Dino Attack
The Turtles and Rainbooms screamed and scrambled up a tree and onto a branch. Mikey fell off, but just saved himself with the raptors snapping at his feet, "Back off of me, man!" One raptor leaped at him, but Mikey kicked him back. He lost his grip and fell, but Fluttershy grabbed his hand and pulled him back up.
"Well, this prehistoric adventure went downhill fast." Spike said.
"We're gonna get eaten!" Donnie cried, "Raptors are among the smartest, most adaptive-"
Raph got into his face "Not now, Donnie! We need a plan!"
Suddenly Angel landed on Raph's head. And just like that, the branch snapped and the gang fell to the ground, except Angel, who hopped onto to the remainder of the branch. The others got up and drew their weapons and Twilight broke a stick off the branch, using it as a weapon. Mikey swung one of his nunchucks at a raptor but it caught it in it's mouth and started gnawing on it, "Aww! Not the chucks, raptor!" Mikey bonked it with his other chuck, making it let got.
The same thing happened to Rainbow. Another raptor bit down on her nagatana, "Hey!" she said, trying to wrestle it away, "This. Is. Not. A. Chew toy!" And she kicked raptor off.
Applejack jumped on another Raptor, "Yee-haw!" she hooted, only for the raptor to knock her off and onto the ground, face first, " Okay. Not a good idea," Then she noticed that Rarity was doing more dodging of the raptors rather than fighting them, "Y'know Rarity we're fighting for our lives, not playing tag!"
"I just fixed my hair after washing off that Dino dung!" Rarity protested, "The last thing I need is Dino slobber on it!"
"Why? To look good for when they eat you?" Rainbow asked rhetorically.
Twilight was swinging her stick at some of the raptors when... " Uh, Twilight," Twilight saw that Spike was surrounded by three of them "Help!"
Twilight jumped in and whacked the raptors away with her stick, "Back off!" Until one raptor bit down on her stick and snapped it in two. Twilight grabbed Spike and ran toward the others.
Sunset was using kunai to repel some raptors, but the raptors weren't backing off, "We're not doing much damage to these guys!"
"Tell me about it!" Pinkie threw a cupcake at raptors and it spat it out, "Even cupcakes have no effect!"
One raptor tried to bite off Leo's arm, but he quickly pulled it into his shell and kicked the raptor aside. Then he saw that more kept coming no matter what they did, "Ah, man! There's too many of them!"
"Fluttershy! Think your stare can scare them off?" Raph asked.
"I don't know," Fluttershy said, frightfully, "I don't think I wanna try without being eaten!" They all huddled together as the raptors closed in.
"Whatever will we do?!" Rarity cried.
Then Mikey had an idea. He picked up two tree roots that were shaped like claws and waved them at the raptors, hooting and cawing in gibberish. The raptors took one then turned tail and ran way, yelping in fright.
"Yay Mikey!" Pinkie cheered.
"Mikey... your a... genius?!" Leo said, in surprise.
"Um... I don't think Mikey scared them off." Donnie said, nervously.
Everyone looked behind them and saw the figure of a big dinosaur. The dinosaur knocked down two trees and gave a loud roar.
"Tyrannosaurus Rex!" Twilight squeaked.
Everyone stood still, frozen. No one dared to move a muscle, "Now, everyone take it easy..." Leo said calmly "No sudden movements... T-Rex has terrible eye sight."
"A-Actually, that would be a myth," Donnie pointed out, "They have better visually acute than eagles and-and hawks."
"He's right," Twilight confirmed, "That T-Rex can totally see us!"
"Okay, run!" Leo called.
They all screamed and ran between the T-Rex's legs as it chased them back and forth all over the place. The Rainbooms tried attacking the T-Rex's foot with their weapons, but to no avail. The T-Rex just kicked them away, except for Pinkie, who ducked. The Turtles had no luck either. They tried hitting the T-Rex's back, but the T-Rex simply threw them off. Mikey landed on Pinkie and the two looked up at the glaring dinosaur and grinned sheepishly.
While T-Rex chased the screaming friends in circles, Raph turned to Leo, "You have a plan B? Or C? Or D? Or Any plan with a letter?!"
"We can't stop a T-Rex with sticks and blades!" Donnie stated.
"Well, we can run!" Rainbow said.
"I just said that!" Leo pounded his fist on the ground, then he saw the T-Rex chasing Mikey and Pinkie straight towards them, "Run!"
As everyone ran, Donnie began running zigzags, "Keep turning, you guys! T-Rex's are bad at turning!" But the T-Rex grabbed Donnie and flung him into the air. Donnie screamed as he came back down, and headed straight for the T-Rex's open mouth!
"Donnie, no!" the girls cried.
Suddenly, yelling like Tarzan, Pinkie Pie came swinging in on a vine and caught Donnie just in time! "Thanks, Pinkie," Donnie said.
