"Well that's new." Keith commented as Lance walked in through the door.

Usually on Friday nights, Lance would finish his night class and then go out to hang out with some friends. Yet today, there he was. Home at 10 o'clock sharp. Keith closed his book and watched as bis roommate threw his bag on the floor and then jumped into his bed, hiding his face in his pillow.

"Hey! Keep your bag on your side!" Keith snapped.

"Its in the middle!" Lance replied exasperated "Neutral territory!"

Keith gave him a ' you're kidding' look. Lance shook his head and hid his face again, giving Keith the finger while he was at it. Keith was about to go back to his book when he suddenly realized something.

"Lance.. You hear that?" He asked softly.

Lance uncovered his face once again and gave Keith a week look. Then he suddenly realized what he was talking about.

"More like what I don't hear." Lance confirmed.

They were both talking about the lack of noise their noisy air conditioning system usually made. The boys suddenly heard shouting from the hall way. Both of them got up to investigate. Lance and Keith stuck their head out their door and peeked into the hallway.

"Air conditioning system is broken! Open your Windows so we don't suffocate!" A student yelled.

"Got it!" Several other students responded.

Lance and Keith looked at each other and groaned.

"This is the second time this summer!" Keith complained "This building needs a new system."

"That we can agree on."

Lance barely noticed Keiths intense stare as he moped on his bed. Keith had sworn to himself he wouldn't grow an attachment to his roommate but it was too late. They had formed a love hate relationship and there was no going back.

Keith had noticed Lance went out less and less over the past few days. He would have expected him to leave more because of the broken A/C, but Lance seemed more down. He wasn't posing as a threat to anyones school year, he wasn't talking and being annoying, he was... Normal. And Keith didn't like that.

"Lance?" Keith called, hoping his roommate would tell him to fuck off or something.


Not the respond he wanted.

"Get up." He commanded, standing up himself and grabbing a shirt.

Lance flipped over on his bed.

"What?" He questioned, looking at Keith oddly.

"Get up. We're leaving."

"We? What- hold on where are we going?"

Keith groaned and turned to his roommate.

"Just stand the fuck up," Keith stormed over to Lances side and grabbed  a random shirt and threw it at him "Get a shirt on because we are going to head out. It's a surprise."

Lance caught the shirt and sat up, rolling his eyes.

"I don't know what you're up to Mullet, but I'll trust you this one time."

Keith rolled his eyes and tapped his foot impatiently. Lance was struggling to put his shoes on, tripping and losing his balance.

"I don't know where you're taking me," Lance grunted "but it better be quick. It's already dark out and I want to sleep."

Once Lance was done, Keith led the way out of the stuffy building and onto the well lit side walk. They both stayed quiet, Lance trudging behind his roommate. Eventually, Keith led him to a near by park. It was large, a great oak tree planted near by. They made there way over to it; Keith sat down underneath it with a sigh. Lance stood there and eyed Keith suspiciously.

"Sit." Keith said, motioning to the spot beside him.

Lance sat. It was silent for the first few minutes, before it was broken.

"So what's up with you?" He questioned, looking over to the Cuban boy.

"What do you mean?" Lance responded, confused.

"Its like someone broke you. You're so quiet and sad, it's annoying and not very normal."

Lance went silent, thinking about how to respond. He sighed, slumping back against the tree.

"I'm just.. I'm scared I won't find the one. I'm always searching, always looking for ways to get a peek at someone's signature," he began, looking up to the sky "yet my best friend found his without lifting a finger."

"Wait, so you're telling me, you're just sad that Hunk found his soulmate first?"

Lance sighed and closed his eyes.

"Don't you ever worry about it? Any you worried you won't find the one?"

Keith went quiet, his thumb tracing over his wrist where his life Mark would be.

"I used to worry about it... when I was younger." He replied quietly.

Lance looked over at Keith who now seemed in a daze and lost in his thoughts. Keith shifted his body to lay down. He focused on the sky that was visible through the leaves and branches of the tree.

"Why did you stop?"


"Why did you stop worrying?"

More silence followed.

"I found I had greater things to worry about... That if one day they came, great. But I can't waste my time on something that is a... a maybe."

Lance nodded understandably. He copied Keith and also laid down to gaze at the stars. They soaked in the moment, enjoying the breeze and the quiet. No arguing, no glares, just... normal.

