Chapter 133

Chapter 133

There will be some tense moments. Along with stuff finally coming out in the open. A lot of talking.

Warning: OOC, random craziness, Error past dark abuse, many other troubles if mention, cursing, killing, dark themes, racism mention, stuff children/teen shouldn't do, profanity, self-harm, suicidal moments, cheating, sexual moments mentioned, violence, smoking, drugs, alcohol, guns mention, animal death, cringe, bullying, yandere, musical/singing moments and bad flirts.

Error/Moxxie speaking/speaking/singing


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"I only have two hours to talk."

What? Moxxie pulled away to look up at them. Taken back at what he just said. "What you mean two hours?"

"I can't explain too much. But let's just say my 'parole officer' can be a stick in the ass." Striker huffed in annoyance.


Striker blink and chuckles. "Oh, I wish. That damn old gremlin."

"Did he do something wrong?"

"I would lie but that wouldn't anything good. He actually making sure my ass is safe." He took a deep breath to not go overboard. Look at Moxxie. Eyes warm up a bit just staring at them again. "Damn I miss you."

"I don't want to say it but fuck I miss you too."

The two just hugging each other now. Soon, Striker sits down against the wall. While he was holding Moxxie in their lap.

"I'll explain as much as I can on my side with the time I have. But I want to know what is going on with your side as well. The only thing I was told that first month you had it very rough." Striker watches him tense up at that. Let out a hum as they continue to pet the side of their hair.

"So, you do have to go back?"

"Yes, even if I don't want to. Will just track me down."

"That good?"

"Critter. The one watching me. I you know how I'm well I am?"

"Don't make me sing that song you made."

"Tempting but yes but triple it. This fucker no joke." Close his eyes a bit. "But I've been learning as well."


"I will explain but I want to know what going on your side." Reopen their eyes to look down at them. Pull them closer while reaching out to rub some of the make off from underneath their eyes. The blue marks were still there but were deep purple bags. "You really are terrible taking care of yourself."

"Shut it." Moxxie huffed to look away. A little twitch to hear that chuckle and soon got a face rub. "Jerk."


"Let's see where to start. Oh, when I came back to your cell to hear that message you left me. Too take Bombproof and go to Madre. I stayed there for a while. Like a few days. By the way. Madre wants to kick your ass."

"Nothing knew there." Striker grumbled a bit.

"Your mom would have kicked my ass if our spots were switch."

"...Fair enough."

"We stayed. Bombproof kept trying to find you." They felt him tense at that. "My head was a mess. Also, your fan club now working for Madre."

"Fan club?"

"A mariachi bands? Medea sent them because you told him too. When they try to find y- "

"That damn troll. I told him to tell those four to jump in a volcano!"

"Yeah well, they been working with Madre along with the bar some days to perform. Your um got yourself a group there." Watch him groan in amusement.

"Fuck. What else after that?"

Moxxie then explains what's been happening at IMP. Sallie came in to help and eventually headed back. How they stayed in their apartment. Their job as a receptionist. Just things in general around the place. How they put Flaw on halt for a while. Stolas um apologized in some way and it is still awkward with that. Blitz sister and that awkward mess as well. How Blitz saw his tear marks.


"It was an accident. He rarely brings it up beside in text." Moxxie sees him shaking a little bit. Rest against his chest. "He trying. I was being rude ass as well."

Striker took a deep breath as he rubs his face. "Just keep going."

Stuff at IMP that happen. Like the situation in Greed. That whole mess with Blitz and he guess his reacquainted friend. The mafia ransom. How they got in that mess.

"A bomb." Striker stared down at him with a wide look.

"I got out in time. Same with the girl and the dogs." Glance down a bit. "Wrong place and time. It was a bit of close call."

"Did you get hurt?"

"Some impact on my back but okay." Stare at the hand gripped their arm a bit. Place it over their hand. "I'm fine. Well, besides the building. Now probably on the mafia shit list."

"Blitz just knows how to bring them in."

"Ehh yeah. After that kind of a went back to normal. Um no longer have the portal spell but a Asmodian crystal. But still kept the book for healing spells."

"So, got to see Puppet?"

Open and close their mouth. Glance at them. Tense at this look they were getting. "I...Striker did Medea talk to you?"

"You mean about something you wanted to tell me in the past. Oh, I don't know for the past few years. How my partner apparently can-do magic? Never seem to had the right time to tell me?" He now looks frustrated as he glances away. "Yeah, he just told me magic. Left it at that since you should explain the rest."

Moxxie open and close their mouth. A bit hurt at the way he is reacting. But can he blame him? All these years knowing each other.

"Were you ever going to tell me?"

"Yes. "

"When? Hmm when was it going to be the time? Tell me I so damn curious?" Arms pulled away to no longer hold them. Arms crossed to be lean against the chest. "Did you not trust me?"

"I do trust you." That hurt so much.

"So, how is it I don't know about this then? Does anyone else know besides Doc?"



"Madre." Head down. "I have my rea- "

"Anyone else besides those two?"

"...Yes, but not by my choice." Head down in shame. He actually feels so damn ashamed about it. "I wanted you to be the third to know. After that maybe nobody else unless it got to the point, I would have to use it."


