Rumble with the Robots

In the turtles lair, the turtles, the Rainbooms, Casey, the Kunoichi, and their newbies were suiting up, and arming themselves for the inevitable fight against Touch and Go. Leo looked to the groups, "All right, everyone all set?"

"Yeah!" They assured.

"Good. I'll commandeer the Party Wagon. The Rainbooms, April, Karai, and Donnie are with me. Everyone else goes with Raph in the Shellraiser." he ordered.

"Saddle up, Pilgrims." Raph told them.

"Let's go!" Sunset ordered, as they all headed for their vehicles.

Soon the Shellraiser and Party Wagon were driving along the dark streets of New York. Leo spoke through his T-Phone, "Anything yet?"

Casey who was with Raph and the others answered, "Streets are clean so far."

"What if we don't find anything?" Juniper asked.

"Highly unlikely." Sugarcoat replied.

"Sugarcoat's right," Lemon agreed, "Classic crooks, they don't always do one heist a night."

"Especially if they got superpowers now." Indigo added.

"Do we even have a plan to stop them?" Starlight asked.

Donnie spoke through the T-Phone to them, while holding a familiar blaster, "Actually, yes. I brought with us this power dampening cannon we once used on the Newtralizer. It wasn't as effective, but it was able to cure Mikey when he had the same electrical powers."

Twilight spoke, "And since... Touch and Go according to April and the Dazzlings, gain their powers through electrical means through touching fists, the device should be able to suck the power right out of them making them into regular people again."

"Theoretically, at least." Donnie said.

"Best chance we have." Sunset said.

Twilight who was holding a tracker spoke, "Guys, I'm picking up a huge spike in electrical energy close to us."

"That's gotta be them." Karai said.

"All right, team, this is it." Leo said, as the two vehicles met up and followed the signal.

As they got closer to the signal, they stopped outside a building where Touch and Go were taking money from an ATM machine they broke open, "There they are!" Adagio called.

Touch and Go saw them, and took off. The teams parked their rides and got out, "After them!" Leo called, as the teams followed the crooks.

As they followed, Fugitoid asked the girls, "Doesn't it seem peculiar that they're running instead of facing us?"

"That's because there's more of us." Sonata said.

"I'm not sure odds is a good enough reason." Sunset replied.

"Yeah. They got superpowers, so why won't they fight?" Rainbow wondered.

"Perhaps they need a recharge?" Fluttershy suggested.

"Doesn't take them that long to recharge. So why run?" Mikey noted.

"Of course," Leo sighed, "They're luring us into a trap."

"Typical." Raph sighed.

"Well, at least they don't seem to realize that we know." Karai said.

"Right, so let's continue to fake naivete." Fugitoid suggested, as they saw the twins enter a building.

The group entered the dark building cautiously. They looked around as Fugitoid using his eyes to shine some light, but saw no one around. Suddenly a single light shined on the center of the building surrounding the heroes. They got defensive, as Touch and Go walked into the light.

"We knew you'd follow us." Touch said.

"Suckers." Go added.

"Jokes on you, because we knew you were expecting us." Mikey called it.

"How did you two get enhanced power?" Karai demanded.

"It was all thanks to me." came a voice as Stockman stepped into the light.

"Blister Spockman?" Mikey asked.

"Baxter Stockman!" Stockman snapped, "How many times do I have to tell you people?!"

"What's with the cyber look?" Rainbow asked.

Stockman answered, "Ever since you idiots undid my mutation, I made sure to lay low from the Foot Clan and get back to my roots in robotics. So I fashioned myself this robot suit that's an improvement from the first one I had. It's lighter, more maneuverable, and not klunky."

"You know you should be grateful to us." Aria told him.

"She's right, we saved you from being burned alive in Shredder's mansion." Rarity reminded him.

"And for that I am grateful, but not enough to spare your lives."

"So what did you do to these guys?" Sunset asked, while motioning to Touch and Go.

"Without their boss, they had no one to work for. So I came to them and offered them jobs as my own henchmen. And to sweeten the deal I gave them their powers through careful experimenting."

"And as long as we steal for him he'll continue to supply us with power." Touch finished.

"Story time's over," Raph armed himself, "Let's smack these jokers around."

"Not so fast, Raphael." Stockman threw a switch and coming into the light and surrounding them looked like Kraang droids minus the Kraang. Each droid looked like a robotic version of Stockman himself even wearing wigs that matched his hairstyle.

"What am I looking at here?" Applejack asked feeling creeped.

"Behold my Stockman Bots," Stockman began, "I've been collecting Kraang droid pieces laying about the city and after reverse engineering them created my own robot army that don't need pilots."

