Chapter 12
Chapter 12
Warning: OOC, random craziness, Error past dark abuse, many other troubles if mention, cursing, killing, dark themes, racism mention, stuff children/teen shouldn't do, profanity, self-harm, suicidal moments, cheating, sexual moments mentioned, violence, smoking, drugs, alcohol, guns mention, animal death, cringe, bullying, yandere, possible musical/singing moments and bad flirts.
Error/Moxxie speaking
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Moxxie been homeschooled for two and half years now.
It actually was pretty good and his teacher not bad. Maria wished she had listened beforehand and gone this route. But Moxxie not going to put that over her head. Her intentions were clear, wanting him to interact with others his age.
Their teacher was Ms. Sable, she was an older Imp woman. Actually, I have seen her a few times going into the shop where they go to do sewing. She looked like the sweet grandma type. Many think she could be older than Dr. Medea. She knew Mr. Spruce, was called to see if she was available to do homeschool teaching. She asked about the situation, the students, saw their grades, and talked with Maria personally. She recalls who Moxxie was since she is friends with the other ladies in towns, asked their opinion on the child too. After a while she agreed to do it.
Moxxie admit he likes her attitude. Sweet but don't let this old woman fool you. She was born here in Wrath. Getting hit by her cane was painful. He saw it first hand when she whacked someone out when they tried to interrupt them in their area of the library.
There are three days a week, for four hours at the library. Yes, there is a library. A lot of books are usually about war but it's a library. Maria will drop him off, and pick him up. Now and then Dr. Medea may come over to pick him up. But if there ever an issue the two couldn't pick up Moxxie would just portal home. He will use his time there to work on the homework, along with other activities they do since they close around time.
Now he still does his own responsibilities around the house like with the garden, rat issues, and cook only certain days. But he was fine with that. In fact, he has been feeling a bit better with this new school, along with small jobs, routine. Along with small new surprises as the years pass.
He never expected him of all people to write music. Then slowly after practice and learning he began to make his own little music. Really short and not a lot at the moment. Nothing worthwhile, at least to him. But it was still music he made. At times like these I wanted to actually laugh. He was one odd sort of imp with his predicament. First, clothing then and now, the instruments, the weapons, cooking and now writing music. So, many things that are considered creative. In another view can see it destructive as well.
It didn't matter he enjoyed it.
Only showed his Madre, Ms. Sable, Dr. Medea is his small music. The two like it and want him to keep exploring. I began to try other instruments that are mostly string. At least to know the basics if he has time to learn or is just curious. Or to shut some idiot up to show them he can play certain instruments. He still sticks to the violin as his favorite.
His sewing is advanced a lot. Like he was quite excited to finally sew up some new clothes. Nothing against the outfits he does like to wear. But to finally make like other style of clothes felt like an accomplishment. Still work with accessories mostly like scarves, bandannas, gloves, and recently working on a hat. But at the shop it will help with alterations, along with big orders that might need a few hands. The ladies trust him enough with such a task even for his age. Sweet ladies but viscous. Thumbs up to them.
One day someone wanted to buy one of their materials that was set out to be looked at by one of the ladies. Unaware it was Moxxie product since he usually likes to stay in the back. It was quite a surprise. Wonder at the time it might be a joke here, there still getting some smack talk to figure out a price now. Moxxie made it very cheap for them to buy. Enough money to buy some yarn. What? He likes the different yarn material than just his own.
Did make Ms. Sable a shawl as a gift for dealing with him. She really likes it. Wears it a lot and he was still surprised to see her wear like somewhere random, or come to visit the shop.
Along with clothes, and accessories. He has secretly been making small plushies again. At least of those he likes but keeps them hidden in his inventory. His Madre did see one and finds them adorable. The plushies only being like the farm animals in Wrath.
While he does that after school. On his two days off he actually goes to the gun store a lot. Bullet Tackle the one Moxxie goes too. The owner seems very pleased to teach a 'pipsqueak ruffian' who has some taste. Gets very giddy when testing him on different gun parts. How to clean it up. A long with other range weapons. With Maria permission, along with joining sometimes, brought to a shooting range to test out the weapons. Moxxie enjoys it a lot. He got to learn a lot, along with would surprise the shopkeeper himself as well. He did appreciate the gloves they made for protection.
There have been a few incidents where the Gun shop owner and seamstresses will go toe to toe. They don't understand why. Always make sure their schedule doesn't ram into the other. So, he just lets them have their little spat fest.
Rats are still annoying jerks. So, nothing new there.
Now space time kept getting better and better!
He kept having so much fun, sightseeing and writing down all he saw. He could go on with all the new things he had been witnessing. Or sometimes finds an area to practice with his magic. Their magic got better but along with new results after breaking down that lock about their magic. A lot of surprises in many ways. Along with anger. Let's just say they really wish Fate had a physical form at that moment to rip them to shreds.
