The Turks
The Rainbooms were still in shock to see an old enemy of the turtles was the true mastermind behind this new gang, "Fishface, it's you." Pinkie gasped.
Fishface growled, "I wish you would not call me that!" he calmed down, "Welcome, chicas. It has been a long time."
"What in tarnation are you doin' here?" Applejack asked.
"Yeah, according to the turtles you skipped town when Kavaxas brought Shredder back." Twilight recalled.
"Ah, yes. I did not want get involved in the Foot clan matters anymore when that happened," Fishface began, "When I slipped away I skipped town as you said to get back to my roots. I knew Hun and the Purple Dragons wouldn't want to partner up with me since they started becoming too independent."
"And bigger." Pinkie added.
Fishface continued, "So I ventured out and formed a new gang called the Turks, and Jenko here is my second in command." he stood by Jenko who smirked.
"So you're willing to follow a mutant fish, Jenko?" Rainbow asked.
"Xever and I have a lot in common, Rainbow head," Jenko replied, as the girl scowled at the nickname, "Like himself, I also grew up on the streets with only one rule to live by. You want something? You take it."
"But stealing is wrong." Fluttershy said.
"Stealing is what gets you what you want," Jenko argued making her cower, "And Xever here has brought us all together with the promise of anything we want, and us working together. We can have it all."
"Exactly," Fishface agreed, "Shredder is gone, and Don Vizioso is in the slammer. Now it's time for me to step up and lead a new gang into a new age of crime."
"Not gonna happen, Fish Varmint!" Applejack warned him.
"And who's going to stop me? You girls?" Fishface asked, "You're powerless behind those bars. And without these little trinkets you can't use those special powers Jenko said you were using.'
The girls reached into their pockets, only to see one member of the Turks holding their cell phones, "Did you think we weren't going take your phones and let you call for help?" Jenko asked.
"So much for that plan." Rarity sighed.
Back with the Shadowbolts and their friends, they waited as the turtles pulled up in the Shell Raiser, "Whoa, awesome ride." Lemon gasped.
Leo poked his head out, "We came as soon as we got the message."
"Well, that was quick." Juniper said.
"Think we can track them?" Sunny asked.
"Leave it to me." April said, as she began concentrating.
"Everyone, climb aboard." Leo said, as they all piled into the vehicle.
They looked around, and Indigo was impressed, "Now this is a ride."
"Thanks, built her myself." Donnie boasted.
"Fascinating work, Donatello." Fugitoid admitted.
"Let's kick it into high gear already!" Casey called.
"On it!" Leo said, as they took off.
Meanwhile back at the Turks lair, Jenko was trying the amulets on, "Not my kinda bling. But if they got powers, I ain't complaining. So how do they work?"
"It wouldn't matter if we told you." Sunset answered.
"Why's that?" Jenko asked suspiciously.
"Because they won't work for you." Rainbow said.
"Why not?"
"Because they're already bonded to us, meaning they can't be used by anyone else." Twilight explained.
Jenko and Fishface were not amused by this, and the mutant spoke, "No matter. If we cannot use them, then we'll make sure you never get to again."
'Come on, Leo, where are you guys?' Twilight thought.
As the Shell Raiser drove through the city, April was giving directions, "On your left, Leo. We're getting closer I can feel it."
"What do you see up ahead?" Karai asked Donnie who checked the monitor.
"It's an old run down factory that used to be known as Mirage Shoes," he began, "It went out of business over a decade ago."
"That's where they are." April confirmed.
"All right team, get ready." Leo said, as he sped up.
Back at the Turks lair, Fishface whipped up his balisword, "Open the cage, I'm gonna slice these girls up like wonder bread." he smirked.
The Turks opened the cage for the Rainbooms, as Sunset spoke, "Letting us out like that was a big mistake."
"We'll see what the mistake is." Fishface said, as he engaged the Rainbooms.
Without their necklaces, the Rainbooms had to rely on their own martial arts skills against the mutant and his new gang. Fishface fought past Twilight and Rarity before reaching Fluttershy and took her by the hand and performed a tango dance with her, before dipping the shy girl, "By the way, chica. I never got the chance to properly thank you."
"Thank me?" Fluttershy asked nervously.
"For that time you hydrated me when we last met. Nobody's ever shown such kindness to the likes of me before."
"Well, you're welcome." she smiled sheepishly.
"Perhaps I'll spare you, if you were to say join our gang?" he raised his eyelids flirtatiously.
"Thanks for the offer, but I'm happier with my friends."
"Such a shame, because now I'll have to terminate you." Fishface replied in disappointment.
Before he could make another move, the Shell Raiser broke the door down, and the turtles and allies jumped out, "Booyakasha!" Mikey cheered.
"Hope we're not too late for the party." Shini spoke.
"Will the intrusions never end?" Fishface groaned.
"Fishface?" the turtles asked.
"AHHH! Enough with that!" Fishface shouted.
"These are the turtles you talked about, Xever?" Jenko asked.
"Yes. They such an annoyance. And they're what stands in our way or moving to the top."
"Then I guess we're going to have to knock them down a lot." Jenko said, as he and his boys armed themselves.
"Take 'em down!" Leo ordered, as they ninjas went into battle. Fugitoid once again acted as the allies body guards, until Indigo spoke.
