Final Battle
The Spinosaurus roared loudly and the group stood their ground.
Leo pointed his sword "Turtles, Rainbooms, and Dinos to battle, Hee-yahhaha!"
The dinosaurs charged at the Spinosaurus. Zog rammed into it, but Spinosaurus was much stronger than they all thought. It flattened Zog with it's head and tail whacked him away. Terry flew around the Spinosaurus, trying to distract it for Rex to attack. But the Spinosaurus grabbed the T-Rex by the tail and body slammed him hard.
"Dino-bunga!" Mikey shouted, as Maurice swung his tail at the Spinosaurs' leg. But that did nothing, except hurt the Stegosaur's tail.
"Oh no!" Fluttershy covered her mouth.
"Ok, that's a problem," Mikey said. Then he, Pinkie, and Fluttershy screamed when Spinosaurus roared and Maurice scrambled to avoid its jaws. Then it was suddenly hit with rocks, courtesy of Terry.
"Can't catch us, Spino!" Rainbow mocked, then she and Raph gasped when the Spinosaurus fired lasers from its eyes.
"Swoop, Pteranodon, down." Raph called, as Terry dodged the laser blasts.
Zog charged the Spinosaurus again, but it caught him in mouth and tossed him into the air, and right for his bladed spine. But Rex rammed the spino away at the last minute.
"Ha ha! Yes!" cheered Donnie.
"We got 'em!" Applejack called.
The Spinosaurus got up ready to fight again. Leo stood on top of Zog's horns then pointed his sword and yelled out as the dinosaurs charged at the robot. Leo jumped off Zog toward the Spinosaurus, the robot opened it's mouth to chomp Leo, but Terry grabbed him and dropped him back onto Zog. The whole thing was just a distraction so the Spinosaurus was left open to Rex, who rammed the robot and chomped down on it's left arm. Maurice swung his tail and jammed his spikes into the robot's thigh. The Spinosaur leaned it's blade at Mikey, but Zog blocked it with his horns. However, the Spinosaurus unleashed an electrical charge that blasted all the dinos off it. Then it stomped toward them. It was damaged but not damaged enough.
"Okay," Sunset panted, "That Spinosaurus... way too strong."
"And I thought the robo raptors were too much to handle." Twilight groaned.
"But," Sunset added, "We've got one last trick up our sleeves," All the Rainbooms, minus Twilight nodded and stood before the Spinosaurus, all joined in hand "This Spinosaurus may be tough, but we've have something it doesn't. Honesty! Laughter! Generosity! Loyalty! Kindness!" As she spoke, the Rainbooms ponied up and rose above the massive robot "The Spinosaurus is strong, but it's no match for the Magic of Friendship!"
With those words, the Rainbooms shot out a rainbow beam right at the Spinosaurus! It's eyes spiraled out as it blew up in a massive explosion.
"Yes!" the Turtles cheered.
But when the smoke cleared, there stood Zera and her soldiers- armed with their blasters.
Leo jumped down from Zog and pointed his sword at the alien dinos, "The Spinosaur's toast! Take down the Triceratons!"
"Booyakasha!" Mikey shouted, as the Turtles and Rainbooms drew their prehistoric weapons and went into battle.
Back inside the base, the Dazzlings and the two mutants were watching everything on the monitor. They would have gone out to help them, if a guard hadn't been ordered to stay behind and watch them.
"Told them the Turtles and Rainbooms would kick their butts." Sonata said.
"We gotta get out of here!" Aria pulled on the bars.
"My thoughts exactly," Adagio agreed, "And as much I regret this, there's only one way...
"Oh, no..." Aria groaned and shut her eyes, "Please tell me we don't have to!"
"We have to." Adagio replied.
Sonata whistled to the guard, "Oh, Mr. Triceraton!"
The guard turned around and looked at the Dazzlings. Sonata waved and batted her eyes, Aria winked, and Adagio blew a kiss. The guard stood there, staring in a cold sweat. Right before he was sucker punched in the face by Rocksteady, knocking him out cold.
