The Coanite
One night at camp Everfree, the Turtles and their allies sat with the friends the Rainbooms and everyone from CHS around the bonfire. Mikey was currently telling a story to everyone, "And then, I burst out of his stomach and ate up his whole body! Till all that was left of him, was one measly slice," Mikey told the campers, "Then I picked him up and said 'Alright Pizza Face, let all the mind-controlled humans go' so he did. And that's how I saved everyone in New York from being eaten by the evil Pizza Face."
Snips & Snails, Bulk Beiseps, and Derpy cheered, "That was the best story we ever heard!" said Snips.
"Yeah!" agreed Snails.
"I liked the part when you pretended to be a zombie to slip past the zombie drones." Derpy said.
"I liked the part when Pizza Face sung," said Bulk, and everyone stared at him oddly, "What? I like music."
"And the best part of all is that it's a true story," Mikey said.
"No it's not!" his brothers and April answered simultaneously.
Mikey frowned, and spoke to the campers, "Don't listen to them. They don't remember cause they were to busy being all mind-controlled." Mikey said while acting like a zombie, making some campers laugh.
After stopping Gloriosa Daisy and saving the camp from Filthy Rich, the Turtles and their allies and mutant friends decided to spend the rest of the weekend with their new Canterlot High friends at Camp Everfree. And right now, they were in the middle of campfire stories.
"That was, uh, very interesting story, Michealanglo," Principal Celestia said before whispering to Splinter, "Did all that really happen?"
"My son has a very large imagination," Master Splinter explained, "However, he has been very right about many things. Despite his brother's speculations."
"What a thrilling tale," said Gloriosa, "Now, does anyone else have a story?" Leo raised his hand "Ah, Leonardo. Do you have a story?"
"Actually, Gloriosa, me, my brothers, and my friends all have a story." Leo answered.
"Including us." Adagio said on behalf of her and her sisters, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk.
Leo stood before the campers "This is a story of how we, and two mutant enemies of ours, traveled back in time."
"Traveled back in time?!" Micro Chips asked in shock, "But that's pure science fiction."
"Not when your other girlfriend's a time traveling sorceress from the future," Mikey said remembering Renet, "But that's another story." Shini did a double take wondering what Mikey meant by 'other girlfriend'.
"It all happened long before we came to camp," Twilight explained "When I was training to be a kunouci."
"Yep, it was quite the adventure." said Sunset.
"It was totally awesome!" Rainbow put in.
"Not to mention, stylish!" Rarity added.
"And a little scary." Fluttershy clung to Slash's arm.
"But nothin' we couldn't handle." Applejack stated.
"Yeah, especially since we got to hang out with dinosaurs!" Pinkie threw her hands in the air excitedly.
"Dinosaurs?!" all the campers exclaimed.
"Let's start from beginning," Donnie said.
"One night, while we were on patrol, we spotted Bebop, Rocksteady, and Tigerclaw," Raph began "So we followed them to find out what they were up to."
"It turned out that Shredder had sent them on some kind of mission," Leo continued "And we wanted to find out what that mission was..."
That night, in the city, the Turtles and Rainbooms were following after Bebop and Rocksteady's van in the Party Wagon with Leo at the wheel. Raph, Twilight, and Sunset were sitting up front while the rest were in the back.
"Party Wagon in full effect, yo!" Mikey exclaimed.
"Yeah!" Pinkie popped up next to him.
"In full effect? We're losing Tigerclaw," Raph said "Move it, Leo!"
"Calm down, Raph," Twilight eased, "Donnie and I put a tracker on their van."
"Speaking of which," Sunset looked back, "Where are they heading, Donnie?"
Donnie checked the GPS, "According to the GPS, it looks like they're heading to the Natural History Museum."
"Says so on the map too." Twilight held up the map she was reading.
"Why would they go there?" Applejack wondered.
"Museums are sooo boring!" Rainbow groaned.
"Oh, come now, daring," Rarity said, "Museums house beautiful art, tapestries, and my personal favorite, gemstones!" she smiled in excitement.
"They also have bones of animals that lived a long time ago, and were probably oh so cute!" Fluttershy added.
"Dudes, I hear they have awesome laser show at midnight!" Mikey said.
