Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Hi everyone!

This is basically what the titles said. Did mention in the first book, board and announcement post. To do the changes I wish I had done now. After well making a plot of the middle of story *Awkward laugh*. Basically 2.0? Sure, let's go with that. It's all like a bit of clean up since even details were updated then were episodes that were dropped in. A lot of notes of the side I done I wish I now did. Some chapters may not change too much besides maybe re-edits so don't be too surprised if you see a repeat.

I might, with the chapters I have finished in advance, post 3 or 5 Chapters a day. Possible extra chapters. Until it gets back to normal. Just have to wait and see.

All right enough with that. Let's get to reading! Enjoy everyone!

Warning: OOC, random craziness, Error past dark abuse, many other troubles if mention, cursing, killing, dark themes, racism mention profanity, suicidal moments, sexual moments mentioned, violence, smoking, drugs, cringe, possessiveness/yandere, possible musical/singing moments and bad flirts.

I don't own any of the characters besides the names that will be used and mentioned.

Error/Moxxie speaking/thoughts

Unknown speaking

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Is this the right thing to do?

Error stared down at the void as his mind went through the question. Standing in Outertale and just thinking.

His body shouldn't be standing after that huge ambushed from a few minutes ago. Their body cracking into pieces and trying to heal itself back up.  But it was futile. Clothes torn apart and barely covering his body. His scarf almost shredded to pieces. Or Fate being a jerk to let him suffer from the pain as some form of stupid 'punishment' for attacking her child.

Ink, those good Sans, a few Papyrus, Frisks, a rare few Charas, Toriels, Asgore, and he could go on and on who he saw in that unused AU. They wanted to stop him for good but no matter how much they tried. No matter the amount of power, energy, determination, and magic they used, it wasn't enough to destroy the Destroyer. Now he did give them a chance to leave, back off or go away before it gets messy. But nope want to be the confused hero's, followers and judges they are. So, he let them attack first before he attacks next.

The non-listeners like Ink. The oh so loving and great Creator, who didn't believe him. When he did try to explain to the squid but calls him a liar or keep forgetting. Or just making up junk to just destroy because he loves it.

He doesn't 'love' destroying. He'll admit over the years of tortures and the mental breakdowns he does enjoy fighting. The lack of pain seems to help at times till he really feels it. Along with the occasional killing if they deserve it. Oh, those brings a smile on his face. No, one fully innocent it didn't mean he thinks everyone should die. Or get destroyed from their once home because Fate should have done better telling their oh so precious and amazing child to have a limit! So, many AU that didn't need copies or AU that shouldn't been created.

Error doesn't regret permeant destroying the original Flowertale and Axetale. He must have done something right when the original Sans, Frisk smile and thank him. No, one ever thanks him like that. The pain was worth it when Ink 'rage' when he learns what he did. Couldn't even recreate it! But he didn't care. His mind was elsewhere from those thank you. Those those real smiles that earn their rest.

Will he get a thank you from anyone if he does this? It's not the first time he thought it but something always seems to distract his mind to not go that far.

The first real friendship with Blue.

The times he hangout with Nightmare gang when they learn they can't kill, poison, torn apart or get rid of him.

Or when the original Papyrus met him by accident and offer him pie.

Those stupid arguments with Fresh but the parasite was fun.

How he, Lust have those random meet ups and just talk. No, judgment.

His time with the Charas and rare Frisks as he drops them plushies or clothes off dubbing 'Dunckle'.

But he can't always spend time with them. They will get hurt. They will be judged. Many will think he brainwashed them. Or was the one who made Nightmare how he was. He stayed as he could and did a good job. Plus, well been so busy with Ink crazy art spree and AUs. He barely has time to rest, eat chocolate, sew anything or watch his show in the Anti-Void. Those damn voices don't make it better and really been hitting at him.

Yet, today seems to be his breaking point.

He can't do this anymore. Call him 'selfish', 'monster', 'coward', 'a waste of space'. Call him anything!

But he is done.

Let this whole universe be gone for good. Will give Ink a reality check. Let Fate have her own lesson when you don't take responsibility. He did his own little tinkering on the side with the codes and wanted to laugh at how they hadn't noticed at all.

