Where He Goes At Night
"Hey, maybe it's her!" Lance shouted over the loud noise of the party.
Hunk looked in the direction Lance was pointing at. A girl with dark skin and dyed blue hair was dancing with a group of friends. Hunk shrugged.
"I don't know, Lance," Hunk said wearily "Just do the whole group I guess."
"Even the guy with the Mohawk?" Lance asked.
"He looks cute." Hunk shrugged.
Lance shrugged a bit and walked towards the group. He slyly made his way over, making eye contact with everyone of them throughout the course of the song. Once it ended, he finally confronted the group that consisted of 2 girls and 3 boys.
"Hey, the names Lance." He began cockily "Interested in seeing a magic trick?"
The friends glanced at each other, then back at Lance.
"Sure, why not?" Said the girl with blue hair.
Lance smirked and grabbed a deck of cards out of his pocket, something he always carries around.
"Sign your names on this card," he instructed, sticking out a playing card in between his middle and index finger "Then stick it back into the deck!"
They did so, and a few shuffles later, Lance had ripped up the card and somehow put it back together. He looked at the card, but nothing happened. Just blue sharpie covering plastic diamonds. With a wink, he gave the card to the nearest guy and walked away. Lance was disappointed his soulmate wasn't one of the attractive young adults in that group.
"I need a break." Hunk sighed once Lance reunited with him.
"Yeah, well, I need to get wasted." Lance grunted, pushing past the crowd in the kitchen.
After a couple of more drinks, Lance gave up his search. He said his good-byes and began his trip back to his dormitory. As he approached the tall building, a familiar figure pushed open the glass door.
"Mullet?" Lance mumbled underneath his breath.
Usually, he would have disregarded Keith leaving in the middle of the night, but this time as different. Keith covered his face and kicked off. He wore all black, as if he didn't want to be noticed. Keith didn't want to be noticed, so that was what Lance was gonna do. Notice him. Whatever logic that was.....
Lance dashed over to the bike rack in font of his dormitory, grabbed his bike, and took of into the darkness.... After falling a few times of course. Things seemed to be out of place and hazy, but the one clear thing he could see was Keith and the light his leather jacket reflected. This is probably how my dumbass died in my past life. Lance suddenly thought. He shook the thought as he came up to a curb. Maybe I was drunk because I hadn't found my soul mate the thought continued. Lance nodded to himself, losing concentration on the road. Once you find your soulmate, you remember more and more of your past life. No one knows why, but soul mates are always destined to wind back up together.
Bright lights suddenly shone ahead. A honk and swerve later, Lance crashed into the curb and flipped onto the grass on the side of the road. Dazed, he sat up, every bone aching in his body. Everything was swimming in front of him. He blinked and attempts to brush it off. Once again, he became distracted. He spotted a hooded figure crawl up the side of a wall and then leap over. Instead of standing to investigate, Lance laid back down.
I'm gonna throw up. He leaned to the side and did just that. I think I broke something.
Lance laid there for what felt like hours. Then he heard scraping and the sound of someone murmuring. He sat up slowly, just in time to see Keith kick off into the night and right by him. A piece of paper slipped out of his roommates satchel. Somehow this motivated him to get up. Despite the pain in his leg, he managed to get the paper. It was plasticy and when he turned it over he was shocked. It as a picture of Shiro. The Shiro. Shiro the youngest dude to make it into the NASA Space Academy, ever. This man was his role model! But this picture seemed different and torn in half. What was Keith doing with it?
Lance took a step back and winced.
"I should probably get that checked." He told himself.
Despite the pain, he limped his way back with his busted up bike. He got a ride back on campus and had never been so relieved to be in his dorm. As he walked in, Keith came out of the bathroom, looking down at his phone.
"Oh, Mullet, you're still awake." Lance said wearily.
Keith looked up and his eyes widened.
"Jesus Christ, what happened to you?" He asked alarmed.
"On bike, car came, tumbled into grass," Lance walked to his bed and threw himself in it "Kinda drunk too."
Keith's alarmed expression changed into an annoyed one.
"Dumbass. Look, you're bleeding and now there's blood on the floor." He scoffed, pointing out the droplets of blood leading from the door to Lances half of the room.