It was an accident when Moxxie learn his about one of new, well locked up, abilities about their strings. Maria was just cooking. She accidentally cut her hand. Only reach to stop the pressure. Now yes, they did want to stop the bleeding. But didn't expect their strings to shoot out to swarm the cut like stitches, then in those next few seconds the hand was healed. Maria was quite impressed, but the look on Moxxie face worried her.
His strings could heal. He had an ability like this lock up. Force to forget like everything from wherever they were before. It would have been so helpful the many times their body could barely recover. Trying to find ways to treat like the Charas besides basic first aid. Even then Bad Sans. But no that wasn't allowed for them. Can't let others know a destroyer can be helper and healer.
Maria gave them some space till they let out some aggravation in space. A lot of asteroids went bye, bye.
So, that happened. Also apparently not just flesh but stars as well. It was a crazy, conflicting time that week with all these unexpected, painful surprises. Space magic. Yeah, sounds cringe. Really just their new strings apparently can heal a star as well. Or destroy something that seems to affect them.
It was quite a surprise for Moxxie when it happens the first time. Just exploring one day, really taking out some frustration with the whole reveal at the time. Then I found this star. Almost didn't even recognize it as one. It just looks like it was infected. He uses the codes and figures out what was wrong with. There was something inside it. Could say it was a mosquito. A mosquito shrapnel of some meteorite. Took his time to see he could destroy it. It's a little tricky to make sure the strings don't destroy the star. But eventually he got rid of what was making it sick. Then use the healing string like to put almost like a bandage over it. Just like that the star seems to glow brighter and healthier.
After that Moxxie will go around randomly and find a few star that got hurt or sick in certain ways. Not out of some sense of duty but want.
One time he actually brought their Madre out to space. Had a nice picnic on one of the moons. She really likes it a lot. Almost stole a star but he couldn't blame her for that. Then he showed her the trick with his strings when he found a damaged star. She was in awe at such a sight. She made a comment there about space healer. Which earns an unimpressed look. She didn't care but made another comment to possibly get better eye protection. Even their mouth. If they ever catch something, along with safety. Did thing about it, along with idea about making a mask.
He just need to make sure to dodge the nap question.
All this happened but there were also some tragic moments that happened during the two years.
Whistler sadly passed away from old age last year. Like she really was an old horse. She was Susie grandfather horse and surprised many how long she been around. Moxxie was quite devastated when he learnt that Whistler passed away. He saw her two weeks when they came down to visit before her passing away. She looked so tired, moved slowly, and barely ate carrots. He almost wanted to check the CHECK but forced himself not to. Even Whistler like had another sense if they try just to nip him to not do anything. He wishes he did now, ignored the nipping. Just do something to keep her alive longer. Yet, Whistler still acted like the Whistler he knew and nipped the top of his fluffy head. As the protective horse she was with her herd.
Maria and Moxxie came by quickly, using a bit of magic, to be there for them. Susie looked quite a tired mess and was crying a lot. She was thankful for their visit. Maria stayed with her friend and took care of how to give the strong horse a proper burial.
Bombproof was depressed and kept looking for his mother a lot. Wouldn't even eat the carrots. Almost got stolen that week till Susie put a bullet in a bandit's head that night. Didn't even try to chow on the body.
Striker wasn't showing any emotions at the time. Stayed a bit away either in the barn to be with Bombproof or in his room with the door locked. Did snap at Moxxie once since he actually try to comfort him. Moxxie step back when he snapped since he too would be upset like this. Moxxie may not have known Whistler very long like everyone else but did hit his soul. Striker didn't apologize, Moxxie expected him not too, but gave him a small side arm hug. That was probably the second time either one of them hugged the other.
Things slowly got back to normal Susie and Striker after a month passed from Whistler funeral. It was still them. It was a bit nice to see Striker as his old self again. The two still have phone chats, if of course the mothers called first, but there have been fewer calls from the pair. Moxxie kind of gets it since Striker was busy. It was the same with Moxxie.
It was still nice. Even just small talk.
Right now, Susie, Striker was visiting this week. Got time off from work. Striker schooling doesn't ask as he would dodge certain topics about it. Or change the subject. Moxxie was fine with it and pleased to see them again. Quite frankly he was surprised Striker even came since he is at the age to really come or not. Comes by his own choice. His excuse. He has to personally mess with the Critter.
Prick, smug ass Rattles.
Who graciously on their own decided to pick him up the next three days after his class. Crazy timing as the shop clothing, and gun shop would be closing early around those time for utility reason.
"Ms. Sable looking glorious as always." Striker outside the library as he sees the pair walk out.
"Hush you little boy." Ms. Sable rolled her eyes. Moxxie smirk a bit behind the scarf.
"Come now Mame isn't little pushing it." Striker arms crossed. He did hit a growth spurt. He now around his mom shoulder height. His horn added extra. Probably still not finished.
"I'll be judge of that little boy." Look back at Moxxie. "Remember to rest up. You got two weeks; a lot will be thrown at you."