"Laser show?!" now Rainbow was interested.
"I love laser shows!" Pinkie said in excitement.
"Doubt their going to a laser show," Leo said "Ten bucks and fifteen peanut butter-pepperoni pizzas, says their out to steal something."
"Duh!" Raph said, as if it were obvious.
"What do you think it could be?" Fluttershy asked.
"No idea?" replied Twilight.
"I'll bet it's a new helmet for Shredder," Raph guessed "Like red, with spikes all over it, maybe even a tassel!"
Everyone just stared at him oddly, "Tassel?" Sunset raised a brow.
"What? Tassels are cool." Raph said crossing his arms.
"Uh, no they aren't." Rainbow retorted making Raph frown.
"Stay focused, ninjas," Leo ordered "We're getting close."
In the villain's van, Bebop was driving, with Tigerclaw in the passenger seat, while Rocksteady had to sit in the back. And he wasn't enjoying it.
"Aww! I no like this van," Rocksteady complained, "Is too small! My knees is cramped! I getting Charlie the Horse!"
"Stop complaining, Rocksteady," Bebop said, "I'm the one who has to drive you guys around."
"Will you two imbeciles, be quite for ten seconds!" Tiger Claw yelled, "I'm creating a plan to steal the Croanite."
After a moment of silence, Rocksteady spoke up "Okies-dokies! I says nothing, comrade."
"You're talking right now!"
"He gotcha there, Rocksteady," Bebop chuckled.
"Now your both talking! I can't take it!"
Soon they pulled up to the museum and headed inside. While up on roof, the ninjas were already lowering themselves in, on some ropes. On their way down, Mikey and Pinkie stopped in front of the jaws of a Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton. One look and they screamed, letting go of their ropes and crash landing near the others, startling them.
"Whoa, dudes!" Mikey said "So cool!"
"Big giant dinosaur bones everywhere!" Pinkie said.
"Don't touch anything, Mikey." whispered Leo.
"And that goes for you too, Pinkie." Twilight added.
The Turtles and Rainbooms quietly made their way through the room, while Mikey and Pinkie gawked at all the dinosaur skeletons.
"Are those real dinosaur bones, D?" Mikey asked Donnie.
"Their fossils," Donnie corrected, "You see, when the bones are buried insi-"
Raph and Applejack dropped to the ground, "Uh, can you wake us up after all the sciency exposition?" Raph joked "Awesome, thanks."
"Get up." Donnie said, annoyed.
"Can't hear ya, we're asleep." Applejack pretended to snore.
Just then they heard the museum doors open "Shhh! Here they come." Leo hissed, and they all hid out of sight as the mutant trio came in.
"Hmm, I kinda spaced out when Shredder told us what the mission was." Bebop said.
"We is looking for the meteorite, Bebop. Is big rock from space, da?" Rocksteady explained, "Has some kind of special prooperties?"
"Prooperties? You said prooperties!" Bebop laughed.
Tiger Claw sighed, "The meteorite is an energy source. Extremely powerful and incredibly rare. It fell to earth over 100 million years ago."
"Yes, back when primitive cave-persons walk earth." Rocksteady flexed his mussels.
Tiger Claw face palmed, "Humans didn't exist back then, Rock head!"
"How many times I tell you is Rocksteady!"
From their hiding place Pinkie giggled "He-he! Rock Head."
"Those two were never the sharpest crayons in the box." Donnie stated.
"That's for sure." Rainbow agreed.
"What's the deal, Fearless Leader?" Raph asked Leo.
"You, Rainbow, Donnie, Applejack, and Rarity take Rocksteady," Leo ordered "Mikey, Pinkie, and Fluttershy you've got Bebop. Twilight, Sunset, and I'll take Tiger Claw."
The Turtles and Rainbooms split up to get in position. But Mikey and Pinkie got distracted by the T Rex skeleton, "Huh? Oh..." they marveled. And ignoring Leo and Twilight's warning not to touch, they reached out their hands toward the skeleton.
Soon the henchmutants found what they were looking for. Inside a glass case was a cyan crystal like meteor.
"The Croanite!" Tigerclaw said.
"Is pretty." said Rocksteady.
"You could make a killer disco ball out of that. It'd be tight!" Bebop said.
