
Keiths hand buried into his hair and he sighed. Despite having a top notch brain, it had its moments of disappointment and refused to work properly for him. 

"God damn it, work! All I need to come up with is a thesis, its only a 10 page essay damn it." he grumbled, pulling roughly at his locks.

His phone rang coincidentally, almost like a sign from heaven telling him to take a break. He smiled when he saw the photo that sprung up on the screen. It was a picture of him, Bae Bae, and Pidge. 

"Hey Pidge-o, whats up?" he smiled, leaning back in his office chair.

"Nothing much, big bro. Wanted to check in."

"You sure thats all? Or do you just secretly miss me?" Keith smirked and chuckled a bit, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Know what? Its actually nice not having you knock on my window at random times cause you cant sleep," Pidge said; Keith could practically see her smile. "Im kidding.. I miss you, alot."

Her voice cracked and keith could feel his heart break a little.

"I miss you too, Katie." 

"Uhm, anyways. Hows life? Better yet, hows Lance?"

Keith froze up at the mention of his name. His mind raced back to the evening last week. 

All the sparkle...

The warmth.

The glow.

The amazing feeling of being complete.

The excitement, his blood pounding in his ears.

"Keith?" Pidge questioned.

He snapped out of his thoughts, his voice faltering as he spoke.

"He's fine." he cracked

There was silence.

"What happened? What did he do? Did he hurt you cause i swear-" she began to rant.

"No no! Nothing happened! I mean, something happened, but he had nothing to do with it!" he began to ramble "Well i mean, he did have everything to do with it but~"

"Keith. Take a deep breath in and explain to me why you sound like a nervous train wreck."

"Well... Uhm... How do I say this?" Keith stood up, not being able to sit still. 

He began to pace, thinking of the right words to say. 

"Okay okay, so the other day Lance invited me to a party-"


"Shut up damn it! Let me talk before i lose it!" Keith snapped

"Fine fine, go. Continue."

"Well.. I agreed and we went. It was one of Lotors parties so it was like, exciting but chill at the same time you know? Right anyways, Lance has this thing he does at parties where he does this card trick to coax people into signing there names on it and him being able to see there signature."

"Oh one of those." Pidge commented as if she had seen one two many.

"Yeah. So i wanted to see how he did it, simply because I found no possible way in my brain for it to work. But when he signed his name on the card... It.. Pidge, it glowed."

"It... It glowed?!"

"Yes it glowed! It was glowing and warm and i got this warm fuzzy feeling and... Pidge i was already suspecting i liked him, but for him to be my soulmate? He-its... Its a huge shock to me!" Keith explained, throwing himself on his bed.

"So you and Lance are soulmates?"


"And you hate Lance?"

"To an extent."

"And he hates you?"

"Affirmative. Although lately the bickering has calmed a bit, hes been gone for longer."

"Right... But you like him right?"

"I- I dont know! Is that supposed ot be a trick question?"

Pidge giggled a bit at the end of the line.

"No its supposed to be a yes, maybe, or no question but okay. Does he know your soulmates?"

"No! Why would I tell him that?!"

"Maybe because its the most important thing in someones life?!" 

Keith let out a loud groan and buried his head in his pillow. He wanted to cry. He had no reason to cry, but suddenly the burden of the world was on him again and he wanted to scream.

"I dont know Pidge, i dont know." he whispered, his voice cracking at the end.

Pidge sighed. She wished she was there to help him.

"Im sorry, Keith. That youre going through all this. Why dont you go take a ride on your longboard? Maybe that'll help you clear your brain."

"Cant," he mutterd "got a thesis to come up with."

"Five pages?"

"Ten." He corrected.

"Here, if i start it, you finish it and get time to yourself. What do you say?" 

Keith nodded. Of course that was stupid, Pidge couldnt see him. But she had a feeling thats what he had done and smiled.

"Love yah, Keith. Remember that. Bae Bae and I are gonna go on a walk and then i have some work to finish. Finally graduated and all..."

"You still have to do that highschool clas-"

"Shut up!"

Keith laughed.

"Ill talk to you later, Pidge-o."

"Bye, big bro."

The line clicked dead and Keith sighed.

I need to find Shiro, I need to pass this semester, and I have to deal with Lance.... Im gonna explode.

Keith somehow lifted himself up and found his gloves, putting them on after tracing the infinity sign on his wrist. What did that even mean?! He shook his head and slipped them on, adjusting them to his fitting. Just as he was about to reach for his bag and laptop, the dorm room slammed open. Keith jumped a bit as Lance walked in, a dazed look on his face.

"She is so magical!" he exclaimed, throwing his bag on his bed. 

Lance acted as if Keith didnt exist, walking around the dorm and shedding his jacket and shirt. Keith looked down at himself, happy he had just put on his own shirt to hide his scrawny body. Lance began to hum under his breath as he opened the fridge and found the orange juice.

"What has you so happy?" Keith questioned, leaning against his bed.

Lances mood didnt even faulter. He continued to pour himself his cup of juice.

"Remember Allura?" he hummed.


"Well, i somehow didnt notice shes in my advanced maths. We exchanged numbers and had lunch together today. Shes so pretty and nice, shes all together magical!"

Something in Keith felt pain of some sort. He nodded.

"Wow, nice." he sighed, putting his laptop into his bag.

"I think shes the one." 

Those words caused him to freeze. I think shes the one. Those words repeated themselves in his mind. He thought Allura was the one... Was his soulmate...

"Did you see her signature yet?" Keith asked, masking the nervousness in his voice.

Lance shook his head.

"Nope! But i dont need no lousy signature to know that she is the one for me!" 

Keith clenched his jaw. The brain that wasnt working earlier was now stirred up, thousands of possibilitys running through his head. A memory of his parents suddenly springing in his mind.

"Where did mommy go, again?" Toddler Keith asked as his father bounced him on his knee.

The bouncing stopped and his father sighed. He looked Keith deep in the eyes. He couldnt help but smile at the grey eager eyes that stared at him, almost like his mother had years ago.

"We were'nt meant to be keith. And she left..."

"But you loved her, right?" Keith questioned, his innocense almost to precious to handle.

His father nodded.

"I loved her. Her name was gold and everything..." he began, a sad look growing on his face "But my name didnt glow for her. She was my soulmate, i just wasnt hers..."

Keith was too young to understand this, but as he grew older and his father dissapered, he realized what had happened. It was one sided, thats what it had been. And now the possibility that maybe this was the case with Lance remained in his mind.

"Right... Well im heading out, ill be home late. Just because there is no tape, doesnt mean you can make a mess." Keith recited, grabbing his things.

Just as Keith reached for the door knob, a voice called him back.

"Mullet! Hey before you leave," Lance began from his bed "My birthdays the 28th-"

"You better not have a party here." Keith interrupted

Lance chuckled.

"Its not, dont worry. My family lives on the coast, im gonna have a beach party. Wanna come?"

Keith licked his lips in thought. His lips turned into a grin.

"Sure, why not?"

Lance smiled and nodded. Keith left the dorm and gave out  a long sigh.

I'm helpless.

"He's more myself than I Am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same." - Emily Brante


Alright! So I have a favor to ask. In my library, when i click on my book, the chapters A/C and Where He Goes At Night are flipped. So A/C is before Where He Goes At Night and thats not right? I made the accident of not publishing WHGAT and then published A/C so maybe that's just a glitch? I switched the chapter positions but it still looks the same on my end. How does it look like on yours? Comment in what order the chapters are please! Thanks! :)

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