No, no one else can take the role of destroyer. Sure, Ink could possible, do it? After all an artist does need to 'erase' to start over.

Let the creator be responsible like he should have been at the beginning. No, excuses. No, buts. No, it's not fair. It's a job. He was a good creator to those the think deserves it. So, let him learn when everything overloads and there is no more space. Let the followers and judges start using those skulls of theirs and ask questions.

Let him finally know what true rest is.

Error smile weakly and took one step.

Then another step.

One last step into the void as a portal open as Ink and the others charge in.

There was no destroyer.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"What to do with your little one? What to do?" A 'voice' hums and cradles the skeleton. Eye sockets empty.







This one. This shall do. Even if they must wait. Even if they can't stop the changes. Can't stop the pain. But it can be ready.

Can bring a new twist.

A soft warmth spreads out as the marble size orb blinks away.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Maria was a simple Imp. Well as simple as one can be being born in Wrath Ring.

Nothing too special. A pretty gal. Hard young workers of independence in this land. Many can find that weak when you are living out here. Many things that's good for you. Unless you're not from Wrath and do not know their ways.

She owns her family vegetable garden along with a small whiskey business on the side. After her folks passed away, it was all hers. It was decent enough along with can be a one-person job. Now she may call for some help, after she smacks a few heads if they try to steal something.

Right now, stealing not the issues but handing another Fire tornada. Laying low in a basement. Not be too close to the machinery to make the whiskey. Be a pain in the ass if those got ruin or fall on her.

Wince as she heard a window or two broke. Well, there goes some of her money. It's the crops she was worried about. It's a pain in the butt to clean up and regrow if they all get destroyed.

Stayed down another hour and finally came out the basement. Look around her small home and groan seeing glass stabbing into her furniture. She just bought that couch too and liked it. Look around while cleaning up slowly. Then check the fields of the garden.

Well not fully destroyed besides a carcass here and there all of the place. The fence got destroyed and will need to fix that up quickly before any vermin show up. Those rats can be terrible and vicious if you don't have enough bullets or a nice blade. No, fire so that's a plus. Still got to clean up. Blood not well for her crops and will not be reducing the price.

Now there was a town in the area that was a nice drive. It's the same with a few other ranchers, gardeners and such unless they live farther out in this area of Wrath. But she has a truck to make deliveries. A bit old but still decent to do the job. Use to do it with her horse but sadly passed away three years now. Didn't want to get that kind of attachment again till she was ready, and finically, to buy another one. Might get a donkey just for the protection in the area. Along with saving some bullets. If they don't get taken away by a tornado, bandits or stupid teens. Well, okay she done it too, with her buddies in the past. But that was a sheep. Those things are fluff able! Yeah, a donkey to keep trouble away.

Grab a wagon, put some gloves on and get started cleaning the garden first. Once that was done and dump the body in a different spot for now in a bad. She used the wagon to go get any of the wood that was part of her fence to be salvageable. Please some can but save but the rest will figure out later. Now she was a few feet away from her hum till she heard a sound.

Stop as she turns to see a big boulder with a few rocks around. It was a little sound that could have been anything. Debated and grabbed a part of the fencing as a weapon. Just in case. Could be anything. Find a lot of crazy stuff after a fire tornado. Circle around the boulder and peak her head out with the fence above her head. Till she froze.

What is a child doing out here and alone?

"Hey kid you, okay? You hurt?" Confused along with concerned.

There were really no other homes close by to her. The orphanage was on the other side of town if they were one. Well sure the town is a bit big and gets lots of workers and visitors from the other rings that do come by. Unless someone lost their kid, their dead, or just drop them off to die.

The child froze and slowly looked at her.

Many things caught her off.

They were defiantly an imp. Maybe three or four years old. They were so small. So, tiny. Dirty, bruise up and the black substances in certain area made her concern as it possible blood. White hair covered in dirt, blood and the horn patterns telling them male. Unless you're a hybrid but that's a while different genetic side. Plus, that wasn't fully what she was focused on.