"I can't believe that actually worked!" Adagio said in disbelief.
"I told'ya it'd work, girl! Ha-ha-ha!" Bebop said as he grabbed the keys.
Soon they escaped the cage and joined in the fray.
Back outside the Turtles and Rainbooms were still battling the Triceratons. This time, however, they were actually plowing through them!
Raph kicked one soldier and Donnie wacked a another. Leo used his trilobite shield to deflect the blaster shots, "Ah yah! Eat it, Dino!" Mikey said as he side-kicked another soldier in the face.
Twilight whacked a soldier with her weapon, Rainbow dodged a spear swing from another and kicked him in the head, and Applejack punch another with her ponified strength. Soon they were all, literary, plowing through the Triceratons.
"No, no, no!" Zera shouted in outrage. Then she spotted Bebop and Rocksteady stomping on a soldier the Dazzlings had taken down. She grabbed the mutant pair and held them out, "Halt Terrapins and Primates!" The fight instantly stopped, "If you continue, we will destroy your mutant friends."
"They're not our friends," Donnie retorted, "Wait?!"
It was then that the Turtles and Rainbooms finally noticed the mutant duo and Siren trio, "Bebop and Rocksteady?!" Rainbow said in surprise.
"And the Dazzlings?" Pinkie chimed in.
"How did all of you end up back here?" Sunset asked in confusion.
"Ask Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Idiot over there." Aria pointed at the captured pair.
"Uh, is long story, comrade." Rocksteady explained.
"Free us and we'll help ya, dog," Bebop begged, "We'll beat these Tricera-fools!"
Annoyed, Zera smashed the mutant's heads together, before turning to the other,s "Surrender! Drop your weapons! I will not warn you twice..."
The group looked hesitant for a moment.
"Are we really doing this?" Raph asked in irritation "For those two jerks?"
"Well we can't let the Triceratons hurt them," Fluttershy noted, "Even they don't deserve that."
"And it looks they've been through worse than we have." Pinkie pointed out. Reluctantly, everyone dropped their weapons.
"So you accept defeat?" Zera asked.
"No!" Leo clenched his fists, "And neither do our dino friends!"
Before Zera knew what was happening, the dinosaurs suddenly appeared behind her! She turn around just in time to get whacked by Rex's tail, causing her to drop Bebop and Rocksteady, and land face first into the dirt.
The Turtles and Rainbooms picked up their weapons and the battle resumed. Triceraton soldiers ran in, lasers blazing, but that didn't stop the heroes. Zog rammed a soldier, Aria punched another, and Rocksteady slammed into one and tossed him, "Take this!" he grunted.
Rex had a soldier in his mouth and was shaking him back and forth, Maurice was pounding one in the gut with his tail, and Terry swooped down and grabbed another.
While the Turtles fought off more soldiers, the Rainbooms faced Zera.
Sunset kicked her in the face. Twilight slammed the stick part of her weapon down on Zera's foot. Pinkie Pie slapped her with her bone chain. And Rainbow Dash head butted her in the stomach. Then the Rainbooms leaped forward and with a loud "Hi-yah!" they all knocked into the Triceraton general, sending her crashing into a wall!
"We got her!" Pinkie exclaimed.
"Yeah!" Mikey cheered "You go, girls!"
But the fight wasn't over. Zera's arm burst out of the rubble, her gauntlet blinking with a raptor insignia. Zera got up, her face twisted in rage, and pointed to the ninjas as the Robo Raptors appeared by her side, "Destroy the Turtles and Rainbooms! And their dinosaur pets!"
The group paused before they screamed, "Not these guys again!" Rainbow hollered.
As Raptors sprinted right at them, the two teams scattered. One raptor tackled Donnie again. One lunged at Raph, but he grabbed it and body slammed it. And Leo blocked a raptor bite with his sword.
The Raptors charged at the dinos. Two jumped on Zog, with the dino trying to shake them off. One jumped on Maurice, and another lunged at him, but the stegosaurus quickly knocked it away with his tail. Two raptors tackled Rocksteady and bit into his arms, while the rhino mutant gave a battle cry. Three raptors clung on to Rex's arm, back, and tail. And as if things couldn't get worse, more Triceraton soldiers kept firing their blasters.