Mikey and Pinkie were struggling not to touch the skeleton, but urge was too strong, "Not... suppose to... touch!" Pinkie strained "But... can't... resist!"
Finally, after a strenuous moment, they both touched the T-Rex's foot and nothing happened, "Whoo!" Mikey sighed in relief.
"Well that was fun." Pinkie smiled. Just then, there came a rumble and the whole skeleton came crashing down!
"Turtles and Rainbooms?!" Tiger Claw turned around. "Here?"
Mikey's leg was caught in T-Rex skull and Pinkie was helping him pull it out. They both waved nervously at the henchmutants, "Surprise!" Pinkie said sheepishly.
"So much for the element of surprise." Sunset whipped out her kunai.
Tiger Claw drew his sword, "Oh, snap! It's on, like Diddy Kong!" Bebop said, and fired an energy mohawk. The ninjas dodged and fought the mutants.
Sunset threw her kunai at Tiger Claw but he deflected them and kicked her aside before clashing swords with Leo, "Haven't you learned by now, caow!" Tigerclaw said as he kicked Leo back, "I am a sensei, and you are barely a student!" and he knocked one of the katanas out of Leo's hand, that landed near Twilight, but Leo wasn't giving up yet.
Donnie, Applejack, Rarity were dodging Bebop's laser blasts, "Hold still, turtle and girlies! You got nothin' on Bebop, baby! Woo-whoo!" Bebop hooded and activated his invisibility field.
"Oh, no you don't!" Donnie threw down a smoke bomb and the three vanished, just as Bebop reappeared.
Donnie and the girls took him by surprise and nailed him. But then he pressed a button on his belt and finally blasted them, only to be kicked aside by Raph and Rainbow.
They ran to their friends just as Rocksteady showed up, "Over here, Rocksteady!" Mikey threw more smoke bombs at them distorting them. Then he and Fluttershy tackled Bebop while Pinkie slapped Rocksteady in the nose with the weight of her weapon.
Rocksteady growled "I squishes you, like the blueberry!"
"Gotta catch me first!" Pinkie ran with Rocksteady charging right behind her. She ran toward a stegosaurus skeleton and flipped over Rocksteady at the last minute. Rocksteady ran into the skeleton and got his head stuck in the ribs.
"Uh, Rocksteady. Uh, hate when this happen," Rocksteady grunted, as he tried to pull himself out. Then he felt a pain in his backside. Mikey and Pinkie were hitting him in the butt with their weapons, while the others chased after Bebop. Rocksteady finally got free and Mikey and Pinkie barely dodged his fist.
As Leo was still clashing with Tiger Claw, Sunset tried to jump him but he elbowed her in the gut and threw her into Leo.
Just as he was about to finish them, Twilight jumped in and blocked his sword with Leo's other katana.
"You dare challenge me, girl," Tiger Claw swung his sword as Twilight deflected each strike "You're not even a kunouci!"
"At least I don't look like a cross between a cowboy and a pirate!" Twilight mocked.
Tiger Claw growled and struck harder, but Twilight was still holding in, although she knew she couldn't keep it up for long. She looked back a spotted a Spinosaurus skeleton, 'That'll work' she thought.
After deflected another sword strike, Twilight flipped up onto the skeleton, but Tiger Claw swiped at one of the leg bones and the skeleton shook. Twilight lost her balance and fell. Tiger Claw lunged at her with his sword, but she dove out of the way just in time, and Tiger Claw ended up chopping down the supports, "What's this?!"
The entire skeleton collapsed on him in a cloud of dust. When the dust settled, Tiger Claw was trapped under spinosaurs' ribs.
"Out smarted you!" Twilight Sparkle sing songed.
As the others were deflecting Bebop's lasers, Raph grabbed the Croanite, "I got the space rock. Let's haul shell!"
"I second that!" Donnie agreed.
Mikey and Pinkie drove Rocksteady into Bebop, "Booyakasha!" They flipped off him and joined the others, but not before Pinkie Pie blew a raspberry at him. Rocksteady snorted and charged at them, but Mikey threw down another smoke bomb and Rocksteady crashed into a wall.