But after that everything just throws her off. For starters the BLUE tear marks that were going down their face like they were crying. Sure, if it was white or black it'll be one thing. But this was very different. The only whites she could see were these three adorable freckles on the sides of his cheek. Their skin was like a reddish gray. They were wearing a torn-up sweater of sorts big enough like a dress. So, she couldn't see their legs or feet. On their right-hand look like was part the sweater or skin. Until she noticed it was a dark red and a ribbon. A long torn up scarf that looks like when through battle. It was wrapped around their mouth. The spade of their tail poked underneath the sweater. Then their eyes have the same yellow sclera. The right eye was a white pupil, while his left eye was blue with a black pupil in the middle. Just staring up at her.

"Hey lets gets you out of here." Reach out to pick them up.


Maria covered her nonexistent ears with the pair of lungs this little one had till they finally stopped. Look at the little imp and see they were still shaking but watching her. Like they were ready to be attacked at any second. A small hiss escaped their mouth.

This might be a little harder than she thought. But wasn't going to stop till they can get them at least to her house. That meant some form of trust. Well as much as you can get trust in Hell.

Four hours.

It took her to at least get them to sit at the steps of the stairs of the backdoor of her home. Looking out into her garden.

No, touching as it seems they really didn't like it. It was a bit adorable when she watched them slowly wobble and follow her as their scarf drag behind. Did introduce herself but barely getting a sound out of them. Small pleading, they shouldn't stay out here. Try to intimidate creature sounds that live out here and would eat them. She swears they just look mostly amused then scared at her pathetic show.

Little smart ass already getting at her heart.

Gave her this look when she places a cup and plate of food for them to eat. A look of confusion. It slightly worried her about that look. Like they had never seen such a thing. Was it possible amnesia? Told him it was juice, a piece of bread with some jam. Still wasn't touched every time she looked back at them. While also working on the damaged windows as she covered them up. Make notes when she goes into town to get new ones. Or at least see the pricing. Along with the rest of her list of products to possibly buy.

The next job was the fence but she almost wanted to wait. Just worry for the kid. Yet, their lack of interaction with her wasn't making it easy. Or indication of any pain too.

"Okay I'm going to be outside. I got to finish this fence. Um screech or yell for me okay." Just gave her a small shrug.

Well, that certainly made her mind feel so much damn better! Goes outside and starts her labor work. Stay out there for a while. She panted and swiped the sweat off her forehand. Lift another board up. Okay a few more and then-

Felt a little tug on her pants.

Jump as she looked down to it was them. Damn they were just so small. Blink as she notices what he was holding. A pair of nails she was using for the fence. Lift it up to them with their covered sleeved hand. Still was giving her a weary look but less shaken. She blinks and grins. "Aww thanks little helper."

That's what they both did.

He gave her the nails when she needed them. Soon she gave her fencing boards when she was done with one. It wasn't healthy but usually a struggle for a child their age and height. Along with still worried about any wounds possible hiding. Yet, it didn't seem to bother him. Tough little one. Made the Wrathian side proud a bit.

Soon it was done.

Maria goes inside her house to find some blankets. The food still wasn't touched at all. Look back and see the little one outside the door on the step still. "You want to come inside. It gets really cold at night."

They tugged their scarves and gave a shrug.

"Okay, okay you win but the couch is right here- "Stop and remember it was stabbed to pieces. The proof literally right by her and getting that look to keep going, make a fool of themselves. This kid barely talks but can feel the cheekiness coming off them. "Or the bedroom down the hall to the right. Also get in here and eat."

Only was gone for like a few seconds down the hallway. Then return back.

"Hey you still there-NO, DON'T EAT THE CUP!"

Digging out pieces of broken cup out the child mouth, one loud screech, biting and one apologetic Maria later.

Maria fell asleep on the floor of her bedroom after today's event. Didn't bother cleaning herself up or changing out the clothes. Didn't want to put them in the other bedroom just in case they were in pain. Just brought in extra pillows and blankets down for herself. Let the child sleep in the bed while putting pillows around them like a protective wall. Will get some sleep. Bring the child early to the Doctor in the morning. After that well just figure it out.

The little imp awakes, sitting on the bed and staring at her on the ground. Then they were looking back out the half-destroyed window to the dark orange-red night sky. It was pretty, it didn't mean it helped their mood slightly. Today was full of confusions, headaches, being with this monster woman.

Seriously he wanted rest! Not this kind of rest!

