Dino Time

Everyone emerged from the Shellformer, coughing from the crash landing, "Weeee! Let's do that again," Pinkie cheered, before leaping out.

"Please, don't." Twilight put a hand on her shoulder.

"Is everyone okay?" Raph asked.

"I think so." Sunset replied.

"Ah'm okay." Applejack said.

"Me too." Rainbow chimed in.

"As am I." said Rarity.

"I'm good." Spike said.

"That was so scary!" Fluttershy trembled, with her hands on her cheeks.

"Not gonna say 'this was an awful idea'," Leo started. "But, uh... where are we, Donnie?!"

Donnie checked a device. "Somehow, we time warped back, 100 million years into the past..."

The Turtles and Rainbooms looked out. They had crash landed near a lake. And what really surprised them was herds of dinosaurs were everywhere! There were Brachiosaurs, Stegosaurus, Ankylosaurs, and Triceratops. From up above, Pterodons soared over head.

"We're- we're in prehistoric times?!" Sunset asked in shock.

"Specifically, the Cretaceous," Donnie corrected, "You know, give or take twenty or thirty million years?"

"Whoa-ho-ho, look at this place!" Mikey marveled, "It's Amazballs!"

"Giant dinosaurs, everywhere!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"And look at how cute they are!" Fluttershy's eyes sparkled. A Stegosaurus came out of the water and lumbered up to the group, "Aww! Hello." Fluttershy said.

"Wow. Is that like a 'Spikeodon' or something?" Raph asked Donnie. Spike frowned at that.

"It's a Stegosaurus," Donnie corrected, and noticed Fluttershy was petting and nuzzling it, "I-I-I wouldn't get too close."

"Well, I must say, he is rather darling. In a hudge, bulking, prehistoric sort of way." admitted Rarity.

The Stegosaurus rubbed it's head against Mikey, "Aww, it really likes me," Mikey said, petting it, "Can we keep it? Can we, plea-e-e-se?!"

"What'ya you think the answer to that question is, Mikey?" Leo asked rhetorically.

"Absolutely yes!"

"We can't," Fluttershy said, "This place is his home."

"Speakin' of which, Ah think we got the same question on our minds." Applejack stated.

Raph turned to his smart brother, "Donnie, how the heck did we end up in this nightmare?"

"I-I don't know! It must be the Croanite," Donnie theorized, "When over heated, it somehow created a temporal wormhole in the Time-Space Continue-"

"Eh-blegh-blegh-blegh,blegh-blegh!" Raph mockingly interrupted, "Is that supposed to make sense to me, or anyone else listening? Who do you think we are, NASA?!"

"WE WENT BACK IN TIME!" Donnie snapped.

"We... time traveled..." Twilight said, in wide eyed shock.

"You okay, Twi?" Applejack in concern.

Twilight was silent for a moment before... "Oh-my-gosh-oh-my-gosh-oh-my-gosh-oh-my-gosh!" Twilight grabbed Applejack by the cheeks "We actually time traveled! Time traveled! Eeee-he-he-he! It's like the ultimate science!"

"She's fine." Spike said dryly.

"Time traveled?" Sunset repeated, "Like time-time traveled?"

"Duh, what kind of time travel is there?" Pinkie asked.

"Goodness!" Rarity exclaimed, "And I didn't even pack for the trip!"

"Yeah, cause none of us knew we would be time travelin'." Applejack snarked, and Rarity scowled.

"Well, either way," Mikey started, "This. Is. Awesome!"

"Totally!" Rainbow agreed, and they high-fived.

"So, how do we get back?" Leo asked.

"Shouldn't be a problem. We have enough time crystals to get home," Donnie assured, "Let's just take a look around before we leave and hang out for ten minutes."

"Bad idea," Leo retorted, "We gotta get back."

"And I need to find a fire hydrant." Spike put in.

"As exciting as I am that we time traveled, I have to side with Leo on this," Twilight agreed, "Messing around in the past is never a good thing. There's no telling what it could do to the future."

"Whoa, look at that." Mikey said, and wandered off. Leo put a hand to his forehead. This was gonna be a long day.