"You could've given them better designs." Rarity felt repulsed by their appearances.

"Mock all you want. Let's see how you handle them. Stockman Bots, attack!" Stockman called.

The Stockman Bots raised their blasters and opened fire on the ninjas, "Spread out!" Leo called, as the team scattered.

As the newbies got ready, April spoke, "All right, girls. Remember your training. Now go!"

The girls nodded, and engaged some Stockman Bots. Sour Sweet was maneuvering around some of them before using her Surujin Chains to wrap around the blasters of two droids and forced them to fire at each other destroying them, "Yes!" she cheered.

Lemon was cartwheeling around before bashing a bot with her clubs, "Rock and Roll!"

Sugarcoat was dodging some blaster shots, before swinging her weapon around. It ensnared a robots blaster and she kept turning it making it blast more of the robots, "Quit shooting your comrades." she joked.

Sunny Flare was rolling across the floor, before crossing her blades weapons on one of the robots arms and cutting it off. She used some ninja moves to kick the robot back as it tripped over a crate, "You should watch where you step." she told the robot.

Indigo was twirling her spear around before jabbing it into one Stockman Bot shutting it down. She spun around and beheaded more robots, "Don't lose your heads, guys!" she chuckled.

Starlight was dodging some laser shots, before hiding behind a support beam. She panted, "Ok, Starlight, calm down. Relax. You can do this," she pulled out an arrow and placed it in her bow. She saw a line up of droids facing April and Shini. She pulled the arrow back and timed it right before releasing. The arrow nailed the droids through their heads shutting them down. April and Shini looked over at Starlight who smiled and cheered, "Booyakasha!"

"Good one." Shini commended her.

Juniper was using her sword to disarm some droids, before one came up behind her. Karai called, "Juniper, behind you!"

Juniper spun around and kicked the blaster out of the android's hands, "No one points a blaster at me!" she chopped the android in two.

The Rainbooms engaged Touch and Go, but the two were using their powers to avoid most of their attacks. Raph called to Donnie, "Donnie, now would be a good time to use that cannon!"

"Just need to recalibrate it." Donnie was fiddling with the cannon.

"Oh, no you don't!" Stockman tried to stop Donnie, only for Fugitoid to stop him.

"Hands to yourself!" he opened fire at Stockman.

Stockman retaliated by extending his own blasters from his arms, and it was a shoot out war between the two scientists. Donnie finished re-calibrating the cannon and waited for a moment when Touch and Go were still. Casey skated around the two launching explosive hockey pucks to distort them.

"Pour it on, Don!" Casey called.

Donnie activated the cannon that zapped the twins who cried in pain. Donnie powered the cannon down, and the twins frowned and tried to attack, only to get smacked around like they were nothing, "Bro, we need to re-energize!" Go called, as they bumped fists but nothing happened. They tried it again, but got nothing.

"What happened? Where's our powers?" Touch asked in confusion.

"You two have been drained of it." Donnie answered smugly.

"What?!" they asked in shock.

"That's right," Twilight confirmed, "The energy you use to restore your powers has been sucked right out of you."

"Which means you're just mere mortals again." Adagio smirked.

The twins knowing they were outmatched in strength and numbers tried to get away, only to be suddenly levitated off the ground courtesy of Twilight's magic, "Sorry, boys, but it's jail time for you."

"The robots are down." Fugitoid motioned to all the broken and destroyed Stockman Bots.

"Where's Stockman?" Leo asked.

"There he is!" April called, as they saw Stockman using rockets in his boots to fly off while carrying bags of money.

"You ninjas can't stop me now!" he called.

"He's got the money!" Sunny gasped.

"Not if I can help it." Starlight grabbed an arrow and fired it at Stockman's robot suit.

This caused some wires in his suit to short out and his suit started malfunctioning. Stockman began darting around the building out of control. During one of his crashes he dropped the money before crashing through a window flying off into the night screaming.

"Money secured." Karai told Leo.

"And these guys are going to jail." Raph motioned to the twins.

"Good job team," Leo turned to the newbies, "And you girls did well to."

"Thanks, Leo." Starlight said.

"Let's get back and party pizza style!" Mikey cheered, as the group laughed.

As they left, they were unaware of Cinch who was hiding while watching them leave, "Look at them running around like vigilantes and getting themselves in danger. This is police work. Those girls and those freaks brain washing of my students is worse than I thought. Well, I'll fix that one way or another." she left.

TMNT Belongs Nickelodeon.

My Little Pony Belongs Hasbro.

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