Error went under the blankets and lays down.

Okay. Okay let's see if I can open it again. The thought is running through Error head. Lay their hand flat out. Only with their eyes can the codes appear. Wasn't able to do it beforehand. Since you know you should be dead! Along with now very tiny! This new body! Wait are these goat legs? Or a sheep? Wait for an antelope? Also, the monster woman catches them off guard. Now she is resting and gives them time to research now.

It was different.

Just brought in extra confused questions. Was he in some new AU that Ink made and Fate just dropped him here? Be punished? But why a child of sorts? Let alone a different monster he doesn't recognize. To be weak? Break him?

He moves the big sleeves to see their fingers. His bone fingertips that were once bones were now fleshy with white fingertips. Small child hands. So, weird to still keep looking. Just being a child was weird enough.

Open the codes along with the CHECK at the same time. A bit of a relief to do it again and read it. It did seem a little weird how it looks almost combined. Wants to give them the same results. Can look at that later.

He almost crashed into what he read.

Free from Fate.

Ex-Destroyer of their multiverse. Will never go back.

Blessed by Destiny and *)@*#

A different realm? Universe? Dimension?

That part was purposefully confusing him on purpose.

There is a balance that works its own way here but is still looked out for by others. Just can't be 'seen'.

Magic Low. Magic exhaustion after the last fight along with jump. Push yourself too hard again. Let it rest. Magic will return back.

They kept reading and were just confused. It was just words he doesn't understand at the moment. Besides the magic, that was a bit annoying. Not the first time they did it. But apparently this time I really over done it. Got to keep an eye on that.

Like what the heck is Heaven and Hell? They heard of something similar to Helltale and Heaventale. Rarely any copies so didn't mess with it. But apparently this universe is just based on Earth, Hell, and Heaven with their own twist. Whatever that means. But he was in Hell. No, let him rephrase that.

Born in Hell, in the Wraith Ring.

7 Rings. There were 9 Rings but that to talk about another time.

A Wrathian Imp. Your name is Moxxie. You're 4 years old. Right now, with Maria a Wrathian Imp. You can trust her. Won't hurt you.


Error blink a bit. They have a name? It felt weird. Mouth the name Moxxie. Look at the Codes to let out a sign. Trust? Very bold for it to say that to them.

Got some reading to do. Well, at least hit the main points for the day. Could he get the other details another day? Wait it still night.


Thanks Codes. First, they go to see themselves in this new body. Then we can go through the mental plan. After that.

No, damn idea!

All right can still do magic. Just very, very low. Were a bit taken back how some magic was 'lock'. But are now reopen. That will look further into studying. Especially as there are some details locked up. It's a bit annoying to see it can be reopening just a lot of time spent. Make notes on that. Right now, magic just keeps what they can do if confronted. Can't push it with their new body unlike their original one that was used to magic. Scratch that. Use their own type of magic.

What they can gather on Imps in Hell. All natives from Wrath. Until you crossover to the hybrid or mix Rings. Those parts skip to just focus on Imps in general. Felt a slight hint of pity for Imps. At least the treatment being born for what they are. Same with Hellhounds.

There was something about a Willy Wonka doll looking man? Fallen Angel? Demon? Something about disagreement with family and the two had a like a fight. Not going to even try to understand who is right or wrong.

Why is there a hierarchy tree? That did make no sense to him in Hell. Then again didn't see the point of them in the Undertale verses. Why is there one? Just get along or leave the other alone. Sure, he is the last one to comment on such a thing. Difference between Hellborns. Sinners. Overlords. Sinners, even Overlord sinners, are not allowed past the Pride Ring.

Yawn. Swipe those details out the side.

Still immortal. How it was so 'nice' to hear that. Still messed up like before as always. Can still make those changes. Make a note to look back at those. They don't need to eat. They don't need sleep. Immune to almost any kind of poison. Can't even tell you back as Error at a certain point if they did get affected by something new after their body has been attacked so many times. So, nothing new there and his new issues. Yet, they weren't going to risk it as their new young. May not get hurt but rather not deal with being passed out. Or spitting up blood. Or the time going into cardiac shot. No, what be careful as four-year-old. Four-year-old very young. Their pain tolerance compared to before probably a bit haywire. Rather not risk it.