The Turtles and Rainbooms escaped through the skylight and leaped down into an alleyway and were about to bolt when Tiger Claw burst through the exit door in front of them, quickly followed by Bebop and Rocksteady.
"Gotcha now," Bebop smirked. "Now, fork over that rock!"
"No way!" Rainbow raised her nagitana.
"Then we do this the hard way." Rocksteady cracked his knuckles.
"Wait," Tiger Claw blocked him with his hand, "There is one missing."
"Oh, you mean Twilight? She's right over there." Pinkie pointed behind the three mutants.
Right after she said that, two headlights beamed on and an engine sound roared, "What the?" Bebop said as they whipped around.
Behind them was the Party Wagon. And Twilight was at the wheel. She smirked "Out smarted you, again!"
Twilight stomped on the gas and the tires squeezed as the Party Wagon rammed into the three surprised mutants. Everyone ducked as they sailed over them and crashed into a wall. First Tigerclaw, then Bebop, and finally Rocksteady flattening them both.
The Turtles and Rainbooms quickly piled into the Party Wagon and Raph made a mock salute as Twilight drove out of the alley.
After they had gone, Tiger Claw shoved Bebop and Rocksteady off him and growled. He was furious at being out smarted twice in one night.
In the Lair, Spike and Ice Cream Kitty were playing one of the Turtles video games. When the Turtles and Rainbooms got back, Mikey laid down beside them.
"What up, Ice Cream Kitty," Mikey said "Playing some Marien Cart, little friend?" Ice Cream Kitty meowed in response.
"Having fun, Spike?" Twilight asked her dog.
"If by fun you mean, losing every game to Ice Cream Kitty? Then yeah, I'm having a blast," Spike grumbled, and the girls giggled. "Anyway I'm done." Spike tossed his controller aside.
"I'm going to examine the meteorite in my lab," Donnie said excitedly, "So, cool..."
"Ah'boring!" Rainbow coughed.
"Great," said Raph, "Get back to us on that, while we play some video games."
"I call next game!" Leo announced.
"I call second!" said Rainbow.
But as Leo reached for the controller, Ice Cream Kitty yanked it away, "That's messed up, Ice Cream Kitty!" Leo said.
"Now, Leo. Don't be too hard on the little thing," Fluttershy pat the mutant cat, "She's still learning to share. Isn't that right, Ice Cream Kitty?"
Later the others were checking in on Donnie, who was still studding the Croanite, "Hows it going, D?" Mikey asked.
"Find anything interestin'?" Applejack wondered.
"The energy per-square inch this thing emanates is off the chizzarts!" Donnie explained "It's even more powerful then the Kraang energy crystals."
"Not to mention, it's ever so glamorous!" Rarity marveled at it's crystal-like appearance.
"And shiny!" Pinkie added.
"So. can you use it to power up your super secret project, that I'm not supposed to know about?" Mikey pointed to a huge thing hidden underneath a tarp.
"How did we not notice that?" Sunset wondered.
"What is it?" Raph asked "A Turtle Tank or something?"
"Oh-ho-ho! It is much more than that!" Donnie pulled off the tarp to reveal a large turtle shaped vehicle "Ta-dah! It's my new Shellformer! A triple changing vehicle that can fly, roll on treads, and even transform into a Turtle-Bot!"
"A turtle robot that transforms?!" Mikey said, with stars in his eyes, "Dude! Dude!! Dude!!!
"That is the coolest thing I've ever seen!" Rainbow exclaimed.
Donnie chucked, "I know. I'll just add the crystals as a power source."
"Forget it, Donnie," Sunset waved him off, "It doesn't belong to us."
"Sunset's right, Donnie," agreed Leo, "We're taking that meteor back to the museum, first thing tomorrow night."
"Bad call," Raph said, "Shredder's gang will just steal it again."
"Technically, we stole it," Applejack corrected, "But ah see your point."
"Yeah, in the wrong hands, it's beyond dangerous." Donnie stated.
"And us keeping it is any better?" Twilight asked dryly.
"I wanna see it transform!" Mikey shouted.
"Me too!" Pinkie chimed in. And they both started acting like transforming robots.
Donnie thought about it, "Hmm? Test out a huge, over sized, transforming, robo mech, in the middle of New York?! I'm down."
