Chapter 11

Chapter 11


Warning: OOC, random craziness, Error past dark abuse, many other troubles if mention, cursing, killing, dark themes, racism mention, stuff children/teen shouldn't do, profanity, self-harm, suicidal moments, cheating, sexual moments mentioned, violence, smoking, drugs, alcohol, guns mention, animal death, cringe, bullying, yandere, possible musical/singing moments and bad flirts.

Error/Moxxie speaking


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Moxxie doesn't have friends at school.

No, he is not counting Rattles! They're not friends or school friends!

He actually would expect that with his luck. Quite frankly he doesn't care. Sure, were there moments when he wanted to sit with his classmates and just talk casually? Maybe be part of the talk or ways to get back at teachers. Sure, some small talk here and there. He sometimes misses just being in kindergarten since it was fun.

Then he remembers why he doesn't want friends.

All of them are jerks. But Moxxie their kids. You are a kid. Should you not be so judgmental? Middle finger to you, along with buzz off unless you have better excuse. Or no excuse.

The classmates on the other hand are downright jerks. Yes, living in Wrath is part of it. Was the target ever since second grade? He became the prime target for being so small, weak looking, the glasses, eye colors and his dull expression. Possibly how he doesn't understand certain things and jokes so he gets picked on for that too. Bullied or just left alone.

Got their lunch money taken which he still doesn't know why he brings along. He doesn't need substance. Unless Madre gets at him but that's a different matter.

Then they would destroy his homework or rip it to shreds. Even still always one step away, or down right just blurt out what happen to their homework.

There were times the upper-class students tried to bully him. Which quite frankly is annoying. Don't you have better things to fight?

The teachers not very much helpful unless close to death. Unless want you to fight it out to solve the problem. Yeah, no thanks.

He just avoids it and does not give them any satisfaction. He dealt with it before and not dealing with it again. But everyone seems to know better than to not touch his scarf. Or anyone tries barely can catch him.

Sure, he could physically put a stop to it all. But really doesn't want to hurt (kill) someone. Weird morality he has left. He is surprised to still have it. Once he reaches high school it might shift a bit. Something about highschoolers being worse. Also, the killings too. But he was slightly close to doing it now just to get suspended or expelled at this point. At least slamming someone head on a desk.

He doesn't tell Maria about the bullying. That's all about him, He knows it stupid not to tell. He just doesn't want her to worry. Or let this be the reason he would be pulled out. She done too much for him that he didn't want her to worry about another thing about himself.

"Hey geek where your money?"

"Check your own pockets." Moxxie not look at his classmate. All ready at his flipping the page of his notebook. His tail snaps the classmate's hand trying to touch his bag.


"Don't touch what not yours." Moxxie said with a very bored tone.

"Why don't you do us favor and just leave?" Another classmate snickered.

"Why don't you leave since you do nothing to begin with?"

"What was that your smart ass."

"Example one you don't listen."

"Such annoying buzzkill you know that Crybaby Moxxie."

"Crybaby Moxxie!"

"Crybaby Moxxie!"

"Crybaby Moxxie!"

"Crybaby Moxxie!"

"Crybaby Moxxie!"

"Crybaby Moxxie!"

Moxxie just stared at his classmates as they kept going at it. Little moments like these he hates very much. Won't always get to him but the rare few days it will be.

Look things have gotten better but he still has issues with his messed-up self. That will never leave and he wishes he could forget those moments. Or didn't have it to begin with. But save himself many times too with his paranoid self. But must be those rare days he thinks about the past hearing their voices.

The many voices reminded him back when he was in the anti-void and kept insulting him. Insult after insult that made him beg, cry and scream. But no one was there to hear him. Just him alone with his responsibilities.

Why can't they just shut up and bother someone else!

He clutched the pencil tightly and shook. Grit his teeth tightly. Chanting in his head to not attack. To not use magic. To not do anything. Because that's what they want if you strike now. One thing for sure, he will never cry in front of these brats!


Alright to be fair the only one Moxxie may tolerate at this school is their teacher. Mr. Spruce.

Why does he teach only sixth grade?

He didn't want to deal with older teenagers or young adults in the other schools of Wrath. Or won't be hired for being an Imp even if his background resume is good. Oh, and just the guy teach doesn't mean he looked 'geeky' one might put it.

The imp looks like a soldier with a white mustache with wrinkles around the eyes showing his age.

Already knock out three of the classmates' parents. Trying to blame him, he the reason the kid didn't do well on the test. So, he 'politely' showed them the work sheets, hours he was available to be asked for help and proof of his part he did. Just the kid didn't want to ask or if the parent actually paid attention to get their kid to go to the lessons. He is not going to waste his time if others do too. Well one parent tried to stab him and that was thrown out the window.

The parents are all right.

Moxxie only went to him like three times to ask him stuff. Apparently, that made him a 'teacher pet'. He is not a pet. Yes, the guy a teacher so what. Yeah, he still doesn't understand what it means.