Terry was standing on a large rock while avoiding two raptors, when Raph and Rainbow jumped off them and on to her back.
"Too many Triceratons!" Raph called " We need a backup plan!"
"Yeah, we're totally outnumbered!" Rainbow put in, while Terry lifted up the rock and dropped it on the soldiers. But that didn't stop the raptors from coming.
"Donnie, what about the Robo Raptors?" Leo asked, as he blocked two raptors with his sword and shield, "Can you reprogram them?"
Donnie nailed one with his stick staff and replied "Let's see."
"Go, we'll cover you!" Sunset said, as she jammed her stone kunai into mouth a raptor and kicked it down.
Mikey and Pinkie screamed as they swung their bone weapons at two more raptors. Donnie quickly flipped over to a control panel, pried it open with his staff, and begin typing away.
Applejack and Rainbow Dash had taken down another soldier when something caught Applejack's eye, "Oh, no!"
Donnie was so busy he hadn't noticed that Zera had a blaster aimed right at him! "Donnie, behind you!" Rainbow cried.
However, before Zera could fire...
"Hee-hee!" Bebop came out of nowhere and kicked the weapon right out of Zera's hand, much to her irritation
"I told'ya we'd help!" Bebop exclaimed, right before he was pounded in the head by Zera.
"You fool!" she growled.
But Bebop had given Donnie just the time he needed. As he finished, the red raptor on the screen turned green, "Yes!"
No sooner had he said that, the Robo Raptors stopped fighting, and their red eyes turned green. The raptors that were attacking Rocksteady stopped, one of them even put his turtle shell helmet back on. But the mutant rhino was already beaten up, "Oh, that really hurt!" he moaned.
The two raptors who attacked Mikey and Pinkie were now fanning them with a leaf and serving them grapes.
"Uh, Donnie?" Twilight asked, "Just what did you do to the Robo Raptors?"
"Well, they're programmed to attack anything specific," Donnie explained, "So, I programmed something specific for them to attack."
"And what would that be- oooohhh..." Pinkie said, instantly getting the hint.
The Robo Raptors looked at Zera and her soldiers and envisioned their heads as food. Panting like dogs, the raptors ditched the ninjas and went after the Triceratons instead.
"Retreat, Triceratons, reteat!" Zera shouted as she and the other Triceratons fled, with the raptors in hot pursuit.
Once the Triceratons were gone, Fluttershy ran around releasing all the imprisoned dinosaurs, "Go, big dinos, be free!" she cried in joy.
With happy grunts, the dinosaurs lumbered out of the hole the Robo Spinosaurus made; free at last.
The Turtles, Rainbooms, and Dazzlings stood in triumph at their victory. They had defeated the Triceratons before they would defeat them in the future. However, their moment of glory was ruined by...
"Yes! We are awesome!" Bebop cheered, as Rocksteady pumped his muscle.
"Hey, that's my line!" Rainbow frowned.
Bebop ignored her and continued, "Are we not an incredible team or what? Yes, maybe?"
"Can you please giving us the ride back to the future?" Rocksteady asked with puppy dog eyes, "Yes? Please?"
"We won't leave you here," Leo stated, "But you gotta promise to turn over a new leaf."
"Yo, check this out!" Bebop turned to a random leaf, "Leaf, turn over. Turn over, leaf!" He pointed a dagger at it, "You better turn over!" Strangely enough, the leaf turned over, "You see, man. It's that easy. Boom! We're like good guys!" Leo sighed.
"Fine, make yourselves useful," Raph said, "Grab that time stuff, so we can go home."
"We are on it, comrade Turtles." Rocksteady saluted, then he and Bebop went to gather the mined time crystals.
"How did you put up with those two?" Rainbow asked the Dazzlings.
"Not easy, I can assure you." Adagio replied.
"Yeah," Aria added, "Those two are the worst!"