Bit the inside of his cheek.

"Who is it Moxxie?" His voice is getting angry now.


Moxxie suddenly picked up to not be held by Striker. No longer in their hold but on the ground. He watches them pace back and forth a lot. Their tails snapping on the ground. An angry rattle. Shit he was pissed.

"Of course. Of course, the fucken blue blood- "

"List- "

"Were you and him- "

"Striker." Moxxie voice now very cold. A look to not even dare finished that sentence. "I get why you are so pissed. But I was never with him. I wasn't even with you at that time when he found out. I have my reasons for not saying anything. So, you can listen or waste both of our time.

"When did he find out then?" Striker tries to be calm. Right now, he was mixing emotions. "Actually wait. Should I be asked to see this magic? Because I don't see- "

Moxxie pulled out the Puppet mask from the inventory box. It came out of thin air in Striker visual perspective. Toss it at Striker.

Striker caught it. Look at the mask, still a bit astounded by what they saw, and trace the design. "Shit...Shit you were fighting those. You got hur- "

"That was my fault getting hurt. But I need you to...I need you to just listen before you make any judgment. You have a right to be angry. Hurt. Heck, maybe cheated out not knowing this secret. Yet, at the end of the day. That is my choice to say something. Not demanded or forced out of me. Like I didn't demand or force you to explain what happen all those years ago."

A tense silence in the room. Along with the emotions that was coming off the

"How much time we have left?"

"An hour thirty-seven minutes." Sits back down by Moxxie. Held the mask. "Did you always have magic?"

"Yes." Head down in shame. "One the thing I remember crazily enough along with my name and age. I just remember I can do this. Then- "

Moxxie explained to Striker as much they can. Just nothing as their time as Error. How that is mixed in. How they wanted to open a portal when they went to a festival together.

"So, Whistler technically knew." Striker chuckles a bit.

"She was so damn protective when I open it." Moxxie chuckles to themselves. Then pulled out the cloak they wore as Puppet. The look on Striker face was just hilarious. Point out the constellation they put to remember Whistler. Along with Susie.

That touched Striker heart a lot.

Then afterwards just in secret mess with magic over the years. How Maria, Doc Medea found out by accident. The fear, terror and just worry to be killed. That part of the Striker tail wrapped underneath them. Stayed silent to just listen. Did tighten up meeting Stolas. Those kept short. How they just knew them as 'Puppet'. Got a snort from him out of that one. Then the bugs. That one a little harder explain how they mix in. Over the years they have just trained to properly use it but not out in the open. Which lead to regret

Like Susie death.

"It was moments like those I wish I told you both. Maybe if- "

"That I'm not going to ever blame you on." Striker looks exhausted, as they held the cloak. Their thumb traces the symbol. "That one keeps eating you up huh?"

A small nod yes.

"It would be impossible Moxxie. The timing. Just to reach you. Heck if you appeared out of know where through a portal. Word would have spread and then- "

"Then your mom would have lived."

"Then you probably would have been taken away, kidnapped, or heck probably been kept as someone pet. Maybe even get killed. "Shook their head no fast. "No, that one is not your fault. Besides the one who caused it. My mom wouldn't have forgiven herself if you got taken away."

"I wouldn't have gone down easy." A weary chuckle.

"I can believe that."

After that Moxxie skipped to how well just seeing Striker again on the farm. Went to space to actually get away from everyone after a heated talk with Joe. Saw the bugs. Try to warn tolas but it was too late. Then well after that was just improve from them along with Dr. Medea part. Copy the same spell to make that small book for IMP to be used till something better comes through. Then Stolas found out. Which means they have to explain all that happened that day when they left with Bombproof for the vet. One moment trying to help Blitz, the stupid part in Glutton with that kiss, and next was helping Stolas.

"-I could have just walked away after that. He knew how serious I was keeping my identity a secret. I was pissed, enraged and just wanted to finish it there. Even after what happened between him and Blitz. I didn't. I gave him another chance but if he opens his beak. It was over and done. I didn't even want his kid to know. I didn't care for the reason. That was supposed to be my choice."

"You were that pissed huh?"

"Extremely pissed off." Rub his face. "I wanted you to be the one to find out next. Stolas has realized what he done really crossed boundaries. He really thought he would lose me next. But a part of me gave him a chance...He is a friend."

Striker was silent. Face blank while his fist was tightening up. "Then few months later I came into kidnapped him.

A deep weary breath as their head down. "I tried to get him to listen."

"At least your promise that day to break me out making sense." Rub the part of their face. "Fuck Critter. This really is a lot."

"I know." Head down lower. "Sometimes I wonder if its best Madre and Doc never found out. Just keep this all to myself. If Stolas never would have taken that mask off. Never thre.."

"Never what?"

Moxxie was very silent.

"Never what Moxxie?"

"Stolas said if I tried help you. He would have told the higher ups about me." Was it the right thing to say? No? But right now, things need to be opened up now.

"...I'm going to murder him."

"Hey- "Sees him look at him. The rage on his face.

