventful." Stolas clap his hands together.
"Too much in one day I'll say." Blitz starts too stretched. He glances at Moxxie. "Did you lose your sunglasses too?"
"Jeez you lost a lot of stuff today."
"Mox you can use the bathroom upstairs."
"Thanks for the offer but I'm going to go home." Moxxie starts to walk to the door. Took the pair off guard.
"Huh? Mox come on so you stink, reek and look like a drown puppy. We can still drink."
Moxxie glance back at him and then at Stolas. "Thank for the offer again along with the drink."
"Oh, um if, you're sure." Stolas frown a little. He really wanted them to stay over.
"No, he not sure. Mox, you said after this shin ding you'll hang out to drink." Blitz pointed at Moxxie.
"Not tonight. Just um hangout. A movie date you two"
"Is the drown puppy comment? Or losing contact? Well, that is your fault and you can get another."
"I just want go home, clean my coat out and whatever probably moving around in me that better be seaweed and rest. Plus, I don't think any clothes here will fit me."
Stolas open his mouth but stop at the look Moxxie sent. Look away to rub the back of his. "Blitz it's all right. I actually want to discuss a matter with you."
The former clown glance at Stolas sending him this look Moxxie couldn't understand. But at the moment I didn't care. Let a low groan like whine. "Fine! Go home. That stench better be off by Monday party shit."
Moxxie soon out the door. It took a few minutes to get to get to themselves and start walking.
"What the fuck Stolas?" Blitz threw his hands out. "I thought we were going to discuss this with them tonight. Hell, I was mentally ready even the denial!"
"I know. I know. It's just."
"Tell me you're not backtracking on this. Like you said you like Moxxie too. Granted I still think you have bird boner for the space wizard. I just, why this time." Blitz asked with his arms crossed as he looks at Stolas seriously.
While the pair of them are dating. Keeping it low but still able to have some time together. Ups and down the pair are working with. Then well one night, drunk again, the pair talking. The talk led to Moxxie. Decided to know what fuck it. Why not bring Moxxie in this relationship? Which led to one minor hangover, awkward silence between the pair and we had to have a talk about it. Yes, the two are working with this relationship. But add a possible third this early? One is not sure they'll even accept it or not.
"Is it what happens at the pageant? The two admitting their feelings?"
"No, no. I uh we can talk about that another time. It's just." Head down. Eyes showing worry along difficult emotions wanting to express. "Can we talk about this in the bedroom? Only one bottle brings since this is serious topic I want to talk about."
Blitz raised an eyebrow but he let out a sigh. "I want this night to end but fine! I'm still picking the bottle."
Stolas smiles as he watches the imp go through his stash. Over time he has been putting less in there. Along with watching how much he will be drinking. Ups and down but it is working. This is so he wants them both to be sober about.
The door shut behind.
Moxxie press their back against the door with their head down. Eyes stared down at the floor as their stare was focused. But not all the way there either. Stay put in that spot as they start to walk to the bathroom.
The shower head turn on as cold water hit Moxxie head. Lack of effort to really clean until they grab a rag when they spot a few areas. His body was bruised after being thrown, fell and smashed into a few boats. Then start to clean up their face as the crappy makeup came off, dirt, dried blood, and filth coming down as it mixes with the dirty water going down the drain. Black began to mix next as Moxxie stare at the cut on their palm. Glance at their tail that was unwrapped from the wraps. Look very pale, not getting enough sunlight. Then look away to finish this up.
Layer up in a sweater, baggy pants and anything to be covered as he sinks under the blanket. The clothes have no choice but to be clean. I'm probably going to wash them twice. A third time. But he wants them back soon.
Took their necklace off along with that ridiculous pin. On the bedside table with that pocket watch. Only had it out as they kept the phone silent. They really need to remember to send it back.
Laying on their side while their eyes, no longer wearing contacts and not even glasses, stare at the photo in their hand.
This was them. Both of them.
The warm smile on Reyna face as her eyes look down at the child. At the child that was them. So, much love along with a fierceness to protect them. Even at the cost of their own life. It should have been them. Not her. Him. She should have survived. She could have found a way to escape. She was smart. Delicate looking but so fierce how she wields those guns. Those eyes can recall turning into a beast when they got hurt. Looks like they could deceive many till it was them on the ground no longer moving. Until it turns back around towards her.
"I'm sorry." Press the picture close to their face and close their own eyes. "I'm so sorry I couldn't have protected you.
While their eyes where close tears began to slowly side down their cheek.
"I'm so, so sorry Ma-Reyna. Fuck I bet you would have pulled my horn for using your name. M...Mamá" A little chuckle as they just talked away. "I think you and Madre would have liked each other. She really took great care of me you know. I bet you know too. I was a complicated little brat. Still am. I bet you know the truth about what I am. Would you have accepted me if you knew the truth what I once was? A lot of scary thoughts piled up. Along with what if. Or If I just knew. If I was just. If I could have just, just-"
The damn broke like that as Moxxie cried alone on the bed. Not wanting anyone to see them at their weakest like this. Didn't want to burden anyone in this pain that was so foreign. It was different when he got teary about his reveal to Maria, Medea. Or when Whistler passed away. Susie. Even with Striker, when he wasn't sure if he'd ever see them again.
You should have no right to cry about someone that is dead and hasn't been part of your life for years now!
The little destroyer was crying again! You were doing so well and look at you. Trying to be the victim and only thing about you!
Should be so damn happy to have been found by someone and raise your pathetic ass!
Tears being wasted away on someone that you shouldn't be allowed to cry for monster!
That should have been you and you know it!
Moxxie curled up tighter as their head felt empty. Besides a massive headache from, still, crying, emotions being poured out and just felt like weight was coming off. A sense of relief. Mind felt relaxed. A familiar song in their memories took over that their Mama sang. One similar to their Madre. Questions for how but didn't care. Just a small rest to given.
None of this was your fault.
Accepts it.
Elsewhere in another ring.
Medea stared down at the dead body left at the back of their medical facility. Now there were ups and downs when he came back. Don't get him wrong, he is happy to be back. But wish to be back till they were sure everything was taken care of on the other side. Which would take time. So, soon came back a week later. A lot of citizens were pleased along with pissed. Guess not many like the Doctor that was left on standby. Well, he came back after a week passed and staring at a dead body.
It's not the first time someone would leave a dead body at a medical sight. Stop counting the many times a situation like this was done. Along would be some threatening letters like bringing your body back to family or else your next. This will be you. Have a carcass to be donated for medical science or if someone needed a donor.
Stare at demon that probably was once an aquatic. Don't see ones like these anymore. Or in this kind of state.
The flesh of the body torn or pulled down mockingly. Bones that were shown around the elbow and knees. The shirt looks very bloody around the stomach section. Eyes look like they were popped open first. Then scooped up any kind of remains left. Blood soaks the face and can be seen some bugs nestling in the holes. A splinter ram through the back of the throat and coated in black blood. A photo album on their chest with blood written on the cover that shows MURDER.
"There better not be a rat eating your insides. It makes autopsy reports very messy."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
*Still not leaving the force field and eating some popcorn. * I bring you trauma.
What is Blitz and Stolas going to talk about?
Should Asmodeus be worried?
Moxxie. Yeah that one going through a lot today.
RIP Grillo
So, thought?
Until next time,
Bye, bye
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