Shark Armageddon
Late one night in New York city, all seemed quiet and peaceful, until something was coming right out of the sky. As it got closer and closer it revealed to be a robotic shark flying through the sky as if it was swimming in water. It landed atop a building and the robot opened it's head and sprouted legs to reveal it was none other than the space assassin Armaggon. He appeared very pale in comparison to how he used to look. He looked around the city from the roof and smirked, "So this is New York City? Excellent. I hope those turtles are ready for a big surprise. Because that's exactly what they're gonna get." he snickered to himself.
The next morning, as CHS and Crystal Prep students were heading out into the city, the ninja girls and Fugitoid were about to leave, until they were stopped by Principal Celestia and V.P Luna, "A moment, girls." Luna began.
"Is something wrong?" Sunset asked hoping they weren't in trouble.
"Nothing at all, Sunset Shimmer," Celestia began, "My sister and I have decided we'd like to join your groups today."
"Ours?" Indigo asked.
"Correct. Principal Cadence is already off joining one of the other groups, and we've decided to join all of you." Luna explained.
The girls looked at each other in concern, until Sunset answered, "Well, ok. I mean you all know about the turtles so it's not like we have anything to hide from you."
"Exactly." Celestia agreed.
"Come on, let's go." Twilight said, as the group headed out.
When they entered the sewer, they began trekking to the lair, as the two sisters looked around, "I can't believe you've all been going down here." Celestia began.
"It's not so bad." Applejack said.
"Once you get past the smell." Rarity added.
They found their way to the lair, where the turtles and their human allies were relaxing, "Morning, guys!" Pinkie called.
"Hey, girls." April greeted.
"I hope you don't mind, but we brought chaperones if you will." Sunny said.
The group was confused, as they saw the two adults, "Principal Celestia! Vice Principal Luna!" Leo gasped.
"Leonardo. It's good to see you and your brothers again." Celestia greeted.
"We haven't seen you all since Camp Everfree." Luna noted.
"Yeah, good times." Mikey agreed.
"And we also want to express our deepest condolences for your loss of Splinter." Celestia told the brothers.
"We appreciate it." Raph said.
The adults looked around the lair, "Nice to see this place is clean even for a sewer lair." Luna noted.
"Thanks. Leo's the one who makes us clean it. Mostly me." Mikey said.
"Well, you wouldn't have to if you didn't leave the biggest mess of everyone." Donnie replied.
"Well, what about you always cluttering your lab with useless junk!" Mikey argued/
"Hey! They're not all useless!" Donnie argued back.
"Come on, guys, break it up." April separated them.
"Yeah, you wanna embarrass yourselves in front of the adults?" Karai added.
"It's quite all right," Celestia assured, "This is normal sibling behavior. When we were your ages Luna and I had them all the time."
"Sometimes we still do." Luna joked, and the two sisters laughed.
"Well, we better get started with out training," Leo spook up, before turning to the sisters, "Feel free to watch or join."
"Sounds delightful." Luna agreed.
Before they could head for the dojo a portal materialized out of thin air, and stepping out from it was the Utrom Council Members. The sight if the Utrom got the group surprised. Bishop stepped forward to address them, "Greetings, Turtle Allies."
"Bishop?" the ninja team asked.
"Hiya Council!" Pinkie waved.
The council took notice of the humans, "Sacrebleu! It is ze Rainbooms!" Pawn gasped.
"And, Professor Honeycutt, you're alive?" Bishop asked.
"Yes. Though I blew my ship up along with the heart of darkness my head remained in tact. I eventually fell to earth and wound up in the care of my friends the Rainbooms." Fugitoid said, as he stood close to the girls.
"Who're they?" Lemon asked.
"The Utrom Council." Rainbow answered.
"Yeah. There's Pawn, Rook, Queen, and Bishop!" Pinkie introduced them.
"Bishop, hi." Luna greeted while hiding a blush.
"Vice Principal Luna," Bishop greeted, "Principal Celestia."
"Nice to see you again." Celestia greeted.
"So these are the good Kraang?" Sour asked.
"Correct. We are of the Utrom tribe." Rook explained.
"It's good to see you again, council. But what brings you here?" Sunset asked.
"Not on business I hope." Applejack said.
"I'm afraid it is business." Bishop answered.
"And we require your assistance." Rook added.
"So what's the situation?" Fugitoid inquired.
Queen spoke up, as she pulled out a disk shaped device, "We have received reports of an alien assassin that has come here to earth. An assassin named Armaggon." she displayed a hologram of the assassin.
"Armaggon?" the ninjas asked in confusion.
"Is that a walking shark?" Sour asked.
"Sharks in space? Now there's a new one." Shini said.
"But how's that possible?" Mikey asked.
"We watched him get eaten by Lord Dregg's Scorpinoid." Twilight recalled.
"Don't tell us he survived." Rainbow hoped.
"And I thought Dregg was hard to squash." Raph said.
"I'm afraid Armaggon is very much alive, and he's come here to the city in search of you turtles." Bishop explained.
"Since you have experience of dealing with Armaggon, we wish for your assistance in apprehending this criminal." Queen requested.
"Like we're gonna deny?" Raph asked.
"Pardon me," Luna spoke up, "But who is this Armaggon?"
Leo explained, "Armaggon is an alien bounty hunter and assassin who was employed by our nemesis Lord Dregg to capture us."
Applejack continued, "Last we saw him was on Dregg's home planet."
"He fell into the belly of Dregg's pet scorpion monster." Rainbow added.
"Armaggon is a crafty one who has eluded many intergalactic enforcers, including us Utrom." Bishop explained, "I have members of the EPF scouting the city for any trace of him."
"But even the EPF may not be enough which is why we brought in some old acquaintances." Queen said.
"Acquaintances?" Twilight asked.