Meanwhile, on the ledge, Bebop, Rocksteady, and the Dazzlings were waking up, after falling off the Shellformer, "Uh, my head is killing me!" Bebop moaned as he got up.

"Let's agree never to do that again." Aria stated.

"What a ride." Sonata said, feeling dizzy

"Rocksteady, where the heck are we?" asked Bebop.

"I think we are in the Jersey?" Rocksteady guessed.

"No, you idiot!" Adagio grumbled.

"Uh, guys..." Sonata pointed toward a cave.

A big red pteranodon came out and shrieked. The mutants and sirens screamed and ran, jumping from tall rocks with the pteranodon flying after them.

Back at the lake, the Turtles and Rainbooms were looking at all the dinosaurs. Applejack and Rainbow were looking at ankylosaurs with Raph. Donnie and Pinkie were gazing up at a brachiosaur. Pinkie leaned back so much, she fell on her back. Even Twilight and Sunset started looking around, enjoying themselves.

"Okay, cool. We saw most of it," Leo said impatiently, "Now let's go." But everyone ignored him.

"No offence, but now you're really sounding like a bummer, Leo." Spike said.

Mikey and Fluttershy were watching a flock of Compsognathus sprint by. One stoped and looked at them.

"Aww, cute," Mikey said, "Their like chickens crossed with iguanas."

"Hello, sweet little dinosaur," Fluttershy tickled it's chin, "You remind me of my bunny Angel," Just then the stegosaurus nudged Mikey from behind, "Hello again," Fluttershy said.

"What a sweet, friendly, spikey guy," Mikey petted the dino, "You need a name."

"How about Maurice?" Fluttershy suggested.

"Yeah! What do you think, Maurice?" Mikey asked.

Maurice responded by scooping up Mikey with his head, tossing him down his back, and launching him with his tail. Mikey collided with Raph and the two crashed into something.

"Mikey, Raph!" Futtershy ran over to them, " Are you oka-Oh!" She covered her mouth with her hands.

"Whatever is matter, darling?" Rarity walked up, then she looked and gasped, "Oh, no!

"What is it?" Pinkie popped in, and she looked, "Ewww! Raph and Mikey had landed in dinosaur poop!

"Dino doo doo?!" Raph exclaimed, in disgust.

Mikey head popped out of the dung, "I'll take that as a yes."

"Mikey!" Raph swung his fist at Mikey, but he ducked and ran with Raph chasing after him. They stopped by the girls and Raph threw a ball of dung at Mikey, but he ducked. Unfortunately, Rarity was right behind him and the dung landed in her hair!

"My hair!" Rarity shrieked, "Raphael!"

Mikey laughed, as Raph rubbed the back of his head, "Uh, sorry, Rarity. That was for Mikey."

The girl sighed, "I suppose my hair can wait. Right now, you two are in more desperate need of a wash than me," Rarity pushed them toward the lake, "And if you're wondering what we'll do for soap, never fear, darlings. A lady always comes prepared." Rarity held up a bottle of shampoo and body wash, as Raph and Mikey reluctantly waded into the water.

A Triceratops had walked up to Leo, "Uh..." Leo reached down and pulled up prehistoric turnip and offered it to the triceratops, "That's a good little, giant Triceratops. Take the nice weird plant thing, go on," The triceratops ate the turnip, getting spit all over Leo's hand. Just as Leo wiped off the spit, the triceratops nipped at him for more, "Uh, that's all I got, little big friend. Uh easy, easy now- whoa!" The triceratops tossed Leo onto his back and took off running!

"Whoa, stop it, stop it!" Leo called, as he was bounced up and down, "Stop, little big friend!"

After lathering up Mikey and Raph with her shampoo, Rarity then used it to wash the dung out of her hair. While Raph and Mikey were rinsing off, the triceratops ran past with Leo clinging onto his back, screaming. They all couldn't help but laugh.

"That looks like fun," Pinkie said.

As the triceratops pasted under a tree branch, Leo caught on to it and spun around before dropping back onto the triceratops.