"I've got a bad feeling about this." Sunset murmured to Leo and Twilight.
"That makes three of us." Twilight agreed for her and Leo.
Soon Shellformer was rumbling through the streets. Lucky there where no one was out to see them. However, watching them from a roof top, was Bebop and Rocksteady.
"I told yah I smelled turtle, Rocksteady," Bebop said, "My piggy nose is never wrong."
"We is going to bring Turtles, Rainboom Girls, and meteorite to Shredder," said Rocksteady, "Heh-heh, maybe he even let us keep cool looking tank?"
"And maybe he'll let us kick both your butts!" call a tough girl voice.
Bebop and Rocksteady whirled around and standing behind them were their former allies, the Dazzlings, "Didn't anyone teach you it's not nice to spy?" Adagio asked rhetorically.
"It is Siren girls!" Rocksteady said.
"Yo, what you traders doing here?" Bebop demanded.
"We came here to visit the Turtles." Sonata answered.
"But it looks like we're going to stop whatever plan you two dimwits have." said Aria.
"You want rumble, we can bring it!" Rocksteady pounded his fists.
"You're going down, girlies!" Bebop said.
"We'll see about that," Adagio retorted, as the Dazzlings drew their weapons, "Let's get 'em, girls!" And the two sides charged at each other.
Meanwhile in the Shellformer, everyone was in a seat while some were marveling at the view,"Not to sound like a bummer." Leo began
"Uh, you'll sound like one, anyway." Raph interrupted.
"This is a super crazy bad idea! Like excise on the 'super crazy bad' part. Have I mentioned it's also a really terrible idea?" the leader voiced his disapproval.
"I'm with Leo," Sunset said, "We really shouldn't be messing with that meteor."
"Like you said, Donnie, it's very powerful," Twilight put in, "So who's knows what it might do?"
But Donnie ignored them, "Let's test this puppy out! And remember, anyone who bothers me... ejector seat button's right there," he pointed to a big red button. Donnie pressed some buttons and the engines began humming. The Croanite glowed brightly, "Yes! The crystals are working!" Donnie exclaimed, "We're at 100% power."
"Ooh-ooh-ooh Can we test out 'Robot mode' first?" Mikey reached for the button, but Donnie pushed him back.
"Mikey! Ejector seat!"
"Hmm!" Mikey huffed.
"Let's test out 'Rocket Jet mode'!" Rainbow suggested.
"'Rocket Jet mode' it is," Donnie pulled some levers. The treads disappeared and wings popped out, as the Shellformer rose off the ground.
Bebop and Rocksteady were still fighting the Dazzling, when they saw the Shellformer rising up and knew it was now or never, "Forget these girls, and come on, Rock! Hee-hee!" Bebop and Rocksteady jumped down from the roof and on to the left wing.
"Get back here!" Aria called, as the Dazzlings jumped down after them.
Once the Shellformer was high enough, Donnie pushed back the levers and Shellformer shot off at super speed. While Bebop, Rocksteady, and the Dazzlings all clung to the wing.
"Maybe not so good idea." Rocksteady said.
"For once, I agree with the rhino!" Sonata shouted.
The fun didn't last long for the others either. They all screamed when they saw that they were heading for the TCRI building. Then something strange happened. Just before the Shellformer hit the building, it vanished!
Soon it was rocketing through a wormhole and the mutant duo and Siren trio were holding on for dear life, "Hold on, comrade!" Rocksteady called to Bebop, while the Dazzlings, and the Turtles and Rainbooms inside, screamed.
The Shellformer then warped above a large jungle, and was now heading for something worse than a building, "Volcanoes! Volcanoes!" Donnie cried.
"Donnie, turn!" Leo ordered.
Donnie steered the Shellformer to the left, just missing the volcanoes. And in the process, Bebop, Rocksteady, and the Dazzlings lost their gripes and flew off the wing, smacking into a cliff and landing on a ledge.
As for the Turtles and Rainbooms, they all screamed as the Shellformer smashed through the tops of the trees before it finally crashed and skidded into the ground. Little did the heroes, their allies, and even their enemies know they had just gotten themselves into a major pickle.
TMNT Belongs Nickelodeon.
My Little Pony Belongs Hasbro.
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