Would you like to see your soul?

Stare. Swipe that questions away. No. Just not now.

What about random musical numbers?

Also, they were right the first time. Goat legs.

Look at their goat legs. See dirt all over the red fur. The fur did stop to a certain part of their leg till the rest was like skin. The hooves look very dirty. Or is that a natural look for a goat?

At the end of the day. Well, it was the next morning as the Wrath blazing son poured into the country ring. There was only had one sentence on his mind

He still doesn't understand what the heck is going on and what to do.

Whelp him doomed.

I heard a yawn from below. Close the codes. Goes to crawl out the blankets and look over the bed.

Maria mouth open up wide to let the yawn leave. Rub her eyes and blink a bit. Why was she on the floor? Oh, wait the kid! Look up and ready to check on him. Then stop to see them stare down at her. Huh must be an early bug too. "Morning kiddo."

They just stared and tilted their heads.

Goes to stand up to stretch. She wanted to sleep longer but had a lot to do on her plate. "Need help getting down?"

The kid just jumps down in the pile of pillows she was using.

"You are going to give a me heart attack every hour." Stare down at the little one in the pile of pillows. It's kind of was adorable. Walk to her closest to grab some clothes to change. "I'll be in the bathroom. You need to use it first?"

They just look at her with a nope look

"You sure?" Heck she was a bit surprised they even use the bathroom yet. Then quickly look at her bed. She sniffed and felt nothing. Must have one strong bladder. "How about just in case."

The kid shakes their head no.

Don't push it, for now, and do what she needs to do quickly. Will shower tonight since there was no time. Once clean up and change she just sees the kid on the pillows waiting. "Alright kiddo we are going to go into town. Going to see if the Doctor can help me out with you. Gotta makes sure no diseases, infections, or damaged to your mouth when you tried to eat the cup."

Along with figure out maybe have a record on this kid and go from there. But it was the touch that worried her. He still wasn't letting her make physical contact of any sorts. So, watching him try to get in the truck was amusing but wanted to help badly. To pick up the speed. Almost did till they tense up when she almost picks him up.

The ride was very silent till she turned the radio on. She glances and watches the child stare at the radio. Smile slightly how their tail seems to tap to the beat of the song.

Soon they were in town. Look like got a bit of damaged to a few buildings but still business was happening. Look around and slightly please the clinic doesn't have too many vehicles or horses around. But it could be different inside. Glance down at the child who looks very unsettled. "Hey, don't worry the Doc not that bad here in town and not going to leave you alone."

They still look slightly unsure but didn't cause too much trouble getting out of the car. He stayed close to her side as they entered the small clinic. Well not that many people like she thought. Like at least five that you can got a lot of burn marks or broke an arm. Walks up to the front desk to see the imp nurse writing in a notebook.


"None but I found this kid yesterday and need the Doc to see him soon."

The nurse looks over the table to see the little child close to Maria side. But staring up at her. The nurse blinks a few times when it hits them how they had blue marks. Snap out of it, gave the woman a clip board with some papers. "Sign these and answer them the best you can."

Maria goes to sit down. She was expecting the child to maybe go play with these toys in the corner. But no climb up the chair and sat by her. She looks at the paper. Some of these she'll need to ask the kid. If they will speak. Almost wanted to hit herself for not asking their name yesterday. "Okay kiddo going to tell me your name or I got to give you one?"

She waits and notice their tail took the pen from her. Watch how they were slowly trying to write their name. Squint their eyes at the paper.

Okay, most have been given some kind of education. Well whatever kind of education you give to someone their age. The Wraith Ring education is not the best. Either lucky to get someone who is willing to teach you or from your folks. She did go to school. Average grades and only knew decent grammar because her mother was a school teacher till, she retired early to help Paps with the crops. They finally stopped and she looked at the name. "Moxxie?"

Moxxie shakes his head yes.

"Well, Moxxie I like the name." Snicker how their head went down a bit and pull their scarf up slightly. Too adorable. "Okay age?"

Bring up four fingers.

"One smart four-year-old. Got an idea when you were born?"

They just gave her a head tilt.

"Take that as a no and along with where you were born. Maybe Wrath? Does your um have any parents? A mommy or daddy? Two moms? Two dads?"

