Chapter 23

Nole grabbed the page instinctively and deciphered Caden’s handwriting. He noticed the date on the paper being one month ago.

News: Triads seen around local market – potential hideout. Quads rob same market 3 days later – coincidence? Enforcers: no new leads on market robbery. MM: no leads.

“MM?” Nole read aloud. His first thoughts went to Murphy Maddox, but it didn't make sense that Caden was curious about Murphy. At that point, he decided not to rule anything out.

“I was hoping you’d know about that,” Betty mentioned, working her way through the crumpled stack of papers. “There’s plenty more where that came from. I went through this bag last night; call it some midnight reading.”

“I’d always seen him scribbling in the daily paper, but I didn’t think it was anything like this. He’s really invested in the city’s crimes.” He reread the brief note, running his thumb over the set-in ink of his brother’s writing.

“He’s more than invested. Each of his little paragraphs follows the same structure: news, Enforcers, MM. The pattern is concrete,” Betty analyzed.

“How many of these are there?”

“I asked Zane to get the sheets with writing on them. Given that the Enforcers ransacked your place earlier in the day, these were all that was left.” She held up the bag to represent the remnants of Caden’s daily habit. “Seems like the Enforcers didn’t pay much attention to them. Good thing for you.”

“I don’t see how,” Nole sighed. “What is this supposed to tell me? He always kept up with the paper, more than both Suri and me combined.”

“These details are very brief and to the point. I would say that he seemed to have a certain motive for keeping track of this particular information, however I don’t know him well enough to judge.”

Nole kept his eyes on the passage, as if the answer would jump out at him if he stared at it long enough. What Betty said made sense, but Nole couldn’t decode the meaning of the message either. It pained him to admit it, but he didn’t know Caden as well as he thought he did. As far as Nole was concerned, he and Betty were on equal ground when it came to disfiguring the inner workings of Caden’s mind.

When he looked up from his staring contest with the page, he noticed Betty watching him.

“What?” Nole demanded, sounding more perturbed than he’d wanted to. “What do you want me to tell you?” He bit his lip, trying to withhold his feeling of uselessness. What kind of brother am I? I’m nearly a stranger in their lives, and now, when it matters the most, I can’t even understand Caden.

“Chastising yourself isn’t going to fix this,” Betty advised unsympathetically, reading his mind. He avoided her gaze, embarrassed that she could read him so easily. Instead, he focused on the bag resting on the table, the crumpled sheets overflowing out of the open top like a frozen fountain.

His attention was recaptured when Betty’s hand grabbed the plastic bag in a tight fist and cleared her throat. “I presume Valerie informed you that there was a job?” He clenched his eyes shut upon hearing the words. Preparing to deny the request immediately, he was cut off by her direct instructions. “Stay here and read through all of the notes. Figure out the purpose behind them and if they have anything to do with what he’s up to now.”

The weightless bag slid over to his side of the table with ease. Placing his hands around the plastic, Nole felt the edges of the construed papers inside. A part of him felt ashamed at hiding the folder from her. Here he was, keeping secret information for himself, and she was helping him. Guilt didn’t even begin to describe his feeling in that moment.

“Betty,” he began, mulling over the words carefully, “I have something-”

“Betty!” Valerie shouted from down the hall. Both Nole and Betty scoured the area for her, but she was nowhere to be seen. Hurried footsteps approached the kitchen before she popped into the room unannounced. “There are Enforcers outside!” she informed them, breathing heavily.

Nole’s first instinct was to run, but he didn’t know where to go. Chances were, the Enforcers had already surrounded the complex. How did they know I was here? They’re going to find me. There’s nowhere to go now. What’s going to happen to Suri? And to Betty and the others? The worrying over people other than his siblings surprised him. He actually cared about what would happen to them for harboring an alleged criminal such as himself.

“Valerie, find the girl and take her out for a walk with Burt.” Betty’s words were calm and calculated. She seemed to have planned for such a scenario.

“O-okay,” Valerie agreed hesitantly, not daring to impede Betty’s scheme. She darted down the hallway from where she came, leaving only Nole and Betty.

“Follow me,” she demanded, walking briskly toward the main entrance. Before anything, Nole snatched the bag off of the kitchen table, determined to bring with him the only possible link he had left of Caden. Quietly following her lead, he approached the front door with Enforcers just outside; but even when he was so close to incarceration, Nole had faith in whatever plan Betty was enacting. He had no reason to doubt her at that point, so he decided to just trust her.

When they reached the front desk, he had a full view of the Enforcers through the glass doors. There were three cars and two Enforcers stationed beside each car. Nole got flashbacks of the Pents that surrounded him at Murphy’s shack. They had been waiting for their leader, so perhaps the Enforcers outside were doing the same. A rush of panic shot through him as the thought of Captain Maddox came to mind.

“Where do I go?” Nole asked as Betty scowled at the Enforcers on her property.

“Stay out of sight,” she instructed.

“Okay.” Nole remained pushed against the wall behind the front desk, waiting further orders. “They’ll be swarming the complex soon, I should just make a run for it.”