"But they were good for a laugh!" Sonata chuckled.
"And maybe one day they'll really turn over a new leaf." Pinkie guessed.
"I doubt it." Rainbow said dryly.
Just then Fluttershy felt something nudge her leg. It was Angel, "You again?!" Raph growled.
However, Fluttershy picked up the little dino and held him in front of the others, "Everyone, Angel here has something to say. Right, Angel?" she added, sternly.
Angel nodded and blew a raspberry in Raph's face. But then Fluttershy gave him, "The Stare." The dino recoiled in fear and chirped as if to say 'sorry for all the trouble I caused you'.
"That's a good dino," Fluttershy nodded and put him down, "Now run along home, Angel."
Angel scampered off. But not before climbing up a small rock pile and tossing a rock on Raph's foot.
"Eeeyow!" Raph shouted in pain.
Angel gave a laughing chortle and scurried away into the jungle.
Meanwhile, Donnie and Twilight were checking out the Spinosaurus, "I bet, Twilight and I can salvage parts from the Spinosaurus to fix the ship." Donnie theorized.
"But the bigger challenge is calculating the correct coronal passion to travel to the future." Twilight pondered.
"Right, could you two maybe just hurry." Leo called.
Later the girls, mutants, and dinosaurs were standing before the Shellformer, "Whoo," Leo wiped his forehead, "That wasn't such a chore. It only took, three days of non stop work!"
"Finally, let's go home!" Mikey said.
Before they left, everyone had something to say to their dinosaur friends.
Leo petted Zog, "Goodbye, little big fella," he then held out granola bar, "Here, take my last Chris Bradford Survival Crunch granola bar, it has raisins." Zog ate the bar right out of Leo's hand and then belched in his face, but Leo didn't care.
Twilight petted Zog along with Sunset "You take care of yourself, Zog."
"And thank you for everything." Sunset added.
"Maybe this trip wasn't so bad after all." Spike said.
Up on the makeshift platform, they had built during their time fixing the Shellformer, Donnie, Rarity, and Applejack hugged Rex.
"Bye, Rex," Donnie said, "You were the best Cretaceous friend a turtle could have."
"Bet that's a sentence, no one ever said before." Bebop noted.
I'll miss ya too, sugarcube." Applejack said.
"You really are sweet for a carnivore, Rex," Rarity added sweetly, until Rex slobbered the three of them in one lick, "I so need a shower first thing when we get back!"
Adagio chuckled, but then Rex turned to her, "No-no-no-no-no!" Rex licked the siren, getting her covered in dino drool, "Oh, no..." Rarity and Applejack laughed. Until Adagio flung some drool in their faces and then it was her turn to laugh.
Mikey, Pinkie, and Fluttershy were saying goodbye to Maurice.
"I'll miss you, Maurice. I love you, man," Mikey then bawled as he, Pinkie, and Sonata hugged the Stegosaurus.
"I'm gonna miss you too!" Pinkie cried.
"I wish we could take you with us." Sonata whimpered.
Fluttershy calmly petted Maurice, "But this is your home." she said, while also reminding the three.
On a rock, Raph and Rainbow looked at Terry.
"Seriously, your making me a little misty eyed," Raph said, and turned away from Terry, "Fly away, girl."
"Yeah Terry," Rainbow added, " And I don't wanna be sappy so just, goodbye!"
But as terry took off, the two looks up, teary eyed.
"I'll never forget you." Rainbow whispered.
"You two did good." Aria said.
Raph and Rainbow quickly wiped their tears away as Leo spoke, "Alright team, let's go home. Right Donnie and Twilight, I mean, nothing bad going to happen from this point on?"
"Uh..." Donnie rubbed his arm.
"Well..." Twilight glanced away, nervously.
"Right?" Leo asked, worried.
"Well, according to Murphy's Law..." Donnie stared, before noticing everyone was looking tense, "Um, why yes, Leo. Smooth as silk!"
"What is Murphy's Law?" Pinkie asked Twilight.
"'What can go wrong, will go wrong,'" Twilight muttered.