Lance didn't bother to respond, but grew curious at the sound of Keith rummaging through the room. Suddenly, he felt a cold substance touch his ankle. He helped an jumped up. Keith had put an ice pack on it.
"Its just a bit sprained, idiot." His roommate said with an eyeroll.
"What the hell are you doing?!" Lance pulled away from Keith, eyeing his suspiciously.
"Look McClain, I don't wanna hear you complain all week that your ankle hurts. I also don't want you getting your blood everywhere."
Lance gave up and laid back down. He shut his eyes while Keith disinfected the gash lance didn't even know he had in his leg. By the time he was done, lance had fallen asleep. Keith shook his head and cleaned up his mess. As he made his way back to his bed, he looked over at Lance. He was barely aware of his own actions when he brought the covers over his sleeping roommate. Keith shut off the lights and went to bed with a sigh. Lance was bound to complain in the morning, so he better enjoy the silence while it lasted.
Lance was still asleep when someone knocked on the door. Keith opened it, wondering who was knocking on his door on a Saturday morning.
"Oh- uhm. Hi. I'm Hunk, is Lance here?" Asked the tall dark skinned boy.
Keith smiled a bit.
"Yeah he is. You can come in," he said, stepping away from the door and opening it wider "he's very hung over and on meds so."
Hunk stepped in and raised an eyebrow. The room was cut in half perfectly by a now old and non-adhesive piece of duct tape. One half of the room gave off a dirty bluish hue meanwhile the other was clean and reddish. Besides how completely opposite the room hacks were, a sleepy, bruised Lance caught Hunks eye.
"Lance!" Hunk exclaimed, rushing over to Lances bedside "Damn you look bad. What happened?"
Lance had just begun to wake up and was confused, so Keith took liberty in answering the question.
"He got in a bike accident."
"Hunk?" Lance questioned, squinting at him.
"Yeah dude it's me." He smiled.
"What are you doing here? I thought you said- said that Mullet was scary and probably dangerous?"
Keith scoffed and Hunk tensed with a sigh.
"Jesus, Lance."
"Don't blame you big fella," Keith said, turning to the small kitchen in the corner of the room "I can be intimidating."
Hunk nodded and murmured a 'no shit'.
"I came to tell you some good news but you didn't answer the phone and then I realized you left your phone in my car."
"To what degree is the good news?" Lance asked.
Keith came in and gave Lance a cup of water.
"Drink it before you die of dehydration." He commanded him.
"Thanks, mom." Lance deadpanned.
Keith rolled his eyes, "Just don't come to me complaining. I just don't wanna hear you say I don't ever do anything for you."
"You don't!"
"Shut it, McClain."
"Fuck off, Mullet."
"Lucky you, I need to leave anyways."
Keith grabbed his longboard and backpack and left. Lance rolled his eyes and sipped his water, directing his attention back to his friend.
"I- You won't believe me. Damn, you won't! You know I can barely believe I-"
"HUNK!" Lance snapped, "How am I suppose to believe it if I don't even know what it is!"
"I found my soulmate!" He blurted out.
Lance spit out his drink onto his sheets. He sat up right, despite the pain.
"You what?!"
"Her names Elie and she's beautiful! She's only lived four lives like me! We've had English Literature together for years, and today she wrote an example on the board with her name and- it was magical!"
Hunk continued to explain his experience with Elie, but Lance had begun to tune him out. His best friend had found his soulmate... wow...
"-Yeah so, I'm gonna go meet up with her. I'll leave you to rest."
"Hunk, wait!"
Hunk froze as he began to stand.
"Uhm, yeah?"
"Would you know why Keith would go to an abandoned library in the middle of the night and have this?" He asked.
Lance pulled out the picture of Shiro from his pocket and showed it to him. Hunk shrugged.
"I've never seen that picture of Shiro before, he looks kind of young there," He said thoughtfully "maybe he's obsessed with him, I don't know. It's a shame Shiro disappeared though."
Lance nodded. The great pilot of the NASA ship "Leon" had disappeared years ago after it had been found out he had an infinity sign as his life sign. Hunk and Lance said there good byes. Lance sighed and attempted to get comfortable despite his aches.
His roommate was just one huge complicated grey area. Like most of his life.
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