"Any time," Pinkie replied.
They landed and everyone ran through some bushes, into a clearing, with the T-Rex right behind them. The dino burst out of the bushes, roaring, but saw that the others had disappeared. It began searching for them, unaware that they were all hiding inside a log.
"Shh!" Raph hushed everyone, "It'll never know we're in here."
The Turtles and Rainbooms stayed as quiet as they could, when Angel wriggled his out from under them, "Hello again, Angel," Fluttershy whispered, but then Angel shrieked, "Oh no!"
Angel hopped out of the log, just as the T-Rex bit down on it. The T Rex shook the log back and forth trying to shake the ninjas and girls out, but they were holding on tight.
"You were right, Raph," Spike hollered, "That little dino is evil!"
The T Rex started gnawing on the log while the others all screamed. When that didn't work, the T-Rex threw the log and slapped it with it's tail. The log flew over a cliff and finally broke into splinters, sending the group plummeting. As they fell, Pinkie whipped out the sickle of her weapon and snagged it on a rock. Then everyone started linking arms and legs with each other, forming a human and mutant chain.
Raph and Rainbow Dash were the last one's to go, but just as they were reaching out, they were suddenly snatched up by a pteranodon!
"Raph!" cried Leo.
"Rainbow Dash!" called the girls.
Raph and Rainbow screamed as they were carried away by the pterosaur. The pteranodon swooped over a tree and Raph and Rainbow ended up smashing through it's leaves, much to their annoyance.
"Put us down, you ugly chicken!" Raph demanded.
"Yeah, Or you'll be sorry!" put in Rainbow. But they quickly changed their tune when the pteranodon frowned then flew them straight toward a tall rock, "Wait! I take it back!"
"Whoa! Sorry about the chicken comment-" Raph tried before the pteranodon smacked them into the rock, "No I'm not!" The pteranodon smacked them into another, "Yes I am! You know what? I don't- Aahhh!"
The pteranodon wasn't done yet. It did a barrel roll through some more trees and flew down over the lake, dragging the pair under the water. Then it flew back up, while Raph and Rainbow coughed out the water.
"I hate prehistory!" Raph shouted.
"What else is new! Whoa!" Rainbow said, as they were dragged through more tree branches.
Back on the ground, after climbing back up the cliff, the others were hiding in some bushes. They could see the Shellformer was on the other side. But so was the T-Rex.
"Get to the ship," Leo ordered, "We gotta save Raph and Rainbow Dash."
Once the T-Rex wondered away from their hiding spot, they rushed out and made a mad dash for the Shellformer. But the T-Rex saw them and went after them.
"Everyone, inside!" Donnie ushered them in, "Pronto, step to it!" once they were all in, Donnie activated the wings and flew the Shellformer away from the roaring T-Rex.
"We made it!" Mikey cheered, "Hooo! Later, Rex!"
"Guess that's his name now." stated Pinkie.
"Oh, that was too close." Rarity said.
"Yeah, we barely got out of there in one piece." agreed Sunset.
"Alright, let's save Raph and Rainbow," Leo said, before realizing they had no idea where the pteranodon went, "Uh, any idea where they could be?" Everyone shook their heads.
"Probably inside of that lizard bird's stomach, by now," Mikey guessed, "Slowly, being digested into dino poop!"
The girls cringed at the thought.
"Can you be any more disgusting?" Donnie asked rhetorically.
"Please, just stop talking, Michelangelo." Rarity begged, not wanting to hear any more.
Thankfully, the pteranodon was still carrying the two. They hung upside down with their arms crossed, looking more annoyed than ever. Especially since they kept hitting over tall rocks. First a small one, then medium, and finally a big one.
"That's it!" Rainbow snapped.
"Enough already!" growled Raph.
They leaned up and bit into the pterosaur's legs. She squawked in pain and released her grip on them. Then they both flipped onto her back and grabbed on.
"Hah! Gotcha, now!" Raph said.
"There's no way- Whoa!" Rainbow started, but the pteranodon was flying wildly, diving and swooping, trying to shake them off. Then it lost control and was flying straight for a tree! Raph and Rainbow screamed as they all smacked into the trunk.
"Ow!" Rainbow groaned, as they slid off the tree and fell to the ground.
The two panted, before remembering the pteranodon and quickly got up, ran, then turned to face it with their weapons ready. But instead of attacking them, the pteranodon was flopping around. She was trying fly away but she couldn't, her wing was hurt.
"Oh, no!" Rainbow exclaimed. She and Raph put their weapons away and slowly approached the pterosaur. She squawked furiously at them, telling them to stay back.
"Whoa, whoa, easy girl, easy," Raph said calmly, "Can't stand to see you suffer."