Moxxie relaxed slightly as everyone sat down and got their books out.

The class was normal as he teaches, students carefully passing notes, or trying to not fall asleep. Moxxie half paying attention as he writes certain notes. Then he goes into his other notebook and draws a bit. No, not for 'fun' but ideas for outfits he had thought of lately or certain music ideas to try out with his violin. Will answer a question if called. Along with ignoring his classmates.

Yes, all things considered alright and he was about to forget what happened.

Till school was over for the day.

The last one for him too.

Moxxie was putting his stuff up in his backpack and ready to grab his last notebook. Till it was grabbed by a classmate. He looked at the four snickering Imps. "Give it back."

"Or what you little nerd." Open it up for them to see.

"Ha looks at this he drawing dresses and skirts!"

"Pants too if you actually look." Moxxie goes to grab it back but one toss it to another."

"Music? Jeez what kind of Wrath Imp are you?"

"I just like a lot of different stuff then just violence." Reach for it back again and the other caught it.

"Yeah, like a sissy."

"That doesn't make sense."

"It's an insult! Why are you so weird?"

"Why don't you four actually do something then waste time with me."

"Oh? Waste time huh?" Snap a finger and fire form. Let out a smirk and bring it close to the note book. "Like this doing something."

"Give that back now." Moxxie gripped his knuckles.

"Or what you going to do? Bite me? Punch me? Actually, have balls to do something you little prick- "

Moxxie tackle the taller boy down in the stomach. Snatch their notebook back.

"GAH y-you idiot do-don't just st-stand there!"

Moxxie held his notebook and ready to run out of the room. Till one grabbed his tail. He snarled and brought a leg off to kick one of their hands. Earning themselves a painful yelp. Trying to not put too much strength but very hard to not lose it.


Moxxie fell to the ground and his face the ground. His glasses cracked up.


He instantly curled up. Not in pain but to not let them get his notebook. To not take what's his! For peak sake he doesn't want to fight!

"Seriously a chair!"

"Like you two were doing any better!"

"You freak I'll kill you!" The one who produced fire stumbled over in pain and began to kick him.

Moxxie snarled and told himself not to fight. To not kill. There are just idiots he is somehow in the same age group. Barely felt the weak punches and kicked. Till he was grabbed by his scarf. Lift up a bit.

"I'm going to burn this scarf of you with you around it! Leave a nasty scar on you! Even you bitch ass mom won't even recognize yo- "

The wrist was then snatching form behind. The fire ball died down as the pressure increased firmly that their ready to crack it soon.

"What the fuck? Let me go you- "He turn and snarled ready to curse them out. But he and his three friends paled. His eyes widened at who he was seeing.

It was Mr. Spruce but the one who grabbed his wrist was Maria. She glared down at the pre-teen coldly. She reaches forward to rip their other hand off Moxxie scarf. Then tossed him to the other three. All of them fell on the ground. She went to Moxxie side and help him up.

"You four sit down now. Your parents can come here to get you all." Mr. Spruce tells the four and had a look to dare fight him.

The four gulped and sat down. Sure, they can fight those around their age group. But older imps like him nope. They glance and paled to see Moxxie mom staring at them with a look to kill.

Whelp someone parent going to get a broken bone or died.

Two hours later.

After one talk with the principal, parents and teacher later. Well two of the parents got an arm broken or a bitch slap to the face.

You see at the Wrath school bullying isn't something taken too seriously. It's Wrath so you got to be rough and tough to handle anything. Yet, there are the rare few who don't always follow that concept or want to. So, you can't punish the student for bullying unless it leads to death. Yes, it's messed up. But that is how it rolls in the Wrath Ring.

Moxxie waiting outside the hallways while Maria was talking Mr. Spruce along with the principal after that meet up with the four parents. Just silent.

"You telling me my boy been bullied and not once to come to call me. Or a note! Or something!" Maria snarled as she paced back and forth. Her hair was a bit messy along with a bruise to face.

"Ms. Maria, I can understand you- "

"Can it! Not listening to someone letting those brats walk free!" Maria snarled at the principal.

"Ms.Maria. I would have thought Moxxie would have told you." Mr. Spruce explained and sighs. Admit it was stupid on his part.

Maria rubbed her forehead and had an idea why he didn't tell her. She'll need to talk to him about it.

"Look I like Moxxie. He actually one of the few who actually uses that brain of his besides muscles."

"But many considered him well different." The principal tried to explain as well. "Your son, just not well Wrath material- "

"He twelve years old so don't start that appearance looking junk with me. It's not always damn muscles! He stronger than them in many others way than just strength!" Motion Moxxie notebook on the teacher desk that started it. "If he wanted to, he can hurt them worse."

"Well one the kids have a bruise on the stomach for proof."

"Could have done worse." She knows what her boy can do. Can do worse damaged if he wanted too. She snarled and then let out a tired sigh. Look at the teacher. "What would you suggest? Be honest with me."