Soon everyone was back in the Shellformer ready to take off, "I can't to relax back in the lair, play some videogames." Leo started.
"Eat some pizza. Watch some tv." Mikey listed off.
"See our families." Applejack added.
"Play some sports." Rainbow pumped a fist.
"Wash up." Rarity put in, dryly.
"And best of all, throw a 'Welcome Home from our Prehistoric Adventure party!" exclaimed Pinkie.
"And I can't wait to see my animal friends again." Fluttershy smiled.
"And I can finally find a fire hydrant." Spike chimed in.
"Assuming we can get back." Sunset pointed out, knowing full well that Donnie and Twilight were not sure.
"Hope this works, this isn't a time machine." said Donnie, "Me and Twilight had to do some calculations based on Temporal-"
"Yeah-yeah!" Raph interrupted, "Let's just go!
Donnie started the Shellformer then it took off and warped out. The dinos watched as Rex let out a farewell roar.
Later, the Shellformer warped in and skid-landed on top of a building. The door open and everyone peeked out.
"Did we... make it?" Leo asked, as they all looked around.
Everyone looked and saw buildings with spikes and red windows.
"Holy Chalupa!" Raph said.
Everywhere they looked, they saw signs that either said "OBEY" "SUBMIT" "CONSUME" "SLEEP 8 HOURS"
"Where the heck are we?" asked Bebop.
"Huh, any place better than dinosaur place." Rocksteady stated.
"Big time!" Aria agreed.
"Whoa, dudes, I think we're on the moon!" Mikey marveled.
"Then why's it over there?" Pinkie asked, and pointed at it.
"That's because we're not," Donnie answered, "We're in New York. In, the future?"
"I don't think it's our future." Sunset thought out loud.
"I'm not seeing any bakery's for one!" Pinkie looked out.
Leo glanced at something in the distance, "You gotta be kidding me!"
Everyone looked to see, towering over the city was a huge statue of the Shredder! The Turtles weapons at his feet, and raising his right blade in the air, victoriously.
"A giant statue of Shredder, in the future, can't be a good thing." Raph noted.
"Oh, no! No-no-no-no-no, I was afraid this would happen!" Twilight panicked "By messing around in the past, we created an alternate future where Shredder won!"
"Calm down, Twilight," Donnie eased, "There's high possibility that this future is only a paradox. Which means, we still have our future to go back to. Uh, once we find the right coronal position, that is."
"Any chance any of our loved ones are still alive?" Applejack wondered.
"Looks like we'll have to investigate," Sunset stated, then she turned to Dazzlings, "Care to help us out?"
"Well, we had planned on visiting you guys." Adagio noted.
"YAY! We finally get to hang out!" Sonata cheered.
"First, let's find a place to change back into our normal clothes," Rarity said, "Not that I don't adore our Prehistoric Sheik!"
"The sooner, the better," Aria grumbled, "I think I'm getting a rash."
"And Finally I can find that fire hydrant!" Spike chimed in.
Donnie looked at Leo, "So, how 'bout we check the place out? Just for ten minutes or so?"
Leo faced palmed. But noticed Raph, Rainbow, had drew their weapons, signaling that they were on board with the plan.
"Hee-hee!" Bebop hooted.
"Dah, dah!" Rocksteady pounded his fists.
"Urgh," Twilight groaned, "At least things can't get any worse."
Leo rolled his eyes "Not again." But he drew his swords out, ready to face whatever this future had.
"Booyakasha!" Mikey and Pinkie shouted as the mutants and girls leaped out toward their next adventure!
The scene cut back to the campfire, as the heroes finishing telling their story.
"And so we jumped into action, fought off a bunch of Karai robots, met dark, broken, grizzled versions of ourselves, and all banded together to stop the Shredder once and for all, and after that, they helped us get home to our right time period. But let me tell you, that future was not pretty, Mmm mmm!" Pinkie said it all at once.
"What an intriguing story," commented Principal Celestia, "That would explain how you all got good marks your geology tests."
"Facinating!" Micro Chips marveled.