"Yeah," agreed Rainbow, "Even if you were gonna eat us or feed us to your babies, or whatever." The pteranodon was still squawking at them as they walked up to her.
"Easy now," Raph eased it "Don't bite me."
"We just wanna help," Rainbow stroked it's beak "Since it's kinda our fault you're hurt."
Raph patted the pteranodon's shoulder "Its ok. here, I'll fix you up with my med kit."
"You know, that was some pretty cool flying you were doing, so you're okay, in my book," Rainbow commented, "How 'bout I give you a name? I'll call you... Terry! You like, girl?" the pteranodon only cawled in response, "I'll take that as a yes."
As Rainbow Dash kept Terry calm, Raph put bandages on her wing, "That's right, there we go. It's cool. There, good as new," Terry looked at her wing then back at Raph and Rainbow, who were smiling with warm friendly eyes, she calwed as if to say 'thank you' then she spread her wings and flew off.
"Bye, Terry," Rainbow muttered, then she turned to Raph, "Let's go find the others, before something else tries to eat us."
Raph nodded and the two ran back in the direction they came. At least they thought it was the direction they came.
Meanwhile, Bebop, Rocksteady, and the Dazzlings were trekking through the forest. After escaping from the pteranodon, they decided to stick together in order to keep from being eaten. And for good measure, Rocksteady and Sonata had fixed all their clothes. Now they were dressed like cave people. Bebop and Rocksteady found some old turtle shells and used them for shoulder pads and a helmet. Bebop combed his mohawk with a fish skeleton and Rocksteady bit into a leg of meat.
"These new costumes are tight, Rocksteady," Bebop commented "I didn't know you were this good at arts & crafts, dawg."
"You be looking totally hip, dude," Rocksteady replied "Hip, waist, stomach, all of it."
"Thank you."
"Do we have to wear these?" Aria complained "I think mine makes my butt look big."
"So we can blend in, Aria," Adagio answered, in annoyance "So will you stop complaining! Plus, your butt looks fine. Mine really matches my color. Excellent choice on these garments, Sonata."
"Glad you like them," Sonata smile,d "I kinda figured we'd blend in. Know what I mean?
"But why are we following these two Mutant morons?" Aria asked.
Bebop frowned, "We're right here, you know."
"We hears you!" Rocksteady snorted.
Adagio groaned, "Look. We wanna go home. They wanna go home. So we work together and find the turtles and Rainbooms so we can! Capice?"
"Yellow siren girl right!" Rocksteady agreed.
"Yeah, we gotta find those Turtles and Rainbooms. They'll know how to get..." Bebop trailed off, as they heard big footsteps, "Wha, oh." They looked back to see huge hulking figures, aiming blasters at them. Bebop jumped into Rocksteady's arms in fright.
"We surrender!" Sonata threw up her hands, in a panic. Adagio and Aria face palmed.
Soon, the Shellformer landed and Mikey and the girls looked out and spotted Raph and Rainbow.
"Rainbow Dash!"
Mikey ran up and hugged Raph, while the girls crowded around Rainbow Dash.
"Your okay!" Mikey exclaimed.
"Yeah, I'm okay, little brother." Raph assured.
Pinkie squeezed Rainbow tightly, "We thought you'd had been digested!"
"Pinkie!" Rainbow struggled against the hug, "You're hugging too tight!"
"No I'm not."
"We're so glad you're okay!" Fluttershy said.
"We were really worried about you." Applejack added.
"Thank heavens, that pteranodon didn't eat you." Rarity said, relieved.
"Nah, we're cool with Terry now." Rainbow said, crossing her arms.
"Let's get out of this time zone." Raph said.
"Couldn't have said so better myself." Sunset agreed, dryly.
"See what happens," Leo stated, "We were supposed to be here for ten minutes. Ten minutes!"
"Leo's right," Twilight put in, "If we keep messing around in the past, it could have dire consequences on our present reality! Something you were too much of an airhead to realize, Donnie!" Donnie scowled, from the insult.
"Um, just exactly what might happen?" Fluttershy asked.
"Allow the 'airhead' to explain," Donnie said, giving Twilight an annoyed look, "As Twilight stated, anymore time here could have micro cosmic effects on the future. We step on the wrong lizard and humanity ceases to exist, that kind of thing."
"Wow, that's bad, dude," Mikey said.
"So, let's get out of here!" said Raph, as everyone walked toward the Shellformer.
But they weren't out of the woods, yet. A big white T-Rex emerged out of the forest and growled. It was bigger than the other one.
"WHOAAA!," Raph's eyes went wide.
As everyone backed away in horror, Rex appeared behind them, growling, "Looks like Rex brought a friend," Spike said nervously.
"Rexy!" Pinkie named the white T-Rex.
"Oh, great!" said Donnie "Another one!"
TMNT Belongs Nickelodeon.
My Little Pony Belongs Hasbro.
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