“That won’t work.” Betty squinted at Nole, evaluating him with her discolored eyes. The wrinkles on her face made her expression all the more intimidating. “They’ve obviously got the building surrounded. Whatever information they’ve got, it must be pretty convincing.” Nole thought he saw her clench her jaw. It was the first time he’d actually seen her worried, or even uncomfortable. “Help me move the desk.”

At first he thought he’d misheard her, but sure enough, she prepared to push the right side of the massive desk. Without question, Nole took his place on the other side and placed the plastic bag on the floor before they began pushing it. Even with the two of them, it took a few seconds to get the large wooden workstation to budge, but after they’d successfully moved it a foot away from its original position.

A wooden platform was revealed, but the size had Nole confused. The small entry was not meant for anyone to crawl into, yet Betty’s intentions had made it clear that she felt otherwise. And her words confirmed his suspicions as she told him to stay within the hiding place. “When they leave, I’ll let you out,” she added.

The proposition was completely ludicrous to Nole. Watching Betty lift the trapdoor only reinforced his thoughts as he saw how tiny the space really was. Not only that, but it was filled with papers. So this is where she keeps the spoils of the errands, Nole connected.

“Listen,” he began, watching her move the files to the side of the makeshift hatch, “I don’t think there’s enough room in there for Burt, much less me. Besides, if they find me, it’ll be worse for you since you’ll be aiding and abetting. I think running is my best bet. Just take care of Suri while I’m-”

“Part of our agreement is that you would do as I said, correct?” Betty got up after allotting what she deemed was sufficient room for Nole to cram himself into the trapdoor. “Olivia and Zane should have been back by now.”

It took him a moment to realize what she was implying. Olivia had been seen with him, and the Enforcers had judged her as an accomplice. If they spotted her on the streets, they would apprehend her without a second thought. If Zane was with her, the Enforcers might have taken him in just as a precaution. “I can’t afford to lose another runner,” she concluded.

Runner, he repeated to himself. Is that all she thinks of me as? A few days ago, he would have laughed at himself for thinking such a thing, but not at that moment; not after she’d given him information on Caden.

“A-alright,” he agreed, grabbing the bag to tuck away with him inside the hiding place. Saying it was a tight fit would’ve been an understatement, but by miraculous efforts, Nole managed to put his back pain out of mind and scrunched his body into a position that would allow the lid of the trapdoor to fully close. Although he wasn’t claustrophobic, the confined area was enough to make him wonder how many breaths he had left before the air inevitably ran out.

Betty’s grunt brought him back to reality. The desk could be heard sliding, slowly but gradually, over the top of the door. We could barely manage it together, he thought, imagining the old woman struggling with the large piece of furniture. After a few audible shoves were heard directly above him, her efforts ceased.

The surrounding paper’s kept his arms tucked close to him and his knees were touching his chin. Despite the excruciating discomfort, Nole kept his focus on the bag he clutched in both hands. With nothing else to occupy his attention, he mulled over Caden’s message. MM, what in the world is that?

A loud banging broke his concentration. He bit his lip, awaiting the confrontation between the stubborn Betty and whoever called for a lockdown of the complex. Nole could barley hear the muffled voices, but he could discern them when he listened closely. 

“Want to tell me why you’re on my private property?”

She’s arguing right off the bat? Is this a strategy or just her personality?

“Ma’am, we have an eye witness report stating that a suspect was seen coming through here.”

“I don’t know who you’re talking about. This is an apartment complex, people come and go frequently.”

“Even so ma’am-”

“Unless you have a warrant to be barging into my property, I suggest you leave.”

For once, Nole was impressed by Betty’s brashness. From what he was hearing, it sounded like she was holding her own.

“I assure you we have a warrant,” another voice proclaimed. A few seconds passed before Betty spoke up again.

“Well, well, I wasn’t expecting the Chief.”

Chief Caswell? This is serious.

“Yes, quite unexpected I presume,” Caswell noted. “Given the direness of the situation and knowledge of recent developments, I decided to see to this matter in person.”

“What matter would that be?” She wasn’t letting up.

“I’m sure you’re aware,” he suggested. “Murphy Maddox’s murderer Nole Vale-”

“Alleged murderer,” Betty cut in.

“Yes,” Caswell accepted. “Vale’s accomplice, the young woman he was seen with yesterday, was apprehended moments ago and we’ve traced her residency to this building.”

They got Olivia? Nole bit his lip harder. Betty was right, they got her, and it’s my fault. Betty’s delayed response concerned Nole. If given the option, he was sure she would chose Olivia over him. It was the obvious choice; after all, Betty had more history with Olivia. Past relationships were the deciding factor; at least that was how it was explained to him during the Taro discussion.

“As I said,” Betty replied, a shift in her tone, “I have no interest in the tenants here. As long as they pay the rent, I pay them no mind.”

“Fair enough,” Caswell agreed. “However, I’m sure you won’t mind if we search for evidence of the girl’s relationship with Vale?”