Coming out from the Utrom portal was their second Salamandrian ally, "Sal!" the group called, as they greeted him.
"Greetings my turtle friends. And, Rainbooms, it is wonderful to see you all again." Sal Commander greeted them.
"What're you doing here?" Raph asked.
"The Utom contacted me and told me of Armaggon coming here. Naturally, with you and Y'Gythgba here I should lend a claw." he said.
"Hey, don't forget about us." came another familiar voice.
Everyone saw coming out through the portal were the two Triceraton rebels who helped them save the planet, "Zeno!" The Turtles cheered.
"Traximus!" The Rainbooms cheered.
The teams gathered around their comrades, as Traximus spoke ,"It is good to see you all again."
"We missed you guys." Mikey smiled.
"We missed you too." Zeno replied.
"Who're these guys?" Juniper asked.
Sal approached, "I am Commander G'Throkka of the planet Salamandria. But you may call me Sal Commander."
"Noted." Indigo answered.
"Guys, are those actual Triceratons?" Sugarcoat asked while looking at the two dinosaur aliens.
"Yes. I am Traximus and this is Zeno." Traximus greeted, and the two saluted.
"Aren't the Tricertatons bad?" Starlight asked.
"Only those who served under Emperor Zanmoran and Captain Mozar." Zeno explained.
"These are Triceraton Rebels, and they helped us save the planet." Rarity added.
"Last time we saw them they went with past Fugitoid off into space with our past selves." Donnie noted.
"Speaking of how are they?" Mikey asked.
"They're all well. They're really enjoying the life in space." Traximus explained.
"As long as they stay alive," Rainbow said, "What, they're still our past selves. If anything happens to them we're pretty much gone."
"And you said you found more Triceraton defectors?" Sunset recalled.
"Correct. We're slowly rebuilding our population and bringing the good name back to the Triceratons." Zeno said.
"Sounds like you've all been busy." Leo noted.
"Indeed. But now we must work together once again in apprehending Armaggon." Sal declared.
"I couldn't agree more, Commander." Came Mona Lisa's voice, as she entered the lair.
"Mona!" Raph gasped, as he embraced his love.
"Lieutenant, glad you could be here." Sal Commander told her.
"How'd you even know to be here?" Casey asked.
"Commander G'Throkka sent a transmission to me earlier, so I came right over." she explained.
"Oh, yeah!" Rainbow cheered, "Is this an awesome team or what?"
"Indeed," Fugitoid agreed, "With all of us working together we'll find Armaggon for sure."
"I suggest we get started right away." Leo suggested.
"Hold on," Celestia spoke up, "Luna and I want to help out too."
"That's right." Luna nodded.
"Out of the question," Bishop approached them, "This isn't like Camp Everfree where you fought living plant creatures. This involves a notorious space outlaw wanted in 87 star systems who could eat you whole."
"He has a point." April agreed.
"These girls are our students, and as head of CHS it is our sworn duty to look after our students." Celestia explained.
"As well as the students of our ally school." Luna motioned to the Shadowbolts.
The ninjas looked at each other, as Leo spoke, "Very well, but you two will have to follow our lead."
"We understand." Celestia nodded.
"Then suit up." Rainbow said, as she handed the two sisters their old ninja weapons being a Hanwei Scimitar Sword and two Daburu sword/staffs.
Celestia held the sword, while Luna held the Daburus, "We're all set." Luna said.
Meanwhile out in the city, Keno was currently eating a pizza to himself while on a roof top, "Another day in the big city. Wonder what kinda crime I can spot form up here today?" he looked around seeing the streets looked clean, "Huh, what do you know? Nothing bad. Maybe I can actually relax for a change," suddenly flying up above him was Armaggon in his space suit. Keno looked at it in shock, before speaking to himself, "Then again maybe not."
Back at the lair, everyone was about to head out, until Indigo's phone rang, "Hello? Keno, I'm kinda in the middle of something. Wait, what?! Hold on we'll be right there. Don't do anything stupid," she hung up, "Guys, that was Keno. He spotted Armaggon."
"What?" Leo gasped.
"He said he looked like he was heading for Washington Square." the shadowbolt explained.
"We have to get there and fast!" Pinkie cried.
"Yeah, before Keno does something reckless." Sour added.
"Let's go team!" Leo called, as the group headed out leaving Queen, Pawn, and Rook in the lair.
"Good luck, friends." Queen said.
Back on the surface, Keno trailed Armaggon to Washington Square and saw the alien was taking a breather, "Indigo told me not to do anything stupid. Well, I'm just gonna stall him until they get here." he suited up in his Nightwatcher costume, only this time he changed Casey's old Hockey mask by spray painting the white parts of the mask red, along with having a big letter 'N' on the forehead area. Strapped to his back were a pair of Escrima Sparing Sticks.
He got closer while arming himself with his sparing sticks, and called out, "Hey, Shark!" Armaggon turned around and saw the boy, "Ain't you a long way from the Aquarium?"
"What're you supposed to be?" Armaggon asked.
"I'm the Nightwatcher, NYC's toughest vigilante. Normally I like to work at nights, but in this case I'm willing to make an exception by going out in the daytime." he twirled his sticks.
"Whatever, kid. I got stuff to do." Armaggon brushed him off.
As Armaggon tried to walk away, Keno ran in front of him, "Perhaps I need to spell it out for you. It's clear you're here looking for trouble. Well, trouble just came to you."
"If you really wanna risk your own life it's fine by me," Armaggon licked his lip, "Besides I just traveled across farthest reaches of the galaxy. I could use a bite." he snickered.
"I'll give ya bite!" Keno readied his weapons, as he was ready to face the bounty hunter.
TMNT Belongs Nickelodeon.
My Little Pony Belongs Hasbro.
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