"I used to think like that too." Lance said, spotting constellations.

"What changed?" Keith asked, looking over at Lance.

He caught his breath, an odd feeling sinking in his chest and abdomen. Keith got scared for a moment. What has he just felt? Lance sucked in a sharp breath.

"I got scared...." He said quietly "that I would be alone forever."

Lance turned his head to Keith and they locked eyes. Keith looked away and back at the sky quickly.

"Well McClain, you'll find em. You'll meet your soulmate."

"Thanks, Mullet."

Keith just shrugged, he was too busy thinking. Was he broken? What was that rush he had felt moments before? He wasn't a complete idiot, he had some what of a clue, but he didn't want to believe it.

Lance sat up and stretched his body out.

"What are your plans tomorrow, Mullet?"

Keith scoffed.

"The usual."

"So be a vampire and start in doors and read the same stupid book over and over again?"

"Oh and homework. I'm so backed up." He chuckled.

Lance raised an eyebrow.

"The Keith Kogane is backed up on homework? Unbelievable!" Lance exclaimed "you sure youre not the broken one?"

Keith laughed.

"Fuck off, McClain."

They enjoyed themselves a bit longer in silence. They eventually went back to the dorm and were hit by the muggy heat inside.

"Jesus Christ, I forgot how hot it was in here." Lance said as he turned on a fan on his side of the room.

Keith opened his window and went to open as Lances but was stopped the moment he crossed the duct tape boarder.

"Stay on your side, Mullet!" Lance shouted as he walked to the bathroom.

Keith stepped back on his side and rolled his eyes. He looked down at the tape line and raised an eyebrow.

Lance came out of the bathroom and was surprised at what he saw. The lights were off and Keith was already asleep. His window was open and through the blue curtains the moon shone in the middle of the room.  What had caught his eyes was the missing tape splitting the room in half. In the trash can was a balled up wad of tape.
He smiled and took his shirt off and let it drop in the middle of the floor.

"Don't even think about it." Keith said groggily.

Lance rolled his eyes and picked it back up, tossing it in the direction of his laundry basket.

"Night, McClain"

"Night, Mullet"

"Wait, go back. What are you telling me?" Pidge asked over the phone.

Keith figited with his shirt as he sat on the floor of an old library. It had shut down to the public, but all of the books and newspapers still remained.

"I don't know... It all happened so quick... I just didn't like seeing him the way he was and it made me mad. So I decided to fix him."

"And what? You think you're in love?"

"No.." there was a pause "Maybe. Look I don't know, it was just some feeling. I probably won't get it again."

"Right... Well at least you two are finally getting along, I'm tired of hearing you complain," Pidge sighed with relief "okay so, I looked up that emblem you sent me. It begins to an old government agency that is supposedly not in function anymore."

"What do you mean 'supposedly'?" Keith asked, flipping through some papers.

"Its still in function. People just forgot it existed. I found a dark web website for it, I'm trying to get into the system but it's taking me four monitors and a lot of late nights. They must have something big to hide for there fire wall to be this tough to crack."

Keith laid back and took in a deep breath.

"Keep working at it, Pidge. I think we have something here."

"Got it. I got to rush to the store and but like two more packs of red bull, so I'll talk to you later. Love yah Keith. Bye."

"Love you too Katie..."

There was pause, Keith could practically see Pidge smile. Keith chuckled and hung up. He picked up a picture off the floor. I'll find you, Shiro. We're almost there, just keep tight. He thought. In less then a few minutes he picked up every scattered paper and picture and put them all in his bag. Keith picked up his gloves, but before he put them on he started at his life mark.

An infinity symbol. What was that supposed to mean? Had his soul been around forever? Was he living his first life? He didn't know. No one did, but it scared the government enough to take Shiro away from him. Shiro, his brother, disappeared years ago. Now Keith was on a quest to find him. A vibration extracted Keith from his thoughts; it was his cellphone.

Idiot Roommate
1 New Message

Keith furrowed his eyebrows and checked the message.

Idiot Roommate

Hey, I'm going to a party Friday. Wanna come?
8 30 pm

It'll be fun I promise.
8 30 pm

Keith rolled his eyes and responded.


Yeah sure, why not?
8 31 pm

Was the text Lance received. The Cuban smiled and turned to Hunk who had finally stopped taking about his girlfriend.

"You owe me 30 dollars now."

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