"Yes, Ms. Sable." Small nod at her.
"Good. Now hurry along. You, Striker don't distract them too much."
"Me? Distract my favorite little dude? Are you hearing this Critter?"
"Who are you?"
"Brat." Striker huffed as he looked away.
"Off you two. Go on." Ms. Sable walks off.
The two then carry along. Striker was allowed to use the truck Susie was renting. He would have preferred riding Bombproof. But I wanted to be lazy or just be annoying. Which Striker was being right now?
"Rattles if I wanted to be annoyed. I would have visited the rats." Moxxie twitched as he tried to ignore the smirking taller Imp. So, here he is walking back home with Striker. Bombproof was back at the house today.
"Oh, come on at least I can give you intellectual conversation. It's no distraction at all." Striker smirked down at the shorter imp.
"Conversation yes. Intellectual pushing it." Duck down when also got smack be the tail.
"Huh you're getting faster with blocking."
"You never hit me."
"I trapped you."
"That doesn't count."
"Is so does you Critter." Striker snorted. Glance as he stared at the cracked glasses. 'Tsk' a bit. "You should get new glasses before they shattered."
"Was supposed to last week. But got destroyed during delivery from a hell tornado."
"So, unlucky."
"You have no idea." Stop with Striker stop. "Why you stop?"
"Come on let's get some food. My treat." Points at the convenient store. It was also a small grub spot to grab something to eat.
"Who are you?"
"I can be nice you jerk. It's just no one will believe you."
"Your mom, Madre, Bombproof- "
"They don't count little mouse."
"I don't know to be insulted or not."
"Come on." Grab his sleeve as he pulled him inside. Look like any other convenient store inside. Then go up to the section where food will be sold. "What you want and there no, no on the menu."
"There should be one." Look at it and just point at French fries.
"I shouldn't be surprise." He rolled his eyes and just ordered some chicken on a stick. The two sitting at a table. Moxxie took some homework out to get it over with. Striker sighs. "You know this actually considered rude."
"Are you offended?"
"No." Took the homework. "I just don't like to be ignored."
"Ha ha." Moxxie mocked laughed and swiped his homework back. "I'm almost done and soon will be graduating."
"Yippee for the good too shoe student."
Moxxie stick his tongue out for him. "Says the student who probably will graduate alone since he keeps killing his own classmates for no reason."
"Stop it your words are too sweet." He leans back against his chair as he chews on the food.
"You have an idea what you want to do." Looks at the homework, already getting to work. Toss a fry to Striker who gladly catches it in their mouth.
"Who knows, maybe I'll work on a ranch. Hunt for creatures who give us issues. Maybe I'll own my own parlor to serve alcohol. Stuff I don't need to learn from school since I can already do it. Along with business. Maybe it breaks some hearts that aren't in school."
"How so thoughtful. Weren't you dating?"
"Eh. Not many last if you get me drift."
"Now that I'm saying all this. I really like the idea of dropping out." Goes for sip of his drink. "But hey maybe I'll stay just to see you in high school."
"Won't you already be graduated? If you don't drop out." Plus, you live farther away.
"They won't care as long they get the cash."
"No, comment on that." Moxxie stared at his homework a bit. Just the thought of starting high school. Being around students again. He was close to asking Maria to just keep being homeschooled. Or take a test to just skip it all.
"You're too quiet. When you're this quiet you have too much in your head." Glance at the teen. Sees him not getting an answer. He let out a sigh. "Look can you at least do this for me."
"I'm not stealing you Whiskey."
"No, you'll give it to me since you like me very much." Striker smirked at the eye roll. Then his eyes, along with tone change. "But that's not it. When you start at whatever lame ass school to waste your time. I don't want you to take crap from the others."
Moxxie blink a little and saw a serious look on the older one's face.
"Look you have sass. You are a good shot so you a pencil, paper clip or something to hit anyone back since your little arms won't throw your punch. You dodge well. But I want you to not take any shit. Since you did let those runts walk over you. They'll eat freshmen up and since you look the part, they really will get you."
"I look the part?"
"Short, small, look a bit feminine for a male unless they think you just dyed it, along with the horns, thespian types, geeky looking, the glasses, book worm looking clothes, and do like to cook- "
"Wow thanks you really making me feel like crap."
"Welcome to the teenage years. Going to experience it for a long time."
"Should put that on a coffee mug."
"Give me that for my Birthday gift." Striker snickered at them. "But for real don't let them. Bring a knife if you have too."
"I'll think about it."
"Or could bring one of those sewing needles. Someone touches and slams it into their neck."
"I don't want blood on my books."
Plus,he would have gone for the hand first.
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What do you all think?
RIP for Whistler best Queen Mama Horse. But will never be forgotten. Literally.
Wish Moxxie luck in high school along with other events that'll happen soon.
Any questions?
Until next time.
Bye, bye!
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