Head shake no.

Well crud guess she won't be able to track them down and smack them. "Allergies?"

Another head tilts.

Maria earns a lot of headshakes of no or just gave her confused looks. Well, she didn't expect too much. She written down possible vision issues, didn't like being touched, tried to eat a cup the other day, and bruises. Mention dry blood on them too. Goes to deliver it to the nurse.

"Alright Dr.Medea be with you shortly."

Maria nods and turns around. She sees everyone in the room look at Moxxie. Look of confusion, startled or whispering to each other as they were pointing at the little one. Twitch hearing them talk about the blue marks, different eye colors and how small they are.

Great at this point the town will know about the child. She was known a bit around town and was to be expected. Just wanted to wait a little longer before whispers and rumors. Oh well it is what it is. As long as the rumors are not too nasty or else, she will make her problem.

She sits down with the Moxxie and sent a look around. Her tail smacked the ground in front of her in warning. Immediately their heads turned away. Moxxie blink in confusion.

Never mess with a parent child. Especially if the parent likes and is protective of their little one. Get a lot of fights, injuries and even deaths here in Wraith. If you look at another child too badly or say something in front the child's parent.

20 minutes passed and their names were called in.

First, they weighed Moxxie and he was very underweight for an Imp his size and age.

"Alright buddy let's put you up here- "The nurse was about to grab them but they immediately ran on the other side of the room to keep their distance. Look at Maria.

"Wasn't joking about the touching," Move the chair to be closer to the table. "Come on Moxxie here you go."

Error, well Moxxie he'll need to get use to that, watches carefully. He felt a bit ridiculous but do you blame him? He slowly walks over the chair. Wobble a bit and grumble behind the scarf. Trying not to slip or fall off as he got up. Now able to on the table next.

"Nice job Mox." Maria grinned

Was that a nickname?

Now the nurse had some trouble. The child wouldn't let her touch them at all to check her heartbeat, their temperature, and other normal procedures. She finally stops when they almost bit her and was going to let the Doctor handle this.

"Now Moxxie can you try to cooperate with Medea." Why does she say cooperate? Would they even know that word?

Moxxie let loose growl.

She'll say a 40% chance.



"Hello Maria. My, my this almost brings me back to when you came here at their age. Hopefully wont toss the needles at me." An older imp head appeared outside the door. Soon the door fully opens up to see the old fellow with curled horns. His height was up to Maria chest. A few whisp of side burn hair along with goatee beard. A pair of old-time glasses with their eyes closed. Smart but has his well humorous fellow from Wrath.

"Not sorry." Maria snickered.

"So, Moxxie correct." Dr. Medea comes over and looks at the child.

"That's what he put down."

"Going to talk with me little one?" Dr. Medea brings hands out to touch but stops as they flinch back. Along with a hiss. "My, my going to be giving me quite a work out aren't you."

Moxxie shuffle with a weary look.

"Maria care to tell me what happen when you found Moxxie here?" Watch the child closely while doing a visual checkup and writing everything down closely.

Maria tells him what happened the time she found him till they arrived there.

As he listens, he watches the child's reaction. He notices how the child watches him too. Now he is an old Imp saw a lot of things between wars, revolts in the food industry for pay or break hours, running of the rabbits of 1754, and so much more. He should write a book if he ever retires. Eh publishers are jerks. Freelance might do. But this child reminds him of many who have been through hell. Not just the literal Hell they live in. Almost reminded him of those children who were soldiers but also survivors. That was a troubling year that hit his mind. So, this will be very tricky. "Moxxie?"

Moxxie tilt his head at the old imp.

"Can you lower your scarf. I got to make sure you didn't crack or break anything in that mouth of yours." Shows him his hands were free and not touching. Besides a small flashlight.

Moxxie watches him suspiciously till he finally lowers his scarf down and opens his mouth. Kept his eyes on the Dr. and Maria as he looks. But never touches.

"Hmm no cracks and if he was in pain would have shown some physical pain. His fangs seem to be fine too. So, he really did try to eat a cup?"

"Yes." Maria sighs and rubs her face. "He actually swallowed little pieces."