"Stop!" Leo shouted, and triceratops finally got the message and stopped. Leo flew off his back, and landed with a splash into the lake. Shortly afterwards, Leo resurfaced with a lily pad on his head. Everyone laughed at him.

"I'm gonna name that triceratops Zog," Pinkie said "You know, after the first triceraton you guys met."

"Zog was an alien, Pinkie," Donnie said, "Not the same thing."

Pinkie shrugged and went back to laughing at Leo. But while they were all laughing, a dinosaur was watching them in the shadows of a bush and growled, while narrowing it's green eyes.

"You okay, Leo?" Twilight asked, through laughs.

"Yeah, just fine." Leo said, dryly.

"Not bad for your first dino rodeo." Applejack joked.

"You were right about this place being dangerous, Leo." Raph smirked

"It is for my complexion." Rarity said, while washing the dino dung out of her hair.

"Am I the only one who's worried about getting home?" Leo stuck his arms out in exasperation, as he got out of the water.

Twilight took Leo's hand, "We all are, Leo. But you got admit, though, this is pretty exciting!"

"Yeah, no need to be a buzzkill, Leo." Rainbow said.

"But he has a point," Sunset agreed, "I'd really be more comfortable knowing where the portal to Equestria is."

"And I would like to get back to my family as well." Applejack said.

"And I haven't found a fire hydrant," said Spike.

"We'll make it back," Pinkie assured, while swinging on a branch, "Besides, Fluttershy's making a lot of new friends over there." She pointed to Fluttershy, who was spending time with the flock of compsognathus.

"You're all so cute," Fluttershy giggled, then she saw the one, she named Angel scamper toward Raph, "Oh, You want to see Raph?" Angel ran up to him, shrieked, then grabbed one of Raph's sais in his mouth and ran off.

"Hey! You little," Raph got up, grabbed his other sai, ran after him. "Stop, theif!" Raph chased the little dino over a rock, under a tree root, then he grabbed a branch and swung over Angel, blocking him off. But Angel ducked under his legs and ran into a log. Raph jumped on the log and tried to grab Angel from each end, but Angel was too quick. "Get out'ah there!" Raph picked up the log and tried to shake him out, but then he looked inside and saw Angel wasn't there. Just as Raph was wondering where he could've gone... "Aaahhh!"

His sai suddenly dropped down, barely missing his foot. Raph looked up and saw Angel was in a tree above him. The dino shrieked at him and scurried further up the the tree, "You evil little iguana!"

"Now, Raph," Fluttershy walked up to him, "Sure, he was a naughty dinosaur. But the little thing was just trying play."

"Well, he can play without making me look like a fool!"

"To late for that." Rainbow said as the others approached, now laughing at him.

"Nice one, Raph." Sunset chuckled

"Out smarted by a 'Chickenosaur'!" Leo remarked, and Mikey and Pinkie held on to each other laughing hysterically.

"DON'T MAKE ME HURT YOUR FACES!" Raph shouted in rage, and held up his fists.

Everyone immediately stopped laughing and Mikey, Pinkie, and Fluttershy cowered behind Donnie. As Leo and Sunset motioned for Raph to calm down, Mikey heard a rustling in the bushes and saw the dinosaur that had been watching them.

"Aww, look at this one," Mikey cooed, and walked right up to it, "Its kind of cute," Mikey reached out to pet it, but the dino snapped it's sharp teeth at him "Whoa! And kinda bittey. Easy, fella," The dino stuck out it's foot. It had big sharp curved toenail, "Whoa, he's got some sharp toenails," Mikey pointed both fingers "Look at those things! You need some toenail clippers don't yah, buddy?" The dino finally came out of the bush and growled. It was a Velociraptor. And it looked hungry.

"Uh, Mikey," Twilight raised a trembling finger, "That dinosaur is not a nice one!"

"And neither are those!" Spike pointed.

Everyone looked to see an entire pack of velociraptors was surrounding them!

"Raptors!" Leo cried.

TMNT Belongs Nickelodeon.

My Little Pony Belongs Hasbro.

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