"Sounds frightening and cool!" Flash Sentry said.
"I liked the part when you made peace with the dinosaurs," Sandalwood said, "Especially you with the Trex, Donnie."
"I always knew you were brave, D." April nudged Donnie and he chuckled, while rubbing the back of his head.
"My favorite parts were when Twilight outsmarted Tiger Claw twice." Timber grinned at Twilight.
Twilight blushed and chuckled, "Well I had good teachers." She smiled at Leo who nodded.
"But whatever happened to Zera?" Vice Principal Luna asked.
"According to Utrom database, she was considered missing in action. Possibly perished when the dinosaurs went extinct." Bishop explained.
"If the Robo Raptors didn't eat her first." Rainbow noted.
"What about Bebop and Rocksteady?" Trixie asked.
Sunset sighed, "As we expected, they immediately went back to Shredder, once we got home."
"But it was fun to watch Pinkie chase after them, ready to beat the snot out of them." Rainbow snickered.
"Well they did pinkie promise and broke it!" Pinkie fumed and crossed her arms.
"You think they'll ever change?" Derpy asked.
"It's a possibility." Karai guessed.
"Perhaps." Shini shrugged.
"Hey Donnie," said Snips, "What ever happened to your Turtle Bot?"
"It got totaled in the future in our battle with Shredder." Donnie replied.
Snails whispered to Snips, "So much for asking to ride in it."
"I know right?" Casey agreed, with disappointment.
"I don't who was tougher," Bulk Beiseps said to them, "The Raptors or the Triceratons."
"What a thrilling tale!" Gloriosa smiled, "Well it's getting late and tomorrow's our last full day at Camp Everfree."
Everyone got up and headed back to their tents, talking about activities for tomorrow.
Celestia turned to Splinter, "Would you like to join me for an early morning hike?"
"I would like that." Splinter smiled at her.
Sunset couldn't help but chuckle at the scene, but her happy face soon turned to a look a sadness, which Flash Sentry had noticed.
"Are you okay, Sunset?" he asked
"Huh? Oh, yeah," Sunset replied.
"Are you sure," Flash said, doubtfully.
"It's just..." Sunset shed a tear, "Talking about time travel, reminded me of... him!"
"You mean the friend who you traveled in space with?" Flash guessed, not fully knowing about Fugitoid, "And who sacrificed himself to save the earth?"
"Yeah," Sunset sighed "I know he had to do it, but I can't shake the fact that I miss him. He was the only one who truly understood me. And now, he's gone."
"I may not know who he was," Flash began "But, what I do know is that he was lucky to have a good friend like you. I know I am."
Sunset smiled at Flash's words and wrapped him in a hug, "Thanks, Flash."
"Well I did say we could start our friendship over," Flash said, "I guess this was a good way to start." Soon Flash and Sunset broke their hug and headed for their tents.
"And, this is just a thought, but maybe he's not completely gone." Flash said, before he went into his tent.
"His words are true, Sunset Shimmer."
Sunset turned to see Splinter standing behind her, "Master Splinter?"
"Though I may not have know the Professor as much as you have," Splinter went on, "But I do know that as long as you remember him in your heart, he will never be truly gone."
"I'll never forget him, sensei," Sunset put her hands to her heart.
Splinter smiled "And perhaps, young Flash Sentry was speaking literally, and the Professor is not completely lost."
"You think so?" Sunset asked with hope.
"The universe holds many mysteries, so I can not be certain," Splinter replied "But, I do know that there is always hope."
Sunset thought for a moment, then she turned to Splinter, "Whether he's gone or not, I won't give up hope."
Splinter smiled and nodded, "Goodnight, Sunset Shimmer." Then he turned and walked away.
"Goodnight, sensei," Sunset said, then she glanced up at the night sky, "I'll never forget you, Fugitoid. And wherever you are, thank you."
Above the Earth's atmosphere, floating among the debris of both the Ulixis and the Triceraton ships, the Fugitoid's eyes blinked before he suddenly reactivated.
"Uh... I'm alive?"
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