"Well can't really tell now since we don't have those X-ray machines here. Unless you visit the Sloth, Pride, Lust or Greed Ring. Can also go further out into the city." He rubs his chin. "Can give you something and hopefully if there is no pain. Then no surgery."

Moxxie so glad his digestion the same way still as a skeleton. The surgery didn't sound fun. Wait? Would that knock out gas even work? It didn't last time when Science, Gaster and few others try to put him under the drug. Well failure was just like poison as he began to be immune to it.

"Great." Maria wasn't pleased with the result but would have to watch the child.

"Hmm that a nasty bruise on the forehead, a few bruises, but doesn't seem to have any physical issues. At least what I can see without the sweater."

"He hasn't been crying in pain."

Dr. Medea hums as he moves his finger as he watches the child watch. "No, issue with sight but could be different with smaller things like words. But I'll contact my pal here for them if they need glasses or not."


"Can I see your feet?"

Moxxie move the sweater slightly up to let see little hooves.

"Hmm looks fine besides the dirt, dried blood and hooves to be trimmed soon."

Trimmed? Moxxie made a note to figure out what that was.

"Does he trust you to hold him."


"Will come back to that. Moxxie, may I touch your face- "

Moxxie growled with their pupils turn to slit.

"Guess figuring out if those are tattoos or not is out the questions." Medea chuckled as he didn't push it after that. Yet, Moxxie still look ready to attack like a little feral animal. "Moxxie did you always have those marking on your cheek?"

Duh. Moxxie stared at them with an unamused expression. Just nod their head. Of course, they were always on him. Sure, it became like magical scars a long time ago but still. Wait. Does that count the same here too?

"Well here some ointment for bruises just in case. As for trimming well, you should try and see if he'll let you do it first. Any issues we can do it here. His weight is very concerning. He is very small for one so young. The marks on his cheeks besides the freckles don't seem to hurt at all either. Besides very bizarre with a unique look. "Then he motions her to side to whispered to her. "Are you going to adopt him or bring him to an orphanage if no one looks for him?"

Maria was silent as she thought. "I want to see what I can do first to help him."

"So, that's a, yes? No?"

Glance back at the child. Could she, do it? Raise a little one so young. Probably with trauma and amnesia issues. Let alone the touching, odd eating behavior and silent sassiness. "Fuck it. Get me the damn papers their mine."

"Well, I'll help you on that side with papers. But this next part going to be a little problem."

"How so?"

"I need to give him shots along with drawn blood. Without proper details or information, we really can't tell if he has gotten shots or not."

Moxxie defiantly showed how much he felt about being touch. Let alone being held.

Dr.Medea glasses were destroyed. The glass sliding door at the nurse desk. Everyone in the building and outside a certain distance had to cover their ears at the scream. That was not a normal scream! Didn't know what to call it! Sure, you hear lots of screams here for different reasons. That was first for whatever that was to catch many off guards. It has been a long time since he had to be given shots next.

Dr. Medea replaced his glasses. Put the two tubes down. Maria looked at Moxxie as he hissed and snarled at them like an angry animal. In the corner of the room. Stomp his little hooves a few times. Almost reminded her of an angry kitten, fox or a possum.

"Want some candy?" Dr. Medea shows a bowl of lollipops. Quickly pulled out the pill bottle.

Moxxie swipe at him.

"Vicious." Dr. Medea chuckled but understood. This happens a lot just this time less tears. Put the lollipops up and pulled out a different candy he was going to offer to Maria. "Now I'll make the next schedule for the- "

Like a flip of a switch Moxxie stopped and look at the candy with wide eyes.

Dr.Medea and Maria noticed.

Dr. Medea moved the candy. Moxxie follows it with big wide eyes.


Moxxie tackle the older Imp down.

Maria almost, almost wanted to scold Moxxie for doing that. But the sight of the little impling eating the chocolate bar happily with a smile. His little tail wagging underneath the sweater. She pushed it back. This was too adorable. It was sickening but she also wanted to take a picture.

"Going to get off me?"

Moxxie hisses at the Doctor and goes back to eating his chocolate.

The Chocolate save the Doctor life. Well, at least they kept their hand.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Well, here we are again!

Got to see familiar faces again.

Any questions?

Until next time.

Bye, bye

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