"Moxxie to fight back more but why doesn't he? That's between yell. That means going back to school. Can separate them but that can only do so much. He really doesn't have many friends or hangout with anyone. He quite a loner."

Maria clenches her fist up a bit.

"Or maybe transfer him elsewhere. Even homeschool. I can connect you with someone who could teach him. Your boy could do better that way." Spruce suggested to her. Starts to write some numbers down. Gave the principal a look to not dare say anything.

Maria nods and takes the sheet of paper. "Thank you. I'll give you an answer soon. For now, he not coming back."


Maria leaves the room and look at Moxxie with his head down. "All right Mox lets go home."

Moxxie nods a little. The walk was silent as they got to Maria truck. The radio did not turn on.

Maria looked at her child as his back was turned. But she sees through the side mirrors how sad he looks. Or worried. She sighs. She drove and stopped at a spot. Put it in park and touch Moxxie back. "Mox why didn't you tell me?"

Moxxie was silent and didn't speak at first. "Didn't want to worry you."

"Mox I'm going to worry about you no matter what. You're my child." Scotch over and wrap her arm around her.

"They see me as the freaky, weak weirdo."

"They are jealous brats who don't try to understand you." Sees he didn't look convinced and brush his hair. "How come you didn't fight? Or put a stop at the beginning."

"I'll hurt them." Head down lower. "You know how strong I am. I don't. I don't want to kill. I could have killed them. It would be fine for everyone but to kill someone who my age. A kid. I just can't do that again."

"But you can protect yourself." Lean against the seat. "Moxxie its fine you have some morality in you. I admire it. You have a very good reason not want to hurt and kill anyone at this point- "

"No, comment."

"-Will come back to that later. But there is nothing wrong with protecting yourself. Even if it is like a different way to do it. But I never and I mean never want you to allow those brats to walk over you like that again. That includes the future. I would even tell you to do magic or stick a blaster pup at them, would scare the skin off them." They both chuckle at the idea of it. She smiles seeing her child relax and smiled a bit. "This is what we're going to do. I'm pulling you out of school."


"Let me finish. I'm pulling you out for your health."

Mentally. While many hear in Wrath want you to toughen it up. Forget it. Or suck it. Many will seek help. Even if many see therapy as weakness. Still, it doesn't mean there are other ways many try to fix it. Or at least forget it. Maria was always in the middle of it. Wouldn't trust a therapist to begin with Moxxie.

"I could care less about that damn school besides the one teacher. Plus, Mr. Spruce believes that would be good as well. Will help us out how to start it off since you are a bit ahead of the others. I was homeschooled too and it wasn't so bad. Able to do some activities on the side so I can still be social."

"Can't be social with lack of friends."

"Striker your friend."

Moxxie pouts and not going to admit it out loud. Neither would the older teen now.

Maria chuckled at the pout and poked his cheek "Plus, it'll give you time to do your project on the side at home. But I do want you to go to high school."

"Can't I go in Senor Year?"

"You're going to be a freshman."

"Dangit." He pouts bigger but he guesses that fair. Plus, it's not like either side win or lost...Naw he won a bit. Not the way he wanted it. "Okay Madre."

"Good and remember talk to me. No matter what."

"What a Sissy?"

"Depends how you use the term. Why?"

"One of them called me it for making clothing designs and writing some music."

She stares at him. A small twitch. "Moxxie I'm going to show you how to make a Molotov."

"But you already have."

"This is the advanced step of an upgraded one."

"Can we get those Chocolate cupcakes while were doing this?"


One chocolate cupcake was picked up and Molotov experiment later.

"What the fuck? Was going to burn him!" Susie yelled on the other line.

"Was close. That brat lucky I didn't fully snap his hand. His mother on the other hand got it instead. After trying to blame my son for starting it! So, many fools shouldn't be parents or breed." Maria leans against the counter. Watch outside as Moxxie was handling the garden. One of the disguised pups followed around. "I'm going to put him through homeschool."

"I think that's for the best. Pass or no pass probably do good in the future."

"Same with your son."

"Don't let him hear that. He so closes wanting to just drop out. Then try the throw in the 'you were taught at home' phase. Grr bet my old man, prick laughing their asses off."

"Hey, hey come on no talking about those two."

"Right. Right. Well, I think the homeschool good choice."

"I hope so."

"Mhmm I-shoot I got to hang up before I'm late. I'll talk with you later Maria. I'll give Striker the heads up."

"Susie I seriously think if you told him now. He would take his horse to ride here just to threaten those brats."

"Be happy if he just threatens. Remember when yall were over, Moxxie toss a bag of scorpions at those boys who would bother Striker."

"I'm still comprehending how he caught them." Maria let out a sigh and smile. "Those two show their 'non-friendship' in peculiar ways."

Susie giggles. "They sure do."

The pair hung up.

Maria looks back out the window. Watch Moxxie kneel down to pull out carrots. Wipe their face to see blue on their cheek. Pat the blaster head bringing them a bucket.

Will make sure of it.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Any questions?

Until next time.

Bye, bye!

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