Jebediah: Here we are!
Jannie: It's a....
A bar, simple, made in wood and cleaned with the mop.
Jebediah: It's okay, let's go inside.
She....Nodded slowly, they entered inside and saw
A man punched the other and he flyied by the window and broke it
Bartender: Hey! If you guys want to fight take it outside! I don't need damage in my furnace.
Drunk: 'Hic' Come 'Hic' On! You don't 'Hic' need to 'Hic-
Drunk: Huh?
Jebediah: He already said is enough, just go home and drink there, you are disturbing everyone's peace.
Drunk: And who are 'Hic' You? A 'Hic' Cop?
Jebediah: Yeah, sort of.
Drunk: Okay the 'Hic' then, arrest me!
He was showing Jebediah his pulses.
Jebediah: And why should i do that?
Drunk: Huh? Aren't you 'Hic' the brave one? A'Hic' Arrest me.
Jebediah: No, i don't-
Drunk: And 'Hic' And now? 'Smirk'
Jebediah: ....
He punched the drunk and he was unconscious the same time, he then was holding him by the collar.
Jebediah: Sorry for fighting in your bar Mr.Dock, can you take care of my friend over there?
He looked to the side.
Dock: Who?
Jebediah: The woman, she's a....Friend.
Dock: Huh?! You?! Having a friend from the other gender?
Jebediah: Meh meh meh, CAN YOU OR NOT?
Dock: Yeah yeah yeah, you don't need to be angry.
Jebediah: Well, i'm taking this one to the station, sorry for the problem Mrs.Thomas.
He was taking the unconscious body of the drunk to the police's station.
Dock: Come on! Don't need to be afraid, just sit in the chair, let me serve you a drink.
Jannie: Uhm...Sorry.
Jannie: I don't drink.
She sat in the chairs of the balcony.
Dock: Oh! A light weight i see? Sorry, i only can offer you water then.
Jannie: That's good.
He walked to the back to fill a cup, when he came back
Dock: Here.
Jannie: Thank you.
Jannie: What the?!
Dock: What's wrong?
Jannie: It's just so...Warm? Don't you have cold water?
Dock: Sorry miss but, i don't have french water or this "Cold-Water" You talk, only normal sink water.
Jannie: E-Eh? O-Oh! ( I forgot that fridges were invented 1834.) Sorry, it's just that i drinked some water with snow, and it was very....Pleasent feeling it gave me.
Dock: Well, we are in summer, it's not in time to drink cold-water 'Chuckles'
She was blushing in embarrassment of what he said.
Dock: Sorry sugar, can i do anything else for you?
Jannie: 'Blush' Uhmm.....
Jannie: Oh! Jebediah came back!
Dock: Hey Jeb! How's the situation?
Jebediah: Ah nothing bad! He was just took to the jail.
Dock: Good, now, i'm gonna leave you with your girl okay? 'Blink' Clk Clk!
Jannie: 'Blush'
Jebediah: Shut it you 'Chuckles'
He walked to the side to serve the other costumers.
Jebediah: So, what did i lost?
He sat close to her.
Jannie: Oh, not much, only....That i forgot i'm not home.
Jebediah: Don't worry, if you want i can help you get in the airport.
Jannie: N-No no! It's just that it's a new place! But...
She leaned to the balcony.
Jannie: I want to make you some questions, are you okay with that?
Jebediah: Uhm, sure? It's because i'm not good with interviews, are you a journalist?
Jannie: Uhm... ( It's better to not say that i'm a cop, he might have a list of all the cops in town.) Kinda, i'm a Writer for a newspaper in....
She looked to the side and saw a
Tony runner, whisky bourbon, Lyon France 1783.
Jannie: France, in Lyon, it's called Tony's morning.
Jebediah: Never heard of it.
Jannie: It's only famous in the city.
Jebediah: Oh! Understandable, but, why would you want to interview me?
Jannie: It's because... (Think Think Think....) I'm going to use it to show the younger generations how's the life on the militaries, and how's the day to day in their families after the actions.
Jebediah: Ah! That's okay then.
What do you want to know then?
Jannie: Okay then, 1# How do you feel in your home, with your parents and siblings maybe?
Jebediah: Hmmm, nothing bad i think, to what i remember of course, my father told me how i should act and teached me what i know, he's from the military too, my mother took care of me and made my stress go away, and comforted me when i was scared, siblings, my little brother is okay now, he's healthy and okay for now and i thank god for this.
Jannie: Hmmm, Nice and- Wait, can i have paper and pen?
Dock: Here miss.
He gave her a little notebook and a pen.
Jannie: Thanks you sir.
Dock: Anytime sugar.
He walked back to the other customers.
Jebediah: Anything more?
Jannie: Yeah, uhmm, let's see, 2# Do you think murder is wrong? When someone is threatening your life, and hurted someone you loved, would you hurt and maybe kill him?
Jebediah: That question is for?
Jannie: There's some soldiers that have ammunition and weaponry hidded at their houses, and some soldiers have the problem of post traumatic stress after combats and wars, making them have explosive temperature for danger, what do you think the younger have to do?
Jebediah: Hmm.....
He was thinking sometime, it took 2 minutes of him thinking.
Jebediah: ....I think.... I don't know.
Jannie: Huh?
Jebediah: I don't know, every person is different, if you think something is right it might be wrong for other person, to me, i don't know what i would do, i'm kinda....Hot-headed, if someone i love is hurted i might...hurt the one that hurted him or her, i don't know if i would just hurt the person or i would take...extreme choices at the time, all i ask for people, and to myself is, try to maintain yourself calm in the situation.
Jannie: Good ( These are actually some pretty good answers! Yeah!) Now, how's your environment in home after entering in the militaries? How's your life?
Jebediah: That's actually a pretty good question....
He was scratching his chin
Jebediah: It's normal, since many people in my side are militaries, but there's problems...
Jannie: And these are?
Jebediah: It's not good for me to be with normal people.
Jannie: ?
He was leaning in the balcony, looking to the empty space.
Jebediah: If i have a normal friend he might be targeted from my enemies, and might be used to hurt me, if i have a girlfriend, or a lover, she might be used to hurt me too, or i might hurt her, since i have this problems i don't want to be with a girl, i might hurt her from my stress and sudden burst of anger, i can't have children, they might be born and never find a father at home, only a human shell that was worn out by the time, i can't imagine me living a life like that....
Jannie: Why don't get out of the militaries?.
Jebediah: I can't...
Jannie: Why?
Jebediah: I'm on this job ever since i could been able to enter it, i have a giant list of fights and wars that i was sent in than the number of names in the whole country, i have many enemies, if i go somewhere and do something else i might be a burden, and put people in danger, i don't want to see people getting hurt because of me.
Jannie: .... ( It's like he haves.... A burden on his shoulder.....) Do you....
He looked to her, his eyes showing a giant sadness.
Jannie: Do you have any kind of capacity that can be used in day to day?
Jebediah: What do you mean?
Jannie: Do you cook?
He smiled.
Jebediah: Yeah...
The conversation went on, it's funny how in the beginning she was scared he would become suspicious of her, and him being suspecting her being something else, now they were only having fun and talking about life, he was smiling and Jannie
Jannie: 'Blush' 'Smile'
She was liking to talk with him.
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