"He was supposed to be your friend. You were there for him in his 'shitty' marriage situation. Fuck it. Sounds like you were more of another parent for his kid than he harpy. What does he do? He threatens you to not save me! To stay out of this. To just. To just- "

"I walk out and went straight to your cell. I just thought fuck it. Fuck him. Fuck this whole situation. Just basically was thinking fuck how all this was affecting everyone. But your cell was empty." Head down in shame. "I called Medea. After that you told me you were moved. I just told him all that happened. He told me he'll take care of it... I did feel regret. Along with shame at myself you know. Blitz had a reason to feel betrayed. Same with Millie. Stolas was angry, threaten as well and did try to get assassinated...I just wanted to be selfish to have you back."

No, a sound was made between the pair.

Pull their legs up to press their face against their knees. This whole thing. This reunion. It is emotional. They are so happy to be back with Striker. To just even see them again. Just to see their friend again. Partner. All of it. It's terrifying as well. "I'm sorry I fuck up Striker I'm- "

Pick up to be pulled into a hug again.

"That's enough Critter."

Blink. Just taken back by all this. Doesn't fully feel real. Right now, kind of didn't care. "I'm sorry- "

"No, I'm...I shouldn't have just yelled like that. You. Jeez. It's a lot. It really is Moxxie. Along with making so much damn sense. Your sneaky little mouse." Striker chuckled, getting a tail smack to the arm.

"Prick...You have a lot of reasons to be angry with me. But I'm. I can't fully apologize. It was my choice."

"That I will not force you to ever apologize for. The Doc told me to keep my ears to listen. To use my head. To think about if I was in your position. I would think I would have made the right choices. But now I don't know. Look where I am now. Choices I don't regret making. But a few I have as well." Brush the back of their head again.  "Is there something that damn prince haven't seen you done?"

Sue him. He still pissed off about that damn owl.

Roll their eyes like they can hear the sour tone. "You sound like a spoiled brat."

"Where my prize?" Smirk.

"Actually, there many things they don't know or have seen."

About to ask what but stop when they see the glow around the tear marks.

Moxxie touch their own cheeks. Began to pull glowing blue thread off like it was nothing. Too see Moxxie magic first hand besides bringing out the mask, and hood.

"They only saw me summon them off my fingertips. In the past I was only able to pull them off my cheeks like this." Moxxie saying it so casually as they pull enough thread off till it stops. They began to move their fingers around as thread just moved around the room.

"Doesn't that hurt?" Striker was just stunned at what they were witnessing. Stare at those strings in shock yet an odd admiration. Touch their blue tear marks still glowing.

Pull the string back over. They began to move their fingers around. Like they were sewing. Lean their head against their chest. Think over the question. "No. It felt different. Not pain. I can't fully explain it."

"These aren't just for fun. Huh?" Watches their finger movement. In pure fascination. Hand on top of their head. While the other goes back to wrap around them.

"Nope. Deadly too." A flick of a thumb a thread grabs a can slam into the ground. A tiny inch as the threads wraps around it. Tug slices into pieces.

"Damn your too amazing Critter." Striker eyes lit up at what they had just done.

Moxxie head down a bit as they stop. The thread pulls back over.

"Critter?" Notice the behavior just changes like that.

"This isn't something going to change overnight. Huh."

"No... But I'm going to figure this out. I'm still me Moxxie. Parts of me will never change along with ideas." Close their eyes as they let out a grunt. "Doesn't mean I'll do that same shit with you again. Going to be changes in other way."

"What going to happen?"

His eyes reopen to lower down a bit to look at them. Understood that question all too well. "It'll be a while before we can meet each other again. There is some serious mess going on that I'm lending my hands for service."

"So, a long time huh?"

"Yeah." Reach out to take their hat off. Look it over. Eyes widen a bit when Moxxie wrapped something around it. The string that was blue. Now it was black to look like it turned to a leather strapped band.

"Wanted to add that piece for a while." Brush the hat they made.

"Fits very well it." Glance down at Moxxie as they place the hat on the ground by them. Pull a phone out of their pocket. A quick glance and place it back inside. Nuzzle the top of their head.



"What happen?"

Silence as he took a breather. Then a deep familiar chuckle. "All right Critter. You deserved to know after this whole ordeal. It's still doesn't feel real."

"You sure? All this thrown at you."

"It's a lot. A lot. I'm not going to lie. I still want to murder a few demons. Along with just stay like this."

"You," Head down a bit. "I actually can understand if you want to brea- "

"If you say break or a break up, I'm punching your face."

"Good you can buy me new glasses."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Finally, some conversation!

Moxxie just got to have the last say.

Look Striker thought process. I don't blame him for thinking that. Like he got cheated out of it. Along with situation not being told. Stolas knowing not far. Yet, look at the end it was Moxxie choice to ever reveal anything.

Moxxie still doesn't feel comfortable explaining everything. But to talk with Striker this far. Felt like a moment that was reaching step for the both of them.

Moxxie doesn't want to break up but at that moment was thinking about Striker. Like he deserved better. Striker wasn't having that.

Also here a picture of current Striker I drew. Whatcha think?

Any questions?

Until next time.

Bye, bye!

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