"Girls, I can't just stand here and watch them risk their lives."
"I know, it's unbearable." Lemon said.
"Well, what can we do?" Juniper asked.
"Juniper's right. We can't fight like they do." Starlight reminded them.
Sour spoke up, "Maybe not, but I can't stand back and watch them risk their lives while we do nothing. We almost thought it was only thing to do when chaos broke out at the Friendship Games."
"But we learned doing nothing when others need help makes us no better than our former Principal." Sugarcoat added.
"So how about it? Are we gonna help our friends or what?" Sunny asked.
"Let's do it!" Lemon cheered.
"What about you two?" Indigo asked Starlight and Juniper.
"While I'm still not used to this kind of body, I never abandon a friend." Starlight began.
"And I wanna do good myself," Juniper agreed, "Let's do this."
They jumped out and grabbed whatever blunt object they saw lying around. Fugitoid seeing this spoke up, "Girls, what do you think you're doing?"
"We're helping out, Fuge." Lemon answered.
"As admirable as your intentions are, I must protest on this," the robot began, "You are all not skilled in the art of combat and are not suited to be..." he was cut off, as Indigo threw an old shoe lying around past the robot hitting one Turks member in the face. Seeing this Fugitoid quickly tripped him up with a sweep kick.
"Still think we can't help?" Sugarcoat asked.
"Well... Just be careful then." he warned them.
"Will do." Sour answered, as they joined the fight, much to the groups shock.
As Leo fought Fishface, and Sunset and Twilight against Jenko, the former pony girl spoke, "We got to get our amulets back."
April seeing Jenko still wearing them knew what to do. She used her psychic powers to freeze Jenko and lifted him off the ground, "Hey! What's going on here?!" he demanded, only to suddenly to be turned upside down making the amulets fall off him.
"Get them!" Twilight called.
Fishface jumped up and snatched them before landing on his feet, "They're mine now!" he was cut off by being whacked on the head with a bat courtesy of Sour Sweet.
"Those are not yours!" she swung it back and swatted Fishface making him drop the amulets.
Casey skated over and snatched them off the floor. He skidded beside the Rainbooms and presented them, "Girls, I believe these are yours."
"Thanks, Casey." Applejack said, as they took them back.
"Come on, girls. Let's teach these hooligans some manners." Rarity said, as they activated their powers.
Applejack used her strength to plow through the crooks, Rainbow Ran circles around them, Rarity launched diamond disks at them, Twilight used her levitation to push them back, and Pinkie used her explosions combined with sprinkles to disorient them.
As Fishface and Jenko tried to make their escape, they were blocked by Leo and Raph, "Going somewhere?" Raph asked.
"Out of our way, tartarugas!" Fishface warned him.
"Make us." Leo beckoned him.
"Very well." Jenko said, as the two fought the brothers.
Raph handled Fishface, while Leo took Jenko. The turtle brothers worked together and overpowered the mutant fish and gang member. Leo knocked Jenko out, while Fishface looked around seeing his gang had fallen and he was all that's left. Rainbow spoke, "All right, Fishface, you gonna come quietly or what?"
"Hardly!" Fishface called, as he jumped up to an open window, "I think it's time I found a new city to begin my life of crime again. Later Tartarugas and Rainboom chicas!" he escaped.
"Shouldn't we go after him?" Juniper asked.
"Let him go," Raph said, "Because if he ever does come back, he'll be wishing he didn't."
Later the turtles and their friends watched from afar, as police were taking in Jenko and the rest of the Turks, "That's it for the Turks." Karai said.
"What a shame," Raph said, "They could've been a worthy gang to smack around for fun."
"Yeah if they had better leadership." Mikey joked.
"One less gang in this city the better it is." Leo replied.
"But then there will be nothing to fight." Casey noted.
"In this city, there's always something to fight." April reminded him.
Sour spoke up, "Leo, everyone, we have a request for you all."
"A request?" Leo wondered, as Starlight spoke.
"We want to learn to be ninjas."
"What?" the turtles asked.
"Watching you all fight for each other back there was really inspiring." Juniper admitted.
"And we want to learn to defend ourselves and each other." Sunny said.
"We promise we'd work really hard." Indigo promised.
"So what do you say?" Lemon asked.
"I don't know, being a ninja is not easy as we make it look." Leo warned them.
"That's fine by us," Sugarcoat replied, "Pushing our limits is challenging to us and our abilities."
"Plus you saw how we handled ourselves back there." Starlight reminded them.
The ninjas pondered on this, and after much discussing, Leo answered, "All right. We'll train you in the art of the ninja."
"But it won't be easy." Donnie reminded them.
"Trust me it won't." April assured.
"We'll still do it." Sunny replied.
"Then we'll start tomorrow." Leo stated.
"But for now we better get back before role call." Fugitoid told them.
"We'll give you a lift." Donnie said, as they got back in the Shell Raiser.
As they drove off, they had no idea watching from around a corner was Abacus Cinch who witnessed the whole thing, "Monsters are in this city," she squinted her eyes, "And they've corrupted my students minds just as those girls magic!"
TMNT Belongs Nickelodeon.
My Little Pony Belongs Hasbro.
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