“Honestly Chief Caswell, I don’t understand all this trouble the unit is going through just to apprehend a teenager.” Nole couldn’t help but smile at Betty’s blatant arrogance. Admittedly, he admired her blunt character and the way she wasn’t afraid to say what she thought, regardless of consequence.

“Given the distress of the city at the hands of Mr. Vale, this is our top priority.”

“The city,” Betty repeated. “I suppose this takes precedence over the water shortage as well. How is the vandalism case coming along by the way? Will the fountain be opening up any time soon?”


“Just Betty,” she chimed in.

“Betty,” Caswell’s tone had become stern after her barrage of criticism, “I assure you, I am keeping a close eye on all of Nova City’s criminal matters. For right now, I must deal with Mr. Vale and the aftermath of his actions. The capture of he and his accomplices is our number one goal. We have no mercy for criminals.”

It took nearly all of Nole’s self control to keep from scoffing at Caswell’s prideful lies. He spoke of criminals, yet gangs have overrun Nova City’s population. The crime rate has grown exponentially since he became head of the Enforcement Department. His backwards policies are the biggest detriment to the city.

“Very well,” Betty said, almost mockingly, “I’ll show you to her room.”

“We’ll be searching all the rooms,” he corrected.

“Knock yourself out,” she challenged. It was subtle, but they were playing a game, and a dangerous one at that. Even from where he was hidden, Nole could sense the tension in the room above him. By the way Betty and Caswell were talking, Nole could detect both Betty’s disdain for Caswell as well as the Chief’s haughtiness.

After Betty’s approval, a stampede of footsteps rumbled throughout the entire room, shaking the confined space like an earthquake. The sturdiness of his location didn’t worry him as much as the limited air supply. He knew it was selfish to be worrying about himself when Olivia, and possibly Zane, had been apprehended because of him. And now Betty was at risk too.

The initial shaking ceased, and Nole figured that most of the Enforcers were sweeping the entire building. He was almost sure Betty was fuming from Caswell’s intrusion, but it seemed like all she had to hide was holed up with him. Nole desperately wanted to go through the rest of Caden’s notes, but he could barely shift positions, not to mention there wasn’t any light.

For what seemed like fifteen minutes, Nole closed his eyes and waited for any signal of the Enforcers’ departure. The steady comings and goings of footsteps suggested that they were nearing the end of their search.

“What a waste of time,” Betty criticized. “Honestly, your efforts would be better put to use on the streets instead of this fruitless lead.”

“Any lead is a step forward,” Caswell shrugged off.

“Chief!” a new voice called. A brisk set of steps proceeded in the direction of the voice, but after that silence.

What’s happening? The quiet was unbearable. Nole desperately wanted to know what was happening. Maybe they found one of Olivia’s belongings. His speculation was cut short by the Chief’s voice.

“Have you ever seen this before?” he asked.

What could it be? Nole imagined Caswell handing Betty an undeniable piece of evidence. Whatever it was, it seemed as if Betty was mulling over her response, because there wasn’t an immediate retort.

“Where did you find this?” she inquired, her voice low.

“It was hidden in a double suite on the fifth floor. Room 507 to be precise.” Nole’s eyes grew wide at Caswell’s words. My room? What could he be… The thought hit him like a punch to the stomach. Asteria’s file, he deduced as Caswell’s interrogation went on. “According to the directory, no one officially occupies that room, yet there are signs of occupancy.”

Betty’s not talking. How could she? Remorse engulfed him in the darkened hole. She hadn’t seen the file until that very moment, and now she was reading it for the first time, knowing full well that it was Nole’s.

His breathing became shallow, but it had nothing to do with the depleting oxygen. That’s it. I’m caught, and there’s no one to blame but myself. What’s worse is that I’ve implicated everyone. Suri’s safe with Valerie, but that’s no consolation when I’ve taken down innocent people with me.

Clenched fists shook while Nole awaited the inevitable reveal of his location. Betty still hadn’t replied, and it was killing him. Get it over with already!

As if hearing his plea, she spoke, “It’s mine.”

Nole’s breathing ceased all together. The task seemed unimportant as he ran the words through his mind. It’s mine.

“Yours?” Even Caswell didn’t seem to believe it, but Betty didn’t respond to his skepticism. By remaining quiet, she was sealing her own fate, and it was infuriating Nole. What exasperated him even more was his uselessness in the situation. Even if he revealed himself and set the record straight, Betty would still be implicated for hiding him; not to mention all of her private files would be uncovered. Caden would still be under Enforcer guardianship and Olivia would still be charged as an accomplice. One thing was blatantly clear: if he did anything, it would only make matters worse for everyone. “I hope you know the claims in that file are completely ludicrous. However that may be, you’re still under arrest for obstruction of justice and conspiring against the city’s law enforcement unit.”

Begrudgingly, Nole bit his tongue and listened to the clinging of withdrawn handcuffs followed by another Enforcer informing her of her rights. Their steps could be heard heading toward the direction of the main entrance. Not before long, the sirens of the patrol cars came on, eventually dying down with the departed Enforcers.

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